Confirm 'Host hasn't responded for 15 seconds'



Confirm 'Host hasn't responded for 15 seconds'


First of all, this program is great! My school requires us to use SFTP, but all the clients I have tried don't work, except for this one! It's a real lifesaver.

Unfortunately, this new version I downloaded has an annoying Confirmation window whenever the server takes more than 15 seconds to respond. Ever since my school switched over to SFTP, the transfers are horribly slow, so everytime I upload or change a directory or connect I have to click Retry on that stupid dialog box. Why isn't that box have an option to turn it off, like the rest of the confimations? I wouldn't even mind if it was taken out all together, since there really is no point. Why would anyone need a dialog box to tell them that their connection is slow? We already know it's slow, stop rubbing it in!

Thanks for all the great work!


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Confirm 'Host hasn't responded for 15 seconds'

The confirmation is there to let you close the connection in case the connection is either that slow that you do not want to wait anymore or the remote server has some problem preventing to continue.

You may set timeout longer than 15s on Connection tab of login dialog.

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