Timestamp without seconds



Timestamp without seconds

I want to backup sum data to my ftp-server by my provider. But by every transfer all files are copied to the ftp-server.
I found out that the timestamp of the files on the ftp-server the seconds are missing, so the files on my local harddisk are always newer, and all files are copy again, and not only the realy new one.

Is there a way that WinSCP ignore the seconds by the time compare? When not, it is possible to implement a checkbox "ignore timestamp seconds"?

See the attached pictures.

Best regards



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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Timestamp without seconds

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

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Re: Timestamp without seconds

martin wrote:

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

You can see in the log file, the seconds of the files are 00!
  • Web-Backup.log (12.52 KB, Private file)

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Timestamp without seconds

Sure, because your FTP server (vsftpd) does not support the MLSD command and does not provide seconds in the LIST command:

. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 drwxr-xr-x    3 3274     3274         4096 Mar 30 15:35 .
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 drwxr-xr-x    5 3274     3274         4096 Mar 24 15:31 ..
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274          953 Mar 08 14:02 72a295a9f5656e12fd8beecce007fa156661067e264b528a.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274         1145 Mar 08 16:55 72a295a9f5656e12fd8beecce007fa156661067e28695181c64c37cf6af0.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274       152666 Feb 16 12:28 72a29a90c856483fb5ffb98fa511e515647a1b763a0502d2865270dc.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274       170874 Mar 22 16:51 72a29a90c856483fb5ffb98fa511e515647a1b763b0501d6865270dc.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274        97178 Mar 23 12:17 72a29a90c856483fb5ffb98fa511e515647a1b763b0501d7886570d87fff13bc1a64.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274         3577 Feb 02 12:20 72a9b98cd8474c6d9acebf88be43f9122f.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5511051 Mar 22 16:50 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610474281904c99d1837d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5511947 Mar 23 16:25 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610475281904c99a1c37d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5509835 Mar 21 11:43 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610477281901c99c1a37d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5511051 Mar 21 16:18 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610477281904c9991d37d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5512875 Mar 30 15:31 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610576281904c99b1937d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5494731 Mar 16 16:39 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610770281904c99b1037d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5492859 Mar 15 16:34 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa1566610773281904c99b1b37d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274      5506571 Mar 18 15:51 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156661077e281905c99d1837d662ee.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 drwxr-xr-x    2 3274     3274         4096 Mar 24 15:38 72aaa490dc455d
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274       103082 Mar 24 10:43 72aab59df56c4623a8ca83b48362e37a07294634674f4185c54570c26cbe46a21c2862451a192f9f909e27a55a11460f1de0.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274         1273 Feb 05 09:21 72ac81c89a04602aa2c4ae99f174a5573a3e703469455697865270dc.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274        96490 Mar 16 16:38 72b997b7f94d4438a0caa893a311e515647a1b763b0502d288192e8138a95ae8446e.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274        95450 Mar 08 16:56 72b997b7f94d4438a0caa893a311e515647a1b763b0503dc88192e813ea85ae8446e.cryptsync
. 2016-04-06 08:19:55.187 -rw-r--r--    1 3274     3274            2 Mar 24 10:45 __2016-03-24 11-45.txt

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Re: Timestamp without seconds

It is possible to add a optional checkbox (see attached screen shot) for ignore the seconds by the time compare during upload files.

Description: Sceen shot: optional checkbox


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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Timestamp without seconds

WinSCP does that automatically. If it does not work for you, please attach a log file showing the opposite. Please name the problematic file.

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Re: Timestamp without seconds

martin wrote:

WinSCP does that automatically. If it does not work for you, please attach a log file showing the opposite. Please name the problematic file.
I have attached my log file, what is the 15T16 in the timestamp this must be the problem?

. 2016-04-11 09:55:01.585 Source file timestamp is [2016-03-15T16:34:00.000Z], destination timestamp is [2016-03-15T15:34:00.000Z], will overwrite
  • Backup.log (10.07 KB, Private file)

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Re: Timestamp without seconds


I have testet the newes version:
1. I have delete all files from the server.
2. I have upload a complete directory with files.
3. I have upload exact the same complete directory with files again, but it seems that some files are uploaded again, because timestamps are different?

I have also problems with the server connection it breaks with error, but I can reconnect, what can be the reason?

. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 Transfer done: 'D:\_Sonstiges\_Backup\CloudSync\Crypt\ZW\72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156061077e281904c99c1b37d662ee.cryptsync' [5567579]
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 File: 'D:\_Sonstiges\_Backup\CloudSync\Crypt\ZW\72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156061077f281901c9981a37d662ee.cryptsync' [2016-05-19T10:03:31.713Z] [5567899]
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 Copying "D:\_Sonstiges\_Backup\CloudSync\Crypt\ZW\72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156061077f281901c9981a37d662ee.cryptsync" to remote directory started.
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 Binary transfer mode selected.
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 Beginne D:\_Sonstiges\_Backup\CloudSync\Crypt\ZW\72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156061077f281901c9981a37d662ee.cryptsync heraufzuladen
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 Source file timestamp is [2016-05-19T10:03:00.000Z], destination timestamp is [2016-05-19T08:03:00.000Z], will overwrite
> 2016-06-01 08:43:16.244 TYPE I
< 2016-06-01 08:43:16.275 200 Switching to Binary mode.
> 2016-06-01 08:43:16.275 PASV
< 2016-06-01 08:43:16.291 227 Entering Passive Mode (79,133,53,17,12,43).
> 2016-06-01 08:43:16.291 STOR 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156061077f281901c9981a37d662ee.cryptsync
< 2016-06-01 08:43:16.369 150 Ok to send data.
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.400 Session ID reused
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.400 Using TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3: AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA, AES256-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1
. 2016-06-01 08:43:16.400 TLS Verbindung hergestellt
< 2016-06-01 08:44:00.860 226 Transfer complete.
> 2016-06-01 08:44:00.860 MDTM 20160519100331 72aa95bdc3454e03988beecce007fa156061077f281901c9981a37d662ee.cryptsync
< 2016-06-01 08:44:00.891 213 File modification time set.
. 2016-06-01 08:44:00.891 Heraufladen erfolgreich
  • Web-Backup.log (43.93 KB, Private file)

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