Waiting for closing on reboot



Waiting for closing on reboot

Hi folks and thanks for the awesome (free!) software.

I have one question or feature request. I'm using winscp scripted from .bat to make backups (synchronize) over SFTP from server to the local workstation. If I reboot or shutdown Windows while the Winscp background process is running, I get this annoying "Windows is waiting for application to close", and the comp never shuts down if left unattended.

Is there a known solution or workaround for this? If not, could we pwease pwease get this changed in upcoming non-beta 4.2.x? :)

I tried this in the GUI:
- Open a connection
- Tell Windown to reboot
- When asked "Terminate winscp?", check box "Never ask me again" and click Yes.
But unfortunately this did not help. Although I have a faint feeling that it helped in v4.1.9, but I can't use it with my server due to UTF8-issue.

Thank you!

Some details:
- Precompiled 4.2.1 beta portable executable.
- Windows XP SP2

Here's the .bat:
start /d d:\sami\backup winscp421.exe /script=backup_blue_script.txt

And here's my batch script:
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
open shiro
cd /mnt/everest/backup/
synchronize local -criteria=both -delete D:\Sami\zzz\ zzz

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Waiting for closing on reboot

OK, so what would you want WinSCP to do? To abort the script in the middle of operation? Possibly leaving corrupted files?

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Yes, I would like winscp to abort in middle of the operation and possibly corrupt a file.

I think it's ok to do if I acknowledge the risks. My scripted run of winscp is for over-adsl backup and there are times there's more to transfer than it's possible when the computer is on.

If the checkbox "Do not ask me again" when quitting in middle of transfer would work properly, it'd solve this problem.

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