Understanding transfer speed display



Understanding transfer speed display


In my WLAN (54 Mbit) I see transfer speed of a flat file of "420KiB/s".

What does that mean? Is it 420 kByte / s or 420 kBit / s.

What ever it is, translating 54 MBit to kBit and kByte is that:

Mbit kBit kByte
54 55.296 6.912

or what's wrong in my calculation ?

If my calculation is correct, why do I have such a slow transfer-speed in WinSCP?

Thanks for any tip, LaoDe

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Prague, Czechia

Re: understanding transfer speed display

laolaode wrote:

In my WLAN (54 Mbit) I see transfer speed of a flat file of "420KiB/s".

What does that mean ? is it 420 kByte / s or 420 kBit / s
KiB stands for kibibyte.

If my calculation is correct, why do I have such a slow transfer-speed in WinSCP?
Please read File transfer speed is very low. WinSCP does not utilize all available bandwidth. How do I improve the transfer speed?.

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capturing file transfer rate using WinScp

I am using WinSCP to transfer files to and from a remote device. while copying the copy progress bar is displayed with rate and time. Is there any way to save the speed and time for transfer that appears on the progress window? It disappears very fast and I need the information.

Regular scp on Linux give the info at terminal prompt after transfer. Is there some way I can get that info from WinSCP?

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