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2017-02-06 2017-03-02
connecting anchor (martin) If extracted to a convenient location , public key auth doesn't work (
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  * Download the latest [[https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/releases/|OpenSSH for Windows binaries]] (package ''OpenSSH-Win32.zip'')   * Download the latest [[https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/releases/|OpenSSH for Windows binaries]] (package ''OpenSSH-Win32.zip'')
-  * Extract the package to a convenient location (we will use ''C:\openssh'' in this guide)+  * Extract the package to C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\
  * As the Administrator, install SSHD and ssh-agent services: \\ ''powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File install-sshd.ps1''   * As the Administrator, install SSHD and ssh-agent services: \\ ''powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File install-sshd.ps1''
  * Generate server keys by running the following commands from the ''C:\openssh'': <code>   * Generate server keys by running the following commands from the ''C:\openssh'': <code>

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