File Transfer Error from Remote Client.



File Transfer Error from Remote Client.

I have WinSCP 4.19 installed on a Vista SP1 based laptop, transferring files back to a Linux based FTP server. I'm transferring multiple files of between 1-2mb in size over and ADSL link. The files are then copied via a scheduled BAT file running on a Windows server every 15mins.

The problem that I am getting is that periodically I get an error;


"Transfer was successfully finished but temporary file "MyFile.filepart" could not be renamed to target file name "MyFile.exe"

No such file or directory
Error code 2
Error message from server no such file
Request Code 18


I think this is being cause by the scheduled file transfer occurring before my file transfer has fully finished, is it possible to stop this happening?

This is my script for getting the data off the Linux server;

option exclude "*.xml; *.filepart"
option confirm off
get /home/01als/audio/* "E:\Audio Files\Audio Files\Message\FolderA\" -delete

Thanks, Andrew.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: File Transfer Error from Remote Client.

AStaley wrote:

I think this is being cause by the scheduled file transfer occurring before my file transfer has fully finished, is it possible to stop this happening?
Sorry, I'm not sure if I understand. What do you mean by "scheduled file transfer" and "file transfer" in the sentence above?

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By "Scheduled File Transfer", I mean I have a schedule task within Windows that runs every 20mins and simply copies files from the Linux server to a folder on the Windows server.

I initiate a file copy from my remote laptop using WinSCP to the Linux server, and every 20mins the windows server gets all the files from the Linux server.

What I think is happening is as I'm mid way through copying a file over the scheduled task on Windows runs and interupts the copy on the remote laptop.

Hope that makes sense.


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Site Admin
martin avatar

OK I see. But that what you exclude mask should prevent. So I do not understand why is this happening. Can you try to make the mentioned "MyFile.filepart" file and run your script to see if it indeed excludes it from download as it should?

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