WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature


Kevin Joseph

WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature

I am using version 3.2.1 of WinSCP. Whenever I edit any file, I cannot go back to WinSCP as it gives me a "Waiting for the document to close" message.

Is this a setting or a new feature which is not yet implemented ? If this is indeed a new feature, any chances of it being implemented in the future.


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Kevin Joseph

Re: WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature

martin wrote:

What editor are you using?
I have tried both Notepad and the internal editor. Is there a specific one I should be using ?

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martin avatar

Re: WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature

It does not happen to me. Can you tell me exact steps that you do? (on example with internal editor first). What interface (NC/Explorer). Exact key/mouse sequence. Remote/local file.... Thanks in advance.

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Re: WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature

martin wrote:

It does not happen to me. Can you tell me exact steps that you do? (on example with internal editor first). What interface (NC/Explorer). Exact key/mouse sequence. Remote/local file.... Thanks in advance.

I've noticed this problem as well. External editor is EditPlus, interface is Explorer, error is caused by any method of invoking edit. It works fine if I close EditPlus completely after I'm done editing.

Its also annoying in that I edit multiple files at once. I can't do that with the edit feature currently, even if the one-at-a-time blocking is removed, there's still the instance hand-off problem. I can make EditPlus allow multiple instances, but that's only a workaround.

My suggestion is instead of trying to delete the temp file as soon as possible, and thus requiring that you lock against the edit process, that you leave all temp files around until the end of the session. Check before you close to see if they're deletable; if they aren't (because something else has them open), throw a cancellable error message. This kills both the multiple-instances bug and this hang-on-edit one.

My two bits, for what its worth,

Nathaniel Eliot -

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature

Anonymous wrote:

My suggestion is instead of trying to delete the temp file as soon as possible, and thus requiring that you lock against the edit process, that you leave all temp files around until the end of the session. Check before you close to see if they're deletable; if they aren't (because something else has them open), throw a cancellable error message. This kills both the multiple-instances bug and this hang-on-edit one.
I do not lock WinSCP to delete temp folder as soon as possible. I lock it, because it is not easy to implement program so it can allow user to work with it, while giving him/her opportunity to save edited file in the same time. What if WinSCP do some batch operation and you save file in the middle? The saved file has to be transfered only after batch operation finishes. Imagine that you have many editors opened... It would require implementation of transfer queue. I'll try to do it some time, but it takes time.

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Re: WinSCP 3.2.1 Edit feature

Maybe a feature that opens the files in an iquiry/read only mode that then doesn't care about edits to the temporary files.

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