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2309 issues found.

ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
618 2024-11-25 Enh Medium NEW General 73 64-bit version of WinSCP
1682 2024-09-13 Enh Low NEW Core 62 Support OpenSSH ssh-agent
161 2024-10-18 Enh Very low REOP General 62 Linux version
231 2024-11-06 Enh Low NEW General 52 Plugin to Total Commander
227 2024-09-27 Enh High NEW GUI 50 Asynchronous program interface
513 2024-05-13 Enh Medium RESO General 44 Transfer single file using multiple connections
912 2024-09-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 26 Thumbnail view in file panel
1902 2024-12-02 Enh Medium NEW General 26 Google Drive Support
141 2023-11-06 Enh Low NEW General 25 Support for rsync
1893 2024-04-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 23 Local file manager mode (two local panels)
365 2024-11-16 Enh Low NEW GUI 22 Different remote sessions in both panels
49 2022-04-14 Enh Medium RESO Core 20 Support for non-Unix-like systems with FTP
52 2024-05-23 Enh Low RESO Core 19 Use file hash as criterion for synchronization
83 2024-06-10 Enh Medium RESO General 18 MSI installation package
194 2024-10-17 Enh Medium RESO General 17 Perform non-transfer operations on background
1785 2021-05-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 17 Allow seeing a complete list of files that are part of a background transfer
1423 2023-06-29 Enh Medium RESO GUI 16 Better handling of large number of tabs
2020 2024-11-18 Enh High NEW General 15 Synchronize two local directories
416 2020-04-02 Enh High RESO General 14 Selection of network interface
41 2023-03-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 14 Show directory size in file panel
1720 2024-09-01 Enh Medium NEW General 14 Persistent transfer queue
665 2018-12-24 Bug Low NEW GUI 13 Cannot list some local directories without administrator permissions on Windows 7
826 2023-01-05 Enh High NEW GUI 12 Path breadcrumbs
1667 2024-06-04 Enh Medium RESO General 12 Support redirected WebDAV downloads (even to other hosts)
1896 2021-12-14 Enh Medium RESO General 12 Importing sessions from OpenSSH config file
99 2023-04-19 Enh Medium RESO General 11 When saving edited/opened file, warn if it was modified meanwhile externally
1551 2023-02-09 Enh Medium RESO General 11 Import from KiTTY
2057 2023-02-17 Enh Medium RESO General 11 AWS S3 profile selection
81 2021-12-06 Enh Low RESO Core 11 Optionally keep symbolic link name in path instead of resolving it with SFTP protocol
1024 2023-02-09 Enh High RESO GUI 10 Option to always sort directories by name
128 2024-09-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Optionally disable smooth scrolling in an internal editor
554 2022-02-22 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Improve layout of custom commands toolbar for large number of commands
1057 2024-10-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Remember panel scroll position and selection and directory tree state when switching tabs
1676 2024-03-11 Enh Medium NEW Core 10 Use Volume Shadow Copy
1696 2022-11-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Dark theme
1738 2023-05-26 Enh Medium RESO .NET 10 Stream interface in .NET assembly
1797 2022-12-09 Enh Medium NEW General 10 Support direct use of other key file formats
1858 2023-04-14 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Autoreconnect a disconnected session when saving edited file
1945 2022-07-15 Enh Medium RESO .NET 10 Streaming support in .NET assembly for FTP protocol
1995 2023-02-10 Enh Medium RESO General 10 Support S3 servers without TLS encryption
2147 2024-09-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Larger toolbar icons
2202 2024-01-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 10 Optionally do not shorten tab titles
1317 2022-04-11 Bug Low NEW .NET 10 Error communicating to WinSCP from from .NET assembly on Windows 2008 IIS ASP.NET (Cannot initialize external console)
248 2023-01-03 Enh Medium NEW GUI 9 Configurable keyboard shortcuts
856 2023-05-25 Enh Medium NEW .NET 9 Define and implement interface for the .NET library
1026 2024-11-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 9 Optionally connect all workspace/folder sessions immediately
1632 2019-10-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 9 Support S3 servers with Path URI style (like MinIO)
1776 2020-07-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 9 Dark theme for column headers
2249 2024-09-24 Enh Medium RESO General 9 Allow assuming IAM role in S3 sessions
182 2023-01-05 Enh Low NEW General 9 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
9 2024-11-15 Enh Medium NEW GUI 8 Show SFTP server software info in protocol dialog
592 2018-08-30 Enh Medium NEW Core 8 Clear Command Channel (CCC) support
733 2021-03-29 Enh Medium NEW General 8 Remember file panels state with site
1641 2022-07-21 Enh Medium RESO General 8 Support ACL for S3
1724 2023-08-12 Enh Medium NEW GUI 8 Optionally sort directories along with files
1975 2021-08-20 Enh Medium NEW General 8 User defined site properties for custom commands
2089 2024-08-24 Enh Medium RESO General 8 Allow S3 connection with IAM role instead of credentials
2137 2024-09-10 Enh Medium NEW GUI 8 Line numbering in the internal editor
2145 2023-10-10 Enh Medium RESO General 8 Support for OpenSSH certificates for host verification
86 2022-12-14 Enh Low NEW Core 8 Allow suspending batch transfer after finishing transfer of current file
902 2019-10-22 Enh High RESO GUI 7 Sorting find results
374 2022-06-14 Enh Medium NEW General 7 Optionally compare checksums of file after transfer
457 2019-10-15 Enh Medium NEW Core 7 Some servers fail to delete file/directory when full path is specified
835 2023-04-24 Enh Medium NEW GUI 7 Optionally add .. directory to Explorer interface file panel
969 2023-09-29 Enh Medium NEW Core 7 Option to exclude files opened for writing
1247 2024-11-22 Enh Medium NEW General 7 Allow providing a password to sudo
1723 2021-02-16 Enh Medium NEW General 7 Configurable extension for partially uploaded files (instead of default .filepart)
1732 2022-02-09 Enh Medium RESO General 7 Improve S3 transfer speed
1751 2024-03-19 Enh Medium NEW General 7 When installed from Microsoft Store, synchronize settings between computers
1806 2024-11-07 Enh Medium RESO GUI 7 Dark theme for session tabs
2041 2024-10-22 Enh Medium NEW GUI 7 Allow operating with multiple sites on Login dialog
2165 2024-06-08 Enh Medium NEW General 7 Consider symbolic link targets when synchronizing directories
1041 2024-11-01 Enh Medium NEW GUI 6 Optionally show elapsed time on the transfer queue list and keep it displayed after transfer finishes
1075 2024-04-15 Enh Medium NEW .NET 6 Method to change directory permissions
1413 2022-04-20 Enh Medium NEW GUI 6 Administrative restriction to disable check for updates
1502 2023-06-06 Enh Medium NEW General 6 Per-site limit of maximal number of background transfers
1734 2020-04-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 6 Optionally do not distinguish multiple sessions opened to the same site by current path
1969 2023-02-03 Enh Medium NEW General 6 Prevent saving passwords unless master password is set
2056 2024-08-16 Bug Medium RESO General 6 File on local network share treated as folder when uploading
2100 2024-04-03 Enh Medium NEW GUI 6 Open external editor from WinSCP command-line
2103 2022-10-20 Enh Medium RESO General 6 AWS S3 profile selection
256 2021-04-12 Enh Low NEW General 6 More precise keeping remote directory up to date
1574 2018-12-21 Enh High RESO GUI 5 Coloring files in file panels based on a file mask
138 2019-04-16 Enh Medium NEW GUI 5 Internal viewer
262 2024-11-15 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Port forwarding
313 2019-09-27 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Continuously download remote file
347 2022-04-11 Enh Medium NEW GUI 5 Optionally do not show error message when synchronized browsing fails
459 2019-06-01 Enh Medium NEW GUI 5 Search from beginning in editor
521 2015-11-12 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Text transfer mode support for UTF-16 files
597 2021-11-26 Enh Medium RESO Core 5 Log bytes transferred in XML log
704 2023-03-11 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Apply exclude/include masks also when moving remote files to different remote directory
807 2023-12-12 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Load file mask from common exclusion files
958 2020-12-02 Enh Medium RESO General 5 Limit local ports for active FTP mode
1003 2023-08-17 Enh Medium NEW Core 5 Preserve owning group when uploading file to temporary file name
1626 2022-04-11 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Do not block a batch transfer by overwrite confirmation prompt
1839 2020-12-02 Enh Medium RESO General 5 Authentication using temporary credentials from AWS Security Token Service (STS)
1856 2023-03-23 Enh Medium REOP GUI 5 Allow organizing custom commands into folders
1892 2023-05-30 Enh Medium RESO Extensions 5 Support file mask in Keep local directory up to date extension
1927 2020-11-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 5 Ease selecting the target directory when uploading files or moving remote files
2031 2024-10-15 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Allow transfer settings presets to add to the default file masks instead of overriding them completely
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
2044 2022-01-11 Enh Medium RESO .NET 5 Provide private key as string in .NET assembly
2049 2024-07-04 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Build sessions on top of RCLONE or another generic API
2109 2023-10-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 5 Restore support for legacy version of the Digest algorithm specified in RFC 2069
2124 2024-11-15 Enh Medium REOP Core 5 Use AES hardware acceleration for TLS
2133 2024-02-01 Enh Medium NEW GUI 5 Light tree arrows in dark mode
2146 2024-11-01 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Anonymous access to S3
2204 2024-04-15 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Allow undoing move operations
2205 2024-11-11 Enh Medium NEW General 5 Upload single file using multiple S3 connections
219 2009-08-16 Enh Low NEW GUI 5 Increase limit of simultaneous background transfers
885 2018-11-13 Enh High RESO Scripting 4 Synchronization preview in scripting
71 2020-12-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 4 Case-sensitive synchronization
309 2021-08-19 Enh Medium NEW General 4 FXP support
355 2009-01-07 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Enable synchronized browsing as an option of location profile
468 2023-12-14 Enh Medium RESO General 4 Prompt for proxy password when it is not specified on login dialog
493 2023-01-06 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Mark non-explored folders in remote directory tree
588 2022-04-01 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Re-enable synchronized browsing after returning to the last synchronized directories
738 2011-10-04 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Automatically start pageant
1168 2023-06-24 Enh Medium NEW General 4 Global proxy settings
1820 2020-05-29 Enh Medium RESO General 4 Backblaze support
1831 2021-10-01 Bug Medium RESO Core 4 TLS session resumption is not working for FTP transfers with TLS 1.3
1838 2020-03-31 Enh Medium RESO GUI 4 Show session name in Synchronization checklist window, when the synchronization was executed in a new window
1898 2022-09-15 Enh Medium NEW Core 4 Support for Amazon KMS
1903 2020-09-03 Enh Medium NEW General 4 Rackspace Cloudfiles support
1909 2022-04-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 4 Return to Login dialog, when ad-hoc connection fails
1989 2022-11-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 4 Restriction from using unsupported background transfers for sessions with file encryption could have been bypassed by editing files in an external editor
2048 2024-04-30 Enh Medium NEW General 4 Support for OneDrive for Business
2074 2022-10-30 Enh Medium NEW General 4 Support for
2102 2023-02-10 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 4 Reading password from a file
2105 2023-02-09 Enh Medium RESO General 4 Allow environment variables in custom INI file path
2106 2022-08-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Optionally upload file saved in editor only after confirmation
2107 2023-02-23 Enh Medium RESO General 4 Private key pattern in PuTTY command-line
2115 2023-08-23 Enh Medium NEW General 4 Allow opening tunneled session in PuTTY from Login dialog
2119 2022-09-30 Enh Medium NEW General 4 Optionally sort directories by last modification of their contents
2156 2024-03-13 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Manual sorting of sites on Login dialog
2158 2023-01-27 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 Navigate to link target
2159 2023-07-07 Bug Medium NEW General 4 Spurious "Remote side sent disconnect message: type 11 (by application)" when connecting to GlobalSCAPE server
2192 2023-05-26 Enh Medium NEW .NET 4 Streaming support in .NET assembly for WebDAV protocol
2213 2023-12-20 Enh Medium RESO General 4 Support for "Requester pays" S3 buckets
2229 2023-11-10 Enh Medium RESO GUI 4 Optional more prominent active session tab
2231 2024-02-19 Enh Medium RESO General 4 Support for SFTP extension
2281 2024-05-31 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 More obvious site search on Login dialog
2282 2024-03-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 4 More control over what sessions automatically open in PuTTY
2290 2024-09-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 4 Easier moving of site configuration between machines
235 2020-07-27 Enh Very low NEW Core 4 HTTPS proxy
16 2010-06-28 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 3 Local command execution from script
40 2018-07-11 Enh Medium NEW Core 3 FTP tunneling
74 2023-08-25 Enh Medium NEW General 3 ACL support
192 2018-10-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 3 Main window is not restored maximized
359 2023-07-29 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Resizable bookmark dialogs
479 2020-04-14 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Persistent file panel filter
543 2010-02-12 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Google Documents List Data API support
612 2022-11-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Optional expanding of directory tree
631 2010-11-03 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Allow canceling the directory change when synchronized browsing fails
636 2021-03-23 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Expand environment variables in local custom commands
758 2021-05-06 Bug Medium NEW Setup 3 Installation instructions do not preserve user preferences
940 2021-12-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Set permissions for directories and files separatelly
985 2019-01-23 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Remember cursor position when reloading file in internal editor
1153 2019-05-15 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Monospace font for server-side authetication prompts
1270 2022-01-14 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 3 Optionally delete local files to recycle bin from script
1525 2019-05-22 Enh Medium RESO General 3 Consider symlink destination file timestamp and size when synchronizing
1584 2018-09-03 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Command to repeat past transfer in background transfers list
1631 2022-06-14 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Optimize loading of large directories
1642 2022-05-20 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Open folder in new window or tab
1742 2022-07-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 3 Make incremental search in file panels optional
1768 2022-03-17 Enh Medium RESO Core 3 Allow other 2xx responses to PWD command, not only the standard 257
1772 2019-08-12 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Quick access to information about space available
1792 2024-02-03 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Download/View only part (beginning or end) of a file – head or tail equivalent
1824 2022-06-07 Enh Medium RESO Core 3 Workaround for specific encoding of special characters in filenames by OneDrive WebDAV interface
1843 2023-11-30 Enh Medium NEW Core 3 Selection of network interface for FTP
1873 2023-02-13 Enh Medium RESO General 3 Support for OpenSSH certificates for user authentication
1912 2021-11-10 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Automatically reconnect and resume the operation when connection is lost while deleting files
1952 2022-11-10 Enh Medium RESO Core 3 Support rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 SSH public key algorithms
1965 2024-06-26 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Encrypt only file contents, not file names
1968 2023-02-08 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Display/Modify S3 metadata like tags and storage class
2007 2024-07-06 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Automatically retry on S3 internal error
2143 2024-11-15 Enh Medium NEW General 3 Support for connection sharing
2180 2023-07-12 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Open files and folders with a single click
2232 2024-09-02 Enh Medium NEW GUI 3 Automatically reconnect inactive sessions
2 2019-12-31 Enh Low ASSI GUI 3 Drag&drop between two instances
37 2008-01-08 Enh Very low NEW Core 3 Port knocking
69 2017-09-04 Enh Very low NEW GUI 3 Syntax highlighting in an internal editor
176 2009-04-08 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Icon overlays
183 2008-07-02 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Import hierarchical sessions from PuTTY
364 2014-05-16 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Allow adjusting font size in console window
418 2016-01-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Save as in internal editor
427 2009-06-05 Enh Medium NEW Core 2 Limit directory cache size
435 2010-06-14 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Create symlinks using drag-and-drop
496 2023-01-06 Enh Medium REOP GUI 2 Automatically expand parent folders of home directory in initial directory tree
528 2010-01-02 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Configurable order of operations during synchronization
557 2010-06-14 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Cancel authentication dialog when connection is lost
628 2010-10-27 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Duplicate path history with session
637 2015-02-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Load search results into file panel
688 2011-05-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Print from internal editor
736 2022-09-23 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Pattern for default session name
743 2020-02-11 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Allow patterns in default prompt answer in custom commands
749 2011-10-14 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 2 Do not fail script on custom command output on stderr
755 2024-04-15 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Full file size on status bar
766 2021-08-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Resizable Keep remote directory up to date... window
768 2013-02-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Separate tabs for local and remote panel in Commander interface
781 2022-09-21 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Allow changing view style in Commander interface
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
805 2022-04-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 2 When connection fails, keep session settings on Login dialog
838 2019-12-18 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Display tray balloon on uploads when keeping remote directory up to date
909 2022-05-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 2 Expand environment variables in Open Directory/Location Profiles dialogs for local paths
941 2020-01-21 Enh Medium RESO General 2 When creating WinSCP shortcut, make it use the same configuration as creating instance
947 2012-11-29 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Support for Zeroconf/Bonjour
1109 2022-11-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Optionally do not color file panel with session color
1113 2023-03-21 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Environment variables configuration for SSH sessions
1419 2021-05-13 Enh Medium NEW Core 2 Process cookies in WebDAV session
1612 2024-11-18 Bug Medium NEW General 2 Deleted directory cannot be exited
1651 2020-07-12 Enh Medium NEW Core 2 Support transfer to temporary file name with FTP protocol
1753 2020-05-16 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Session import from SmartFTP
1855 2023-06-09 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Support for smartcard-based client certificates with WebDAV
1899 2021-11-22 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Support transfer resuming with S3
1919 2024-10-03 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Persist bookmarks immediately
1937 2024-02-03 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Limit overall number of reconnects
1955 2022-04-11 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Allow uploading edited files using the main connection
2019 2023-01-18 Bug Medium RESO Core 2 Error when uploading file sized just below 32 kB boundary to FTP server over TLS 1.3
2033 2022-02-15 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Correct icon scaling when moving main window to low DPI display on system with primary high DPI display
2035 2024-02-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 2 Display transfer time in the transfer queue
2067 2023-01-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 2 Optionally do not flash taskbar button when WinSCP needs attention while in the background
2080 2022-09-08 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 More contrasting or configurable file panel selection color (particularly for the dark mode)
2081 2023-12-09 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 2 Parallel transfers using multiple connections in scripting
2099 2023-01-17 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Optionally do not prompt for proxy credentials
2111 2022-12-20 Enh Medium NEW Core 2 Continuous allocation of disk space for local files
2131 2022-12-01 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Default new directory name to the name of selected directory in file panel
2136 2024-11-21 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Display caching status of directory contents
2138 2022-11-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Cut&Paste clipboard operations
2144 2022-12-10 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Read list of users and groups for Properties dialog from /etc/passwd and /etc/group
2170 2023-09-13 Enh Medium NEW General 2 Support S3 server-side file encryption
2193 2023-07-01 Enh Medium NEW GUI 2 Always show system tray icon
2310 2024-09-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 2 Optionally follow NoViewOnDrive policy
21 2024-07-24 Enh Low NEW Core 2 Separate recursive permissions for folders and files
39 2022-04-11 Enh Low NEW GUI 2 Execute file remotelly on double-click
60 2008-01-07 Enh Low NEW Core 2 Set group-write on upload if directory has Set GID bit set
66 2008-01-07 Enh Low NEW Core 2 Smardcard authentication
144 2022-05-03 Enh Low NEW GUI 2 Use spaces instead of tab character in an internal editor
149 2008-02-05 Enh Low NEW Core 2 Explicitly exit shell before logging out with SCP
175 2008-03-19 Enh Low NEW GUI 2 Rendering of large directories takes too long
335 2013-07-15 Enh Low NEW General 2 Support for proxy authentication when checking for updates.
344 2008-12-11 Enh Low NEW General 2 Disable remote recycle bin altogether
7 2024-04-25 Enh Very low NEW Core 2 Follow local shortcuts
1293 2018-11-11 Enh High RESO GUI 1 Option to turn off Natural order numerical sorting
8 2008-01-04 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Command-line in Explorer-like interface
15 2008-01-04 Enh Medium NEW General 1 FDCC complicancy
47 2008-03-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Open directory in new session on Ctrl-Click
75 2010-01-20 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 1 Backtick operator in scripting
80 2008-02-14 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Open secondary shell session on background once the main session opens
85 2024-02-16 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Allow browsing for remote directory
150 2019-09-30 Enh Medium RESO General 1 Resolve local environment variables in initial session local path
295 2008-08-19 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Indicate work in progress on icon in taskbar status area (system tray)
342 2008-12-09 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Default read-only configuration
358 2009-01-13 Enh Medium NEW Core 1 Option to toggle mode of symlink duplication
404 2009-03-30 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Logging to standard output
426 2009-06-03 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 1 Allow aborting script when Windows are shutting down
429 2009-06-05 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Enable overwrite confirmations when uploading new file from editor
464 2009-08-05 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Use larger font for path label
469 2009-08-10 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Close PuTTY when session is closed
483 2009-09-08 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Alternative shortcuts for those requiring numeric keypad
540 2018-10-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Show actual command for custom command in hint
559 2010-03-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Ability to copy symlink destination from Properties dialog
561 2010-04-13 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Allow local timestamp synchronization when remote timestamp changing is not supported
567 2010-04-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Context menu for directories in tree
589 2010-07-30 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Cleanup session specific shortcuts
601 2010-08-23 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Smarter shortening of paths on Background transfers queue list
609 2010-09-13 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Add Exit option to list of once-done operations
627 2010-10-25 Bug Medium NEW Core 1 Cannot handle incomplete SFTP packets before end of file
643 2010-12-20 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Different confirmation prompt when deleting empty and non-empty subdirectory
647 2011-01-05 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Optionally use cache when finding files
652 2011-01-27 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Clear screen command for Console window
655 2011-02-04 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Warn when local tunnel port is already used
660 2013-12-06 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Optionally store bookmarks per site
661 2014-05-16 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Use fixed width font for authentication banner
689 2011-05-30 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Optionally (re)enable autocomplete for path (and similar) combo boxes
717 2011-08-18 Enh Medium NEW Core 1 Issue quit command when closing FTP session
741 2011-10-07 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 1 Print script errors on stderr
742 2011-10-07 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 1 Disctinct exit codes for different classes of errors
748 2023-01-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Drag and drop support for session folders
752 2011-10-21 Enh Medium NEW General 1 When transferring a single file, use its filename in the destination path instead of *.* mask
759 2011-10-27 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Copy items between shared and session-specific bookmarks/location profile lists
761 2011-10-27 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Exclude files using current transfer setting file mask when comparing directories
782 2011-12-16 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Custom commands on overwrite confirmation prompt
788 2012-01-05 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Option to cancel directory change with synchronized browsing when directory does not exist in opposite panel
791 2012-01-23 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Optionally do not ignore 2 seconds time difference
802 2012-02-25 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Watch locally edited files and prompt to upload modifications
809 2012-03-05 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Multiple destination paths when transferring files
851 2022-04-11 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Improvements to session tabs
897 2012-08-16 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Tab completion in Address toolbar
919 2012-10-08 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Remember the last used local directory separatelly for every remote directory
920 2012-10-08 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Explicit command for pasting path from clipboard
931 2012-10-25 Bug Medium NEW GUI 1 Fix positioning sort indicator on Name/Ext column on Windows 7
946 2012-11-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Host-specific remote command history
950 2012-12-03 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Synchronize timestamps with FTP
979 2013-02-14 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Show permissions in octal format
1027 2013-08-02 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Refresh remote panel after background transfer finishes even when directory caching is off
1028 2014-06-19 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Optionally do not show full file path in Internal editor window title
1061 2013-09-19 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Make Open command act on all selected files
1088 2013-11-20 Enh Medium NEW .NET 1 Reconnect function in .NET assembly
1126 2014-02-28 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Command to sort bookmarks
1138 2014-03-10 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Monospace font for Rights column
1140 2014-04-23 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Select transferred files after transfer (drag&drop only?)
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1201 2017-10-25 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Highlight different files in file panel with color
1205 2014-08-19 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Skip "Associated application" editor rule for files that have no associated application
1207 2014-08-19 Enh Medium NEW Core 1 Support symlink resolving with FTP protocol when the server supports MLST command
1307 2015-04-03 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Improve OpenVMS support with SFTP protocol
1453 2022-09-14 Enh Medium REOP Core 1 Improving compatibility with MVS file system with FTP protocol
1474 2016-10-17 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Alternative keyboard shortcuts for keyboads without a numeric pad
1566 2017-10-12 Enh Medium NEW Core 1 Connection compression with FTP protocol
1593 2018-01-04 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Allow navigation by pasting a path to a file
1617 2023-06-08 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Regular expression support when finding files
1643 2018-05-10 Enh Medium NEW Core 1 Forced logging
1670 2018-08-07 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Execute command once operation is done
1689 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 1 Configurable file name column width in script progress
1695 2019-10-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 1 Allow connecting to Amazon S3 using non-default endpoints
1802 2020-01-08 Enh Medium RESO .NET 1 .NET assembly functionality to process individual ComparisonDifference instances
1853 2024-10-25 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Allow modifying file timestamps
1854 2020-04-10 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Configurable line height in file panel
1859 2020-04-23 Bug Medium RESO General 1 Empty directories are not uploaded to FTP server when transferring in background
1867 2020-07-28 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Preserve permissions when duplicating files via a local temporary copy
1882 2020-06-26 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Treat dot (hidden) files as if they have no extension, when sorting by the extension
1910 2020-10-06 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Directory tree to the right of file list
1921 2020-11-26 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 1 Allow forcing use of LIST command to retrieve file information in scripting for FTP servers that has broken support for MDTM/SIZE commands
1926 2020-11-26 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Allow deleting local read-only files
1930 2021-02-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Copyable/linked keyboard-interactive authentication challenge
1935 2020-12-22 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Display number of hard links in file panel
1954 2021-02-19 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Cancel authentication prompts when an underlying session is terminated
1961 2024-10-11 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Optionally sort files above directories
1964 2021-03-22 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 1 Change folder in scripting using a file mask
1981 2024-02-10 Enh Medium RESO General 1 Allow disabling automatic reconnects in automation
1984 2023-01-31 Enh Medium RESO General 1 Upgrade WinSCP to PuTTY 0.75
2002 2021-07-11 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Upload/Download transfer buttons between panels
2003 2021-10-20 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Allow creating multiple directory levels at once
2009 2021-08-03 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Support remote recycle bin with FTP
2012 2022-10-25 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Allow selecting multiple files on touch screens (checkboxes)
2014 2021-11-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Start monitoring A: and B: drives
2064 2022-03-25 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Allow using multiple connections for "Upload/Download and Delete" transfers
2112 2022-09-23 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Warn when opening binary files in internal editor
2121 2024-06-18 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Show synchronization direction on the progress window
2125 2022-11-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Display current version on the New version notification
2152 2022-12-30 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 More options for file size display format
2173 2023-03-28 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Optionally disable NTLM/SSPI authentication with WebDAV
2174 2023-03-30 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Convert SSH port-forwarding proxy to WinSCP SSH tunnel when importing sessions from PuTTY
2178 2024-05-16 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Support for FTP PRET command
2188 2023-05-22 Enh Medium RESO General 1 Work around key algorithm naming change in OpenSSH 7.7 and older
2207 2024-10-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Save bookmarks immediately, not only on application exit
2212 2023-09-28 Enh Medium RESO General 1 Updates check fail because certificate cannot be validated
2217 2023-12-14 Enh Medium RESO GUI 1 Make it harder to mis-click "never show this again" checkboxes
2230 2024-01-01 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Support for Cryptomator file encryption
2240 2023-12-13 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Option to force use of SNI
2274 2024-06-12 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Easier way to select "Connect once" on hostkey verification prompt
2275 2024-03-21 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Preferred IP version for WebDAV protocol
2278 2024-10-02 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Custom commands (diff) for two local panels
2280 2024-05-27 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Optionally prevent revealing passwords on the Generate URL/Code dialog
2287 2024-07-06 Enh Medium NEW .NET 1 Record local file removals when synchronizing in .NET assembly and scripting
2296 2024-11-19 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Two-Factor SharePoint authentication
2298 2024-11-18 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Easier access to Disconnect command
2303 2024-07-22 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Reconnect sessions silently
2306 2024-08-15 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Session import from SmartFTP
2317 2024-10-03 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 File bookmarks
2318 2024-10-17 Enh Medium NEW GUI 1 Optionally push synchronization actions to queue
2322 2024-11-11 Enh Medium NEW Scripting 1 Log synchronization summary
2329 2024-11-26 Enh Medium NEW General 1 Allow splitting INI file to multiple files
42 2008-01-07 Enh Low NEW Core 1 Skip reverse DNS lookup when connecting
112 2018-10-12 Enh Low RESO Core 1 Timestamp comparison problem on Netware drive
129 2008-01-17 Enh Low NEW GUI 1 Links like motion
134 2008-10-09 Enh Low NEW Core 1 Custom keepalive commands
145 2008-01-31 Enh Low NEW GUI 1 Tab key should indent selected text in an internal editor
236 2022-02-10 Enh Low NEW General 1 Upload files generated by external editor
297 2008-08-22 Enh Low NEW GUI 1 Show number of same sessions in session name
304 2008-09-05 Enh Low NEW General 1 Recognize tunneled PuTTY session when importing
306 2008-09-19 Enh Low NEW GUI 1 Prevent operations when directory tree has focus
377 2009-02-12 Enh Low NEW General 1 Advanced filename modification on transfer
476 2009-08-19 Enh Low NEW General 1 Accessing files with reserved names
546 2018-10-18 Enh Low RESO General 1 Allow downloading files with empty filename
576 2010-06-23 Enh Low NEW General 1 Force using master password
614 2010-10-01 Enh Low NEW Core 1 Increase FTP read buffer
1 2012-12-22 Enh Very high RESO Core 0 Blowfish as preferred encryption cipher
35 2008-08-29 Maj Very high RESO Core 0 Source file is removed even if "move" transfer is interrupted (FTP)
226 2008-05-06 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 "Abnormal program termination" error when closing
232 2008-05-23 Bug Very high RESO General 0 Failure when closing
381 2009-02-27 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 It is not possible to open Preferences dialog
625 2011-05-13 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 Navigating back/forward with synchronized browsing enabled should affect both panels
651 2011-05-18 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 Prevent file rename when only activating the application
653 2016-06-15 Enh Very high RESO General 0 Allow connecting to FTP server without password prompt
662 2011-07-20 Bug Very high RESO Core 0 Pageant authentication not working on x64
664 2011-10-18 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 Optionally select only filename on New name dialog
668 2012-07-04 Bug Very high RESO Core 0 Failure on SSL session resuming
673 2011-05-05 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 Remove length limit for FTP Post login commands
681 2011-05-25 Enh Very high RESO Core 0 Support IPv6 address with port number
683 2014-09-10 Enh Very high RESO General 0 Log where does the session data come from
701 2011-08-28 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 Start renaming the next file after confirming rename with Tab key
709 2011-09-28 Enh Very high RESO Core 0 Log local account
711 2011-09-06 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 F10 to quit internal editor
712 2011-08-26 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 Resolve environment variables in bookmarks
719 2013-08-13 Enh Very high RESO General 0 Prevent file virtualization
756 2011-10-26 Maj Very high RESO GUI 0 Cannot drag more than one file
778 2012-03-26 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 Cannot select files by dragging selection rectangle
787 2012-01-04 Enh Very high RESO Core 0 Increase socket internal buffer size for FTP
797 2012-02-22 Enh Very high RESO Core 0 Do not consider remote commands with some error output as failed
800 2012-03-08 Bug Very high RESO General 0 Embedded GPL licence text does not contain instructions for how to use GPL on your own programs
808 2012-03-08 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 When selecting files by mask, all directories are implicitly selected
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
815 2013-04-16 Enh Very high RESO Scripting 0 Option/Event to accept an unknown host key/certificate
820 2012-04-14 Bug Very high RESO Scripting 0 Authentication prompts with no actual prompt are always failed
839 2012-04-20 Bug Very high RESO General 0 Default session settings are not preserved
866 2012-08-01 Enh Very high RESO General 0 Disable remote recycle bin altogether by default
887 2012-08-03 Enh Very high RESO Scripting 0 Make rm command and Session.RemoveFiles handle directories as well
888 2012-08-02 Enh Very high RESO Core 0 Strip UTF8 byte-order-mask on FTP upload
898 2012-08-17 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 Tray icon is not restored after explorer/taskbar restart
899 2012-08-23 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 Failure after system wide change
905 2012-09-03 Bug Very high RESO Core 0 Error when listing file with MLST FTP command fails
906 2017-12-01 Bug Very high RESO Core 0 Error retrieving file stats, if FTP server returns full file path in MLST response
911 2012-09-22 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 Local file/folder gets recycled when dropped on folder on the same panel
913 2012-09-22 Enh Very high RESO GUI 0 Use GiB scale for large file sizes
915 2012-11-21 Bug Very high RESO GUI 0 Hangs when stopping watching for changes in local folder
3 2008-01-04 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Drag&drop shell extension does not work on Win64
5 2019-08-23 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Optionally show directory tree left of file panel (Norton Commander interface)
6 2008-01-07 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Local print as new sample of custom commands.
10 2011-11-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Synchronized browsing as session setting
14 2019-09-27 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Open files for editing from command-line
17 2013-07-09 Enh High RESO Core 0 High performance enabled SSH (HPN-SSH)
18 2017-06-01 Enh High RESO Core 0 Session log file rotation
19 2013-07-03 Bug High RESO GUI 0 "There is no disk in drive" message on startup
20 2013-10-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Detect dragext64.dll on 64-bit systems
23 2014-08-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Show total size of files selected for synchronization on preview dialog
27 2009-09-03 Enh High RESO Core 0 Support for FTP proxies
29 2011-11-04 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Optionally do not process queue unless explicitly requested
30 2024-09-05 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Automatic reconnect of idle sessions
31 2009-03-11 Enh High RESO Core 0 Allow synchronization of file with special characters in filenames
32 2009-03-05 Enh High RESO Core 0 Reverse escaping of special characters on upload
34 2019-09-26 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Organizing stored sessions
36 2009-03-05 Enh High RESO Core 0 FTPS (FTP over TLS/SSL)
44 2008-04-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Transfers without confirmation
45 2009-07-25 Enh High RESO Core 0 Cannot download file ending with space
48 2008-04-08 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Current username and password as patterns for custom command
53 2012-05-07 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Refresh file panel in regular intervals
54 2013-07-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Operations on files in synchronization checklist
55 2009-08-09 Bug High RESO Core 0 Options "newer only" and "no confirmation" does not work together
56 2012-08-02 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Filter for file panel
58 2009-07-02 Enh High RESO Core 0 Escape special file names
59 2008-04-11 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Option to compare by size in scripting
61 2013-04-11 Enh High RESO General 0 Import sessions from FileZilla
62 2008-05-07 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Improve local file panel refresh on change detection
63 2008-02-18 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Do not truncate filename in transfer status report when output is redirected to file
67 2008-02-14 Bug High RESO Core 0 Mac text files are unnecessarily corrupted on download when using ascii mode transfer
72 2008-06-08 Bug High RESO Core 0 Automatic reconnect during transfer does not work occasionally
73 2008-03-01 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Improve feedback during directory comparison before synchronization
76 2008-04-10 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Using environment variables in scripting
77 2011-11-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Tab selector for sessions
78 2012-05-07 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Unicode support in an internal editor
84 2008-04-09 Enh High RESO Core 0 Option to specify path to SFTP server
92 2009-10-28 Enh High RESO General 0 File search
94 2016-03-14 Enh High RESO Core 0 Preserve timestamps of directories
95 2009-03-05 Enh High RESO General 0 Transfer log
97 2019-10-21 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Enqueue each file of batch transfer individually
98 2012-02-29 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Convenient dialog for setting file masks
103 2009-09-04 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Configurable keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and bookmarks
104 2008-01-09 Bug High RESO General 0 About dialog cannot be shown
108 2009-07-02 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Move "Clear source archive attribute" to upload options
109 2008-04-11 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Speed limit in scripting
117 2009-04-18 Bug High RESO General 0 "Add to transfer queue" note to "Transfer on background" option is misleading
119 2008-03-02 Enh High RESO Setup 0 Local language names in language selection dialog
125 2008-03-08 Enh High RESO Setup 0 Adjust default installation path to existing FAR installation
127 2008-04-10 Enh High RESO General 0 Transfer files in between sessions
132 2008-04-11 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Scripting and/or command-line option to connect in passive mode with FTP
133 2020-02-04 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Browse local UNC paths
135 2008-02-18 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Support for multiple monitors
136 2008-04-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Saving password shall be explicitly requested
137 2009-02-12 Bug High RESO Core 0 Empty directories are not created on upload with FTP
143 2008-02-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Do not display notification balloon after background upload of edited/opened file is finished
146 2011-04-26 Enh High RESO Core 0 Support for "" compression
151 2013-08-11 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Display queue status on taskbar button
152 2009-10-16 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Main window stops responding on remote file with reserved name
155 2008-02-12 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Opening session in the same/new window not consistent
157 2009-10-14 Bug High RESO Core 0 Uploads of large files with FTP are restarting
162 2008-04-08 Enh High RESO General 0 Custom FTP command on login
165 2010-11-07 Enh High RESO General 0 Use passive mode by default
166 2008-03-06 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Failure when dropping file to ".." with FTP
169 2017-05-08 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Upload back files modified by local custom command
178 2008-05-02 Bug High RESO General 0 List index out of bounds (-1) error
180 2008-03-22 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Authentication dialog shows multiple prompts incorrectly
185 2008-10-09 Maj High RESO Core 0 Failure on attempt to keepalive while operation is in progress (FTP)
187 2008-04-15 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure on tunnel connection termination
190 2013-12-20 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Open session in PuTTY from Login dialog
195 2011-11-02 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Rename 'both' criteria to 'either' to avoid confusion
197 2019-09-26 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Pass command-line parameters to script
203 2011-11-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Setting of FTP account
204 2008-05-10 Bug High RESO General 0 Text files are converted to Windows format on upload with FTP
207 2021-05-12 Enh High RESO General 0 Do not synchronize/transfer empty directories
208 2008-04-24 Bug High RESO Core 0 Error when unsupported command is used for keepalive with FTP
211 2008-10-09 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Keepalive while watching for changes in script
217 2008-04-23 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Error while changing language
220 2011-12-06 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Remember if stored session folder is opened/closed
224 2008-05-02 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Defaul log file path still uses &s pattern instead of !s
228 2019-10-11 Enh High RESO Core 0 Treat Sun SSH as OpenSSH
233 2008-05-22 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Scripting command synchronize ignores local directory parameter
238 2008-06-24 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Scripting command call tries to interpret command switches
240 2008-06-25 Enh High RESO General 0 Make installed WinSCP use registry storage even for other users
241 2023-01-06 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Allow scrolling stored session view while dragging session
243 2009-03-05 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Optionally minimize console window to tray
244 2008-06-11 Bug High RESO General 0 Local proxy does not work at all
246 2008-06-17 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Make sure winscp.exe is terminated along with
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
251 2017-06-01 Enh High RESO General 0 Allow skipping file actually being transferred
252 2021-09-17 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Do not require space after # in script comment
254 2008-06-20 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Drag&drop with shell extension does not work if temporary path is set in short form
255 2022-09-30 Enh High RESO GUI 0 When renaming a file within file panel, optionally select whole filename again
259 2016-08-04 Bug High RESO GUI 0 ".." directory becomes visible after refresh in Explorer interface
260 2008-07-12 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Failure when starting console interface tool
261 2008-06-28 Bug High RESO GUI 0 It was not possible to move files when using drag&drop shell extension
263 2008-07-10 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure when listing for internal purposes is requested before real listing on server not supporting list -a
265 2012-08-02 Enh High RESO General 0 Prevent Windows from standby/hibernate during file transfer
266 2008-07-12 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Open session in new window does not work for stored sessions in folders
267 2008-07-22 Bug High RESO General 0 Remote directory parameter of /synchronize and /keepuptodate is ignored
268 2008-07-23 Bug High RESO General 0 Turning off Set permissions does not work for directories with SFTP
272 2008-07-30 Bug High RESO Core 0 Remote recycle bin for overwritten files does not work with some configuration
275 2009-03-06 Enh High RESO Core 0 Make list -a with FTP configurable
277 2008-08-01 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Paste in an internal editor loses final new line
278 2008-07-31 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Transfer progress indication is not completed with FTP protocol
281 2008-08-03 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Disable output buffering of console interface tool
282 2008-08-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Select font dialog has main window as parent even if another window (editor) is on front
283 2009-03-06 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Select between edit/open on double-click by file extension
284 2009-05-25 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Shared bookmarks/location profiles
285 2009-12-18 Bug High RESO Core 0 Alias to directory listing command is not cleared
287 2008-09-28 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Internal editor does not remember to wrap long lines
290 2013-02-18 Enh High RESO GUI 0 New toolbar icons
291 2021-03-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Allow using ad-hoc extenal editor
292 2009-06-29 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Automatic shutdown when transfer is complete
293 2009-03-05 Enh High RESO Core 0 Preserve timestamp of uploaded files with FTP
294 2008-09-05 Enh High RESO GUI 0 List index out of bounds (-1) error
296 2009-11-16 Enh High RESO General 0 Support relative paths for key files
298 2009-06-29 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Allow explicit resume/append from script
299 2008-09-13 Bug High RESO General 0 Failure when moving file to local directory with SCP
300 2008-09-25 Bug High RESO General 0 It is not possible to reference session in folder from command line and script
302 2021-03-06 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Include speed limit in transfer settings
303 2008-09-28 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Change to stored local directory on session start
305 2008-09-25 Enh High RESO General 0 Allow backslash in session name
307 2008-09-19 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Failure when creating directory with SFTP
308 2009-02-23 Enh High RESO General 0 Disable some synchronization functions for FTP sessions
310 2008-09-23 Bug High RESO General 0 Session startup is dumped twice into log window
311 2018-10-15 Enh High RESO General 0 Allow configuring paths relative to executable path
312 2008-09-23 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Initializing editor windows takes long
315 2008-09-28 Bug High RESO General 0 Some administrative restrictions are not being applied
316 2023-04-19 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Improve support for transferring files by copy+paste
317 2009-03-23 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Remember internal editor placement
318 2009-02-07 Enh High RESO General 0 Explicitly remove trailing slash from current path even if server adds one
319 2008-10-02 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Error on startup when initial local directory as reported by Windows starts with lowercase drive letter
320 2008-10-19 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Issue specific explanatory message when external application executed to open file closes too early
321 2008-10-09 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Switch for "Ignore permission errors"
323 2008-10-29 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Icon on Properties dialog incorrectly follows icon size of desktop
324 2009-05-17 Bug High RESO General 0 Folder history includes directories opened just for scanning
326 2013-07-23 Enh High RESO General 0 Open PuTTY in the same directory as current WinSCP working directory
328 2009-03-05 Enh High RESO General 0 Allow setting both exclude and include masks at once
329 2009-03-28 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Buttons on login dialog disappear after Alt is pressed
330 2008-10-29 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Error when moving current remote directory to different location (e.g. by dragging tree node)
332 2008-11-02 Bug High RESO General 0 Duplicating session in new window does not work
333 2009-03-01 Enh High RESO General 0 Support changing user/group at least by setting UID/GID number
334 2009-03-06 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Simplify setup of an external editor
336 2008-11-20 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Editor preferences dialog gets corrupted
341 2009-01-30 Bug High RESO Core 0 Suspending background transfer does not work with FTP
346 2008-12-14 Bug High RESO Core 0 When synchronizing timestamps of local files, update of non-existing local files is offered
348 2009-01-17 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Support for multiple hostkeys on command line and in scripting
349 2008-12-30 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Failure after closing internal editor
350 2009-10-16 Bug High RESO Core 0 When retrying failed append transfer, destination file is overwritten instead of appended
352 2009-01-02 Bug High RESO Core 0 Infinite loop when FTP directory listing with -a switch fails
353 2019-07-02 Enh High RESO General 0 Remark/note field for site
354 2009-01-03 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Paste in an internal editor cannot be undone
360 2009-06-02 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Force dialogs on-screen
361 2009-01-16 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Switch -preservetime does not work
366 2009-09-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Open remote file in editor by typing its name
367 2009-08-02 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Configurable number of connection retries in scripting
368 2009-09-17 Enh High RESO General 0 Synchronize neither by time nor by size
376 2009-08-24 Enh High RESO General 0 Option for substituting FTP passive mode IP address with connection address
378 2015-04-20 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Resizable Login dialog
382 2009-02-27 Bug High RESO Setup 0 Unknown custom message name "NortonCommanderInterface" during setup
383 2009-03-02 Bug High RESO GUI 0 File selection is broken after sorting
385 2009-08-24 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Include session name in temporary path
386 2018-10-17 Enh High RESO General 0 Automatic generation and upload of keys pairs
388 2009-07-17 Enh High RESO Core 0 Ignore empty SSH keyboard interactive prompts
392 2011-11-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Resolve local environment variables in session options
393 2009-07-02 Enh High RESO Core 0 Disallow changing XML log file name in a middle of session
395 2009-03-14 Bug High RESO General 0 Update subdirectories checkbox of Keep remote directory up to date does not apply to synchronization on start
396 2019-09-26 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Allow using FTPS from script explicitly
400 2009-03-20 Bug High RESO Core 0 Remembering password for background transfers does not work with tunneled sessions
405 2011-11-02 Enh High RESO General 0 Automatically reconnect when server stopped responding
408 2009-08-09 Bug High RESO Core 0 Overwriting new or updated files only is not working with SFTP when overwrite confirmations is disabled
409 2009-04-02 Enh High RESO Core 0 Timestamps of local and remote file should be compared with respect to their precision when transferring updated files only
410 2018-09-12 Enh High RESO General 0 Deterministic paths to temporary mirrors of remote files
411 2009-06-27 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Prevent automatic acceptance of the hostkey from script
412 2009-04-04 Bug High RESO Core 0 Overwrite confirmation prompt is showing timestamps not adjusted for DST with FTP
413 2009-04-04 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure while uploading file when timestamp of remote file was not retrieved with FTP protocol
414 2009-04-17 Bug High RESO Core 0 Hangs when FTP connection is closed while waiting for reply to keepalive
415 2009-04-04 Bug High RESO Core 0 FTP command scheduled for execution just before connection is closed is executed out of the order after reconnect
420 2009-11-30 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Local shortcuts are not followed
421 2011-11-02 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Human-readable file size in file panel
423 2024-11-29 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Translation plugin cannot be loaded on Windows 7
424 2023-02-16 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Open whole session folder at once
425 2018-10-04 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Natural order numerical sorting
428 2016-06-15 Enh High RESO Core 0 Allow password-less authentication with FTP
430 2009-06-29 Enh High RESO Core 0 Automatic accepting of SSL certificates with given fingerprint
432 2013-05-06 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Selection does not follow focus after reload
436 2013-07-03 Enh High RESO Core 0 Ignore dot at the end of permissions in Fedora directory listing
437 2011-05-25 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Windows 7 progress bar on taskbar
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
438 2009-09-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Show SSL certificate in server/protocol information dialog
442 2009-08-10 Bug High RESO Core 0 Overwrite confirmations for non-existing files
443 2009-08-05 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Transfer progress not shown on console when moving files to local directory
444 2009-07-14 Bug High RESO GUI 0 CTRL+R in the internal editor opens "Replace" dialog
445 2009-08-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Windows Vista and 7 does not use 128px icon
446 2012-08-02 Bug High RESO Core 0 Passive FTP transfers with IPv6 do not work
447 2009-08-15 Bug High RESO Setup 0 Installation on Windows 2000 fails
453 2009-11-03 Enh High RESO General 0 Use username from the system
454 2019-09-26 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Escaping of quotes on command line
455 2009-08-15 Bug High RESO Setup 0 OpenCandy DLL is installed even if user chooses not to use it
456 2009-07-31 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Overlapped values on progress window
458 2009-08-24 Enh High RESO General 0 Do not try to list hidden files on FTP servers known not to support that
460 2011-05-08 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Configurable number of connection retries
461 2009-08-06 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Failure when configuration is changed while file from closed internal editor is still being uploaded
462 2009-08-08 Enh High RESO General 0 Report errors when deleting local files after upload finishes
463 2009-08-05 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Loading stored session without hostname using Enter key
465 2009-08-06 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Failure when file is opened in editor while still being uploaded after closing editor
466 2009-08-06 Bug High RESO Core 0 Error when uploading empty folder that already exists on the server with FTP
467 2009-08-06 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure when FTP data connection is lost
472 2009-08-16 Bug High RESO Core 0 Timeout occuring earlier that configured with FTP
473 2009-08-16 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Simplify icon to look better when using lower color depth
474 2009-12-09 Bug High RESO Core 0 Error when downloading empty file with FTP
475 2009-10-16 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Problem minimizing progress windows while synchronizing from command-line
477 2009-11-05 Bug High RESO General 0 Error when opening separate shell session
480 2014-12-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Customizable background color of Internal editor
481 2019-09-27 Enh High RESO General 0 Both text and XML log at the same time
482 2009-09-08 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Backslash in remote path breaks path label
484 2009-10-14 Enh High RESO Core 0 Do not report SFTP status code as an error code
486 2009-09-20 Bug High RESO Core 0 Operation hangs for a while when transfer of file is skipped with FTP protocol
487 2009-10-13 Bug High RESO Core 0 Hangs when connection is lost with FTP protocol
488 2015-08-07 Enh High RESO General 0 Automatically truncate filename to 255 characters
489 2010-12-31 Bug High RESO Core 0 Error when uploading empty file over FTPS
491 2009-10-14 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Make off value of reconnecttime script option case-insensitive
492 2009-10-14 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Allow relative paths in initial local directory
494 2009-10-03 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Quote escaping does not work with console interface tool
495 2009-10-14 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Allow longer SFTP server command
497 2009-10-26 Enh High RESO General 0 Allow plain text tunnel password storing
498 2009-10-23 Bug High RESO General 0 Backslash is inserted to remote path when running custom command from synchronization checklist dialog
502 2009-11-09 Bug High RESO General 0 Error when downloading remote files from root directory into temporary local directory
503 2009-11-10 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure when retrying connect attempt after host is not resolved
504 2009-11-12 Bug High RESO Core 0 Incorrect calculation of DST start/end date
505 2021-04-25 Enh High RESO General 0 Sign drag-and-drop shell extension
506 2009-11-29 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Escaped & are not shown in preset and custom command lists
507 2009-12-15 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Place "Use same options next time" on synchronization dialog above transfer settings box
508 2009-11-20 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Session data on Login dialog are overwritten when locale is changed
509 2009-11-20 Bug High RESO Core 0 Error when moving local directory to remote side
510 2015-11-12 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Local custom command with paths to remote files
512 2009-12-13 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Take replacing characters not allowed in local files name into account with synchronized browsing
514 2009-12-05 Bug High RESO Core 0 Excluding file from transfer does not prevent access to the file
515 2009-12-15 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Shell icon for stored session in folder cannot be created
517 2010-11-11 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 Automatic reconnect in batch mode
520 2019-09-27 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Set session configuration options on command-line
522 2009-12-23 Bug High RESO Core 0 Bookmarks with equal sign in their name are not preserved when using INI file
523 2010-02-16 Enh High RESO General 0 Release ZIP archive with both executables instead of compressed EXE
524 2009-12-31 Bug High RESO General 0 Resolve environment variables in session settings before passing them to PuTTY
525 2010-02-26 Bug High RESO General 0 Synchronize browsing fails, when entering local directory, while current remote path is root
526 2009-12-30 Bug High RESO Core 0 Having higher logging level set decreases performance even when logging itself is disabled
527 2011-10-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Windows 7 Jumplist
529 2010-01-13 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Error when running ad hoc custom command
532 2010-01-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Rename session when opening modified stored session
534 2010-01-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Support up to +/- 25 hours timezone difference
536 2018-06-26 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Allow include/exclude masks with put/get -delete
537 2010-01-28 Bug High RESO GUI 0 System date/time format is not followed on Windows 7
538 2011-09-15 Enh High RESO General 0 Configuration of external IP address for FTP
542 2010-02-11 Bug High RESO Scripting 0 does not find winscp.exe when executed from search path
544 2010-02-16 Bug High RESO General 0 Failure when connection is closed while Console window is opened
545 2011-09-15 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Record connection error in XML log
547 2010-02-26 Bug High RESO General 0 Failure when closing connection after another failed connection
550 2010-03-19 Bug High RESO General 0 Hang-up after closing connection
555 2010-03-14 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Allow file size masks in script commands
556 2010-03-16 Bug High RESO Core 0 Broken IPv6 support
560 2010-10-16 Bug High RESO Setup 0 Drag&drop mode is reset to shell extension when upgrading
563 2010-11-07 Enh High RESO General 0 Resolve environment variables in external editor paths
564 2010-08-17 Enh High RESO General 0 Timestamps of local files are no longer shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 7
566 2014-08-07 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Custom commands to context menu of synchronization checklist
568 2012-04-03 Enh High RESO Core 0 Use MLSD/MLST to list file in directory with FTP protocol
569 2011-11-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Explicit control for specifying anonymous FTP login
572 2017-12-21 Enh High RESO Core 0 Amazon S3 protocol
574 2010-07-04 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Record script command errors into log file
579 2010-07-04 Bug High RESO Setup 0 Missing OpenCandy DLL on Windows startup
583 2011-11-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Implement PuTTY option "Allow GSSAPI credential delegation"
586 2024-12-01 Enh High RESO General 0 Unicode support
596 2023-03-25 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Configurable file panel font size
602 2015-01-20 Enh High RESO General 0 Cancel all command for Background transfer queue list
606 2010-10-13 Enh High RESO General 0 Never append XML log
613 2011-05-08 Enh High RESO General 0 Limit number of reconnects
615 2011-05-30 Enh High RESO Core 0 Increase socket internal buffer size for SSH
619 2013-07-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Improve autocomplete
621 2015-11-12 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Make sure that tooltips stay on screen
624 2010-10-17 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Add "Add to Bookmarks" to path context menu
630 2011-05-31 Bug High RESO General 0 ? at the end of file mask does not enforce presence of character
642 2011-02-19 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Extend default ascii file mask
645 2011-05-05 Bug High RESO Core 0 chmod command is not skipped with SCP protocol when changing file properties but not changing permissions
646 2020-02-19 Enh High RESO Setup 0 Make installer request UAC elevation
650 2011-05-08 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Always remember state of Advanced options checkbox
656 2011-10-25 Enh High RESO Core 0 Support different DST boundaries in the past
657 2011-02-19 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Renaming file does not work
663 2014-07-13 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Connect by URL from GUI
669 2019-09-27 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Option to enable active mode with FTP protocol in scripting
670 2012-07-31 Enh High RESO General 0 Make binary mode default
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
676 2011-05-05 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure when reconnecting with FTP protocol
685 2011-12-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Ger rid of hidden main window
686 2011-09-05 Enh High RESO Setup 0 Do not require restart after installation
690 2011-11-02 Enh High RESO Core 0 Increase socket internal buffer size for SSH with option to disable it
691 2011-05-31 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Buttons on Login dialog sometimes get hidden
697 2014-07-15 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Apply Beep when work finishes also to emptying background transfer queue
706 2011-09-09 Enh High RESO Core 0 Do not try to read a link to a parent directory and throw an error on empty listing in a root directory with SFTP protocol
707 2011-07-26 Bug High RESO Core 0 No fallback to IPv4 with SSH
710 2011-09-10 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Duplicate shortcut key in local 'Open directory' window
720 2015-04-24 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Option not to abort Keep remote directory up to date on errors
730 2020-01-27 Enh High RESO General 0 Exclude files in excluded directory from file search
732 2012-05-29 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Filter button on toolbar
737 2011-11-09 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Always select whole folder name when renaming
750 2012-01-19 Enh High RESO Core 0 Make include mask with path match all parent directories
754 2012-05-29 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Lock toolbars command on Commander panels toolbar context menu
760 2012-03-23 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Remember the last selected stored session on the Login dialog
763 2011-12-02 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Cannot edit files over 64 KiB in an internal editor
767 2011-11-24 Bug High RESO Core 0 "Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages" bug always on
769 2023-06-30 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Open session from commandline and/or from jump list using existing WinSCP instance
773 2012-04-05 Enh High RESO Core 0 Silently ignore errors when implicitly preserving permissions of overwritten file after resumable file upload
774 2012-01-14 Bug High RESO GUI 0 State of "Synchronize on start" of "Keep remote directoy up to date" dialog is not preserved
775 2014-06-19 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Custom names for opened sessions
776 2016-01-26 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Preserve workspace
789 2013-08-21 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Take tabs into account when calculating cursor position
816 2019-06-26 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Provide passphrase on command line/in scripting and .NET assembly
817 2022-09-30 Enh High RESO General 0 Write INI file to user's profile, if program path is not writable
818 2014-03-03 Enh High RESO .NET 0 Transfer progress feedback
821 2019-02-22 Enh High RESO General 0 Support for long local paths
822 2012-06-07 Enh High RESO .NET 0 Add Session.CreateDirectory method
823 2012-05-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Double buffered drawing of file panel
827 2012-08-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Keyboard shortcut for internal editor
830 2012-04-03 Enh High RESO .NET 0 Event to accept host key
832 2013-02-03 Enh High RESO Core 0 Do not consider 3xx error code an error for custom remote commands
833 2012-06-07 Enh High RESO .NET 0 Add Session.RenameFile method
834 2013-04-15 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Support controlling transfer resume
842 2013-12-11 Enh High RESO General 0 Make removing BOM on text mode uploads configurable and disabled by default
846 2015-09-01 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Allow scrolling views without focus
850 2012-05-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Windows 7-like address bar
855 2012-10-23 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Add Stored Sessions Manager command
857 2019-03-14 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Do not close the application after the last session closes
858 2014-06-25 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Show total bytes to be transferred on Synchronization checklist
868 2012-10-24 Enh High RESO Core 0 Suggest using "Force IP address for passive mode connections" when connection to server-provided IP address fail
869 2013-12-06 Bug High RESO .NET 0 Failure on 64-bit OS
874 2012-06-29 Enh High RESO General 0 Fallback to Virtual folder when looking for an INI file
875 2019-10-21 Enh High RESO General 0 Allow background transfer operations to use multiple connections
876 2019-09-27 Enh High RESO General 0 Set global configuration options on command-line
878 2012-07-09 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Hangs on Go to line command in an Internal editor on Secondary monitor
883 2023-09-28 Enh High RESO Core 0 Automatically substitute passive transfer channel IP address when misconfigured server suggest unroutable address
892 2018-09-11 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Save command in transfer settings drop down menu
896 2020-02-05 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Reveal stored password
907 2012-11-29 Bug High RESO Core 0 Error connecting over SOCKS proxy with FTP protocol
916 2018-05-18 Enh High RESO Scripting 0 Option to override security check that prevents automatic actions when using URL on command-line
921 2021-03-23 Enh High RESO Core 0 Authentication with TLS/SSL client certificates
929 2014-07-15 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Keyboard shortcut for Filter command
932 2012-10-27 Enh High RESO .NET 0 Allow multiple hostkey/certificate fingerprints
933 2012-10-27 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Incorrect file is renamed when changing remote directory using directory tree while renaming file
939 2012-11-17 Bug High RESO General 0 Failure when reconnecting main session while transferring files in the background
963 2013-12-20 Enh High RESO General 0 Remember Synchronized browsing state with site only when Remember last used directory is enabled
993 2013-05-13 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Simplify overwrite confirmation prompt
996 2022-06-16 Bug High RESO .NET 0 Failure to run WinSCP or open session with .NET assembly after frequent scheduled use
1000 2014-12-12 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Optionally open new sessions in separate window by default
1014 2017-05-05 Enh High RESO General 0 Use UTF-8 for strings (such as password) with SSH protocol
1017 2013-08-13 Bug High RESO Core 0 SSH vulnerability
1019 2014-07-14 Enh High RESO .NET 0 Speed limit in .NET assembly
1022 2013-07-24 Bug High RESO General 0 Incorrect encryption of passwords protected with master password, potentially leading to loss of stored passwords
1031 2013-08-11 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Display overall queue progress when on foreground
1039 2013-08-13 Enh High RESO General 0 Upgrade to PuTTY 0.63
1040 2013-10-24 Enh High RESO General 0 Show total progress for non-recursive transfers even when Calculate total size transfer settings is turned off
1042 2013-10-10 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Upload edited/opened file using another session to the same site, if original session was closed
1047 2013-09-02 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Open update information when clicking update notification balloon
1048 2014-06-19 Enh High RESO General 0 Option to skip total transfer size calculation
1052 2013-09-12 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Failure when manipulating location profiles folders
1053 2013-09-16 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Allow SCP fallback session option is not preserved
1054 2013-09-16 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Allow button selection using Left/Right keys on message boxes with drop down menus
1086 2013-12-20 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Login/Open a site in PuTTY in a new window without closing Login dialog
1095 2014-06-04 Enh High RESO General 0 Move running foreground transfer to background (queue)
1100 2014-02-03 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Clone when double-clicking site without host name specified
1104 2014-01-02 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Duplicate accelerator between &Edit and Download and D&elete commands
1116 2014-02-07 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Optionally open site from jumplist in new instance of WinSCP
1117 2019-09-27 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Command to copy find results to clipboard
1127 2022-10-18 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Bookmark menu/panel/toolbar
1151 2014-10-21 Bug High RESO Core 0 OpenSSL vulnerability CVE-2014-0160
1302 2016-12-26 Enh High RESO GUI 0 Use larger icons on high DPI screens
1337 2018-08-26 Enh High RESO Core 0 Support for long local paths with FTP protocol
1589 2018-01-09 Enh High RESO Core 0 Use SHA-256 host key fingerprints
1637 2020-12-22 Enh High RESO Core 0 Low logging level
1639 2018-06-19 Enh High RESO General 0 Make WinSCP available in Microsoft Store (UWP/AppX package)
1728 2019-03-05 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Reloading file in internal editor can cause unwanted upload of partially reloaded file
1729 2022-02-18 Bug High RESO Core 0 Security fixes from PuTTY 0.71
1730 2019-10-23 Bug High RESO .NET 0 .NET assembly does not have a strong name
1862 2020-04-29 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Failure when starting fresh installation on high DPI displays
1943 2021-01-28 Bug High RESO GUI 0 Prevent loading session settings that can lead to remote code execution from handled URLs
2093 2022-08-31 Bug High RESO Core 0 Failure when starting parallel FTP background transfers
4 2009-08-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Duplicate whole remote path in temporary directory
11 2013-10-16 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Share stored sessions with PuTTY
12 2008-04-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Configurable tab length in internal editor
13 2009-08-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Open all selected files for editing at once
22 2019-10-09 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Private key files in OpenSSH or format can be automatically converted to PuTTY format
24 2010-09-16 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 "Timeout waiting for external console" message
25 2016-06-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Automatic reconnect during any operation
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
38 2016-01-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 High CPU consumption when run with HyperIM
43 2009-08-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Vista icon 256x256
46 2013-09-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Distinguish main question of the message box
50 2014-02-05 Enh Medium RESO General 0 FTP URL handling
51 2023-02-13 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Option to follow or not follow symbolic links
70 2009-05-25 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Share bookmarks between sessions
82 2017-05-03 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Strip byte-order-mark on upload
89 2008-01-08 Enh Medium NEW General 0 Support for secure shell public-key subsystem
91 2018-10-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Simple mode with limited functionality for beginners
93 2013-10-24 Enh Medium RESO General 0 URI for SFTP
101 2009-12-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot synchronize browsing after multiple-hop change
102 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Automatically start selected sessions on startup
105 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Compatibility with FAR 1.80
106 2009-06-11 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Speed limit as parameter of transfer settings (preset)
107 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Speed limit
110 2008-01-09 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Translate MFC resources
114 2008-01-09 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Keyboard shortcut to toggle line wrapping in internal editor
115 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Speed limit for background transfers
116 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Suspend for background transfers
122 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Unify message box button keyboard shorcuts with FAR
124 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Unify session/login dialog with that of FTP plugin
126 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Open session in PuTTY
131 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Crash on drag&drop
140 2009-06-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure on startup with Vista
142 2008-10-31 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Custom command for listing remote directory with SCP protocol
148 2008-02-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Ignore "WinSCP temporary session" when importing sessions from PuTTY
153 2008-04-07 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Overwrite confirmations cannot be suppressed for FTP protocol
154 2018-10-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Window comes to the front with "Activation follows mouse" enabled
156 2008-02-13 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Allow browsing for local custom command
159 2015-12-16 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure while authenticating
160 2014-09-03 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Support for WebDAV protocol
163 2018-11-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Internal context menu for local panel
164 2019-07-21 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Slow file transfers
168 2010-10-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Auto-selection in combo boxes works incorrectly when overwritting selection in middle of input
170 2008-03-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Not possible to match file/directory in root with file mask
171 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Configuring default session settings
173 2008-04-08 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Change default local tunnel port
174 2008-06-23 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Incompatibility with MSVDM
177 2009-03-23 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Remember editor window position/size
181 2008-04-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot drop files from other application on system with multi-byte character set
184 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Keepalive while in editor
186 2011-09-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Auto arranging of WinSCP window by Windows (and other applications) does not work
188 2008-05-07 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Second instance of WinSCP uses tunnel(s) of the first
189 2008-05-02 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Error after finalizing a connection for the first time
191 2008-04-11 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure on loading
193 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Passive FTP mode is not working with IPv6
198 2008-05-15 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Application fails to quit because of stalled check for updates
199 2008-04-11 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure on startup
201 2009-12-18 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Possible alias of ls command is no longer removed with SCP protocol.
206 2008-09-13 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when moving files from remote directory with SCP
209 2018-10-16 Enh Medium RESO General 0 File attribute mask
210 2008-04-18 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Report error code from scripting when file overwriting is denied
212 2008-04-18 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Error when trying to download non-existing file in scripting with FTP
215 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 No icons in file panel
218 2008-04-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Error on opening main window
225 2014-10-30 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Modify synchronization actions in checklist
230 2008-05-07 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Application hangs when change is detected while session is disconnected
234 2012-08-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow setting path to an INI file from GUI
237 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Upon restoring "keep up remote directory to date" from tray, dummy window pops up
242 2023-08-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Selection in file panel does not work on Vista
249 2008-06-11 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Ignore less than 2 seconds timestamp difference when synchronizing
258 2009-05-25 Bug Medium RESO General 0 FAR hangs after uploading file from editor or closing editor
269 2008-07-16 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when skipping error during ls command
270 2018-10-15 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Cannot enter directory without read permissions with FTP
273 2009-10-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Use master password to encrypt passwords in stored sessions
274 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Load list of drives on background
279 2008-07-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Refreshing large remote directory tree may take long time
286 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally show gridlines in file panel
289 2012-07-03 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Taskbar icon shows on all desktops in some multidesktop environments
301 2009-08-08 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 FTP proxy support
314 2009-04-17 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Workaround for GlobalSCAPE server not honoring max packet size limit
322 2018-10-15 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Resolve upgrading dragext with non-priviledged account
325 2015-09-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 UTF-8 support for SCP
327 2024-10-17 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Synchronize on background
338 2010-10-17 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Report operation progress continuously even with noninteractive console
339 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow interruption of operation with single file without interrupting whole batch operation
340 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow remote-recycle bin like functionality in current directory
343 2015-03-06 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for version 6 of SFTP protocol
345 2016-01-26 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Pasting path to remote file is not supported
351 2008-12-31 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Tectia SFTP server corrupts remote file if resumed transfer fails again
357 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Attach opened remote files with reopened session
363 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Transfer of large files with FTP timeout with Application Layer Gateway enabled
369 2009-01-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when showing main window
370 2009-01-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Status bar on log file window always indicates no log file
371 2009-02-07 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Just leaved directory was not focused in file panel when paths as reported by remote server ended with slash
372 2009-02-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Open Session in PuTTY is not working for ad-hoc sessions
373 2009-02-05 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Incorrectly URL-encoded character in session specification may cause the session to be silently ignored
379 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Install 32-bit shell extension on 64-bit machines
380 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow configuration paths relative to installation (.exe) path
387 2009-03-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 No overwrite confirmation when dropping local files to local panel of Commander interface
389 2009-03-14 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Inconsistent sorting by extension between local and remote panel
390 2009-03-05 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when downloading file from non-current directory with FTPS protocol
394 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Remove duplicates synchronization mode
397 2009-03-16 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Limit encoding % in filenames on download
398 2009-04-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When changing directory with FTP failed due to new remote path being different to requested one, respective error message missed to report a cause
399 2011-01-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow dragging files from WinRAR to WinSCP
402 2009-03-20 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Blank lines of command output are not shown in console window
403 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Check if file has changed since loading into editor before saving
406 2009-03-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Last modification date is not shown in local file panel with some rare system date/time formats
407 2009-03-31 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Transfer to temporary file is disabled when transferring file to/from editor
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
417 2018-10-19 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Generation of HTTP URL for selected file
419 2009-04-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Occasional failure when closing commander window
422 2016-09-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Paste command in panels context menu
431 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Menu is not opened properly when opened while window is not activated
433 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure on startup
434 2011-05-13 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Report size of transferred file in XML log
439 2018-10-18 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 "No Disk" error
440 2016-08-05 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Momentum SFTP server has 32 KiB limit for reading/writing
441 2009-07-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when closing session while having log window opened and custom commands toolbar displayed
448 2010-03-08 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Execute local commands in script
449 2009-07-23 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Configured transfer settings are not applied to uploads from editor when editing of more than one file is enabled
450 2009-07-23 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Meaning of UTF-8 encoding for filenames option is reversed for FTP
451 2009-07-25 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Skipped files are shown in progress list on console
452 2009-10-14 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround how Windows treat dots in filenames
470 2009-08-12 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Various errors after calculating directory size
471 2009-08-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Memory leak in drag&drop shell extension
478 2010-02-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Beep once queue is empty
485 2009-09-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Using passive mode is suggested when connection fails even when used already
499 2018-10-18 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Report transfer progress somehow, even when console output is redirected
500 2019-08-01 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Pre- and post- transfer custom commands
501 2014-07-10 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Skip files that cannot be read
511 2012-08-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Disable remote recycle bin, unless user explicitly configures it
516 2016-01-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Windows Vista/7 UAC Interfering with Drag-and-Drop
518 2009-12-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Record path history after changing directory in console window
519 2009-12-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when daylight saving is not properly configured in Windows
530 2022-07-07 Bug Medium NEW General 0 WinSCP detected as trojan/virus
531 2011-09-05 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Setup stalls for a while after language is selected
533 2010-01-10 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Include WinSCP name in balloon notifications
535 2012-08-02 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Control flow in scripting
539 2010-01-20 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Corrupted navigation tree on Preferences dialog
541 2021-03-17 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Be tolerant to FTP servers enclosing path in 257 response to single quotes
548 2010-02-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Increase maximal size of accepted SFTP packet
549 2010-03-03 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Root path is not remembered as last working path on a drive
551 2011-11-06 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Echo command in scripting
552 2015-04-30 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use REST command to resume upload with FTP protocol
553 2013-03-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Notification when file saved in editor is uploaded
558 2010-03-19 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Protocol ftps is ignored in session URL when port number is also specified
562 2010-04-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Suggested session path is duplicated when saving new session
565 2010-04-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP packet counter overflow
570 2010-12-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Prevent file rename when only focusing file panel
571 2010-05-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Sorting by owner/group is broken
573 2011-05-13 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when opening session protected with master password from command-line in console
575 2016-01-26 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Searching text does not work
577 2012-01-05 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Implement new PuTTY option "Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages"
578 2017-12-01 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Implement PuTTY option "Preference order for GSSAPI libraries"
580 2010-07-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hangs when changing directory using directory tree after toggling showing of hidden files
581 2010-07-30 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when running multiple instances of console interface tool in parallel
582 2021-04-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Customizable toolbars
585 2018-10-18 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Current directory cache of background transfer connection is not cleared when directory is modified by another connection with SCP protocol
587 2010-07-24 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when executing custom command and not capturing its output
590 2010-08-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 GSSAPI/Kerberos not working
591 2010-08-27 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Local file timestamp is interpreted incorrectly for synchronization on Windows 7
593 2018-09-12 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Keep temporary copies of remote files after exit
594 2013-07-03 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow changing direction on synchronization checklist
598 2018-10-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Improve synchronization progress reporting
599 2010-09-01 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure on close scripting command
600 2010-09-23 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Missing content on OpenCandy screen
603 2014-02-05 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Edited file is reloaded from active session, not from original session
604 2010-09-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Never try to rename file to the very same name
605 2012-08-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Alt+Up shortcut for opening parent directory
607 2010-09-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Path history is mixed among sessions
608 2010-09-13 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Session closed after operation completes is automatically reconnected
610 2013-09-12 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Rememeber password throughout the session
611 2010-11-23 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Check for application updates hangs
616 2022-10-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Reduce items in Start menu folder
617 2010-10-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Error when refreshing panel content
620 2018-10-03 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Non-recursive synchronization
622 2010-11-24 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when more background transfers finish as the same moment
623 2023-08-25 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Script does not abort after receiving no answer for prompt, when running in batch mode
626 2012-08-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Custom listing command for FTP
629 2010-10-29 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Main window appears in background when prompt for master password appears during authentication
632 2011-01-12 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when logging in ad-hoc session
633 2010-11-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when directory is reloaded while renaming file
634 2010-11-15 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Values with special characters are not exported correctly to PuTTY
635 2018-10-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Avoid triggering bug in OpenSSH when generating too much output
638 2010-12-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Invalid DST handling in the Southern hemisphere
639 2010-12-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Synchronized browsing is not preserved, when restarting application
640 2016-01-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Renaming using mouse does not work on Windows 7
641 2011-02-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Avoid Ctrl+C shortcut
644 2010-12-27 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Quick Launch feature disabled by default on Windows 7
649 2011-05-14 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Log initial connection error in XML log
654 2011-02-02 Bug Medium RESO General 0 It is not possible to skip errors during some operations
658 2011-04-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot connect with FTP over TLS
659 2011-02-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Home directory is incorrect after reconnect with FTP protocol
666 2014-07-14 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 "New and updated files only" option in scripting
667 2013-09-16 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Save configuration on change
671 2013-09-18 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Timestamps of local files are still shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 2008 R2
672 2012-02-29 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Allow selecting files with file mask using modification timestamp
674 2011-04-24 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure on transfer error with SCP protocol
675 2011-04-24 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Invalid timezone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol
677 2011-06-03 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Rollback increase of socket internal buffer size for SSH
678 2011-05-03 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Use new Vista common dialogs when possible
679 2012-03-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot switch to Internal text editor when searching
680 2011-06-27 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when reconnection fails with FTP protocol
682 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Force directories to have zero size
684 2011-05-13 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when uploading file with specific size with FTP protocol
687 2011-05-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Use session colors on stored session list
692 2011-06-01 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Arguments (passwords in particular) passed to PuTTY are not escaped correctly
693 2011-06-01 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Cease to use list -a when returned listing is empty
694 2014-10-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow suspending computer when operation completes
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
695 2011-06-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Special permissions are not preserved correctly in configuration
696 2011-06-09 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Another invalid timezone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol
698 2011-06-27 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when connection closes with FTP protocol
699 2011-06-29 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Hangs when FTP directory listing connection is closed without response to LIST command
700 2018-10-19 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Open file in web browser
702 2017-09-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Slow startup when there are disconnected network drives
703 2011-11-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Pageant authentication not working
705 2011-07-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Notification balloon is displayed after finishing of every queue task
708 2018-10-19 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Improve icon loading
713 2011-08-23 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Translations are not included in setup
714 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Option to treat the FTP timestamps as UTC-based
715 2011-08-18 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Versions of 3rd party components are not updated in translations
716 2011-08-18 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when session is closed unexpectedly in scripting
718 2011-09-14 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Enable Explorer-style file selection with mouse by default in Commander interface
721 2011-09-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot drag&drop files from local file panel
722 2011-09-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Missing application icon
723 2011-09-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Internal editor window is not restored when minimized when editing the already file again
724 2011-09-04 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Missing build.bat from the source code package
725 2011-09-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Windows button on taskbar is not hidden when minimizing to tray
726 2011-09-04 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Open session in PuTTY is not working
727 2011-09-06 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure to store passwords encrypted with master password
728 2011-09-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when cancelling login dialog
729 2011-09-13 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure to locate GetTimeZoneInformationForYear
731 2015-01-09 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error is signaled from script when connection stalls even when it is reconnected
734 2011-09-28 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure to locate GetUserNameEx
735 2018-10-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Configurable delay of synchronization during keep remote directory up to date
739 2011-11-09 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Records of files transferred within subdirectory are written at once, not continuously
740 2012-03-15 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Switch -rawsettings of open command is not working
744 2014-12-18 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse cursor stays "busy" forever after drag&drop operation
745 2012-06-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Main window is not restoring from system tray sometimes
746 2011-11-11 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Silently ignore when local file mask in put command matches no file
747 2011-10-13 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when using an INI file
751 2011-11-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Update in-application license text to GPLv3
753 2011-10-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when changing view style in Explorer interface
757 2018-02-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow cancelling connection attempt
762 2011-11-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Default permissions for new remote directory do not include Execute right
764 2011-11-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Pageant authentication not working on x64
765 2011-11-04 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure on startup when master password is set
770 2011-11-18 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Handle SFTP status packets with missing language tag
771 2011-11-18 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when connection is lost while retrieving file attributes with FTP protocol
772 2012-01-16 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure on reconnects
777 2011-11-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Operation progress is not shown on taskbar button
779 2013-07-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Stored session filter on Login dialog
780 2011-12-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 With FTP, particularly in scripting, files can be uploaded to wrong directory
783 2012-02-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 File list flickers on every focus move on Windows XP with Explorer-style selection disabled
784 2011-12-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot search for +/-/* in filename in file panel by typing
785 2011-12-20 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when cancelling authentication prompt of background transfer
786 2012-02-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Password is not remembered for background transfers and/or PuTTY sessions
790 2012-01-14 Bug Medium RESO General 0 File is uploaded after closing an internal editor even when not changed, but reloaded
792 2012-05-07 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optional full row select in Explorer interface
793 2012-01-26 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot handle less common formats of passive connection data response from FTP server
794 2012-02-16 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure exit code always reported when reading script from standard input
795 2012-02-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot create desktop shortcut for session with special characters in name
796 2012-02-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Progress bar tooltip is not hidden once the progress window disappears
798 2012-02-16 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP file handle is written incorrectly when reading properties of remote file being overwritten
799 2018-10-22 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Editing opened session options
801 2012-02-24 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Fallback to registry storage, when implicit INI file storage was not writable, is not working
803 2012-02-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 When downloading file with SFTP protocol, first open source remote file before deleting original contents of target local file
804 2012-02-25 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Incorrect Base64 encoding in HTTP Basic authentication with FTP protocol
806 2012-02-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot drop files on file panel (unless started and kept in report view)
810 2012-03-07 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When downloading file with SFTP protocol, overwrite confirmation dialog shows cached timestamp of source remote file instead of actual one
811 2012-03-08 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Shut down once operation completes is blocked by confirmation prompt
812 2012-03-29 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Redirected output of console interface lacks CR
813 2012-08-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Main menu does not open when application is not activated
814 2012-03-09 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 does not restore console codepage on exit
819 2012-03-20 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Command lls shows incorrect size for files over 2 GiB
824 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Trim paths
825 2012-08-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow dropping files to session tab
828 2012-04-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Information about dragged files is generated incorrectly
829 2014-06-12 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when reconnect fails
831 2012-04-05 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Wrong window layout with large fonts
836 2012-04-13 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when generating valid local file name from name containing more than one invalid character
837 2012-04-16 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Path label disappears when clicked
840 2012-04-22 Bug Medium RESO General 0 When finding files, all directories are implicitly found
841 2012-04-22 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Cannot not find winscp.exe, when run from network path
843 2012-05-06 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Incorrect timestamp timezone in XML log and .NET assembly
844 2012-04-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Minimized snapped window is not restored to its snapped position
845 2024-11-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Rare incorrect conversion of line endings
847 2012-05-05 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Keepalives cause timeouts with FTP protocol
848 2012-05-06 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Occasional failure while authentication prompt is idle
849 2012-05-14 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Temporary file with XML log is not removed
852 2012-05-20 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Session.FileExists fails with "Recursive calls not allowed"
853 2012-05-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for directory listing with timestamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm with SCP protocol
854 2012-05-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Missing icons in jumplist
859 2017-02-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Some UTF-8 encoded files are incorrectly loaded into an Internal Editor
860 2012-08-03 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Optionally limit reconnect time
861 2014-06-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow filtering of directories
862 2012-05-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Drag & drop to re-order tabs
863 2012-05-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Color icon on session tab
864 2012-05-24 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when changing active session while background transfer queue list is being updated
865 2012-06-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Drag & drop local file to tabs
867 2012-08-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not recycle remote files, unless explicitly enabled
870 2012-06-21 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Postpone upload of modified edited remote file to allow the editor finish saving of the file
871 2012-07-09 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure is not reported when opening of secondary shell session to execute remote command fails
872 2012-06-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hidden files are not dimmed when Name column is not the first one (including the hidden columns)
873 2012-06-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Use name of focused file as initial name for new file
877 2012-06-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Instruction-only authentication prompts are failed, when predefined password was used in prior prompt already
879 2012-07-09 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when connecting to FTPS servers not supporting SSL session resuming
880 2012-07-04 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Make AES preferred encryption cipher again
881 2012-07-09 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for directory listings lacking inode column
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
882 2012-07-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Occasional hang when dialog is opened from an internal editor window
884 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Drag & drop remote file to tabs
886 2012-07-23 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Automatically backup contents of opened internal editors when application is abruptly closed
889 2012-07-31 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot connect to SSH server without storing hostkey fingerprint
890 2012-08-03 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Session.Abort method
891 2012-08-01 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Support for MLSD FTP command was not detected.
893 2014-10-21 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Use previous command in transfer settings drop down menu
894 2012-08-14 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Ad-hoc sessions are added to the jump list
895 2018-10-22 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Remember session color
900 2012-08-23 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Session.ListDirectory does not report fatal errors
901 2012-08-23 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Method to escape file mask
903 2018-10-22 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Find in files
904 2012-08-29 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 External IP address of the server is not used when provided IP address is automatically detected as unroutable
908 2012-09-03 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when opening or closing main window with default configuration
910 2012-09-04 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Include all script console output in session log, including local errors
914 2012-10-30 Bug Medium NEW GUI 0 New instance of WinSCP opens on background
917 2018-10-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Option to reconnect disconnected non-active session, when saving file opened from that session
918 2012-10-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when saving file opened from closed session
922 2012-10-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when FTP server returns "parent" directory is MLSD directory listing
923 2012-10-16 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Treat timestamps in FTP MLSD/MLST results as UTC
924 2012-10-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Invalid executable signature
925 2012-10-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hangs when showing Log windows while logging in
926 2012-11-01 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error retrieving file stats using full path with FTP protocol
927 2013-04-17 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Configurable use of MLSD FTP command
928 2012-10-16 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Background transfer queues are not rearranged with the sessions when changing session tab order
930 2012-10-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Retrieving file stats using non-absolute path may fail with FTP protocol
934 2013-05-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Command on Console windows is not saved to history, when executed using Enter key
935 2014-06-23 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Cannot use .NET assembly from path with special characters (like #)
936 2012-10-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when canceling password prompt with FTP protocol
937 2012-11-02 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Empty directory listing is loaded twice with MLSD
938 2021-07-22 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Add raw session settings for tunnel host key fingerprint
942 2018-02-19 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Configurable path to XML log file for the .NET assembly
943 2012-11-19 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not popup progress window when application is minimized
944 2012-11-25 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Ensure uniqueness of the XML logging path in .NET assembly
945 2013-05-09 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Rename WinSCP .NET assembly to avoid conflicts with winscp.exe
948 2021-07-22 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Session settings TunnelHostKey is not working
949 2012-12-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Session and directory information not shown on tray icon tooltip
951 2012-12-05 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Selecting and filtering files using exclude mask only does not work
952 2013-11-21 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Report an error when reading of local directory fails during operation
953 2014-08-22 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure to open session in scripting from commands line is not reported in exit code
954 2012-12-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Path word-breaking is not working on most dialogs
955 2012-12-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Timeout while wait for user to enter password with FTP protocol
956 2020-11-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Newly created local directory is not opened with synchronized browsing
957 2013-08-02 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Mask out password in open command in logs
959 2013-01-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot change local folder anymore after system-wide change, when local tree is hidden
960 2013-12-06 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure in Session.Open on x64 systems
961 2012-12-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when starting as user without desktop
962 2013-01-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure after system-wide change
964 2013-01-10 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Print transfer progress for small files in bytes
965 2013-01-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Text mode transfers should not be resumed FTP protocol
966 2016-08-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Support opening session in other SSH terminal applications than PuTTY
967 2013-01-24 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Issuer and Subject swapped on Certificate verification prompt
968 2013-02-03 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Traversed subfolders are incorrectly included in find results
970 2013-01-27 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Do not require the .NET assembly to exist in file
971 2013-02-07 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 No error is shown in Internal editor, when file cannot be loaded using selected encoding
972 2013-02-03 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Do not consider 3xx error code an error for post-login FTP commands
973 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally do not wait for local custom command to finish
974 2013-02-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Wrong color indicator on session tab when session was not switched by clicking on the tab
975 2013-02-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when auto remote directory refresh was triggered during operation initiated by drag&drop
976 2013-08-14 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for FTP servers that do not acknowledge file transfer
977 2013-02-10 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Wrong timezone offset is applied with FTP protocol
978 2013-02-12 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Wrong timestamp conversion with FTP protocol
980 2013-02-18 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Error in .NET assembly when temporary path contains exclamation mark
981 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Save As command in internal text editor
982 2013-03-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when server does not acknowledge file upload with FTP protocol
983 2013-03-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when creating local directory
984 2021-03-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Improve incremental search for sites
986 2013-03-27 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 F5 shortcut to reload file in internal editor
987 2013-03-27 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Add larger values to initial offer of speed limits
988 2013-04-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Taskbar button does not flash when message pops up while WinSCP is on background
989 2013-04-16 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Custom command pattern !/ has incorrect value when executed on existing secondary shell session just after directory change
990 2013-04-14 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Wrong background of path labels with disabled themes
991 2017-06-01 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Cancel transfer in .NET assembly
992 2013-04-16 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Calculate hot track color of path label to be in contrast with background
994 2013-04-23 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Cannot import FileZilla sites in folders
995 2013-04-23 Bug Medium RESO General 0 FileZilla site logon type is not imported
997 2013-04-27 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled
998 2013-05-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when using mouse wheel with mouse cursor outside of WinSCP window
999 2016-08-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload
1001 2023-09-28 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 IP address range 172.16–172.31 is not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode
1002 2013-05-07 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Opening session in PuTTY does not work
1004 2013-05-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window
1005 2013-05-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when reading file into internal editor
1006 2014-09-03 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Configurable registry key for exporting sessions to PuTTY(-like) clients
1007 2013-07-29 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Suppress critical error popups
1008 2013-05-30 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when disposing Session
1009 2013-06-01 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when pressing Shift key in console prompt with
1010 2018-04-24 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Script/.NET assembly code recording
1011 2018-10-23 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow empty password in session URL
1012 2013-07-04 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure to open session with .NET assembly after frequent scheduled use
1013 2013-07-05 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Constant CPU usage when queue is empty
1015 2013-07-07 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Option "Support for listing if hidden files" is not working
1016 2014-01-14 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 64-bit version of WinSCP .NET Assembly
1018 2014-06-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow filtering subdirectories
1020 2016-06-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Port pattern for custom commands and terminal client path
1021 2013-09-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Redundant reading of directory contents before file download when MLSD is in use
1023 2013-07-29 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Preventing of and more robust handling for inconsistently encrypted passwords
1025 2013-07-31 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Do not allow search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters
1029 2013-09-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Automatically save opened workspace
1030 2013-08-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Pending queued transfers are omitted from queue status display on taskbar button
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1032 2013-08-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command recurd code fails with SCP protocol
1033 2013-08-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when using context menu of disconnected session tab
1034 2014-02-03 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Re-introduce hostname prompt
1035 2013-08-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Ctrl+W shortcut for closing tab (session)
1036 2013-08-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when right-clicking empty area on site tree
1037 2013-09-16 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when opening the first session with "Automatically open new session in PuTTY" enabled
1038 2019-11-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Login dialog gets corrupted when changing language on systems with Windows XP style font scaling enabled
1043 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Site description
1044 2013-08-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Connection gets silently aborted when TLS/SSL certificate uses ASN.1 GeneralizedTime format
1045 2013-08-27 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 WinSCP child process is not terminated when process using WinSCP .NET assembly crashes
1046 2013-09-11 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure while (or after) creating directory during synchronized browsing
1049 2013-09-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Align file information on Overwrite confirmation dialog
1050 2013-10-21 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not allow operations on focused-only file, when focus is not visible (panel does not have focus)
1051 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Add Alternative Edit submenu to File context menu
1055 2013-09-11 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Reduce chance of collision in .NET assembly session instance name in multi-threaded applications
1056 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Option to mass clean completed transfers from transfer queue list
1058 2013-09-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Up to one second delay for transfer of every file with FTP over TLS/SSL
1059 2024-11-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Rare incorrect conversion of line endings
1060 2013-09-18 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Timestamps of local files are not shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 2008 R2
1062 2014-01-10 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support UTF-8 encoded characters in session URL
1063 2015-02-26 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Verify TLS/SSL certificates against system Trusted Root Certification Authorities
1064 2013-09-26 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Tolerate invalid local file timestamps
1065 2013-09-26 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when excessive session timeout or keepalive interval is configured
1066 2014-02-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor
1067 2013-10-04 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Diffie-Hellman group exchange with SHA-256
1068 2013-10-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when downloading empty file/directory using FTPS via proxy
1069 2014-08-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow opening modified site without saving it again
1070 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Search sites also by Hostname and Username
1071 2013-10-21 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Local custom commands working with both local and remote files were disabled when file in passive panel was focused only (not selected)
1072 2014-02-03 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use UTF-8 for strings (such as file names) with SFTP protocol by default even for version 3 and lower
1073 2013-10-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Size of externally removed local selected files is detracted twice from total file size of selected files shown on status bar
1074 2016-04-08 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for FTP servers with Windows-like paths
1076 2013-11-13 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when connecting through SSH tunnel
1077 2013-11-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure on start when any site has proxy or tunnel password protected with master password
1078 2013-11-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure during some operations in FTP over TLS/SSL session
1079 2013-11-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Keyboard shortcut to open site in PuTTY on Login dialog
1080 2013-11-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when selecting SSH private key
1081 2013-11-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not add UTF-8 BOM to files edited in an Internal editor
1082 2013-11-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Time-based SSH key re-exchange does not work
1083 2014-03-10 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Passwords are lost when any raw session settings is specified in scripting or command-line
1084 2024-05-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support FTP servers that require TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection before responding 1yz to STOR/APPE
1085 2018-04-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Prompt before loading huge files into internal editor
1087 2013-11-19 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Show system error message when changing local working directory fails in scripting
1089 2013-11-21 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 List new/empty site folders on Save session as site dialog
1090 2013-11-21 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 It is not possible to skip error listing local directory during operation
1091 2016-09-30 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Occasional RSA public key authentication failure
1092 2013-11-25 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 FTPS upload over proxy truncates files
1093 2016-05-20 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Detect symbolic link loops when finding files
1094 2013-12-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Stray folders on initially inactive page of Location profiles dialog.
1096 2014-03-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Removing BOM on text mode FTP uploads was unconditional
1097 2013-12-29 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Swapped local and remote Root directory command buttons
1098 2013-12-31 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 When externally opening additional session in existing instance of WinSCP, bring its window to front
1099 2014-02-07 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally open additional sessions in new instance
1101 2013-12-29 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Progress window is not shown for custom command launching long-lasting external process
1102 2014-01-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Select tab to the right after closing tab
1103 2013-12-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Drag&Drop menu on local panel loses focus when a change is detected in local drive
1105 2014-01-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 When saving cloned site, offer folder and name (with unique suffix) of original site
1106 2014-01-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Explicit keyboard shortcut Alt+A for Save As command on Login dialog
1107 2016-01-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Temporarily suspend countdown when moving mouse over message box with "timeout" button
1108 2014-01-21 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Invalid decoding of session URL with sequence of encoded characters that includes + or % encoded character on second or later place in the sequence
1110 2014-01-21 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Compare directory criterions do not save
1111 2014-01-22 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Automatically replace forbidden slash in name of site imported from FileZilla
1112 2014-02-27 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Prompt to import sites is not skipped during silent install
1114 2014-02-03 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Transfer settings speed limit does not apply
1115 2014-02-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Clone site without hostname when Enter is pressed
1118 2014-02-07 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Error on every even opening/editing of remote file while having New and updated files only option set as default
1119 2014-02-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor above or to the left of primary monitor
1120 2018-04-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Warn when trying to edit large files in an internal editor
1121 2014-02-09 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Preventing Message too long to send to external console error
1122 2014-02-10 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 In countries that changed timezone, file times before the change were set wrong for downloaded files
1123 2014-02-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Revert to JEDEC size units instead of IEC units
1124 2014-12-19 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Display file sizes in panels always in KB's by default
1125 2014-02-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Apply file panel size format to Transferred indicator on queue list
1128 2014-03-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Incorrect handling of remote files ending with dot with FTP protocol
1129 2014-02-28 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Speed limit of waiting background transfer shows incorrect value and cannot be changed
1130 2014-06-20 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Selecting private key file with space in path yields error message when submitting Advanced Site Settings dialog
1131 2014-03-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 When listing local files during operation fails, include path into error message
1132 2014-03-03 Enh Medium RESO General 0 When collecting synchronization list for directory fails, allow skipping an error and continuing
1133 2018-10-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Close session tab on middle mouse click
1134 2014-03-03 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 .NET assembly Session.FileTransferProgress is not included in COM event sink
1135 2014-03-05 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Translate common Linux-PAM keyboard-interactive "Password:" prompt
1136 2015-02-10 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Session.SynchronizeDirectories cannot be called via IDispatch
1137 2014-04-03 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Detect and report that session is closed unexpectedly instead of reporting XML log reading error
1139 2014-07-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Make session option Chokes on WinSCP's SSH-2 'winadj' requests configurable
1141 2014-03-11 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Increase local SSH send buffer to improve performance
1142 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Log transfered file size in XML log and provide API to access it in .NET assembly
1143 2014-03-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Main menu accelerators are not working
1144 2014-03-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Scaled-down version of 32x32 icon is used in task bar notification area instead of 16x16 icon
1145 2016-10-11 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 NuGet package
1146 2014-03-15 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Occasional failure when run from Session 0
1147 2014-07-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Command to auto-detect proxy for session settings
1148 2014-03-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Directory reading progress is not shown on taskbar button
1149 2014-03-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Indicate when reading directory with SFTP protocol takes long because of resolving symbolic links
1150 2014-04-08 Enh Medium RESO Setup 0 Explain that application restart is needed to replace Drag&drop shell extension
1152 2014-04-10 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Server hostname is not verified against certificate common name (or subject alternative name)
1154 2014-04-14 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Alternate delete on Shift-Click on Delete command in file context menu
1155 2014-04-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Show inaccessible directories option was incorrectly hiding folders from root
1156 2014-08-25 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Alternative to SessionOptions.Timeout that can be used from COM hosts not supporting 64-bit integers (such as VBA)
1157 2014-06-10 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Support for size and time constraints in wildcard parameter of ls command
1158 2014-08-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Sorting by type is not consistent between local and remote panel
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1159 2014-04-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Passphrase prompt is missing an option to remember it for a duration of a session
1160 2014-04-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 During command-line operation, hidden main window is incorrectly shown when restoring application from tray
1161 2014-04-23 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after passive panel directory reload
1162 2014-04-22 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 SynchronizationCriteria.None and SynchronizationCriteria.Either are not working
1163 2015-07-23 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Incremental site search is case sensitive when search text includes any capital letter
1164 2014-05-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Support file mask for remote move operation
1165 2018-10-22 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Remember last working directories in workspace
1166 2014-12-19 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support FTP HOST command (RFC 7151)
1167 2014-04-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support OS.unix=symlink designation of symbolic links in MLSD listing
1169 2017-12-28 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not indefinitely retry transfer with FTP protocol when opening transfer channel is failing
1170 2015-03-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow moving ongoing foreground transfer to background transfer queue
1171 2014-05-10 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Invalid proxy autodetection when system Internet Option "Use the same proxy for all protocols" is turned off
1172 2014-11-18 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Optionally fail command when file mask matches no files
1173 2014-07-24 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Limit reconnect time in scripting batch mode
1174 2014-05-23 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Offer saving a site when leaving site editor
1175 2014-05-23 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Offer saving site when closing Login dialog while editing
1176 2016-01-18 Bug Medium RESO Internal 0 When remembering session password is enabled, stored password is used twice, even for two distinct consecutive keyboard-interactive prompts
1177 2014-05-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 FTP proxy session setting is not logged
1178 2014-05-23 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when current local directory is deleted while no session is opened
1179 2014-05-28 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Connection attempt could not be canceled
1180 2014-06-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Tree of current directory on network drive is not refreshed
1181 2014-07-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Make "Use MLSD command for directory listing" affect also use of MLST command
1182 2014-06-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Use an actual file name on remote transfer dialogs instead of *.* when transferring a single file only
1183 2019-04-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Rename session tab
1184 2014-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for ProFTPD bug in SFTP space-available packet
1185 2014-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use Reverses Order of Symlink Command Arguments workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp
1186 2014-07-10 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Meaningful error message when host key does not match fingerprint specified on command line, in script or .NET assembly
1187 2014-07-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when opening SCP session
1188 2018-01-30 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation
1189 2014-07-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Allow stored sites, including their names and initial directories, to preserve Unicode characters
1190 2014-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support
1191 2014-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for Bitvise WinSSHD lack of SFTP extensions announcement
1192 2014-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for OpenSSH extension for creating hardlinks
1193 2014-07-17 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for FTP servers that do not enclose path in response to PWD command in quotes
1194 2014-07-21 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Modified edited/opened remote files are incorrectly uploaded using an active session, instead of their original session
1195 2014-07-29 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Not possible to select/enter file name with Unicode characters in filename input boxes
1196 2014-07-29 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support Unicode characters in private key file path
1197 2014-07-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Wrong "Timeout detected" message when FTP control connection is closed while transferring a file
1198 2014-07-30 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Show error details when logging to a file fails
1199 2014-09-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot retrieve file from root folder of FTP server
1200 2014-08-05 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse cursor of file panel/directory tree splitter is not adjusted when "Show directory tree left of file list" preference option is enabled
1202 2014-08-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Display progress window earlier when transfer start is taking long with SFTP protocol
1203 2014-08-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Round file sizes up
1204 2014-11-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Round file sizes up
1206 2014-08-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hint for making tree sizes equal is not generic enough to cover "Tree on left" option
1208 2015-01-08 Enh Medium RESO General 0 When FTP MLSD listing does not include Unix.mode fact, present at least a Perm fact if available
1209 2015-12-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use MDTM/SIZE to retrieve remote file properties/check for remote file existence when the server does not support MLST
1210 2014-08-22 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported
1211 2014-08-28 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not consider directory name "extension" when sorting file panel by file type
1212 2018-11-01 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Autodetect when SFTP server does not use UTF-8 encoding with SFTP-3 and older
1213 2019-08-18 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Configurable WebDAV root path in .NET assembly
1214 2014-12-02 Bug Medium RESO General 0 On the first authentication failure, message "Access without password denied", even when password was actually used
1215 2014-09-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when starting in a restricted environment
1216 2014-09-10 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When any default settings are saved, logged source of ad-hoc sites is wrongly identified as modified site
1217 2018-06-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Try to use cp -T when duplicating remote files
1218 2015-09-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when error occurs while working with local files
1219 2014-10-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Enable Import Sites command even when no site is found and show reason later
1220 2015-04-17 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Optimize startup time
1221 2018-08-29 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Improve compatibility with antiquated FTP servers, like IIS
1222 2014-10-01 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting
1223 2014-11-21 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Timestamp variable in scripting
1224 2014-10-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Folder with the same name as previous working folder is selected even when entering other than parent folder
1225 2014-10-24 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Allow retrieving command exit code from Session.ExecuteCommand
1226 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Add Open With menu to file panel context menu
1227 2018-10-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Add New (File/Directory) menu to local panel context menu
1228 2014-10-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hidden columns, including otherwise not-displayable internal column Ext, are shown when Ctrl-+ shortcut is used
1229 2014-10-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot rename directory on WebDAV servers that insist on source path ending with slash
1230 2017-09-15 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Use SecureString to provide password in .NET assembly
1231 2014-10-24 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Allow accessing RemoteFileInfo length via IDispatch on 32-bit systems
1232 2014-10-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 More tolerance to invalid modification time format with WebDAV protocol
1233 2024-09-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally do not honor system NoDrives policy
1234 2014-10-30 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Session cannot be opened when Session.AddRawSettings is used
1235 2014-11-14 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when connecting to WebDAV server not supporting persistent connections
1236 2019-09-27 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Mass modification of sites
1237 2020-06-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Improve GUI responsiveness
1238 2019-01-04 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 The last file upload before creating a remote directory is not reported with .NET assembly
1239 2014-11-13 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Use default transfer mode for edited files, except when using Notepad
1240 2014-11-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Progress bar not appearing on task bar when main window is not visible
1241 2014-11-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when saving file edited in an external editor while opening another session
1242 2014-12-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Checksum support for FTP
1243 2014-11-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when copying multiple files checksum results to clipboard
1244 2014-11-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Large sizes are displayed incorrectly
1245 2014-12-19 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Access file ownership in .NET assembly
1246 2015-01-05 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 File checksum calculation in scripting and .NET assembly
1248 2014-11-24 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Query home path in .NET assembly
1249 2014-12-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot upload file to directory when FTP server returns 4xx/5xx response to directory listing request after allowing (typically empty) listing transfer
1250 2014-11-28 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Reason not given when FTP upload fails because local file attributes cannot be retrieved
1251 2014-11-28 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 FTP upload fails when volume information for local drive cannot be retrieved
1252 2014-12-02 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Invalid stored FTP password was tried indefinitely in a loop
1253 2015-01-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when dropping files to an external application via a temporary directory with an automatic refresh of a remote directory enabled
1254 2014-12-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Display hint when F5 keyboard shortcut is used for the first time on Commander interface
1255 2014-12-11 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support IIS WebDAV Translate header to allow downloading source files and files with unknown MIME type
1256 2015-01-28 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Command could be invoked using keyboard shortcut in the middle of reloading directory
1257 2014-12-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Pasting permissions when Octal box has focus does not update the box itself
1258 2014-12-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse cursor is hidden when hovering over progress window during download via temporary directory
1259 2014-12-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Location profile folders are duplicated
1260 2018-10-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Never doing transfer via temporary file when overwriting a file known to be owned by another user
1261 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Configurable active mode transfer port range
1262 2015-01-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Never automatically refresh a file panel while menu is opened or file is being dragged
1263 2015-01-28 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Command could be invoked while keeping session up to date
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1264 2015-01-09 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure in scripting one some rare prompts
1265 2015-01-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when file panel autorefresh is triggered while directory is being read
1266 2015-01-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Could not connect to FTP server over a proxy with "Force IP address for passive mode connections" set to On
1267 2015-01-21 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Request FTP directory listing field usings OPTS MLST, if the server does not provide all needed fields by default
1268 2015-01-21 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 After several unsuccessful reconnects a resumed FTP file download starts from an initial remote folder, instead of correct source folder
1269 2015-01-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 When sorting local files modified at the same time by modification time, sort direction is not considered when falling back to sorting by filename
1271 2015-01-28 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure during WebDAV upload over proxy, when authentication fails
1272 2020-10-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Command could be invoked in the middle of creating directory or navigating
1273 2015-01-29 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Increase size of connection receiving buffer
1274 2015-01-29 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not use drag images
1275 2015-02-10 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Allow empty password in .NET assembly
1276 2015-02-10 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when running in a restricted environment
1277 2016-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Do not log value of -passphrase switch of open command
1278 2015-02-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Order of sessions in workspace with more than 10 sessions is not preserved
1279 2015-12-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Moving Download/Upload and Delete command to Download/Upload submenu
1280 2015-12-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Add Upload/Download in Background commands to respective submenus
1281 2016-09-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Drag & drop files to Queue list
1282 2015-04-08 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Warn when transferring multiple files to same name
1283 2015-03-10 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Escaped dot in file mask is still considered as extension separator
1284 2015-02-26 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 It is not possible to configure certificate accepting with WebDAV protocol in .NET assembly
1285 2015-02-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Hint user about possible reasons of SFTP code 4 error
1286 2015-12-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Command to select all files with the same extension
1287 2015-10-27 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Not re-reading XML log when end of the file is reached to optimize performance
1288 2015-03-02 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 User and group name is not decoded properly from UTF-8 encoding with SFTP version 3 and older
1289 2022-05-24 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for ProFTPD mod_sftp bug in SSH_FXP_REALPATH handling with SFTP version 6
1290 2015-03-09 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Overwrite confirmation prompt displays name of source file instead of target file, when file name changes, with SFTP, SCP and WebDAV protocols
1291 2015-03-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow cancelling whole synchronization process
1292 2015-04-30 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use FTP command SIZE in binary mode
1294 2017-05-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 When local custom command is applied to a remote folder, it is unconditionally uploaded back after the command finishes
1295 2015-07-28 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Optimize SFTP transfers on high latency connections
1296 2015-03-23 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Simplify skipping of transfer size calculation
1297 2015-03-26 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Fail gracefully when internal command generated by WinSCP .NET assembly is too long
1298 2015-03-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Display parent directory in file panel even if the server does not include it in directory listing
1299 2015-03-26 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when "downloading and deleting" an empty remote directory with .NET assembly
1300 2015-03-26 Bug Medium RESO General 0 When overwriting configuration export, new configuration is appended, instead of replacing the previous export
1301 2015-03-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When listing WebDAV directory using relative path, the listing includes a reference to the directory itself
1303 2015-12-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Keyboard shortcut to focus address bar in Explorer interface
1304 2015-03-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when pressing help icon while no control has focus
1305 2016-08-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Handle ssh:// URLs and open them in PuTTY
1306 2015-04-01 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP/SCP transfers occasionally time out
1308 2015-04-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Incorrect encoding of SSH_FXP_REALPATH
1309 2015-04-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Controls occasionally do not align correctly after restoring maximized window from minimization
1310 2016-09-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Enable IPv6 with FTP by default
1311 2015-04-17 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Embedded session is not opened
1312 2015-12-18 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Optionally trim VMS version numbers from filenames during transfer
1313 2015-04-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SCP session breaks when an output includes a null character
1314 2015-05-05 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Error retrieving file attributes with FTP protocol when the path is given with trailing slash
1315 2016-01-05 Enh Medium RESO General 0 WebDAV file locking
1316 2015-06-24 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for owncloud WebDAV header X-OC-MTime
1318 2015-04-24 Bug Medium RESO General 0 File mask with size constraint over 4 GB does not work
1319 2015-04-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 When dragging files from local panel to local tree, status bar is not updated
1320 2020-09-14 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Local directory tree does not show newly created folder
1321 2015-05-12 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP transfer fail occasionally
1322 2015-04-28 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Reload site list when opening Login dialog to open additional session
1323 2015-04-29 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when HTTPS WebDAV URL redirects to HTTP
1324 2015-04-29 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 During file transfers on FTP servers that do not support MLSD command, file details are not provided on overwrite confirmation prompt and transfer progress is not shown correctly
1325 2017-09-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally determine local file icon by extension only
1326 2015-12-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Configurable internal editor font color and default background color
1327 2015-12-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Save All function in Internal editor
1328 2018-10-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Recognize UTF-8 encoded localized month names in FTP LIST command results
1329 2015-05-22 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not use directory include masks recursively when finding files
1330 2015-05-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Relative path of find results is shown incorrectly when finding from root folder
1331 2016-01-06 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Command-line interface for converting and editing private keys
1332 2015-06-06 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 WinSCP .NET assembly fails in impersonated IIS environment
1333 2015-06-03 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when switching sessions with session log window opened
1334 2016-06-15 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Supporting impersonated IIS environment with .NET assembly
1335 2015-06-12 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Reference to parent WebDAV directory shows incorrectly when a name of the current folder includes special characters
1336 2015-06-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 History of some inputs is not saved
1338 2015-08-05 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for Cerberus SFTP server incorrectly indicating end of directory listing
1339 2015-06-19 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure or timeout when Execute button on Console window was clicked while another command was executing already
1340 2015-07-03 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Switches do not work with aliases to scripting commands
1341 2015-07-09 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Failure when trying to manipulate files in nonexisting directory in "batch continue" scripting mode
1342 2015-08-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When timezone difference is autodetected with legacy FTP server, timestamp precision is not taken into account when comparing timestamps (e.g. for synchronization)
1343 2015-07-10 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 It is not possible to configure Timezone offset for SCP protocol.
1344 2017-11-21 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Mask out passwords when logging command-line
1345 2015-09-24 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support the RFC 4419 revision to Diffie-Hellman group exchange
1346 2015-12-18 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Session name pattern for custom commands and terminal client path
1347 2015-07-22 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Reset 10 seconds input timeout every time a key is pressed in scripting batch mode
1348 2016-01-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Incremental site search can be restricted to the beginning of site name only or expended to other site fields
1349 2015-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Prompt for username even with GSSAPI authentication enabled
1350 2015-08-07 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for ProFTPD using cdir type in MLST response when retrieving listing for a current working directory
1351 2016-12-23 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Insert -load argument of PuTTY before custom user arguments
1352 2018-11-08 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Support for long local paths when deleting local file
1353 2015-09-01 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when spinning a mouse wheel over a Find/Replace dialogs of Internal editor
1354 2015-09-04 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use printenv instead of echo to obtain value of LANG environment variable
1355 2023-02-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Problems when uploading files from symlinked location (such as deduplicated drive)
1356 2016-09-29 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Method to list all files in remote directory tree recursively
1357 2015-09-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Perform TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection immediately when connected to Idea FTP server
1358 2022-02-02 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Resume and Append in .NET assembly
1359 2015-09-16 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Explain that certificate cannot be verified against hostname if IP address is used to connect to the server
1360 2015-09-16 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Workaround for FTP servers that incorrectly use RFC 2228-style response to MLST command
1361 2015-10-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when dropping files from application that fails to provide CF_HDROP
1362 2015-09-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Recognize WebDAV folder by trailing slash in its path, if the server does not provide DAV:collection tag
1363 2015-09-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when Windows session is closing while no session is connected
1364 2015-10-13 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Cannot download root folder from an FTP server that does not support MLSD or SIZE and MDTM commands
1365 2015-10-13 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when SFTP server responds to upload (write) requests out of order
1366 2015-10-19 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 File timestamps are incorrectly adjusted for autodetected positive timezone difference
1367 2015-10-27 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Limit Session.Output size not to waste memory with large sessions
1368 2015-11-05 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Sites recently created in an another instance (or externally) could not be opened in the existing instance
1369 2017-02-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure or broken synchronized browsing when changing directory while another command was executing already
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1370 2015-11-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Show a command of a custom command in status bar
1371 2018-12-21 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Synchronization preview in .NET assembly
1372 2015-12-03 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Increase length limit of site note
1373 2018-09-18 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Name a session on command-line
1374 2015-12-08 Bug Medium RESO General 0 URL is generated incorrectly for a file with a space in a path
1375 2015-12-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Disambiguate commands in Once Done/Empty menus
1376 2015-12-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when a local drive is removed
1377 2015-12-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when using "Close all windows" taskbar function with opened and active internal editor
1378 2015-12-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when the current local directory is deleted while session is disconnected and synchronized browsing is enabled
1379 2015-12-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when Progress window closes (transfer finishes) while "Once done" drop down menu is opened
1380 2016-02-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Correct DST adjustments of FTP timestamps by IIS FTP server
1381 2016-01-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Timeout when uploading to FTP over TLS and proxy when the FTP server responds with 1xy before proxy connection is processed
1382 2016-01-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when displaying hint on color menu
1383 2016-01-03 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when transferring files from command-line
1384 2016-01-03 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Wrong background color of some progress windows parts when system themes are disabled
1385 2016-01-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when displaying hint on floating toolbar
1386 2016-01-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Prolonging countdown only after mouse moves substantially over message box with "timeout" button
1387 2016-01-04 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when connecting using FTP with empty password
1388 2016-01-20 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support DER encoded binary certificates
1389 2016-01-07 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 File masks with time constraints do not work with remote WebDAV files
1390 2024-04-16 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for ECDSA keys
1391 2016-01-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Make it obvious that a path to log file in generated code needs to be set to a real writable path
1392 2016-01-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Error when accessing a local directory junction on Windows XP/2003
1393 2018-10-31 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Close button on session tab
1394 2016-04-08 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 API to scan server's hostkey or certificate fingerprint
1395 2019-04-09 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 When FTP server does not provide precise timestamp, but the timestamp otherwise matches timestamp of the last uploaded version of the file, using precise timestamp of the uploaded version instead
1396 2016-01-27 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Local custom commands for local files
1397 2016-05-05 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication is endlessly retried with WebDAV protocol
1398 2016-02-17 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Installation fails when there is no user Start menu
1399 2016-02-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Prevent interruption of file renaming by automatic operations (such as an automatic remote panel refresh)
1400 2024-07-09 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Compatibility with FTP servers whose path does not start with a slash (such as IBM VMS or MVS)
1401 2021-02-03 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support for FTP directory listings with name only
1402 2016-02-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Verify TLS certificate against cached fingerprints before Windows certificate store
1403 2022-06-07 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not list remote directory when uploading file using FTP protocol with overwrite confirmations off
1404 2016-03-10 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Return error exit code (1) when user aborts the script
1405 2016-03-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP/SCP sessions cannot be connected to over proxy
1406 2016-03-10 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Log that user aborted the script in XML log
1407 2016-03-10 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Open session tab context menu after mouse button is released only
1408 2016-03-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Link background confirmations options from the generic options
1409 2016-03-16 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Remember a password for a duration of a session by default
1410 2016-03-14 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Option to preserve directory timestamps is not enabled for synchronization
1411 2016-03-29 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Consider port number for site-specific caches and bookmarks
1412 2016-03-30 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when Session.MoveFile source file is not existing and its name has file mask-like syntax
1414 2016-04-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 In rare cases a Download and Delete operation might have been incorrectly used instead of Download when dropping files to Windows Explorer with drag&drop shell extension enabled
1415 2016-04-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when system-wide settings change while panel is being reloaded
1416 2016-04-08 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Ignore blank lines in "ls" command output
1417 2016-04-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 When user profile is stored on UNC path and the first drive is hidden, local panel starts empty
1418 2016-05-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when disconnecting the last drive while the previous drive is not ready
1420 2016-04-29 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication not working
1421 2016-12-29 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 WinSCP .NET assembly cannot find WinSCP executable in its installation folder nor the default installation folder when used in 64-bit process
1422 2016-04-28 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Use seconds in *nix-like LIST FTP listing, if the server provides them
1424 2016-05-06 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Autodetected timezone difference for servers not supporting MLST command was not taken into account for time on overwrite confirmation dialog
1425 2016-05-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when dragging a symlink to a directory between sessions
1426 2018-10-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Touchpad gestures not working on some machines
1427 2016-05-18 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 With synchronized browsing on, the Home Directory command opens home directory in both panels
1428 2016-05-31 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when SCP server fatally fails while uploading file
1429 2016-05-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when reloading edited file while it's being reloaded already
1430 2016-05-31 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Start PuTTY with its executable directory as a working directory to allow relative private key paths in PuTTY's stored sessions
1431 2018-10-25 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Autodetect FTP server timezone difference before file transfer, if it was not detected yet
1432 2018-10-25 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Allow authentication with an empty password in scripting
1433 2016-07-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure due to a disconnected session being left behind after opening a secondary shell session fails
1434 2016-08-05 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 GSSAPI authentication is not working in tunneled session
1435 2016-07-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when user's Documents folder cannot be loaded on start
1436 2016-08-12 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Some scripting commands or command-line switches were not recognized on some locales (like Welsh) when used or defined with a mixed case (like /XmlLog vs. /xmllog)
1437 2016-08-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Opening several files in editor at once using their paths
1438 2024-09-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 When a passive file panel is focused after reload, the panel is scrolled to show the previously focused file, what can cause unintended behavior
1439 2016-08-04 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 When the current console font (e.g. raster) does not support Unicode, some console output might be lost
1440 2016-08-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Implement "Beep when work finishes" also for "Keep remote directory up to date"
1441 2016-08-12 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Tunnel should inherit SSH options from the main session
1442 2023-08-08 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Certificate validation fails on Windows Vista and older
1443 2016-08-05 Bug Medium RESO General 0 The -pw argument is added to PuTTY command-line, even when !P pattern is used
1444 2016-08-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Custom sound for "Beep when work finishes"
1445 2016-08-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when executing local shortcut pointing to UNC directory
1446 2016-08-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Ordering of columns that are invisible by default is not preserved
1447 2016-08-11 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 UTF-16 script files cannot be loaded
1448 2016-08-12 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Handle directory listing entries with question marks
1449 2016-08-12 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Long (or multiline) authentication prompts are truncated
1450 2016-10-05 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure during WebDAV SSPI authentication
1451 2016-09-01 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Directory listing lacks attributes on MVS systems
1452 2016-08-30 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Do not show password in full open command syntax suggestion
1454 2016-09-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Error opening data connection over proxy server when the server supports EPSV command
1455 2017-01-04 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Move main window with Login dialog
1456 2016-09-16 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Expand patterns in default value of extension options
1457 2016-09-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Downloads by drag&drop were randomly defaulted to background queue
1458 2017-06-21 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 When upgrading the drag&drop shell extension, silently postpone replacement until the next system restart, unless the new extension is incompatible
1459 2023-09-27 Enh Medium RESO General 0 DLL hijacking protection
1460 2018-11-29 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Skip loading icons from .exe (and similar) files when it takes too long
1461 2020-02-27 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Support for non-ASCII passphrases to client certificate files
1462 2017-03-18 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when moving "Download and Delete" operation to background
1463 2020-04-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Wrong layout of Login dialog on monitors with low vertical resolution
1464 2016-09-30 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Session instance could not be reused for multiple ScanFingerprint calls
1465 2017-06-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support Microsoft Passport authentication to allow WebDAV access to Microsoft OneDrive
1466 2016-10-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Increase length limit for custom command and console
1467 2016-10-05 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow tabs instead of spaces in extension file
1468 2016-10-06 Enh Medium RESO General 0 If there is only a single private key configured in FileZilla, import it with session
1469 2016-10-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Handle Ctrl+Backspace in path edit boxes to delete the word before cursor
1470 2017-06-01 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Add Side property to TransferEventArgs
1471 2016-10-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow controlling progress windows using keyboard
1472 2017-05-31 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Configurable "Logical name of remote host"
1473 2018-04-12 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Operations with found files
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1475 2016-10-17 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Mask out password in .NET assembly output log
1476 2016-10-24 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not popup Authentication window when reconnecting while the application is minimized
1477 2023-03-10 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Add "New > File" command to the toolbar
1478 2017-07-14 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Open filter dialog when clicking the current filter in the path display
1479 2024-01-04 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Handle dav:// URL
1480 2016-11-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow downloading file using URL even when listing its source directory is not possible
1481 2016-11-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support user/group names in MLSD/MLST responses
1482 2017-02-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Use WinSCP site name for PuTTY window title
1483 2016-11-25 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when logging fails for background session or during log in
1484 2016-11-25 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when pressing Calculate button on Properties dialog, while another calculation is already in progress
1485 2016-11-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Do not update last access time of uploaded files with SFTP protocol to avoid problems with servers that do not support it
1486 2016-11-28 Enh Medium RESO General 0 When handling WebDAV file URL, use a display name for target local file
1487 2016-12-08 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Allow setting debug logging level to 2 in .NET assembly
1488 2016-12-08 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Mask out passphrase in .NET assembly output log
1489 2016-12-15 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Sudden disconnect errors during authentication are randomly ignored
1490 2016-12-16 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Cannot use unencrypted client certificate file (.pfx/.p12 format)
1491 2016-12-21 Bug Medium RESO Setup 0 Installation fails when started by a non-privileged user on a system, where elevating to administrator privileges is disabled
1492 2016-12-21 Enh Medium RESO Setup 0 Installer started by unprivileged user shows warning about an incomplete translation again after elevation to administrator privileges
1493 2016-12-23 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not add -load switch to PuTTY arguments, if it is configured already
1494 2019-12-20 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Colored session icon does not display on high DPI
1495 2016-12-29 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 WinSCP .NET assembly fails when finding WinSCP executable in its installation folder
1496 2017-07-14 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 While downloading, when an SFTP SSH_FXP_FSTAT response does not include timestamps, using known timestamps from directory listing for a local file
1497 2017-02-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Moving Login dialog moves main window disproportionally on some systems
1498 2021-03-24 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Remembered password is not used for reconnects
1499 2017-01-12 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Configuring a PuTTY path with unclosed quotes prevents WinSCP from starting
1500 2017-01-13 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Poll edited file timestamps instead of using change notifications
1501 2017-07-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 File panel scrolling using touchpad does not work
1503 2017-02-02 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 "Keep local directory up to date" extension fails, when local directory was initially empty and "Delete files" option was enabled.
1504 2017-02-07 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Wrong message when setting TransferOptions.OverwriteMode property to an invalid value
1505 2017-02-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Panel loses focus after a transfer initiated using Enter key or double-click
1506 2021-06-16 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not abort "Keep remote directory up to date" when "Continue on error" (or "option batch continue") is enabled and reading a local directory fails, because it was deleted
1507 2018-01-31 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Sending Content-Type header with WebDAV uploads
1508 2017-06-01 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Support duplication with WebDAV protocol
1509 2017-02-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure while reloading directory tree after a system colors had changed while the tree was not showing
1510 2017-02-14 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when using "Generate Code" command on Upload dialog opened by /upload command-line parameter
1511 2017-02-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Some multibyte ANSI-encoded files are incorrectly loaded into an Internal editor
1512 2017-02-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Keyboard shortcut for "Duplicate Session" command
1513 2017-05-08 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Do not invoke Session.Failed when checking for non-existing file with Session.FileExists
1514 2017-03-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when reloading non-current directory expanded in remote directory tree
1515 2017-03-10 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Internal InvalidOperationException on each call to Session.ListDirectory
1516 2017-03-10 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 De-duplicating Quit and Queue accelerators in Commands menu
1517 2017-03-10 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Increase length limit of host name
1518 2017-03-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Do not verify that final path after CWD FTP command matches requested path to allow better compatibility with atypical FTP servers
1519 2017-05-15 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Activate panel when using file selection commands
1520 2017-04-26 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Resuming file upload in active FTP mode does not work on some servers
1521 2024-05-07 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Per-monitor DPI awareness
1522 2017-05-02 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available
1523 2017-05-03 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when INI file cannot be opened
1524 2017-05-05 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Option to open downloaded file on operation completion confirmation when transferring file from command-line/URL
1526 2017-05-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Upload back files modified by local custom command applied to a folder
1527 2017-05-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Windows logo key is not working in toolbar input boxes
1528 2017-05-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Display tunnel host name on Authentication dialog
1529 2018-10-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Toolbar icons are broken with Windows high contrast themes
1530 2017-05-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Make Short file size format behave like in Windows Explorer
1531 2017-06-01 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Use full path in FileTransferProgressEventArgs.FileName
1532 2017-06-01 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Allow cancelling file transfer in .NET assembly
1533 2017-09-15 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Prevent slow startup when there are some special folders
1534 2017-05-31 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Button to open Edit file mask dialog on Select and Filters dialogs
1535 2017-06-27 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Do not terminate path with slash in CWD FTP command for better compatibility with VMS systems
1536 2017-05-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP transfer stalls when error is received at the same time write buffer needs to be dispatched
1537 2017-05-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 SFTP upload errors are silently ignored for small files
1538 2017-06-06 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Last download target folder in Explorer interface is not remembered when transferring on background
1539 2017-06-07 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Failure when opening Synchronization checklist window with custom position
1540 2017-06-08 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Support Migrated datasets in IBM z/OS MVS FTP server
1541 2018-10-22 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when using parallel background transfers
1542 2017-06-28 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Import host keys from OpenSSH known_hosts file
1543 2017-06-19 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Generated code uses TransferOptions.Speed instead of TransferOptions.SpeedLimit
1544 2024-11-05 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Editor font too large on high DPI screens
1545 2017-06-28 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Uploads of saved edited files can rarely stop working
1546 2017-06-27 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 On VMS servers, do not use absolute paths with FTP DELE command
1547 2017-07-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not display error message on start when user documents folder cannot be resolved
1548 2017-07-21 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Clicking root folder in path label opens home folder instead of root folder
1549 2017-07-21 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Unchecking Update subdirectories for Keep remote directory up to date function was not fully working
1550 2017-07-27 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hang when showing overwrite confirmation prompt if GUI font has zero-width tab character
1552 2019-07-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not close application when initial Login dialog is closed without opening session and "Keep main window open when the last session is closed" is on
1553 2017-09-07 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Connecting through tunnel to IPv6 does not work
1554 2017-10-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when using translation on monitor with DPI that does not match system DPI
1555 2017-10-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Wrong position of an icon on Login button, when Login dialog monitor DPI does not match system DPI
1556 2019-11-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Skip loading of files icons when it takes too long
1557 2017-12-20 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Use SecureString to provide private key passphrase in .NET assembly
1558 2017-09-22 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when creating local directory or deleting local files, while no session is connected
1559 2017-09-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse selection is sometimes incorrectly initiated after inline remote file renaming
1560 2017-09-27 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Stop monitoring a drive when a drive removal is announced, to allow removing the drive (particularly required for VeraCrypt drives)
1561 2017-10-05 Enh Medium RESO Extensions 0 Extension Generate HTTP URL should URL-encode special characters in path.
1562 2017-12-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Configurable priority of host key types
1563 2017-10-06 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow verifying SSH host key by pasting the expected key or its fingerprint from the clipboard
1564 2018-10-02 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow prompt cancellation of stalled connection attempts
1565 2017-10-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Leaving a folder with a large amount of files takes long
1567 2017-10-13 Bug Medium RESO Extensions 0 Extension "Generate HTTP URL" cannot copy multiple URLs to clipboard
1568 2017-10-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Make Ctrl-number custom keyboard shortcuts work on numeric keypad too
1569 2018-07-13 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Operation symbol column on Synchronization checklist does not scale with font size/DPI
1570 2017-10-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Parent directory icon broken on 250% scaling and higher
1571 2017-10-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Resizing of Synchronization checklist window does not stop when mouse button is released
1572 2018-01-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when changing remote working directory using directory tree
1573 2017-11-15 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 It was not possible to answer prompts with non-ascii answers in
1575 2017-11-16 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot enter subfolders of local drive mapped to WebDAV folder
1576 2017-11-16 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when starting with window position configuration, saved on lower DPI, that does not fit anymore on lower resolution caused by higher DPI
1577 2017-12-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Per-session default encoding configuration for internal editor
1578 2017-11-23 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Mask out passwords in raw settings (proxy and tunnel) when logging command-line
1579 2017-11-22 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Allow download from MVS server using fully qualified dataset name
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1580 2017-12-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Support wider range of Unicode characters in internal editor
1581 2018-01-16 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Support PackageReference package management in NuGet package
1582 2017-11-28 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 WinSCP .NET assembly hangs when the XML log cannot be parsed
1583 2018-06-01 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 WinSCP .NET assembly cannot work with files containing control characters
1585 2017-11-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when using Ctrl+Tab keyboard shortcut with no session opened
1586 2017-12-01 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Log more information about loading a custom GSSAPI library
1587 2017-12-12 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When parsing MLSD listing, file name was incorrectly tried to be interpreted against various rare path syntaxes, leading to wrong name being displayed
1588 2017-12-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally display authentication banner in a monospaced font
1590 2017-12-23 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Backtick and dollar signs are not escaped in generated PowerShell code
1591 2017-12-27 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when updating jumplist
1592 2017-12-28 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 When connection is lost while deleting source remote file during "Download and Delete" operation, downloaded file may be deleted once connection is resumed
1594 2018-10-02 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Custom error handling instead of default abort can be optionally implemented for batch operations in .NET assembly
1595 2018-01-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse cursor jumps up, while selecting files on multi monitor setup on Windows 10
1596 2018-01-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 When S3 bucket is specified in session settings, use that to verify credentials, instead of listing buckets
1597 2024-02-02 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 It was not possible to work with S3 buckets with a dot in their name
1598 2018-01-15 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Publish beta releases of NuGet package
1599 2018-01-17 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Local directory tree cannot be controlled using keyboard
1600 2018-02-01 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Session hangs when QueryReceived is set while session is already opened
1601 2018-01-23 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow creating multiple levels of directories, while synchronizing browsing to a non existing directory
1602 2018-06-14 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Set Content Type of files uploaded to S3
1603 2019-01-04 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when processing results of upload during synchronization in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation
1604 2020-11-24 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Configurable mapping from file extension to Content-Type
1605 2018-11-08 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when opening context menu of edit boxes on Login dialog
1606 2018-02-19 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when processing FileTransferProgress event
1607 2018-02-19 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Displaying server name in network drive label
1608 2018-02-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 When using session name as a part of a path to a temporary directory, replace a slash separating a session folder from a session name with a dash instead of %2F
1610 2018-02-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 It was not possible to open workspace with special characters from a desktop shortcut
1611 2018-02-19 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when focused panel is changed, while double-clicking a file to edit it
1613 2018-11-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Configurable keyboard shortcuts for extensions
1614 2018-03-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Simple input boxes (like "Edit File" dialog) are broken on multi monitor systems with different DPI
1615 2018-03-13 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 HTTP proxy responses for FTP protocol are logged char by char
1616 2021-12-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not show an error when remembered last used directories do not exist anymore
1618 2018-03-10 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hangs when clicking directory tree while inline editing file name
1619 2019-01-08 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when .NET assembly starts reading an XML log file in a short moment when it's empty yet
1620 2020-10-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Hang when opening a menu with any "Paste" command, while clipboard contains a large amount of text
1621 2019-02-28 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Optimize loading time in scripting/.NET assembly mode
1622 2018-05-16 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Slashes in SHA-256 fingerprints are not encoded in generated URLs
1623 2018-03-24 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when closing a session with a local proxy command
1624 2018-03-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when closing Find window while finding files
1625 2018-07-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Prevent stall on startup when updating jumplist takes too long
1627 2018-04-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 ssh:// URL is handled once for every opened instance of WinSCP too much
1628 2018-04-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Icons for local files do not show on some systems
1629 2018-04-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when binary file is attempted to be opened in an internal editor on system with multibyte legacy encoding
1630 2018-04-05 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Login dialog opens slowly, when there is a lot of stored sites with a color
1633 2018-04-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Starts slowly on some systems
1634 2019-09-27 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Edit found found files
1635 2019-04-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Distinguish multiple sessions opened to the same site by current path
1636 2019-07-23 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when uploading a file larger than 2GB using S3 protocol
1638 2019-10-07 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Allow authentication with empty passwords in scripting
1640 2019-10-23 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Support for .NET Core/Standard
1644 2020-07-17 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Workaround for bug in Windows 10 1803 preventing drag & drop downloads to Windows Explorer via shell extension
1645 2018-05-18 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Generated session URL has colons in TLS/SSL fingerprint unnecessarily URL-encoded
1646 2018-06-01 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Generated session URL for opened FTP/WebDAV session over TLS/SSL with invalid certificate includes its fingerprint
1647 2020-06-19 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Do not match URL after stripping protocol against stored site name in scripting/automation
1648 2018-05-23 Bug Medium RESO General 0 It is not possible to delete symlink pointing to a directory with "Follow symbolic links to directories" session settings being on
1649 2019-02-28 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Prevent stall on startup when resolving icons of common file types takes too long
1650 2018-05-26 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Keywords that link to help page are underlined in generated code on Windows 10 version 1803
1652 2018-11-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Start of file drag from remote panel stalls on some systems with floppy drive
1653 2022-12-19 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow encrypting files when storing them on server
1654 2018-06-26 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Pass private key to PuTTY when installed from Microsoft Store
1655 2018-06-26 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Cannot handle Modify fact of MLSD/MLST FTP response containing fraction
1656 2018-06-27 Bug Medium RESO General 0 File mask is not considered when calculating total file transfer size when deleting original files
1657 2018-08-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 When cancelling connection, mouse cursor sometimes stay "busy"
1658 2018-06-28 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Not reloading site list when opening Login dialog/Site menu/etc where there is too many sites
1659 2018-07-05 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Relative long paths are not handled correctly
1660 2018-07-10 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Error when closing edited/opened files with "Keep temporary copies of remote files in deterministic paths" option enabled
1661 2018-07-11 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 It is not possible to open S3 folder from command-line/URL or in scripting when path ends with slash
1662 2018-07-11 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Allow executing WinSCP installed from Microsoft Store from command-line
1663 2018-07-14 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 File panel columns do not have a width constraints
1664 2018-07-24 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Update information window layout is broken in some situations
1665 2018-07-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Parse file modification time from display string if not provided explicitly in SFTP packet
1666 2018-11-28 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally disable running shell operations on separate thread
1668 2018-08-09 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Optionally generate WebDAV URLs with http:// protocol prefix
1669 2018-10-25 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Setting S3 file permissions
1671 2018-08-29 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Shadow-copied WinSCP .NET assembly cannot find winscp.exe in its own original folder, if the folder is an UNC path
1672 2018-08-30 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Timezone autodetection failed if timestamp of file cannot be retrieved
1673 2018-08-31 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 When a path entered in Open Directory dialog or Address toolbar cannot be opened, retry an entry to allow user to correct it
1674 2018-08-31 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Wrong error message when attempting to rename an S3 folder
1675 2019-02-21 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Prevent SCP server sending files that were not requested
1677 2018-09-18 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Do not fail transfer if file selected for transfer, but excluded by file mask, is deleted during operation
1678 2018-09-14 Bug Medium RESO General 0 "Skip all" command does not work across synchronization checking items
1679 2018-09-19 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Hang when doing an operation on FTP connection that disconnected on a background
1680 2018-09-21 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Synchronization summary
1681 2018-09-22 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Create background queue connection right after session starts
1683 2018-09-28 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure or delay when .NET assembly timeouts waiting for WinSCP process
1684 2019-03-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when canceling session reconnect
1685 2022-09-21 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Natural order numerical sorting for directory tree
1686 2018-10-09 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow deleting history of edit boxes
1687 2018-12-13 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Remembered passphrase is used as a password in generated script/code
1688 2018-12-13 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Use remembered private key passphrase in generated script/code
1690 2018-10-20 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Background transfer settings are not preserved
1691 2021-09-08 Enh Medium RESO General 0 With parallel background transfers, disallow disabling size calculation
1692 2018-10-23 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Support OpenSSH aes256-ctr-encrypted keys
1693 2018-10-31 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when closing the main window with a colored session
1694 2019-12-02 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Optionally consider exit code 1 an error when executing a shell command on a server
1697 2019-02-22 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when dropping down bookmark menu while no bookmark is saved
1698 2018-11-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Failure when canceling connection attempt
1699 2018-11-01 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 With themes disabled, an empty space is reserved for and working as a close button on a session tab even though the button is not drawn
1700 2018-11-06 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Ctrl+Shift+Alt-? keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and extensions were not working
1701 2018-12-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow dropping remote files to network drives
ID Changed Sev Pri Status Comp Votes Summary
1702 2018-11-08 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 User name edit box on Login dialog in some cases does not include modification commands (like Paste)
1703 2018-11-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Opening context menu of a file in a local panel locks a parent folder of the file
1704 2018-12-20 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Ctrl+PgDn should try to enter even a file
1705 2018-12-20 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Command to un/check all files in a folder on Synchronization checklist window
1706 2018-12-20 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Tool for clearing broken COM registrations
1707 2018-12-20 Enh Medium RESO Scripting 0 Optionally fail synchronization in scripting when there are no changes
1708 2018-12-13 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Remembered private key passphrase is not passed to PuTTY
1709 2018-11-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Crash on start while loading local file icons
1710 2018-12-13 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when canceling connection attempt started from command-line
1711 2019-05-01 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Improve incremental search in file panels
1712 2018-12-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 It was not possible to access a bucket, if the user does not have permissions to list its root folder
1713 2018-12-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Incremental search in Explorer-selection mode does not select the found file
1714 2018-12-25 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Mouse range selection does not start from the file focused by an incremental search
1715 2019-01-05 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 The last file transfer before creating a remote directory during synchronization is not reported with .NET assembly
1716 2019-01-08 Bug Medium RESO General 0 When an ancestor directory cannot be read, its child files and subdirectories are incorrectly assumed to be encrypted
1717 2019-03-01 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when starting GUI
1718 2019-01-15 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Renaming site on Login dialog cannot be committed using Enter key when it was started using Manage > Rename command
1719 2019-01-15 Enh Medium NEW GUI 0 Single session mode
1721 2019-01-16 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Background transfers queue list font color does not reflect dark theme
1722 2019-01-19 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Directory is not reloaded, when focusing newly created file from Find dialog
1725 2019-02-26 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Local directories with path long between 248 and 259 characters could not be created
1726 2019-02-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when dropping down bookmark menu with no session opened
1727 2019-03-01 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when starting GUI
1731 2019-04-02 Bug Medium RESO Scripting 0 Raw transfer settings are incorrectly processed with synchronize command
1733 2019-08-30 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Compressed files entries are hard to read in dark theme
1735 2019-04-11 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot drag files from WinRAR
1736 2019-06-25 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Some numerical folders are duplicated in remote directory tree
1737 2024-03-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Do not scan unvisited network folders
1739 2019-04-18 Bug Medium RESO General 0 Directory changes cache is not case sensitive when resolving symbolic links
1740 2024-03-26 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Start main window with the last user local folder instead of always starting in Documents folder
1741 2019-04-18 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure in .NET assembly when ProgramFiles(x86) environment variable is not set and WinSCP executable cannot be found anywhere
1743 2019-05-02 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Keyboard accelerator for "Octal" box on Properties dialog does not work
1744 2019-05-13 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Failure when .NET assembly times out waiting for WinSCP to start
1745 2019-05-23 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Two consecutive different file mask delimiters are processed incorrectly
1746 2019-05-21 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when shutting down Windows
1747 2021-10-25 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Consider size of linked file when transferring/synchronizing symbolic link
1748 2019-05-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure when undocking toolbar on a system with multiple monitors with different DPI
1749 2019-05-28 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Failure after a session lost while in Console dialog is reconnected
1750 2019-06-04 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 With every start on a monitor with different DPI than the primary monitor, dimensions of the window and some of its components change slightly
1752 2019-06-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Indicate in an Internal editor that the file is new and prevent actions that does not make sense for non-existing files
1754 2019-09-27 Enh Medium RESO Store 0 Use recommended sizes of icons when installed from Microsoft Store
1755 2019-08-20 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Speed limit does not work with S3 protocol
1756 2019-07-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Site folder loses names of its sites
1757 2019-06-14 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Optimize S3 transfer speed
1758 2022-11-21 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Copy (to clipboard) command in file context menu
1759 2019-07-04 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 When uploading file to a symbolic link with enabled remote recycle bin, the symbolic link should not be moved to the recycle bin
1760 2019-07-04 Bug Medium RESO Extensions 0 Compare Files extension cannot handle paths with spaces
1761 2019-07-07 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Local recycle bin is unintentionally scanned, slowing down browsing
1762 2019-07-09 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 .NET assembly debug log file timestamps shows as GMT, while they are actually local times
1763 2019-07-09 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Validation of input boxes prevented cancelling dialogs using Cancel button
1764 2019-07-23 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 Cannot upload files over 50GB to S3
1765 2019-07-11 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Retry deleting fake temporary folder created when pasting remote files to Windows File Explorer
1766 2019-07-11 Bug Medium RESO Core 0 It was not possible to overwrite remote file, when moving of overwritten files to remote recycle bin was configured, but the file could not be moved
1767 2021-11-24 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Automatically reconnect when FTP data connection cannot be opened, if it previously worked
1769 2019-07-24 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Hardware accelerated AES (AES-NI)
1770 2019-07-25 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Files larger than 0.5 GB are never uploaded in ascii/text mode with SCP protocol as it would fail anyway due to memory issues
1771 2019-10-01 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Optionally do not pop up Login dialog when the last session is closed
1773 2019-08-01 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Extension to archive remote files and download the archive
1774 2019-08-05 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Configurable console/terminal font
1775 2019-08-05 Enh Medium RESO General 0 Keep trying to save configuration for up to 2 seconds when INI file is locked by another process
1777 2019-09-25 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Do not obsolete Session.DisableVersionCheck
1778 2019-09-25 Enh Medium RESO .NET 0 Configurable S3 root path/bucket in .NET assembly
1779 2019-08-20 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Cannot switch back to English after changing language on non-US English system
1780 2019-08-30 Enh Medium RESO Core 0 Allow use of non standard port numbers with S3 protocol
1781 2019-09-04 Bug Medium RESO .NET 0 Lower-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols are not escaped in an output of RemotePath.EscapeFileMask .NET method and in a script generated by the GUI
1782 2019-09-23 Bug Medium RESO GUI 0 Deleting temporary local copy of remote file caused errors and invalid attempts to upload the nonexisting file
1783 2019-09-06 Enh Medium RESO GUI 0 Allow turning off asynchronous loading of icons
1784 2019-09-30 Enh Medium RESO GUI