Error Transferring File Using FTP - Copying files to remote side failed



Error Transferring File Using FTP - Copying files to remote side failed


I've been getting this error on one of the folders with several files being uploaded to ftp server. Here's a snippet of the log.

. 2015-08-05 01:51:42.732 Asking user:
. 2015-08-05 01:51:42.732 Error transferring file '\\backup\d$\SQLBACKUPS\SLSQL\ACPW_AppE\ACPW_AppE_backup_201508012130_1.bak'. ("Copying files to remote side failed.","/SQLBACKUPS/SLSQL/ACPW_AppE/ACPW_AppE_backup_201508012130_1.bak: Error on output file.")
< 2015-08-05 01:51:42.779 Script: Error transferring file '\\backup\d$\SQLBACKUPS\SLSQL\ACPW_AppE\ACPW_AppE_backup_201508012130_1.bak'.
< 2015-08-05 01:51:42.779 Script: Copying files to remote side failed.

< 2015-08-05 01:51:42.779 /SQLBACKUPS/SLSQL/ACPW_AppE/ACPW_AppE_backup_201508012130_1.bak: Error on output file.
* 2015-08-05 01:51:42.826 (EScpSkipFile) Error transferring file '\\backup\d$\SQLBACKUPS\SLSQL\ACPW_AppE\ACPW_AppE_backup_201508012130_1.bak'.
* 2015-08-05 01:51:42.826 Copying files to remote side failed.
Using WinSCP 5.7.4
Attached files are the script and more on the snippet of log files.

Side note: Files in this folder are .trn and .bak files and seems to be uploading fine with the .trn files but always gets an error when trying to upload .bak files which is 2GB+ in file size.
  • ftp.txt (165 Bytes, Private file)
Description: Script
  • ftplog.txt (4.11 KB, Private file)
Description: snippet of the log file showing successful upload of .trn files then the error when trying to upload .bak file which is 2gb+ in size.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Error Transferring File Using FTP - Copying files to remote side failed

Try put \\backup\d$\SQLBACKUPS\SLSQL\ACPW_AppE\* -neweronly -resume

If that does not help, please attach a complete log file.

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Re: Error Transferring File Using FTP - Copying files to remote side failed

martin wrote:

Try put \\backup\d$\SQLBACKUPS\SLSQL\ACPW_AppE\* -neweronly -resume

If that does not help, please attach a complete log file.

Tried your suggestion and so far it's working. I will try again next week 'cause I will have more back up files that can be uploaded. Also while waiting for the response I was trying another way of uploading files and I found out that SYNCHRONIZE works like a charm also.


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