copying files: fatally failed



copying files: fatally failed

I can log on to server fine, navigate around, etc. But when I copy a file it either hangs the program or finishes the xfer and gives the following error:

Copying file 'D:\MYDOCS\myfile.rar' fatally failed.
Network error: Connection reset by peer

Then the program crashes. Here's the last few lines of the log:

. SCP remote side confirmation (0)
. Sending BINARY data (first block)
. Network error: Connection reset by peer
* (ESshFatal) Copying files to remote side failed.
* (EAccessViolation) EAccessViolation

This is odd because I was using winSCP for a long while with no problems to this same host.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: copying files: fatally failed

  • Do you know of any configuration changes on your server?
  • Have you tried latest version of WinSCP: 2.1?

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Re: copying files: fatally failed

martin wrote:

  • Do you know of any configuration changes on your server?
  • Have you tried latest version of WinSCP: 2.1?

Yes, using latest version, winSCP 2.1

I do not know of any changes myself but I can try getting a hold of the operator. Any ideas on things to try in the meantime?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: copying files: fatally failed

Anonymous wrote:

Yes, using latest version, winSCP 2.1
So please try 2.0 too.

Anonymous wrote:

Any ideas on things to try in the meantime?
You may try different shell.

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Re: copying files: fatally failed

martin wrote:

So please try 2.0 too.

Tried that, same exact problem.

martin wrote:

You may try different shell

Tried the options there, same troubles. When I start a transfer of anything over say 100kb, the program locks up (can't minimize, can't drag windows around), and if I hit cancel, windows tells me program not responding and it bombs. If I touch nothing, it goes ahead and xfers the whole file but then bombs at the end with that same timeout/connection reset by peer error.

Perhaps my troubles are related to my platform, win2kpro? Just an idea, I have no idea what I'm talking about :)

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