/ini switch doesn't work



/ini switch doesn't work

I'm using WinSCP 3.7.1 - I know thi sis old, but it's on a Prod server and change management is not worth the effort to upgrade unless absolutely necessary.

I have a session saved that works correctly and connected to a secure FTP server using a private key file.

I set config storage to INI, which made a WinSCP.ini file. I'm trying to create a custom INI file for scripting purposes so that I can invoke WinSCP from a .Net application to programmatically download a file.

I can connect by issuing: WinSCP3.com "My FTP Server", and download the file via a GET command.

I can't get it to work with a custom INI. I cloned the WinSCP.ini file (say, to test.ini).

Now if I run: C:\Program Files\WinSCP3>winscp3.com "My FTP Server" /ini=test.ini
It asks me for a username and host, instead of connecting automatically using the details in the INI.

Please help.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: /ini switch doesn't work

Sorry I cannot tell of this is supposed to work in 3.7.1. Can you reproduce the problem with latest version?

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