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history 2020-12-22 history 2024-05-31 (current)
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This is a full list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also [[project_history|Project history]] and [[incompatible_changes|Incompatible changes between versions]]. This is a full list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also [[project_history|Project history]] and [[incompatible_changes|Incompatible changes between versions]].
-(*===== [[6.0]] 6.0 beta (not released yet) ((tbd)) =====*) +===== [[6.4]] 6.4 (not released yet) ((2024-05-30)) =====
-(*  * Removed the "compression" indicator from the status bar.*) +
-(*  * Confirm closing when multiple tabs are opened and auto workspace saving is not enabled, even when none of the tabs contain an active remote session.*)+
-===== [[5.18.1]] 5.18.1 (not released yet) ((2020-12-22)) =====+··* Optimized working with large local directories: [[bug>2264]] 
 +    * Loading large directory trees on the background. 
 +    * Hidden directory trees are loaded only in the background. 
 +    * Optimizing directory loading by checking existence of subfolders on the background. 
 +    * Optimized reading directories for file panel. 
 +    * Optimized browsing within directory tree with lots of subfolders. 
 +  * Dark theme for session tabs. [[bug>1806]] 
 +  * Improvements to AWS/S3 authentication and configuration handling: 
 +    * Allowed assuming IAM role. [[bug>2249]] 
 +    * Credential profiles in ''.aws/config'' file are also recognized. 
 +    * Preferring configuration file defined using an environment variable over the default one. 
 +    * Only profiles that contain both ''aws_access_key_id'' and ''aws_secret_access_key'' are listed on the Login dialog 
 +    * Bug fix: The ''.aws/credentials'' file path was resolved using ''AWS_CONFIG_FILE'' environment variable instead of correct ''AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE''. 
 +  * Incremental search improvements: 
 +    * Search panel pops up on ''Ctrl+F'' to make the function easier to find. [[bug>2281]] 
 +   * Layout of search panel on Login dialog improvend. 
 +    * Search options context menu added to the search panel on Login dialog. 
 +· * Site import from an INI file. [[bug>2290]] 
 +  * Fallback to nonresumable transfer when temporary target file cannot be created. [[bug>2277]] 
 +  * Support for up-to 16KB WebDAV cookies. [[bug>2289]] 
 +· * Logging can be enabled for installer subtasks. 
 +··* Limited SFTP upload queue length to avoid networking congestion. 
 +  * Updated to JCL library 2.8 commit 6380ce72. 
 +  * Bug fix: Possibility that files in root folder were incorrectly used. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when system theme is changed at the same time directory change is detected. [[bug>2286]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Tree indentation does not scale correctly. [[bug>2288]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to start renaming a site by double-clicking its node while editing the site.
-··* Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Swedish and Turkish. +===== [[6.3.4]] 6.3.4 (not released yet) ((2024-05-27)) =====
-  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1i. +
-  * Preserve file permissions when overwritten files are recycled and transfer resume is disabled. [[bug>1929]] +
-· * Added method ''RemotePath.EscapeOperationMask'' to .NET assembly. +
-  * Added method ''ComparisonDifference.Reverse'' to .NET assembly. +
-  * Implemented method ''ComparisonDifference.ToString'' in .NET assembly. +
-  * ''Write'', ''CanWrite'', ''Length'' and ''Position'' methods and properties of the ''Stream'' returned by the ''Session.GetFile'' behave as expected for a read-only steam. +
-  * Allowed using SFTP servers that have problems with SSH_FXP_REALPATH requests. [[bug>1933]] +
-  * Bug fix: Target file name with escaped operation mask special symbols was incorrectly interpreted as an actual operation mask on some dialogs (upload, duplicate, etc), resulting in misplaced warnings +
-··* Bug fix: Local path argument of ''Session.PutFileToDirectory'' is incorrectly escaped. [[bug>1931]] +
-  * Bug fix: Path argument of ''Session.PutFile'' is incorrectly escaped. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when using from single-file bundle. [[bug>1932]] +
-  * Bug fix: ''Session.GetFile'' can fail, if the server responds too quickly. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when S3 bucket contains a folder with an empty name. [[bug>1934]] +
-  * Bug fix: When the active tab was disconnected, closing window with another active session did not require a confirmation. +
-  * Bug fix: Setting the logging level to -1 (Reduced) does not work in .NET assembly. [[bug>1936]] +
-  * Bug fix: Ellipses from German command names are not stripped from toolbar buttons.+
-===== [[5.18]] 5.18 beta ((2020-11-30)) =====+··* Translation updated: Belarusian and Danish. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to automate file synchronization by checksum on an SFTP server that does not support it natively. [[bug>2291]] 
 +· * Bug fix: Remote panel does not refresh after //"ZIP and Upload"//. [[bug>2292]]
-··* A complete list of files that are part of a background transfer can be shown. [[bug>1785]]   +===== [[6.3.3]] 6.3.3 ((2024-04-16)) =====
-  * ''Stream'' interface in .NET assembly. [[bug>1738]] +
-  * With SFTP protocol files can be streamed to stdout and from stdin in scripting. +
-  * Support SHA-256 fingerprints of TLS/SSL certificates. [[bug>1842]] +
- * Extension [[extension_synchronize_another_server|//Synchronize with Another Remote Server//]]. +
-  * When connecting to new SSH host, its host key can be automatically accepted in scripting and .NET assembly. +
-  * Optional case-sensitive synchronization. [[bug>71]] +
-  * Enabled TLS 1.3 by default. +
-  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.10. +
-  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.74]]. It brings the following change: +
-    * Security fix: If an SSH server accepted an offer of a public key and then rejected the signature, WinSCP could access freed memory, if the key had come from an SSH agent. [[pbug>vuln-agent-keylist-used-after-free]] +
-  * Resume transfer when FTP data connection disconnects. [[bug>1878]] +
-  * Support for ''curve25519-sha256'' KEX. [[bug>1865]] +
-  * Support for authentication using temporary credentials from AWS Security Token Service (STS). [[bug>1839]] +
-  * Support for SNI with FTP. [[bug>1895]] +
-  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.1.2. +
-    * Change: Installer needs Windows 7 SP1/2008 R2 SP1. +
-  * Alternative way to provide credentials in scripting/command-line without URL-encoding. [[bug>1821]] +
-  * Compatibility with WebDAV servers that incorrectly encode file URL. [[bug>1876]] +
-  * Optimizing S3 connection buffers for speed. [[bug>1732]] +
-  * Edited/opened files from a disconnected session can now be attached to new session even if its username was entered only during authentication instead of directly on the Login dialog. [[bug>1890]] +
-  * Returning to Login dialog, when ad-hoc connection fails. [[bug>1909]] +
-  * Local ports for active FTP mode can be limited. [[bug>958]] +
-  * Allow explicit navigation to a hidden local folder by enabling showing of hidden files and folder, if not enabled yet. [[bug>1905]] +
-  * Added full //Go To// submenu to context menu of panel path label +
-  * Automatically restore external editor defaults when changing editor command from Notepad to 3rd party editor. [[bug>1872]] +
-  * Suppress errors when opened/edited files are locked. [[bug>1832]] +
-  * Support clearing GID/UID flag on directories with new versions of GNU coreutils. [[bug>1850]] +
-  * Added ''/nointeractiveinput'' to usage screen. +
-  * List encrypt-then-MAC algorithms in ''/info'' listing. [[bug>1917]] +
-  * Not using a transfer via temporary file for files that would exceed system length limit with the temporary extension. [[bug>1922]] +
-  * Automatically closing timed out ''Session''. [[bug>1923]] +
-  * Logging IANA encryption algorithm names. [[bug>1886]] +
-  * Displaying, what directory is being read at the end of login to a server, in a tooltip. [[bug>1916]] +
-  * Use dark window title for the main window in the dark mode on Windows 10 2004. [[bug>1920]] +
-  * Clarified that WinSCP may crash in the warning message when trying to load too big file into the internal editor. [[bug>1847]] +
-  * Do not prevent WinSCP from working when jump list cannot be updated. [[bug>1857]] +
-  * Allow forcing use of ''LIST'' command to retrieve file information in scripting for FTP servers that has broken support for ''MDTM''/''SIZE'' commands. [[bug>1921]] +
-  * //Duplicate// and //Rename// commands work even for disconnected sessions. +
-  * IPv6 literals with scope or literals that are already escaped in square brackets are formatted standardly in session URL (instead of URL-encoding them)+
-  * Allowed longer input on Edit file input box. [[bug>1911]] +
-  * Added help link to Add extension box and making the box wider. +
-  * GSSAPI key exchange authentication can be turned on. [[bug>1863]] +
-  * When trying to open an inaccessible local directory, display an error message, instead of silently doing nothing. +
-  * Cleanup application data dialog labels cache cleanup checkbox label updated to reflect previously updated functionality. +
-  * Disabling tips controls until some tips are actually available. +
-  * Optionally disable moving using drag&drop. [[bug>1884]] +
-  * Main window follows Login dialog to another monitor, when switched using keyboard shortcuts ''Shift+Win+Left''/''Right''. [[bug>1907]] +
-  * When path to an existing local directory is specified on the Download options dialog without an operation mask, a noop operation mask is implied. +
-  * Workaround for wrong description of ''Num *'' keyboard shortcut in menus with German keyboard. [[bug>1889]] +
-  * Files with the same name except for a letter case are sorted deterministically. [[bug>1894]] +
-  * Not offering pasting from clipboard on the file panels if the clipboard contains multi-line text. +
-  * Extending transfer dialog drop down menu size to 16 entries. +
-  * Bug fix: Local file panel ignored changes in latter case of files and folders. [[bug>1885]] +
-  * Bug fix: Local custom commands that need session but no remote files were not disabled when session was not connected. +
-  * Bug fix: Correct letter case variant of remote directory in directory tree was not always selected. [[bug>1891]] +
-  * Bug fix: With no connected session, shared bookmarks modifications are not preserved. +
-  * Bug fix: Using list header color appropriate for the actual light/dark column background color (list headers are not dark, unless system wide app dark mode is enabled)+
-· * Bug fix: ''Session.ParseUrl'' cannot accept fingerprint parameter for sessions over TLS. [[bug>1925]] +
-  * Bug fix: Custom command patterns ''!S''/''!E'' do not include fingerprint of TLS certificate. +
-  * Bug fix: Cannot work with filenames ending with space with FTP protocol. [[bug>1900]] +
-  * Bug fix: Canceling remote path drop down did not reset it back to the current path. +
-  * Bug fix: Folders in a drive root showed incorrect type name sometimes. +
-  * Bug fix: Customizing custom commands from Synchronization checklist window was not working. [[bug>1908]] +
-  * Bug fix: Whole local drive could have been scanned when trying to browse to non-existing or hidden folders. +
-  * Bug fix: Timed out status bar note was not added to history popup box, while a session is disconnected. +
-  * Bug fix: //Duplicate// command in remote file context menu operated over selected files instead of the focused file. +
-  * Bug fix: *nix shell special characters were unintentionally escaped in PuTTY/SSH terminal command patterns. [[bug>1906]]+
-===== [[5.17.9]] 5.17.9 ((2020-11-20)) =====+··* SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.81]]. \\ It brings the following change: 
 +    * Security fix for CVE-2024-31497: NIST P521/ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 signatures are no longer generated with biased values of //k//. The previous bias compromises private keys. [[bug>2285]] [[pbug>vuln-p521-bias]
 +· * Translation updated: Belarusian. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.2. 
 +  * Support for TortoiseMerge in //Compare Files// extension. [[bug>2279]] 
 +  * Bug fix: File panel does not have focus after Login in Explorer interface. [[bug>2276]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing the last remote tab. [[bug>2283]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Copy and paste to another application in Store installation sometimes does not work. [[bug>2284]]
-··* Translation updated: German. +===== [[6.3.2]] 6.3.2 ((2024-03-12)) =====
-  * Bug fix: Failure when using S3/AWS access ID or region longer than 32 characters. [[bug>1914]] +
-· * Bug fix: Failure when opening some menus while having long text of specific length copied to the Clipboard. [[bug>1915]] +
-· * Bug fix: Failure when directory contains a file with too long name. [[bug>1924]]+
-===== [[5.17.8]] 5.17.8 ((2020-10-15)) =====+··* Translation updated: Belarusian. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.1. 
 +  * Optimized startup when right panel local directory tree is not visible. 
 +  * Workaround for SFTP servers (Cisco) which omit message field from status response. [[bug>2272]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Password pipe cannot be used to open a session in an existing instance. [[bug>2265]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when canceling connection while reading remote directory. [[bug>2266]] 
 +· * Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP connection while reading remote directory. [[bug>2267]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot start on Windows XP. [[bug>2268]] 
 +· * Bug fix: Installation hangs when adding installation path to search path when executed in session 0. [[bug>2270]] 
 +· * Bug fix: Misplaced stored site use warning in scripting when session name is specified. [[bug>2271]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Correcting neon version in About box and logs.
-··* TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1h. +===== [[6.3.1]] 6.3.1 ((2024-02-21)) ===== 
-· * Allow using Windows Store apps aliases as terminals (particularly Windows Terminal). [[bug>1901]] +  * Translation completed: Norwegian. 
-  * Limiting error report and message search URLs to 4 KB, as larger URLs fail to open in some browsers. +  * Bug fix: Badly encoded SFTP packet when renaming a file using SFTP version 5 and newer. [[bug>2259]] 
-  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.74. +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to synchronize files by checksum on server that does not support it. [[bug>2260]] 
-  * Bug fix: ''Session.CompareDirectories'' handles incorrectly files with names containing reserved XML characters. [[bug>1897]] +  * Bug fix: Random hang/failure when closing FTP TLS 1.3 connection. [[bug>2261]] 
-  * Bug fix: //Keep local directory up to date// extension fails if error occurs before session URL is parsed+  * Bug fix: Cannot use IPv6 literal as hostname on Login dialog. [[bug>2263]]
-  * Bug fix: SFTP uploads started over already disconnected session do not reconnect automatically. [[bug>1913]]+
-===== [[5.17.7]] 5.17.7 ((2020-07-24)) =====+===== [[6.3]] 6.3 ((2024-02-14)) =====
-  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.2. +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.6.0. 
-  * Security fix from [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.74]]: If an SSH server accepted an offer of a public key and then rejected the signature, WinSCP could access freed memory, if the key had come from an SSH agent. [[pbug>vuln-agent-keylist-used-after-free]] +  * Bug fix: Hang when prompt pops up while SFTP session is being reconnected. [[bug>2258]]
-  * Displaying progress of synchronization in //Keep local directory up to date// extension. [[bug>1887]] +
-  * Displaying session name and operation status in console title of //Keep local directory up to date// extension. [[bug>1888]] +
-  * Translation updated: German. +
-  * Removed workaround for lack of support for ''max-keys'' parameter in Backblaze S3 API, as it is supported now. [[bug>1871]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure while changing path using path label while another command was executing already. [[bug>1877]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when system settings change during synchronization. [[bug>1879]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to close WinSCP while reading a remote directory. [[bug>1880]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure after using files from a disconnected session (for example saving an edited file). [[bug>1881]] +
-  * Bug fix: Directory reading cannot be cancelled for SFTP servers that provide optional ''end-of-list'' field. [[bug>1883]] +
-  * Bug fix: Going to root folder in the local panel does not update selection in the directory tree.+
-===== [[5.17.6]] 5.17.6 ((2020-05-28)) =====+===== [[6.2.4]] 6.2.4 RC ((2024-02-03)) =====
-  * Added new ''af-south-1'' and ''eu-south-1'' AWS regions. [[bug>1864]] +  * Translations completed: Farsi, French, Japanese, Spanish and Traditional Chinese
-  * Translation updated: Brazilian Portuguese+  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.1. 
-  * Not defaulting to Documents folder on a network drive even if it is mapped. [[bug>1869]] +  * WebDAV/HTTP core upgraded to neon 0.33.0
-  * Workaround for lack of support for ''max-keys'' parameter in Backblaze S3 API. [[bug>1871]] +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to upload file using double-click over disconnected session. [[bug>2254]] 
-  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.5. +  * Bug fix: Failure after long frequent use of session tabs. [[bug>2255]] 
-    * Change: Installer does not support Windows Vista/2008 anymore+  * Bug fix: //New tab// icon is drawn incorrectly on Explorer interface with //Show selective text labels// turned off. [[bug>2257]] 
-  * Bug fix: Transfer settings are not preserved when starting synchronization in new window. +  * Bug fix: Failure when switching to another application while new session is being opened using //New Tab// tab. [[bug>2251]]
-  * Bug fix: //Keep remote directory up to date// window cannot be restored after it was minimized to tray using //Minimize to System Tray// command, when the window was opened from command-line or using //Start in New Window// command. [[bug>1868]] +
-  * Bug fix: Starting synchronization in a new window should be disabled when //Selected files only// option is selected, as that combination is not implemented. [[bug>1870]] +
-  * Bug fix: Starting a synchronization in a new window does not work if the remote path consist of one level only. +
-· * Bug fix: Failure when canceling an authentication of an ad-hoc session from a workspace opened from command-line. [[bug>1875]] +
-  * Bug fix: GSSAPI key exchange authentication is off by default as it caused failures when old version of MIT Kerberos was installed on the machine. [[bug>1874]]+
-===== [[5.17.5]] 5.17.5 ((2020-04-27)) =====+===== [[6.2.3]] 6.2.3 RC ((2024-01-19)) =====
-  * Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese; and updated: German and Russian+  * Added new ''ca-west-1'' AWS region. 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when starting fresh installation on high DPI displays. [[bug>1862]]+··* Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Turkish and Tamil; and updated: Japanese. 
 +  * Support for ''posix-rename@openssh.com'' SFTP extension. [[bug>2231]] 
 +  * When cleaning up application data, deleting even ''Martin Prikryl'' and ''WinSCP 2'' root keys, if they remain empty. 
 +  * Ignoring attempts to directly move/duplicate file over itself, as if protocol requires deleting, the file would be lost. 
 +  * Configurable FTP TLS shutdown procedure. [[bug>2250]] 
 +  * Not failing connection when FTP server responds to ''CSID'' command with an error. [[bug>2253]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Certificate authority cache was not copied to new configuration storage nor cleaned up with other caches. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''ssh'' protocol URL handling was not completely unregistered. 
 +  * Bug fix: Reported transfer size is rarely incorrect during FTP downloads
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after connecting to server. [[bug>2251]] 
 +  * Bug fix: FTP ''CSID'' command does not end with semicolon. [[bug>2252]]
-===== [[5.17.4]] 5.17.4 ((2020-04-24)) =====+===== [[6.2.2]] 6.2.2 beta ((2023-12-22)) =====
-  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1g. +  * SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.80]]. \\ It brings the following change: 
-  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.1. + ···* Mitigations for SSH protocol "Terrapin" vulnerability. [[bug>2246]] [[pbug>vuln-terrapin]] 
-  * Local file panel honors preferred drop action of source application. [[bug>1848]] +  * Support for ''Include'' directive when importing sites from OpenSSH. [[bug>2239]] 
-··* Increased maximal length of proxy and tunnel credentials. [[bug>1849]] +  * Change: .NET assembly collections are tagged with ''ClassInterfaceType.None'' to avoid warnings from ''regasm''. 
-· * Truncating too long directory names in session tab title. +  * Not using directory listing to keep FTP session alive by default. [[bug>2244]] 
- ·* Optionally do not distinguish multiple sessions opened to the same site by current path. [[bug>1734]] +  * Windows Store installation on Windows 11 was incorrectly using INI file for configuration storage by default. [[bug>2245]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when fallback SSH channel fails to open. [[bug>1845]] +  * Bug fix: Find dialog file list is scaled incorrectly on some multi monitor systems with different scaling. [[bug>2241]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when creating shortcut for jumplist fails. [[bug>1846]] +  * Bug fix: Cannot browse long local paths. [[bug>2242]]
-  * Bug fix: Window position is not restored, if its left or top edge was aligned to monitor edge. [[bug>1852]] +
-  * Bug fix: Wrong layout of Login dialog on monitors with low vertical resolution. [[bug>1463]] +
-  * Bug fix: FTP file uploads are interrupting with TLS 1.3. [[bug>1834]] +
-  * Bug fix: Empty directories are not uploaded to FTP server when transferring in background. [[bug>1859]] +
-  * Bug fix: Percent sign (''%'') in PuTTY session settings (such as IPv6 scope syntax) is misinterpreted when importing. [[bug>1860]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when starting with automatic workspace opening when none of the workspace sites exist. [[bug>1861]]+
-===== [[5.17.3]] 5.17.3 ((2020-04-01)) =====+===== [[6.2.1]] 6.2.1 beta ((2023-12-05)) =====
-  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1f+  * File hash can be used as criterion for synchronization. [[bug>52]] 
-  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.0. +  * Consistent behavior across protocols and protocol capabilities when duplicating remote files. [[bug>2233]] 
-  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.4. +  * //Columns > Reset Layout// command added to Explorer interface too. 
-  * Translation updated: French+··* TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.0
-  * Importing site-specific key files from FileZilla. [[bug>1841]] +  * Support for "Requester pays" S3 buckets. [[bug>2213]] 
-  * Showing session name in Synchronization checklist and Keep remote directory up to date windows, when the operation was executed in a new window/from a command line. [[bug>1838]] +  * Optional more prominent active session tab. [[bug>2229]] 
-  * ''Session.ScanFingerprint'' now works even for Amazon S3 protocol+  * Optionally not shortening tab titles. [[bug>2202]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure after resuming system from sleep. [[bug>1829]] +  * New ''winscp.net'' root certificate. 
-  * Bug fix: Option to disconnect a session was available even while deleting local files, and caused failure when selected while no session was actually opened. [[bug>1836]] +  * Restored support for legacy version of the Digest algorithm specified in RFC 2069. [[bug>2109]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when primary SSH channel fails to open. [[bug>1837]] +  * Restored consistent behavior of failing, between duplicating and moving/renaming files over existing file with WebDAV protocol in scripting and .NET assembly. 
-  * Bug fix: ''SHA-1'' fingerprint of TLS/SSL certificate was incorrectly presented as ''MD5'' by ''Session.ScanFingerprint''. +  * When moving a folder by drag&drop to a path that already contains a subfolder with the same name, the existing folder is overwritten. 
-  * Bug fix: When dragging file via temporary directory it is deleted too early. [[bug>1844]]+  * Shorter and more friendly formatting of long time intervals. [[bug>2236]] 
 +  * When typing ambiguous port numbers in Login dialog, keeping the current protocol, even if it is not the default protocol for the port. 
 +··* Bug fix: Failure when //New Tab// is clicked while another session is still being loaded
 +  * Bug fix: Corrected some painting artifacts on session tabs, particularly on Windows 11. 
 +· * Bug fix: ''Shift+F5'' shortcut operated with a focused file, rather than with selected files. 
 +  * Bug fix: OpenSSL version in About dialog was not up to date. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot leave directory entered via cache with SCP protocol if it was deleted meanwhile. [[bug>2234]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connection is lost while reading remote directory with SFTP protocol. [[bug>2235]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Multipart upload to Cloudflare R2 S3 interface fails due to too long upload ID. [[bug>2237]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Panel focus was lost in some situations
 + * Bug fix: When S3 or WebDAV server did not provide file timestamp, downloaded file was set to oldest possible timestamp. 
 +··* Bug fix: When session URL is typed into //Host name// box or pasted using context menu of the box and the Login dialog is submitted using ''Enter'' key, the URL is not parsed correctly
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when saving edited file over reconnected session after previous reconnect attempt was aborted. [[bug>2238]]
-===== [[5.17.2]] 5.17.2 ((2020-03-09)) =====+===== [[6.2]] 6.2 beta ((2023-10-05)) ===== 
 +  * Single large file can be downloaded using multiple SFTP connections. [[bug>513]] 
 +  * Support for OpenSSH certificates for host verification. Sponsored by [[https://goteleport.com/|Teleport]]. [[bug>2145]] 
 +  * SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.79]]. \\ It brings the following change: 
 +    * Support for HMAC-SHA-512. [[pbug>hmac-sha2-512]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.3. 
 +  * Allowed S3 connection with IAM role instead of credentials. [[bug>2089]] 
 +  * Command to open the same folder as in the other panel in local file manager mode. [[bug>2189]] 
 +  * Support appending when streaming file contents to remote server. [[bug>2214]] 
 +  * Commands to reset layout of file panels and background transfer queue list columns. 
 +  * Change: SSL (3.0) is no longer supported. TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled by default, to match the OpenSSL 3 defaults. 
 +  * Using optimized OpenSSL implementations of some algorithms. 
 +  * Command to automatically size file panel columns. [[bug>2196]] 
 +  * Allowed browsing a source folder/file instead of downloading when handling a download URL. [[bug>2211]] 
 +  * Passing password to PuTTY using named pipe instead of commandline. 
 +  * Made it harder to mis-click "never show this again" checkboxes. [[bug>2217]] 
 +  * ''winscp.net'' root certificate is always trusted when checking for updates, even when (corporate managed) Windows certificate store does not trust it. [[bug>2212]] 
 +  * Not browsing a source folder when handling a download URL when a download dialog is canceled. 
 +  * Recognizing ''CertificateFile'' directive when importing sites from OpenSSH. [[bug>2220]] 
 +  * Restored ability to duplicate remote folders using ''cp'' command in secondary shell session even when the SFTP server supports ''copy-file''/''copy-data'' extension. [[bug>2227]] 
 +  * ''%%https://%%'' URL with ''r2.cloudflarestorage.com'' hostname is interpreted as S3 protocol, instead of WebDAV. 
 +  * Recognizing path in //Host name// box on Login dialog. [[bug>2219]] 
 +  * Improved behavior when moving/renaming over an existing folder. [[bug>2209]] 
 +  * Improved OpenSSH ''config'' file parsing, particularly quoted and escaped values. [[bug>2206]] 
 +  * Support for ProFTPD command ''%%OPTS REST STOR%%'' to query if upload restart is possible. [[bug>2194]] 
 +  * Not showing a filter mask on a disconnected panel. 
 +  * Implemented generic ''ICollection'' implicitly by .NET assembly collections. [[bug>2187]] 
 +  * ''ProxyMethod'' raw session setting supports symbolical value names. 
 +  * Ignoring disconnects from the server while closing the connection. [[bug>2195]] 
 +  * Translations updated: Danish and Traditional Chinese. 
 +  * Preventing background transfer queue list columns width to shrink too much. [[bug>2208]] 
 +  * Not forcing text mode for edits with Windows Notepad on Windows 10 1809 and newer, as it already supports non-Windows line endings. 
 +  * Allowed disabling SFTP extension use. [[bug>2222]] 
 +  * Using packet size limit announced by OpenSSH ''limits@openssh.com'' extension. 
 +  * Improved HTTP error reporting and logging. 
 +  * With application logging enabled, automatic updates installation is started with logging too. 
 +  * Throwing an exception when ''Session.SessionLogPath'' is set to a path with invalid ''.xml'' extension. [[bug>2215]] 
 +  * Recognizing IP addresses starting with zero in FTP PASV response as unroutable. [[bug>2224]] 
 +  * When there is both administrative and non administrative installation, automatic update automatically selects the the correct one for update. 
 +  * Not displaying Administrator shield icon on //Upgrade// button, when Administrator permissions are not needed for the upgrade. 
 +  * More meaningful error message when credentials are missing in scripting and .NET assembly. 
 +  * Bug fix: WebDAV or S3 certificate that is recognized by Windows Certificate store, but have other issues, cannot be marked trusted by the user. [[bug>2191]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Localized HTTP connection error messages are incorrectly decoded. [[bug>2197]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Special characters in directory names were not correctly restored when uploading on background with multiple connections for single transfer enabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: Master password prompt was not added to taskbar when opening session from commandline or when automatically loading workspace to yet invisible main window. 
 +  * Bug fix: Handling download URL does not work when another idle instance is running. [[bug>2203]] 
 +  * Bug fix: TLS session resumption is not working for subsequent FTP data connections with TLS 1.3 with some servers. [[bug>2210]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using ''/browse='' switch and a file panel is empty. 
 +  * Bug fix: Correcting default OpenSSL configuration paths. 
 +  * Bug fix: Potential failure when opening unencrypted HTTP/WebDAV connection. 
 +  * Bug fix: When second local panel tree view has focus, some keyboards shortcuts still operated on the first local panel. 
 +  * Bug fix: Local file panel malfunctions when it starts on a drive hidden by Explorer's policy. [[bug>2216]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When opening UNC path, the network drive is not added to the other local panel directory tree. 
 +  * Bug fix: When opening the UNC path on the second local panel, the network drive is not added to drive drop-down menus. 
 +  * Bug fix: Script sometimes does not abort after receiving no answer for prompt, when running in batch mode. 
 +  * Bug fix: Configuration reading was broken after an attempt to access a non-existing sub-section within a section existed in raw configuration only. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP could ask the server to return more data during SFTP download than it can process. [[bug>2218]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Renaming tab invalidated remembered password. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP loses focus after custom command is executed. [[bug>2221]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some DLLs were not protected against hijacking. [[bug>2223]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when error occurs on secondary shell session with //Continue on error// option enabled. [[bug>2226]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnect on edited/opened file save is canceled. [[bug>2228]]
-··* Disabling TLS 1.3 by default until it is better tested. [[bug>1835]] +===== [[6.1.2]] 6.1.2 ((2023-09-19)) =====
-· * Bug fix: Cannot connect to SSH-1 servers. [[bug>1833]+
-· * Bug fix: TLS session resumption is not working for FTP transfers with TLS 1.3. [[bug>1831]]+
-===== [[5.17.1]] 5.17.1 ((2020-02-27)) =====+··* MSI installer is not localized anymore to avoid problems with GPO. [[bug>2200]] 
 +· * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1w. 
 +  * Translations updated: Catalan, Danish, Russian and Turkish. 
 +  * Added new ''il-central-1'' AWS region. 
 +··* Bug fix: Typo in GPL license in installer. [[bug>2201]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Check for application updates was limited to TLS 1.2.
-··* Bug fix: Confirmation to close WinSCP does not have a help page associated (to explain the workspace). [[bug>1825]] +===== [[6.1.1]] 6.1.1 ((2023-06-21)) =====
-  * Bug fix: Failure when loading extension with filename containing some special characters (like a dash). [[bug>1826]] +
-· * Bug fix: SCP fallback is no longer working. [[bug>1827]] +
-  * Bug fix: Path on Address bar of Explorer interface cannot be submitted. [[bug>1828]] +
-· * Bug fix: Cannot use TLS/SSL client certificate. [[bug>1830]] +
-· * Bug fix: TLS/SSL client certificate could be configured for S3 protocol even though it is not supported.+
-===== [[5.17]] 5.17 ((2020-02-18)) =====+··* Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi and Portuguese; and updated: French and Italian. 
 +  * Support for file masks in //Keep local directory up to date// extension. [[bug>1892]]
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1u. 
 +· * Bug fix: Patterns in default values of extension options were escaped in an extension tooltip. 
 +··* Bug fix: //Calculate Directory Sizes// command was redundantly in all local panel column context menus. 
 +  * Bug fix: Thanks and transitioning help toolbar message in Store installation was not readable in Dark theme. [[bug>2198]] 
 +  * Bug fix: MSI installer runs in Catalan language (or possibly fails) when used in GPO. [[bug>2199]]
-··* Optionally using ''Ctrl+F4'' to close session tab. [[bug>1823]]+===== [[6.1]] 6.1 ((2023-05-23)) =====
-===== [[5.16.7]] 5.16.7 RC ((2020-02-13)) =====+··* Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. 
 +  * Consistently open the nearest existing parent folder when the current local panel directory is deleted. [[bug>2182]] 
 +  * Visual feedback when control (drop down list particularly) is focused via keyboard accelerator. 
 +··* Building .NET assembly in Visual Studio 2022. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remote file pasted to an external HDD is downloaded twice. [[bug>2183]] 
 +· * Bug fix: Callstack debug logging in .NET assembly was broken. 
 +  * Bug fix: Corrected hint for //Default// session color command. 
 +  * Bug fix: When reading input ''Stream'' in .NET assembly upload fails in 64-bit process, the transfer is not interrupted. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when application log cannot be opened. [[bug>2186]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Work around key algorithm naming change in OpenSSH 7.7 and older (from pre-release of PuTTY 0.79). [[bug>2188]] 
 +  * Bug fix: With debug logging enabled, the echoed script commands and XML log group names miss the command name.
-··* New DigiCert EV code signing certificate valid until February 2023 is used for signing binaries. +===== [[6.0.2]] 6.0.2 RC ((2023-04-18)) =====
-··* Ignoring incorrect timestamps in ''MDTM'' response, while autodetecting timezone difference. [[bug>1818]] +
-  * Storage configuration on Preferences dialog handles INI files specified on a command-line better. +
-  * Added an example for using Win32-OpenSSH ''ssh.exe'' as an SSH terminal. [[bug>1822]] +
-  *  It is possible to configure TLS 1.3 restrictions. +
-  * Bug fix: Using directory exclude mask while searching caused all non excluded folder to be unintentionally included in the search results. +
-··* Bug fix: It is not possible to recursively search for a folder. [[bug>1819]]+
-===== [[5.16.6]] 5.16.6 RC ((2020-01-21)) ===== +··* When saving edited/opened file, optionally warning if it was modified meanwhile externally. [[bug>99]] 
- +  * Autoreconnecting a disconnected session when saving an edited file. [[bug>1858]] 
-··* When creating WinSCP shortcut, make it use the same configuration as the creating instance. [[bug>941]] +  * Even user-disconnected sessions can be reconnected when saving files opened from them
-  * Translation updated: French. +  * Allowed reads with non-zero offsets with stream returned by ''Session.GetFile''. [[bug>2181]] 
- +  * ''puttygen'' switches ''%%--new-passphrase%%'' and ''%%--old-passphrase%%'' are recognized
-===== [[5.16.5]] 5.16.5 RC ((2020-01-06)) ===== +  * Bug fix: When switching from a remote tab to a local tab, the "right" status bar does not show correct information
- +  * Bug fix: //Edit Link// command in Explorer interface has incorrect name //Link//. 
-  * .NET assembly functionality to process individual ''ComparisonDifference'' instances. [[bug>1802]] +  * Bug fix: //Mark > Select/Unselect// command was behaving incorrectly
-  * Convenience method ''Session.RemoveFile''. +  * Bug fix: HTTP proxy authentication prompt was not localized
-  * Translations completed: Spanish and Korean. +  * Bug fix: Directory tree does not adjust line height to custom panel font size. [[bug>2172]] 
-  * ''RemotePath.TranslateLocalPathToRemote'' and ''RemotePath.TranslateRemotePathToLocal'' can accept a directory source path equal to the source root path with a missing trailing slash. +  * Bug fix: Green artifacts at partial file icon overlay
-  * Custom commands keyboard shortcuts work on Synchronization checklist dialog. +  * Bug fix: The first copy&paste or drag&drop of remote files to other application might fail in Explorer interface. [[bug>2175]] 
-  * //Enable queue processing/Once Done// queue options should be disabled/triggered once all queued operations are completed, not only after the queue list is empty. [[bug>1815]] +  * Bug fix: Temporary directory is left behind when WinSCP is closed while it has some remote files copied to the clipboard. [[bug>2176]] 
-  * Added ''/bin/sh'' to the list of shells. [[bug>1814]] +  * Bug fix: ''Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles'' does not work correctly when the mask includes brackets and other symbols. [[bug>2177]] 
-  * ''Ctrl+Left''/''Right''/''Back'' work better on Raw Site Settings dialog. +  * Bug fix: Location profiles should not be used unless the session is connected.
-  * Logging deletion of local source file. +
-  * Bug fix: ''ComparisonDifference.IsDirectory'' was not set to true for directories. +
-  * Bug fix: Cannot list WebDAV directory when any of the files is locked and the ''<depth>'' or ''<timeout>'' elements contain whitespaces around its contents. [[bug>1813]] +
-  * Bug fix: Colored session icon does not display on high DPI. [[bug>1816]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when starting synchronization when application task bar button is not fully working. [[bug>1817]] +
- +
-===== [[5.16.4]] 5.16.4 RC ((2019-12-04)) ===== +
- +
-  * Bug fix: Version check did not work with five digit build number. +
- +
-===== [[5.16.3]] 5.16.3 RC ((2019-12-04)) ===== +
- +
-  * Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian. +
-  * New DigiCert code signing certificate used for signing binaries valid until February 2023. +
-  * Not defaulting to Documents folder on a network drive. [[bug>1809]] +
-  * Improvements to cleaning up application data: +
-    * Cleanup application data dialog shows only data that exist. +
-    * Uninstaller does not offer to delete application data, when there are not any. +
-    * The option to cleanup cached host keys cleans all other caches as well. +
-    * Bug fix: Cleaning up cached SSH host keys did not work. +
-    * Bug fix: Cleaning up configuration did not remove jumplist. +
-    * Bug fix: Running WinSCP for a maintenance task unintentionally creates a random seed file. +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when cleaning up sites from Login dialog. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when change in subfolder is detected while keeping remote directory up to date. [[bug>1807]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when synchronizing directories after they were previously synchronized while being empty. [[bug>1808]] +
-  * Bug fix: Name of the selected directory in tree is dark on dark background in dark mode. [[bug>1810]] +
- +
-===== [[5.16.2]] 5.16.2 RC ((2019-11-08)) ===== +
- +
-  * Improvements to dark theme: +
-    * Dark theme for column headers. [[bug>1776]] +
-    * Toggling between light and dark interface theme is faster. +
-    * Bug fix: Failure when switching between light and dark interface themes. [[bug>1805]] +
-    * Bug fix: Disconnected remote panel background color does not reflect theme change. +
-  * Looking for ''WinSCP.exe'' also in entry .NET assembly folder. +
-  * Support for IBM z/OS Tape files. [[bug>1801]] +
-  * Bug fix: Occasional hang when loading file icons. [[bug>1803]] +
-  * Bug fix: Failure while closing application and suspending computer after operation completion. [[bug>1804]] +
- +
-===== [[5.16.1]] 5.16.1 beta ((2019-10-23)) ===== +
- +
-  * Sorting find results. [[bug>902]] +
-  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.73]]. It brings the following changes: +
-    * Security fix: On Windows, other applications were able to bind to the same TCP port as a WinSCP local port forwarding. [[pbug>vuln-win-exclusiveaddruse]] +
-    * Bug fix (possibly security-related): An SSH-1 server sending a disconnection message could cause an access to freed memory. [[pbug>ssh1-disconnect-use-after-free]] +
-  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.9. +
-  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.3: +
-    * Checkboxes displayed by lists now look better on high DPI systems. +
-  * Allow configuring additional PuTTY settings (e.g. terminal settings) to be used when opening a session in PuTTY. [[bug>1798]] +
-  * NuGet package updated to the latest format with an included icon and framework dependencies. +
-  * Allow empty password authentication with FTP servers that prompt for empty passwords. [[bug>1796]] +
-  * Bug fix: Edited path was hidden behind a browsing button on file/directory path selection boxes. [[bug>1791]] +
-  * Bug fix: Start menu and Task bar icons are too small when installed from Microsoft Store. [[bug>1793]] +
-  * Bug fix: After directory comparison before synchronization finishes, task bar button still shows a progress bar. +
-  * Bug fix: Failure when authentication with keyboard interactive authentication with specified prompt title. [[bug>1794]] +
-  * Bug fix: Stored password is not used for keyboard interactive authentication prompt with specified prompt title. [[bug>1795]] +
-  * Bug fix: Settings with an empty default value were not listed in Add Raw Site Settings dialog. +
-  * Bug fix: State of //Allow agent forwarding// checkbox was not updated when toggling //Attempt authentication using Pageant//. +
-  * Bug fix: When starting private key upload from Advanced Site Settings dialog, changed settings were preserved even if the dialog was later canceled. +
-  * Bug fix: SFTP only options were shown for SCP sites on Advanced Site Settings dialog. +
-  * Bug fix: Master password prompt unintentionally appears when selecting site folder with a site with an encrypted password. [[bug>1799]] +
-  * Bug fix: .NET assembly does not have a digital signature. [[bug>1800]] +
-  * Bug fix: Corrected some help links. +
- +
-===== [[5.16]] 5.16 beta ((2019-09-24)) ===== +
- +
-  * Improvements to sessions and workspace management, so that WinSCP can now easily restore tabs that were open when it was last closed: +
-    * Login dialog can be configured not to automatically pop up, when starting WinSCP and when closing the last session. [[bug>1771]] +
-    * When Login dialog is configured not to pop up automatically on start and workspace was saved in the previous run, the workspace is automatically restored when WinSCP starts. +
-    * A session can be disconnected, without closing its tab, and later reconnected+
-    * Tabs of sessions opened with a workspace or a folder that fails to connect and tabs of all sessions that fail to reconnect are not closed. +
-    * Option //"Keep main window open when the last session is closed"// is enabled by default. +
-    * User is offered to save a workspace, even when only one session is opened+
-  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.72]]. It brings the following changes: +
-   * Major rewrite of the crypto code to remove cache and timing side channels. +
-   * Hardware-accelerated AES. [[bug>1769]] [[pbug>cpu-crypto-accel]] +
-    * Support for GSSAPI key exchange. [[pbug>gss-key-exchange]] +
-    * Server and protocol information dialog now shows a more detailed information about the cipher in use. +
-  * Extension //Archive and Download// to archive remote files and download the archive. [[bug>1773]] +
-  * Improvements to Synchronization checklist window: +
-    * Estimating time to finish directory comparison before synchronization based on previous comparisons of the same folders. +
-····* Allowed opening the local or remote file from synchronization checklist in Windows Explorer or WinSCP, respectively. [[bug>1784]] +
-    * Hints for synchronization action icons on synchronization checklist window. [[bug>1786]] +
-  * Command-line switch ''/browse'' to either force opening the main window when a file URL is specified or to explicitly select a specified file in both file panels. +
-  * Convenience methods ''Session.PutFileToDirectory'', ''Session.PutFilesToDirectory'', ''Session.GetFileToDirectory'' and ''Session.GetFilesToDirectory''. +
-  * Selection of network interface for SSH and IPv4 using raw session setting ''SourceAddress''. [[bug>416]] +
-  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1d.  It brings TLS 1.3 support among other changes. +
-  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.2: +
-    * User can choose between installation for all users and the current user only. +
-    * Change: Silent installation needs additional ''/ALLUSERS'' or ''/CURRENTUSER'' switches. +
-    * Automatically creating appropriate type of desktop icon for respective install mode. +
-    * Modern style of the installer wizard. +
-    * Change: Installer does not support Windows XP/2003 anymore. +
-  * Raw site settings editor. +
-  * //Copy// (to clipboard) command in file context menu. [[bug>1758]] +
-  * Automatically reconnecting when FTP data connection cannot be opened, if it previously worked. [[bug>1767]] +
-  * Host key and certificate fingerprint verification improvements: +
-    * When verifying a host key using an expected fingerprint, it is possible to use an expected fingerprint with a checksum only (with both key type and bit count omitted). +
-    * When verifying a host key or a certificate using an expected fingerprint, the comparison is case-insensitive (with an exception of SHA-256 checksum). +
-    * When verifying a host key using an expected fingerprint, a padding (''='') in SHA-256 checksum is not required. +
-    * Change: TLS/SSL certificate fingerprints in generated URL use dashes (''-'') instead of colons ('':''), while colons are still accepted. +
-    * Change: SHA-256 fingerprints in generated URL use dashes (''-'') and underscores (''_'') instead of pluses (''+'') and slashes (''/''), while pluses and slashes are still accepted+
-  * Support S3 servers with Path URI style (like MinIO). [[bug>1632]] +
-  * S3 //Default region// can be configured on Advanced Site Settings dialog. +
-  * Support for non standard ports with S3 protocol. [[bug>1780]] +
-  * Not showing remote custom commands and local custom commands working with remote files in local file context menu+
-  * Custom command pattern ''!E'' preserves session name. +
-  * Added ''SessionOptions.Name'' and ''SessionOptions.ToString'' (returning the ''.Name''). +
-  * Change: Removed option to create //Quick Launch// icons (Windows Vista and older only). +
-  * Change: Consider size of linked file when transferring/synchronizing symbolic link. [[bug&gt;1747]] +
-  * Individual configuration storage sections can be set read-only. +
-  * Switch ''/defaults'' accepts an optional delay in seconds to start the operation. +
-  * Resolving local environment variables in initial session local path. [[bug&gt;150]] +
-  * Keep trying to save configuration for up to 2 seconds when INI file is locked by another process. [[bug>1775]] +
-  * Change: ''RemoteFileInfo.FileType'' now consistently returns ''L'' for symlinks as was always documented. ''RemoteFileInfo.FileType'' now consistently returns uppercase value as was always documented. +
-  * Configurable S3 root path/bucket in .NET assembly. [[bug>1778]] +
-  * Indicating in an Internal editor that the file is new and preventing actions that does not make sense for non-existing files. [[bug>1752]] +
-  * Persisting custom command toolbar buttons visibility. [[bug>1788]] +
-· * Fallback to default ANSI encoding, when ''known_hosts'' file is not in UTF-8. [[bug>1789]] +
-  * ''/passphrase'' command-line switch is now documented. +
-  * When uploading file to a symbolic link with enabled remote recycle bin, the symbolic link is not moved to the recycle bin. [[bug>1759]] +
-  * Speed box in Progress window responds to mouse wheel. +
-  * //Updates// page of Preferences dialog replaced with simpler //Statistics// page for Store installations+
-  * Configurable console/terminal font. [[bug>1774]] +
-· * Better error message when writing INI file fails. [[bug>1787]] +
-  * ''Session.DisableVersionCheck'' will not be obsoleted. [[bug>1777]] +
-  * When using a scripting console interactively, not warning about opening a session from a command-line or using a stored site. +
-  * Allow turning off asynchronous loading of icons. [[bug>1783]] +
-  * Using only extension/custom command name without any qualifiers in some contexts. +
-  * Improved formatting of some messages. +
-  * Small improvements of layout for longer translations+
-  * Bug fix: Failure when starting (local) custom command with no session opened+
-  * Bug fix: Errors while mass-modifying sites were displayed in message box instead of console window. +
-  * Bug fix: When only encrypted session setting (like passwords) were changed during mass-modification, changes were not saved. +
-  * Bug fix: It was not possible to mass-modify stored sites, when a master password was set. +
-  * Bug fix: Directory changes cache is not case sensitive when resolving symbolic links. [[bug>1739]] +
-  * Bug fix: Some cached SSH and TLS/SSL fingerprints were not preserved when exporting/importing the configuration+
-  * Bug fix: Validation of input boxes prevented cancelling dialogs using //Cancel// button. [[bug&gt;1763]] +
- * Bug fix: It was not possible to overwrite remote file, when moving of overwritten files to remote recycle bin was configured, but the file could not be moved. [[bug>1766]] +
-  * Bug fix: Files larger than 0.5 GB are never uploaded in ascii/text mode with SCP protocol as it would fail anyway due to memory issues. [[bug>1770]] +
-  * Bug fix: Lower-than (''<'') and greater-than (''>'') symbols are not escaped in an output of ''RemotePath.EscapeFileMask'' .NET method and in a script generated by the GUI. [[bug>1781]] +
-  * Bug fix: Error when reopening a remote file whose local temporary copy has been deleted. [[bug>1790]] +
- +
-===== [[5.15.10]] 5.15.10 (not released yet) ((2019-12-23)) ===== +
- +
-  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2u. +
- +
-===== [[5.15.9]] 5.15.9 (hotfix) ((2019-12-05)) ===== +
- +
-  * Temporarily using old DigiCert code signing certificate that does not trigger //"Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting"// warning. [[bug>1812]] +
-  * Bug fix: Version check did not work with five digit build number (skipping 5.15.8 as a workaround).+
[[history_old|Older versions]] [[history_old|Older versions]]
~~ARCHIVE=history_old~~ ~~ARCHIVE=history_old~~

Last modified: by martin