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2017-06-01 2017-09-05
5.10 Holding down Ctrl and Shift keys while running a remote custom command copies the command to clipboard instead of executing it. (martin) released 5.11 stable (martin)
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===== [[debugging]] Debugging Custom Commands ===== ===== [[debugging]] Debugging Custom Commands =====
-If you want to test how the patterns in the custom command are expanded, hold down ''Shift'' and ''Ctrl'' keys, while executing the custom command. The command, with all patterns replaced, will get copied to the clipboard, instead of getting executed. //For remote custom commands, this is supported in the latest beta version only.// &beta+If you want to test how the patterns in the custom command are expanded, hold down ''Shift'' and ''Ctrl'' keys, while executing the custom command. The command, with all patterns replaced, will get copied to the clipboard, instead of getting executed. //For remote custom commands, this is supported in the latest beta version only.//
===== Useful Custom Commands ===== ===== Useful Custom Commands =====

Last modified: by martin