
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

history_old 2005-05-10 history_old 2024-04-16 (current)
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-====== Older versions ======+====== Older Versions ======
-===== 3.7.1 ===== +===== [[6.0.1]] 6.0.1 beta ((2023-03-07)) ===== 
-=== 2004-10-31 ===+ 
 +  * //Compare Directories// command is available in local file manager mode. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.2.2. 
 +  * Translations updated: German and Hungarian. 
 +  * Renamed //File// menu in Explorer interface to //Files// for consistency with Commander interface. 
 +  * Using plural //Tabs// for consistency with other menus. 
 +  * Using the same timestamp format in local and remote file panels. 
 +  * Option to allow box-drawing characters to render correctly in an Internal editor. [[bug>2169]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when selecting S3 protocol in Login dialog with non-existing ''.aws/credentials'' file. [[bug>2166]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Tab close button of new session was drawn as clicked, if it was opened from Login dialog popped up after the last session was closed by clicking its close button. 
 +  * Bug fix: Rename tab dialog still says //"Rename session"//. 
 +  * Bug fix: Generated code uses obsolete ''SessionOptions.WebdavSecure'' property instead of current ''SessionOptions.Secure''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Generated code for unsecure S3 protocol does not include ''SessionOptions.Secure'' property. 
 +  * Bug fix: Separation of //Tab// and //Session// menus was unintentionally not reverted for Explorer interface. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong behaviour when trying to open a workspace that does not contain any valid session. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Ctrl+T'' opens the wrong type of tab. 
 +  * Bug fix: The ''!K'' and ''!\'' custom command and PuTTY patterns were not included in syntax hint. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when FTP directory listing contains nul character. [[bug>2167]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Parent directory// command was missing its keyboard shortcut in the menu. 
 +  * Bug fix: Workspace could not be saved when the active tab was not connected or was local. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some control labels were showing keyboard accelerators without keyboard intervention. 
 +  * Bug fix: Pressing ''Alt'' with some combo boxes focused did not show keyboard accelerators. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting with colored session. [[bug>2168]] 
 +===== [[6.0]] 6.0 beta ((2023-02-08)) ===== 
 +  * Local file manager mode (two local panels). [[bug>1893]] 
 +  * Windows 11 flat style graphics. 
 +  * SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.78]]. It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Support for OpenSSH certificates (for user authentication keys). [[bug>1873]] [[pbug>ssh2-openssh-certkeys]] 
 +    * Support for NTRU Prime post-quantum key exchange. [[pbug>ntru]] 
 +    * Support for AES-GCM (in the OpenSSH style rather than RFC 5647, without hardware acceleration). [[pbug>aes-gcm]] 
 +    * Support for more forms of Diffie-Hellman key exchange: new larger integer groups (such as group16 and group18), and support for using those and ECDH with GSSAPI. [[pbug>rfc8268-dh-groups]] [[pbug>gss-key-exchange-more-algs]] 
 +  * Ongoing delete operation can be moved to background queue. [[bug>194]] 
 +  * New DigiCert EV code signing certificate valid until February 2026 is used for signing binaries. 
 +  * Showing directory size in file panel. [[bug>41]] 
 +  * MSI installation package. [[bug>83]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1t. 
 +  * Translations updated: German and Russian. 
 +  * File checksum calculation support for SCP protocol and SFTP protocol via secondary shell session using shell commands like ''sha256sum''. 
 +  * Tab titles are shortened to fit window width as needed. [[bug>1423]] 
 +  * AWS S3 profile selection. [[bug>2057]] 
 +  * Consistent behavior across protocols when renaming/moving remote files: [[bug>2120]] 
 +    * Asking before overwriting existing files, both for renaming/moving. 
 +    * Allowing overwriting existing files even with protocols that require deleting the existing file first and with WebDAV. 
 +  * Using SFTP ''copy-data'' extension to duplicate remote files with servers that do not support ''copy-file'' extension (OpenSSH). 
 +  * Allowed scrolling of background transfers queue list view while dragging a transfer. [[bug>2154]] 
 +  * Tabs show tooltips with full session name, username, hostname and paths. 
 +  * Displaying thanks and transitioning help toolbar message after Store installation over classic installation. 
 +  * Remembering remote directory tree nodes state when switching sessions. [[bug>1057]] 
 +  * Progress animations for //Duplicate// and //Move To// operations. 
 +  * Download edited/opened files with up-to-date timestamps. [[bug>2122]] 
 +  * Displaying current version on the New version notification. [[bug>2125]] 
 +  * Support for S3 servers without TLS encryption. [[bug>1995]] 
 +  * Support for redirected WebDAV downloads (even to other hosts). [[bug>1667]] 
 +  * Optionally reading password from a file. [[bug>2102]] 
 +  * Input files can be read from named pipes. [[bug>2118]] 
 +  * ''Shift''-clicking //New Session// command opens the Login dialog in new WinSCP instance, instead of possibly opening new instance of workspace. 
 +  * Option to always sort directories by name. [[bug>1024]] 
 +  * Bookmark drop-down menu in Explorer interface. [[bug>2127]] 
 +  * Preserving changed passwords of ad-hoc sessions in workspace. [[bug>2128]] 
 +  * In file panel, file sorting by date and size is by default descending even when initiated by menu, toolbar or keyboard shortcut, consistently with sorting by clicking panel column header. 
 +  * Allowed opening all sites in a folder in PuTTY. [[bug>2079]] 
 +  * Allowing environment variables in custom INI file path. [[bug>2105]] 
 +  * Private key pattern ''!K'' in PuTTY command-line and custom commands. [[bug>2107]] 
 +  * Automatically reconnect when FTP server fails to open data connection with ''426'' code, if it previously worked. [[bug>2110]] 
 +  * Cleaning up temporary WinSCP PuTTY sessions. 
 +  * Clearing environment variables ''BLOCK_SIZE'' and ''LS_BLOCK_SIZE''. [[bug>2129]] 
 +  * Added import from KiTTY directly to the Import dialog. [[bug>1551]] 
 +  * Warn when user selects too verbose logging level that degrades performance. [[bug>2155]] 
 +  * Contents of About dialog can be copied to the clipboard using ''Ctrl+C''. 
 +  * Blocking Windows Rich Edit formatting keyboard shortcuts in Internal editor. [[bug>2108]] 
 +  * WebDAV/HTTP core upgraded to neon 0.32.5. 
 +  * PNG code upgraded to PngComponents 1.9.0. 
 +  * When switching tabs, prevent visibly scrolling the panels when focusing the last selected file. 
 +  * Removed the "compression" indicator from the status bar. 
 +  * Added GSSAPI key exchange algorithms to ''/info''. 
 +  * Allowed normal behavior of double-click on a file even when resolving of symlinks is disabled. [[bug>2037]] 
 +  * Change: ''SessionOptions.WebdavSecure'' renamed to ''SessionOptions.Secure'' (and applies to S3 protocol too). 
 +  * ''Session.ExecutablePath'' returns detected or actual executable path when not set. [[bug>2055]] 
 +  * Change: Keyboard shortcut for //Command Line// command changed to ''Shift+Ctrl+M'' (''Shift+Ctrl+N'' previously). 
 +  * Do not overwrite existing local file when FTP download fails to start. [[bug>2132]] 
 +  * Preventing construction of .NET assembly internal collection classes, what avoids them being unnecessarily registered for COM. 
 +  * Hidden configuration option to increase maximal number of background transfers at the same time. [[bug>2117]] 
 +  * Not animating taskbar button, when items are queued, but processing is disabled 
 +  * Removed gap in initial toolbar layout. 
 +  * Better formatting of feature list on Interface page of Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Optimizing adjusting to updated system font. [[bug>2149]] 
 +  * Consistency with loading icons synchronously and on the background. [[bug>2161]] 
 +  * Added new ''ap-southeast-4'' AWS region. 
 +  * Selecting the best language with each installation. [[bug>2160]] 
 +  * Workaround for using ''/ini=nul'' on systems when reading ''nul'' file fails. [[bug>2163]] 
 +  * Support for FTP ''CSID'' command. 
 +  * Not logging supported SFTP extensions included directly in ''SSH_FXP_VERSION'' response as unknown. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to switch session tabs while previous switch did not complete yet. 
 +  * Bug fix: When importing from FileZilla with KiTTY selected as SSH terminal, host keys were imported from KiTTY instead of FileZilla/PuTTY. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect escaping of values in single-quoted patterns in custom commands. 
 +  * Bug fix: Configuration does not load when using ''/rawconfig'' command-line switch and read-only configuration sections. 
 +  * Bug fix: When file rename fails, wrong part of filename might be selected in the inline filename editor. 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse cursor flickers while retrieving remote file properties. 
 +  * Bug fix: Using any keyboard shortcut with ''Alt'' key shows menu keyboard accelerators permanently. 
 +  * Bug fix: Session tabs cannot be dragged when the user has mouse buttons swapped. 
 +  * Bug fix: The //"Keep temporary copies of remote files in deterministic paths"// option applied when duplicating remote files via a local temporary copy and with custom commands, breaking their functionality. [[bug>2140]] 
 +  * Bug fix: S3 credentials checkbox on Login dialog had wrong tab order. 
 +  * Bug fix: Turned-off keepaliaves are not propagated to PuTTY. [[bug>2141]] 
 +  * Bug fix: With password storing administratively disabled, the ''/rawsettings'' switch cannot be used to set passwords. [[bug>2142]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Focus was lost after checking for updates. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on startup fatal error. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when uploading file sized just below 32 kB boundary to FTP server over TLS 1.3. [[bug>2019]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when doing agent forwarding with Pageant 0.74 or older. [[bug>2162]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Pressing ''Tab'' during incremental search on Login dialog never look into collapsed folders when more than one visible node matched the search. 
 +  * Bug fix: File on local network share treated as folder when uploading. [[bug>2056]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when parsing FTP checksum response misses the actual response. 
 +===== [[5.21.8]] 5.21.8 ((2023-04-11)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated fixes from 6.0 beta release: 
 +    * Translations updated: German, Hungarian and Russian. 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1t. 
 +    * Updated links to online help. 
 +===== [[5.21.7]] 5.21.7 ((2023-01-23)) ===== 
 +  * Improvements to official //Batch Rename// extension: 
 +    * Made GUI refresh optional to allow standalone execution. 
 +    * Not failing when specific file do not require any rename. 
 +    * Bug fix: Rename fails when the filename contain file mask special characters. [[bug>2157]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when system settings change after new version message box was displayed. [[bug>2148]] 
 +===== [[5.21.6]] 5.21.6 ((2022-11-28)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1s. 
 + * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.5.0. 
 +  * Translation updated: German. 
 +  * Setting ''$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing'' to ''Legacy'' in generated WinSCP scripting PowerShell commandline, which is needed for PowerShell 7.3 compatibility. [[bug>2134]] 
 +  * Added new ''ap-south-2'', ''eu-central-2'' and ''eu-south-2'' AWS regions and doubling region drop-down height. 
 +  * Bug fix: Moving WebDAV transfer to background aborts the transfer if the server commits the interrupted foreground transfer. [[bug>2126]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when saving edited file while current tab is not connected. [[bug>2139]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When the current session is encrypted, saved edited file was uploaded using the current session instead of its source session. When the current session is not encrypted, edited files opened in any encrypted session was uploaded on the background, possibly leading to data inconsistent files. 
 +  * Bug fix: When reattaching edited file to re-connection session, the file was always attached to the current session instead of the possibly non-active re-connected session. 
 +===== [[5.21.5]] 5.21.5 ((2022-10-06)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Brazilian Portuguese. 
 +  * WebDAV/HTTP core upgraded to neon 0.32.4. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.4.9. 
 +  * Preventing opening tunneled sessions in PuTTY from Login dialog as it cannot work. [[bug>2116]]  
 +  * Bug fix: Agent forwarding does not work. [[bug>2113]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Stall when new folder is detected and the drive contains folders with numerical names. [[bug>2114]] 
 +  * Bug fix: New version notification is not displaying. 
 +===== [[5.21.4]] 5.21.4 ((2022-09-12)) ===== 
 +  * This is Microsoft Store-only release with the following fix: 
 +    * The //Donate// command removed from the //Help// menu to comply with Store App policies. 
 +===== [[5.21.3]] 5.21.3 ((2022-09-06)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: Ukrainian. 
 +  * Added new ''me-central-1'' AWS region. 
 +  * Bug fix: Site with a stored password protected by master password cannot be opened from command-line. [[bug>2101]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Opening session in new window fails. [[bug>2104]] 
 +===== [[5.21.2]] 5.21.2 ((2022-08-08)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Farsi. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1q. 
 +  * Initial implementation of application logging. 
 +  * Bug fix: "Hidden files showing toggled" message displays opposite status. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot authenticate to WebDAV server with username containing some special characters. [[bug>2095]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Checkbox to set permissions recursively on Properties dialog is missing, when changing owner and group is not supported. [[bug>2097]] 
 +  * Bug fix: .NET assembly type library cannot be used in WSH. [[bug>2098]] 
 +  * Bug fix: DLL hijacking protection was not working. [[bug>1459]] 
 +===== [[5.21.1]] 5.21.1 ((2022-06-24)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Polish. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1p. 
 +  * Not offering to create a link to parent directory, when it happens to be selected, when starting to create a link. [[bug>2091]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Extension options dialog layout broken on systems with multiple monitors with different text scaling. [[bug>2090]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting parallel FTP background transfers. [[bug>2093]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory coloring rules on remote panel do not work. [[bug>2094]] 
 +===== [[5.21]] 5.21 ((2022-06-15)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when entering small directories with FTP protocol. [[bug>2087]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Lag when moving files from remote panel using drag&drop. [[bug>2088]] 
 +  * Bug fix: After certain operations, drive that was ever opened in local file panel cannot be safely removed temporarily. 
 +===== [[5.20.4]] 5.20.4 RC ((2022-06-08)) ===== 
 +  * SSH core and SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.77]]. It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Pageant: Option ''%%--openssh-config%%'' to allow easy interoperation with Windows's ''ssh.exe''. [[pbug>win-pageant-openssh-interop]] 
 +    * Bug fix: PuTTYgen's mouse-based entropy collection now handles high-frequency mice without getting confused. [[pbug>win-puttygen-entropy-rate-limit]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Pageant can now handle large numbers of concurrent connections without hanging or crashing. [[pbug>win-pageant-max-connections-2]] 
 +    * Bug fix: If Pageant is started multiple times simultaneously, the instances should reliably agree on one of them to be the persistent server. [[pbug>win-pageant-concurrent-startup]] 
 +  * Improved error message when FTP server returns malformed response. [[bug>2077]] 
 +  * Translations updated: German and Slovak. 
 +  * Not listing remote directory when downloading file using FTP protocol with overwrite confirmations off. [[bug>2084]] 
 +  * Workaround for calls to system API failing when used first time against some network shares (Samba) with paths over the legacy Windows limit. [[bug>2082]] 
 +  * Workaround for an apparent bug in Windows 11 that prevents WinSCP from stopping Windows going to the sleep mode during transfers. [[bug>2083]] 
 +  * Workaround for specific encoding of commas in filenames (and particularly directory names) by OneDrive WebDAV interface. [[bug>2085]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When transferring a growing file, after its original size is reached, the ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' event starts being triggered continuously. [[bug>2078]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Restored pre-5.20.3 behaviour with MVS systems. [[bug>2086]] 
 +===== [[5.20.3]] 5.20.3 RC ((2022-05-17)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian; and updated: Vietnamese 
 +  * Streaming support in .NET assembly and scripting for FTP protocol. [[bug>1945]] 
 +  * Improved compatibility with MVS systems. [[bug>2069]] 
 +  * New .NET assembly method ''Session.TryGetFileInfo''. Thanks to @RachamimYaakobov. [[bug>2068]] 
 +  * Expanding environment variables in Open Directory/Location Profiles dialogs in local paths. [[bug>909]] 
 +  * Optimized loading of large directories. [[bug>1631]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1o. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.2.1. 
 +  * When group (//Site/Shared//) to which new location profile is added is changed, switching the page to the target group. 
 +  * Preventing occasional exhaustion of resources while testing WinSCP executable version on repeated use of .NET assembly. [[bug>2075]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Capabilities of S3 sessions were not shown. 
 +  * Bug fix: Misplaced warning about unused scripting parameters when ''/rawsettings'' command-line switch is used. [[bug>2070]] 
 +  * Bug fix: File panels malfunction when files are dropped from other application to it. [[bug>2071]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When logging transfer statistics, recent transfer speed was logged instead of average speed of whole transfer. [[bug>2073]] 
 +  * Bug fix: z/OS PDS members without ISPF statistics are omitted in directory listing. [[bug>2076]] 
 +===== [[5.20.2]] 5.20.2 beta ((2022-04-06)) ===== 
 +  * Translations updated: German and Vietnamese. 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to pre-release build of [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.77]]. \\ It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Support for HTTP Digest authentication for proxies. [[pbug>http-digestauth]] 
 +    * Interactive username/password prompts for proxy authentication. [[bug>468]] [[pbug>proxy-password-prompt]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1n. 
 +  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.32.2. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.4.8. 
 +  * Allowed uploading edited files over encrypted session. [[bug>1989]] 
 +  * Building .NET assembly in Visual Studio 2019. 
 +  * Optionally not flashing taskbar button when WinSCP needs attention while in the background. [[bug>2067]] 
 +  * In .NET assembly or scripting with "nul" configuration, when WinSCP registry key does not exist, do not write statistics to INI file. [[bug>2066]] 
 +  * New less prominent icon for //Quit// command. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when attempting to switch to an unconnected sessions using keyboard shortcuts while another session is being connected. 
 +  * Bug fix: Removing all custom commands resets the default ones when INI file is used. [[bug>2059]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when changing remote folder using directory tree while previous directory is still loading. [[bug>2060]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Drive that was ever opened in local file panel cannot be safely removed until WinSCP is closed. [[bug>2061]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //"Optimize connection buffer size"// checkbox was disabled for S3 although it has effect for the protocol. [[bug>2058]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom commands menu fail to open. [[bug>2062]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local drive menu does not reflect some changes. [[bug>2063]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Using drive menu to change to an invalid drive fails silently. 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''ls'' in FTP session displays timestamps without year even if the server (notably IIS) provided the year, if it did not provide seconds. [[bug>2065]] 
 +===== [[5.20.1]] 5.20.1 beta ((2022-01-11)) ===== 
 +  * File masks relative to the root of an operation. [[bug>2052]] 
 +  * Private key can be provided as string in .NET assembly and scripting. [[bug>2044]] 
 +  * Support for importing key files that are specified using home ''~'' prefix from OpenSSH ''config'' file. [[bug>2053]] 
 +  * Translation updated: German. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1m. 
 +  * Commands that do not fit on //Custom Commands// toolbar are presented in drop-down menu, instead of a horizontal bar. [[bug>554]] 
 +  * First hiding right-most //Custom Commands// toolbar commands that do not fit. 
 +  * Prevent hang when dragging files without drag&drop shell extensions when some mapped network drive is not available. [[bug>2054]] 
 +  * Added new ''ap-southeast-3'' AWS region. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.4.2. 
 +  * Bug fix: When initial remote directory specified in the ''open'' command does not exist, the error was silently ignored. 
 +  * Bug fix: File color rules with path mask do not work for local files. 
 +===== [[5.20]] 5.20 beta ((2021-12-02)) ===== 
 +  * Support for ACL for S3 protocol. [[bug>1641]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.76]]. [[bug>1984]] \\ It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Support Curve448 key exchange method. [[pbug>curve448]] 
 +    * Support Ed448 user and host keys. [[pbug>ed448]] 
 +    * Support rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 SSH public key algorithms. [[bug>1952]] [[pbug>rsa-sha2]] 
 +    * Change: SHA-256 fingerprints are not padded anymore. 
 +  * It is possible to import sessions from OpenSSH ''config'' file. [[bug>1896]] 
 +  * Change: Removed support for SSH-1. 
 +  * Optionally keeping symbolic link name in path instead of resolving it with SFTP protocol. [[bug>81]] 
 +  * Improved shortening long paths, when single level name is too long on its own. [[bug>2043]] 
 +  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.32.1. 
 +  * Allow displaying all VMS file revisions with FTP protocol. [[bug>1944]] 
 +  * Support reading S3 credentials from AWS CLI configuration. [[bug>1941]] 
 +  * Bytes transferred are recorded in XML log and available in .NET assembly API. [[bug>597]] 
 +  * Generating PPK3 keys. 
 +  * It is possible to copy information to the clipboard from the Properties dialog. 
 +  * Made ''WinSCP.exe'' be deployed even when WinSCP NuGet package is included as transitive dependency. [[bug>2017]] 
 +  * When performing a single-item atomic operation, displaying indeterminate progress status. 
 +  * S3 //Security token// session option renamed to a more appropriate //Session Token//. 
 +  * Not resetting protocol to WebDAV when S3 protocol is selected and HTTP URL is pasted on the Login dialog. [[bug>2045]] 
 +  * Automatically reconnect when FTP server fails to open data connection, if it previously worked. [[bug>2046]] 
 +  * Confirm closing when multiple tabs are opened and auto workspace saving is not enabled, even when none of the tabs contain an active remote session. 
 +  * Including host key of tunnel session in generated code. [[bug>2006]] 
 +  * Support for custom certificate store files with configurable path. [[bug>2034]] 
 +  * Allowed providing tunnel private key passphrase in scripting. [[bug>2029]] 
 +  * Improved handling of long shell command error messages. [[bug>1949]] 
 +  * Considering global passive/active mode settings when importing sessions from FileZilla 
 +  * Automatically retry when S3 transfer fails with ''503'' code (//Slow down// or //Service unavailable//). [[bug>2047]] 
 +  * Improving formatting of errors displayed after an operation completed in //Continue on error// mode. 
 +  * ''Shift+Ctrl+R'' keyboard shortcut for //Reconnect Session// command. 
 +  * Change: Keyboard shortcut for //Restore Selection// command changed to ''Shift+Ctrl+S'' (''Shift+Ctrl+R'' previously). 
 +  * Change: Monitoring ''A:'' and ''B:'' drives. [[bug>2014]] 
 +  * Preventing beep when using ''Alt+Enter'' to open the Properties dialog. 
 +  * When collecting list of files for background transfer, say //"Listing"// instead of //"Calculating"// not to give an impression that it is a superfluous operation. [[bug>2026]] 
 +  * Checking for too many parameters with ''/keygen'' switch. 
 +  * PNG code upgraded to PngComponents 1.7.0. 
 +  * Warning when selecting too new key file. 
 +  * Warning when opening more than 100 tabs. [[bug>1997]] 
 +  * Including HTTP message into S3 error message. 
 +  * Bug fix: Do not say //"Terminated by user"// when the session has actually timed out. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot use passwords and passphrases longer than 255 characters in automation and various other purposes. [[bug>1988]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When size of a file downloaded with FTP protocol changes (or when ASCII mode is used) the logged size did not reflect the actual transfer size. 
 +  * Bug fix: When connecting disconnected session the directory might be loaded twice. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when entering directory that contains file with a slash in its name. [[bug>2016]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When S3 authentication region changes during session, previously visited buckets from the original authentication region could not be accessed anymore. [[bug>2027]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using multiple connections with local proxy command. [[bug>2028]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Configuration import  did not remove old sites and did not load all GUI settings. [[bug>2040]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When S3 transfer fatally fails, error details were lost. 
 +===== [[5.19.6]] 5.19.6 (hotfix) ((2022-02-22)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: German. 
 +  * Back-propagated fixes from 5.20–5.20.2 releases: 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1m. 
 +    * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.4.6. 
 +===== [[5.19.5]] 5.19.5 ((2021-11-25)) ===== 
 +  * Compatibility with Google Cloud S3 API when duplicating files. [[bug>2038]] 
 +  * Compatibility with Google Cloud S3 API when deleting implicitly existing directories. [[bug>2042]] 
 +  * Translation updated: Turkish. 
 +  * Logging a reference to [[bug>1952]] when an OpenSSH 8.8 (or newer) server refuses the key. 
 +  * Bug fix: Crash when new contents is copied to the clipboard while downloading files pasted from the clipboard. [[bug>2036]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Browse Remote Directory// command on Synchronization checklist did not locate file with spaces. 
 +  * Bug fix: Extension //ZIP and Upload// does not work with files in a drive root. [[bug>2039]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path on Console window was not shortened when it did not fit. 
 +===== [[5.19.4]] 5.19.4 ((2021-10-24)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: Hungarian. 
 +  * Showing release date on the About dialog. 
 +  * Support for custom certificate store files. [[bug>2034]] 
 +  * Allow other ''2xx'' responses to ''PWD'' command, not only the standard ''257''. [[bug>1768]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When there are both site folder and site with the same name and the site was selected when closing the Login dialog, when reopening, the folder was selected instead. 
 +===== [[5.19.3]] 5.19.3 ((2021-10-11)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: French. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1l. 
 +  * Using //Documents// folder when the last used local directory in Explorer interface does not exist anymore. [[bug>2011]] 
 +  * Bug fix: TLS session resumption is not working for subsequent FTP transfers with TLS 1.3 when the server requires reuse of the session of the previous transfer. [[bug>2018]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot access S3 bucket root when the access policy checks for empty prefix. [[bug>2021]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Response from ProFTPD FTP checksum commands is not recognized. [[bug>2023]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when submitting prompt with //"Never ask me again"// selected. [[bug>2022]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Panels are drawn incorrectly after toggling //Full row select//. [[bug>2025]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout while uploading files to some FTP servers using TLS 1.3. [[bug>2030]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incomplete listing for S3 servers that indicate truncated listing after the contents and whose pagination is a multiple of 8 (e.g. Backblaze). [[bug>2032]] 
 +===== [[5.19.2]] 5.19.2 ((2021-07-21)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: French. 
 +  * Restored compatibility with FTP servers that return malformed ''cdir'' and ''pdir'' entries in directory listing. [[bug>2004]] 
 +  * Fix from [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.76]]: Avoid crash in MIT Kerberos for Windows on session restart. 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.76. It brings the following change: After 30 or so simultaneous sessions, Pageant stops working. [[pbug>win-pageant-max-connections]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Empty local drive could not be entered. [[bug>2000]] 
 +  * Bug fix: TLS settings in default site settings is not restored when opening Login dialog in some cases. [[bug>2001]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Memory leak when deleting completed background transfers. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when running under Task Scheduler or a similar service with session logging enabled. [[bug>2005]] 
 +===== [[5.19.1]] 5.19.1 ((2021-06-30)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: Italian. 
 +  * Incrementing port numbers for secondary connections of tunneled sessions with fixed forwarding port number. [[bug>1996]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when automatically opening a workspace on startup with too many sessions. [[bug>1997]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reading a key file without a trailing newline. [[bug>1998]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when SFTP server resolves ''.'' path to an empty string. [[bug>1999]] 
 +===== [[5.19]] 5.19 ((2021-06-17)) ===== 
 +  * When installing an extension from a URL, not saving the extension with BOM. 
 +  * Not aborting "Keep remote directory up to date" function when connection is lost while deleting files or looking for differences and the session is reconnected. [[bug>1994]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When handling URL in an existing WinSCP instance, session settings from a stored site named after the URL hostname are not used. [[bug>1992]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to move toolbar on progress windows. 
 +  * Bug fix: When installing an extension from a file, it is always saved in UTF-8 with BOM, disregarding the original encoding. [[bug>1993]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When "Keep remote directory up to date" function was started from command-line, disconnects were not detected. 
 +  * Bug fix: When connection was lost and not reconnected, the "Keep remote directory up to date" window was not closed. 
 +===== [[5.18.6]] 5.18.6 RC ((2021-06-10)) ===== 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.4.1. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.2.0. 
 +  * Using multipart uploads with S3 protocol on Google Cloud as it is supported there now. 
 +  * Bug fix: Broken layout of Properties dialog when opening on a secondary display with high DPI primary display. [[bug>1990]] 
 +  * Bug fix: The //"Drag & drop shell extension"// installation component was not showing its size. 
 +  * Bug fix: When saving a local file, the //"Saving"// status on the Internal editor status bar is never cleared. 
 +  * Bug fix: No error message is sometimes shown when SFTP server disconnects. [[bug>1991]] 
 +===== [[5.18.5]] 5.18.5 RC ((2021-05-20)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: Farsi. 
 +  * Support for PPK version 3 keys from PuTTY 0.75. [[bug>1986]] [[pbug>ppk3]] 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.75. It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Pageant now supports loading a key still encrypted, and decrypting it later by prompting for the passphrase on first use. [[pbug>pageant-deferred-decrypt]] 
 +    * Upgraded default SSH key fingerprint format to OpenSSH-style SHA-256.[[pbug>ssh-fingerprint-formats]] 
 +    * PuTTYgen now supports alternative provable-prime generation algorithm for RSA and DSA. 
 +    * Replaces Windows Pageant's IPC with named pipes. [[pbug>pageant-named-pipe]] 
 +    * Bug fix: PuTTYgen mis-writes OpenSSH private key format for some Ed25519 keys. [[pbug>openssh-ed25519-corrupt-private-key]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Moving a transfer to background just in between two individual file transfers cancels the transfer. [[bug>1983]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Files saved in external editors are not uploaded in timezones behind UTC. [[bug>1985]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Sort > By Type icon// for was still incorrect. 
 +===== [[5.18.4]] 5.18.4 RC ((2021-05-06)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1k. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.3.0. 
 +  * The enumerable returned by ''Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles'' implements the interface implicitly to allow access to the interface method (''GetEnumerator'') from late-bound languages, like PowerShell. 
 +  * Disabling multipart uploads with S3 protocol on Google Cloud they are not supported there. [[bug>1972]] 
 +  * Allow downloading a file from an FTP server via a symbolic link in scripting or when handling a URL. [[bug>1973]] 
 +  * Allowing use of the stream returned by ''Session.GetFile'' from a different thread. [[bug>1978]] 
 +  * Workaround for specific encoding of special characters in filenames by OneDrive WebDAV interface. [[bug>1824]] 
 +  * ''%%https://%%'' URL with known S3 API hostname (''s3.amazonaws.com'', ''digitaloceanspaces.com'', ''storage.googleapis.com'') is interpreted as S3 protocol, instead of WebDAV. 
 +  * Automatically resume transfer when TLS re-key fails. [[bug>1982]] 
 +  * Translation updated: German. 
 +  * Bug fix: Ignoring disconnect messages from the server while closing the connection. [[bug>1977]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Preventing another application (or WinSCP instance) stealing the selected tunnel port. [[bug>1971]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang after receiving multiline response from FTP server. [[bug>1963]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Sort > By Type// icon for was incorrect. 
 +  * Bug fix: Keyboard cues were shown in toolbar buttons drop-down menus even when the menu was dropped down with mouse. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting to FTPS server that supports client certificates with translation that uses multi byte encoding. [[bug>1966]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Remembered password is forgotten after the first failed (re)connect, even if the failure did not involve the password. [[bug>1967]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Problems with port forwarding are not detected. [[bug>1970]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Potential failure when waiting for a command executed from Console window is aborted. 
 +  * Bug fix: When saving a site with a slash in the username, it is misinterpreted as a site folder. 
 +  * Bug fix: DST start or end causes edited/opened files to be uploaded. [[bug>1974]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when retrieving a directory listing from an FTP server when the data are transmitted in huge amount of tiny chunks. [[bug>1976]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some operations with relative paths (notably creating and deleting a subdirectory) were failing on encrypted session. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Local > Go to > Explore Directory// was not working with focused remote panel. 
 +  * Bug fix: A workspace session opened from a stored site could not be used for operation in a new window or duplicated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when uploading an empty folder in the foreground or any folder in the background to an FTP server with permissions configured. 
 +  * Bug fix: Adding new background transfer while queue processing is disabled and some parallelized transfer was already started results in "waiting" items being endlessly added to the queue list. 
 +===== [[5.18.3]] 5.18.3 RC ((2021-03-17)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Korean and Romanian. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1j. 
 +  * When opening or switching to a session whose local directory does not exist, open the nearest existing parent directory. [[bug>1951]] 
 +  * Switch-like raw session settings can be configured using ''on''/''off''/''auto'' keywords. 
 +  * Improving validation of port numbers in scripting and .NET assembly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Parsing of multiline VMS FTP listing entries is broken. [[bug>1950]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When moving files to an unvisited folder in an encrypted session, the folder contents is cached as before the move. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping files to a disconnected tab or duplicating to a disconnected session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when duplicating a not-yet-connected session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Canceled or failed FTP transfer caused connection loss. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some errors and information while opening a session in scripting were not logged. [[bug>1956]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP uploads are slow. [[bug>1957]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when S3 bucket contains a subfolder with an empty name. [[bug>1958]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot enter an S3 folder that only contains a subfolder with an empty name. [[bug>1959]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when moving or copying file with non-ASCII file name using S3 protocol. [[bug>1960]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timezone is not correctly reflected in S3 timestamps. 
 +===== [[5.18.2]] 5.18.2 beta ((2021-02-02)) ===== 
 +  * Compatibility with Google Cloud Storage when using S3 protocol to access the buckets. [[bug>1939]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing with no tab. [[bug>1947]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Debug information is printed at the end of the scripting session when debug logging level is set even if logging is turned off. [[bug>1948]] 
 +===== [[5.18.1]] 5.18.1 beta ((2021-01-27)) ===== 
 +  * Improved FTP support for VMS servers (and potentially for other non-Unix-like systems). [[bug>49]] 
 +  * Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Ukrainian and Turkish. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1i. 
 +  * Preserve file permissions when overwritten files are recycled and transfer resume is disabled. [[bug>1929]] 
 +  * Keyboard-interactive authentication challenges can be copied to the clipboard and links contained in the challenges can be opened. [[bug>1930]] 
 +  * Added method ''RemotePath.EscapeOperationMask'' to .NET assembly. 
 +  * Added method ''ComparisonDifference.Reverse'' to .NET assembly. 
 +  * Implemented method ''ComparisonDifference.ToString'' in .NET assembly. 
 +  * ''Write'', ''CanWrite'', ''Length'' and ''Position'' methods and properties of the ''Stream'' returned by the ''Session.GetFile'' behave as expected for a read-only steam. 
 +  * Allowed using SFTP servers that have problems with SSH_FXP_REALPATH requests. [[bug>1933]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Target file name with escaped operation mask special symbols was incorrectly interpreted as an actual operation mask on some dialogs (upload, duplicate, etc), resulting in misplaced warnings 
 +  * Bug fix: Local path argument of ''Session.PutFileToDirectory'' is incorrectly escaped. [[bug>1931]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path argument of ''Session.PutFile'' is incorrectly escaped. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using from single-file bundle. [[bug>1932]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session.GetFile'' can fail, if the server responds too quickly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when S3 bucket contains a folder with an empty name. [[bug>1934]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When the active tab was disconnected, closing window with another active session did not require a confirmation. 
 +  * Bug fix: Setting the logging level to -1 (Reduced) does not work in .NET assembly. [[bug>1936]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ellipses from German command names are not stripped from toolbar buttons. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when the stream returned by ''Session.GetFile'' is closed before the download finished. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when looking for PuTTY key tools and the ''PATH'' contain invalid paths. [[bug>1942]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Prevent loading session settings that can lead to remote code execution from handled URLs. [[bug>1943]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when S3 server returns a truncated listing with folders only. [[bug>1946]] 
 +===== [[5.18]] 5.18 beta ((2020-11-30)) ===== 
 +  * A complete list of files that are part of a background transfer can be shown. [[bug>1785]]   
 +  * ''Stream'' interface in .NET assembly. [[bug>1738]] 
 +  * With SFTP protocol files can be streamed to stdout and from stdin in scripting. 
 +  * Support SHA-256 fingerprints of TLS/SSL certificates. [[bug>1842]] 
 +  * Extension //[[extension_synchronize_another_server|*]]//. 
 +  * When connecting to new SSH host, its host key can be automatically accepted in scripting and .NET assembly. 
 +  * Optional case-sensitive synchronization. [[bug>71]] 
 +  * Enabled TLS 1.3 by default. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.10. 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.74]]. It brings the following change: 
 +    * Security fix: If an SSH server accepted an offer of a public key and then rejected the signature, WinSCP could access freed memory, if the key had come from an SSH agent. [[pbug>vuln-agent-keylist-used-after-free]] 
 +  * Resume transfer when FTP data connection disconnects. [[bug>1878]] 
 +  * Support for ''curve25519-sha256'' KEX. [[bug>1865]] 
 +  * Support for authentication using temporary credentials from AWS Security Token Service (STS). [[bug>1839]] 
 +  * Support for SNI with FTP. [[bug>1895]] 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.1.2. 
 +    * Change: Installer needs Windows 7 SP1/2008 R2 SP1. 
 +  * Alternative way to provide credentials in scripting/command-line without URL-encoding. [[bug>1821]] 
 +  * Compatibility with WebDAV servers that incorrectly encode file URL. [[bug>1876]] 
 +  * Optimizing S3 connection buffers for speed. [[bug>1732]] 
 +  * Edited/opened files from a disconnected session can now be attached to new session even if its username was entered only during authentication instead of directly on the Login dialog. [[bug>1890]] 
 +  * Returning to Login dialog, when ad-hoc connection fails. [[bug>1909]] 
 +  * Local ports for active FTP mode can be limited. [[bug>958]] 
 +  * Allow explicit navigation to a hidden local folder by enabling showing of hidden files and folder, if not enabled yet. [[bug>1905]] 
 +  * Added full //Go To// submenu to context menu of panel path label 
 +  * Automatically restore external editor defaults when changing editor command from Notepad to 3rd party editor. [[bug>1872]] 
 +  * Suppress errors when opened/edited files are locked. [[bug>1832]] 
 +  * Support clearing GID/UID flag on directories with new versions of GNU coreutils. [[bug>1850]] 
 +  * Added ''/nointeractiveinput'' to usage screen. 
 +  * List encrypt-then-MAC algorithms in ''/info'' listing. [[bug>1917]] 
 +  * Not using a transfer via temporary file for files that would exceed system length limit with the temporary extension. [[bug>1922]] 
 +  * Automatically closing timed out ''Session''. [[bug>1923]] 
 +  * Logging IANA encryption algorithm names. [[bug>1886]] 
 +  * Displaying, what directory is being read at the end of login to a server, in a tooltip. [[bug>1916]] 
 +  * Use dark window title for the main window in the dark mode on Windows 10 2004. [[bug>1920]] 
 +  * Clarified that WinSCP may crash in the warning message when trying to load too big file into the internal editor. [[bug>1847]] 
 +  * Do not prevent WinSCP from working when jump list cannot be updated. [[bug>1857]] 
 +  * Allow forcing use of ''LIST'' command to retrieve file information in scripting for FTP servers that has broken support for ''MDTM''/''SIZE'' commands. [[bug>1921]] 
 +  * //Duplicate// and //Rename// commands work even for disconnected sessions. 
 +  * IPv6 literals with scope or literals that are already escaped in square brackets are formatted standardly in session URL (instead of URL-encoding them). 
 +  * Allowed longer input on Edit file input box. [[bug>1911]] 
 +  * Added help link to Add extension box and making the box wider. 
 +  * GSSAPI key exchange authentication can be turned on. [[bug>1863]] 
 +  * When trying to open an inaccessible local directory, display an error message, instead of silently doing nothing. 
 +  * Cleanup application data dialog labels cache cleanup checkbox label updated to reflect previously updated functionality. 
 +  * Disabling tips controls until some tips are actually available. 
 +  * Optionally disable moving using drag&drop. [[bug>1884]] 
 +  * Main window follows Login dialog to another monitor, when switched using keyboard shortcuts ''Shift+Win+Left''/''Right''. [[bug>1907]] 
 +  * When path to an existing local directory is specified on the Download options dialog without an operation mask, a noop operation mask is implied. 
 +  * Workaround for wrong description of ''Num *'' keyboard shortcut in menus with German keyboard. [[bug>1889]] 
 +  * Files with the same name except for a letter case are sorted deterministically. [[bug>1894]] 
 +  * Not offering pasting from clipboard on the file panels if the clipboard contains multi-line text. 
 +  * Extending transfer dialog drop-down menu size to 16 entries. 
 +  * Bug fix: Local file panel ignored changes in latter case of files and folders. [[bug>1885]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local custom commands that need session but no remote files were not disabled when session was not connected. 
 +  * Bug fix: Correct letter case variant of remote directory in directory tree was not always selected. [[bug>1891]] 
 +  * Bug fix: With no connected session, shared bookmarks modifications are not preserved. 
 +  * Bug fix: Using list header color appropriate for the actual light/dark column background color (list headers are not dark, unless system wide app dark mode is enabled). 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session.ParseUrl'' cannot accept fingerprint parameter for sessions over TLS. [[bug>1925]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom command patterns ''!S''/''!E'' do not include fingerprint of TLS certificate. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot work with filenames ending with space with FTP protocol. [[bug>1900]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Canceling remote path drop-down did not reset it back to the current path. 
 +  * Bug fix: Folders in a drive root showed incorrect type name sometimes. 
 +  * Bug fix: Customizing custom commands from Synchronization checklist window was not working. [[bug>1908]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Whole local drive could have been scanned when trying to browse to non-existing or hidden folders. 
 +  * Bug fix: Timed out status bar note was not added to history popup box, while a session is disconnected. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Duplicate// command in remote file context menu operated over selected files instead of the focused file. 
 +  * Bug fix: *nix shell special characters were unintentionally escaped in PuTTY/SSH terminal command patterns. [[bug>1906]] 
 +===== [[5.17.10]] 5.17.10 ((2021-01-26)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated security fixes from 5.18.1 release: 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1i. 
 +    * Bug fix: Prevent loading session settings that can lead to remote code execution from handled URLs. [[bug>1943]] 
 +===== [[5.17.9]] 5.17.9 ((2020-11-20)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: German. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using S3/AWS access ID or region longer than 32 characters. [[bug>1914]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening some menus while having long text of specific length copied to the Clipboard. [[bug>1915]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when directory contains a file with too long name. [[bug>1924]] 
 +===== [[5.17.8]] 5.17.8 ((2020-10-15)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1h. 
 +  * Allow using Windows Store apps aliases as terminals (particularly Windows Terminal). [[bug>1901]] 
 +  * Limiting error report and message search URLs to 4 KB, as larger URLs fail to open in some browsers. 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.74. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session.CompareDirectories'' handles incorrectly files with names containing reserved XML characters. [[bug>1897]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Keep local directory up to date// extension fails if error occurs before session URL is parsed. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP uploads started over already disconnected session do not reconnect automatically. [[bug>1913]] 
 +===== [[5.17.7]] 5.17.7 ((2020-07-24)) ===== 
 +  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.2. 
 + * Security fix from [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.74]]: If an SSH server accepted an offer of a public key and then rejected the signature, WinSCP could access freed memory, if the key had come from an SSH agent. [[pbug>vuln-agent-keylist-used-after-free]] 
 +  * Displaying progress of synchronization in //Keep local directory up to date// extension. [[bug>1887]] 
 +  * Displaying session name and operation status in console title of //Keep local directory up to date// extension. [[bug>1888]] 
 +  * Translation updated: German. 
 +  * Removed workaround for lack of support for ''max-keys'' parameter in Backblaze S3 API, as it is supported now. [[bug>1871]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure while changing path using path label while another command was executing already. [[bug>1877]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when system settings change during synchronization. [[bug>1879]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to close WinSCP while reading a remote directory. [[bug>1880]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after using files from a disconnected session (for example saving an edited file). [[bug>1881]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory reading cannot be cancelled for SFTP servers that provide optional ''end-of-list'' field. [[bug>1883]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Going to root folder in the local panel does not update selection in the directory tree. 
 +===== [[5.17.6]] 5.17.6 ((2020-05-28)) ===== 
 +  * Added new ''af-south-1'' and ''eu-south-1'' AWS regions. [[bug>1864]] 
 +  * Translation updated: Brazilian Portuguese. 
 +  * Not defaulting to Documents folder on a network drive even if it is mapped. [[bug>1869]] 
 +  * Workaround for lack of support for ''max-keys'' parameter in Backblaze S3 API. [[bug>1871]] 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.5. 
 +    * Change: Installer does not support Windows Vista/2008 anymore. 
 +  * Bug fix: Transfer settings are not preserved when starting synchronization in new window. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Keep remote directory up to date// window cannot be restored after it was minimized to tray using //Minimize to System Tray// command, when the window was opened from command-line or using //Start in New Window// command. [[bug>1868]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Starting synchronization in a new window should be disabled when //Selected files only// option is selected, as that combination is not implemented. [[bug>1870]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Starting a synchronization in a new window does not work if the remote path consist of one level only. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling an authentication of an ad-hoc session from a workspace opened from command-line. [[bug>1875]] 
 +  * Bug fix: GSSAPI key exchange authentication is off by default as it caused failures when old version of MIT Kerberos was installed on the machine. [[bug>1874]] 
 +===== [[5.17.5]] 5.17.5 ((2020-04-27)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese; and updated: German and Russian. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting fresh installation on high DPI displays. [[bug>1862]] 
 +===== [[5.17.4]] 5.17.4 ((2020-04-24)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1g. 
 +  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.1. 
 +  * Local file panel honors preferred drop action of source application. [[bug>1848]] 
 +  * Increased maximal length of proxy and tunnel credentials. [[bug>1849]] 
 +  * Truncating too long directory names in session tab title. 
 +  * Optionally do not distinguish multiple sessions opened to the same site by current path. [[bug>1734]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when fallback SSH channel fails to open. [[bug>1845]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when creating shortcut for jumplist fails. [[bug>1846]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Window position is not restored, if its left or top edge was aligned to monitor edge. [[bug>1852]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong layout of Login dialog on monitors with low vertical resolution. [[bug>1463]] 
 +  * Bug fix: FTP file uploads are interrupting with TLS 1.3. [[bug>1834]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Empty directories are not uploaded to FTP server when transferring in background. [[bug>1859]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Percent sign (''%'') in PuTTY session settings (such as IPv6 scope syntax) is misinterpreted when importing. [[bug>1860]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting with automatic workspace opening when none of the workspace sites exist. [[bug>1861]] 
 +===== [[5.17.3]] 5.17.3 ((2020-04-01)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1f. 
 +  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.0. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.4. 
 +  * Translation updated: French. 
 +  * Importing site-specific key files from FileZilla. [[bug>1841]] 
 +  * Showing session name in Synchronization checklist and Keep remote directory up to date windows, when the operation was executed in a new window/from a command line. [[bug>1838]] 
 +  * ''Session.ScanFingerprint'' now works even for Amazon S3 protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after resuming system from sleep. [[bug>1829]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Option to disconnect a session was available even while deleting local files, and caused failure when selected while no session was actually opened. [[bug>1836]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when primary SSH channel fails to open. [[bug>1837]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''SHA-1'' fingerprint of TLS/SSL certificate was incorrectly presented as ''MD5'' by ''Session.ScanFingerprint''. 
 +  * Bug fix: When dragging file via temporary directory it is deleted too early. [[bug>1844]] 
 +===== [[5.17.2]] 5.17.2 ((2020-03-09)) ===== 
 +  * Disabling TLS 1.3 by default until it is better tested. [[bug>1835]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot connect to SSH-1 servers. [[bug>1833]] 
 +  * Bug fix: TLS session resumption is not working for FTP transfers with TLS 1.3. [[bug>1831]] 
 +===== [[5.17.1]] 5.17.1 ((2020-02-27)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Confirmation to close WinSCP does not have a help page associated (to explain the workspace). [[bug>1825]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when loading extension with filename containing some special characters (like a dash). [[bug>1826]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SCP fallback is no longer working. [[bug>1827]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path on Address bar of Explorer interface cannot be submitted. [[bug>1828]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot use TLS/SSL client certificate. [[bug>1830]] 
 +  * Bug fix: TLS/SSL client certificate could be configured for S3 protocol even though it is not supported. 
 +===== [[5.17]] 5.17 ((2020-02-18)) ===== 
 +  * Optionally using ''Ctrl+F4'' to close session tab. [[bug>1823]] 
 +===== [[5.16.7]] 5.16.7 RC ((2020-02-13)) ===== 
 +  * New DigiCert EV code signing certificate valid until February 2023 is used for signing binaries. 
 +  * Ignoring incorrect timestamps in ''MDTM'' response, while autodetecting timezone difference. [[bug>1818]] 
 +  * Storage configuration on Preferences dialog handles INI files specified on a command-line better. 
 +  * Added an example for using Win32-OpenSSH ''ssh.exe'' as an SSH terminal. [[bug>1822]] 
 +  *  It is possible to configure TLS 1.3 restrictions. 
 +  * Bug fix: Using directory exclude mask while searching caused all non excluded folder to be unintentionally included in the search results. 
 +  * Bug fix: It is not possible to recursively search for a folder. [[bug>1819]] 
 +===== [[5.16.6]] 5.16.6 RC ((2020-01-21)) ===== 
 +  * When creating WinSCP shortcut, make it use the same configuration as the creating instance. [[bug>941]] 
 +  * Translation updated: French. 
 +===== [[5.16.5]] 5.16.5 RC ((2020-01-06)) ===== 
 +  * .NET assembly functionality to process individual ''ComparisonDifference'' instances. [[bug>1802]] 
 +  * Convenience method ''Session.RemoveFile''. 
 +  * Translations completed: Spanish and Korean. 
 +  * ''RemotePath.TranslateLocalPathToRemote'' and ''RemotePath.TranslateRemotePathToLocal'' can accept a directory source path equal to the source root path with a missing trailing slash. 
 +  * Custom commands keyboard shortcuts work on Synchronization checklist dialog. 
 +  * //Enable queue processing/Once Done// queue options should be disabled/triggered once all queued operations are completed, not only after the queue list is empty. [[bug>1815]] 
 +  * Added ''/bin/sh'' to the list of shells. [[bug>1814]] 
 +  * ''Ctrl+Left''/''Right''/''Back'' work better on Raw Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Logging deletion of local source file. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''ComparisonDifference.IsDirectory'' was not set to true for directories. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot list WebDAV directory when any of the files is locked and the ''<depth>'' or ''<timeout>'' elements contain whitespaces around its contents. [[bug>1813]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Colored session icon does not display on high DPI. [[bug>1816]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting synchronization when application taskbar button is not fully working. [[bug>1817]] 
 +===== [[5.16.4]] 5.16.4 RC ((2019-12-04)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Version check did not work with five digit build number. 
 +===== [[5.16.3]] 5.16.3 RC ((2019-12-04)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian. 
 +  * New DigiCert code signing certificate used for signing binaries valid until February 2023. 
 +  * Not defaulting to Documents folder on a network drive. [[bug>1809]] 
 +  * Improvements to cleaning up application data: 
 +    * Cleanup application data dialog shows only data that exist. 
 +    * Uninstaller does not offer to delete application data, when there are not any. 
 +    * The option to cleanup cached host keys cleans all other caches as well. 
 +    * Bug fix: Cleaning up cached SSH host keys did not work. 
 +    * Bug fix: Cleaning up configuration did not remove jumplist. 
 +    * Bug fix: Running WinSCP for a maintenance task unintentionally creates a random seed file. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when cleaning up sites from Login dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when change in subfolder is detected while keeping remote directory up to date. [[bug>1807]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when synchronizing directories after they were previously synchronized while being empty. [[bug>1808]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Name of the selected directory in tree is dark on dark background in dark mode. [[bug>1810]] 
 +===== [[5.16.2]] 5.16.2 RC ((2019-11-08)) ===== 
 +  * Improvements to dark theme: 
 +    * Dark theme for column headers. [[bug>1776]] 
 +    * Toggling between light and dark interface theme is faster. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when switching between light and dark interface themes. [[bug>1805]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Disconnected remote panel background color does not reflect theme change. 
 +  * Looking for ''WinSCP.exe'' also in entry .NET assembly folder. 
 +  * Support for IBM z/OS Tape files. [[bug>1801]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional hang when loading file icons. [[bug>1803]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure while closing application and suspending computer after operation completion. [[bug>1804]] 
 +===== [[5.16.1]] 5.16.1 beta ((2019-10-23)) ===== 
 +  * Sorting find results. [[bug>902]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.73]]. It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Security fix: On Windows, other applications were able to bind to the same TCP port as a WinSCP local port forwarding. [[pbug>vuln-win-exclusiveaddruse]] 
 +    * Bug fix (possibly security-related): An SSH-1 server sending a disconnection message could cause an access to freed memory. [[pbug>ssh1-disconnect-use-after-free]] 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.9. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.3: 
 +    * Checkboxes displayed by lists now look better on high DPI systems. 
 +  * Allow configuring additional PuTTY settings (e.g. terminal settings) to be used when opening a session in PuTTY. [[bug>1798]] 
 +  * NuGet package updated to the latest format with an included icon and framework dependencies. 
 +  * Allow empty password authentication with FTP servers that prompt for empty passwords. [[bug>1796]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Edited path was hidden behind a browsing button on file/directory path selection boxes. [[bug>1791]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Start menu and Taskbar icons are too small when installed from Microsoft Store. [[bug>1793]] 
 +  * Bug fix: After directory comparison before synchronization finishes, taskbar button still shows a progress bar. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when authentication with keyboard interactive authentication with specified prompt title. [[bug>1794]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Stored password is not used for keyboard interactive authentication prompt with specified prompt title. [[bug>1795]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Settings with an empty default value were not listed in Add Raw Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: State of //Allow agent forwarding// checkbox was not updated when toggling //Attempt authentication using Pageant//. 
 +  * Bug fix: When starting private key upload from Advanced Site Settings dialog, changed settings were preserved even if the dialog was later canceled. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP only options were shown for SCP sites on Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Master password prompt unintentionally appears when selecting site folder with a site with an encrypted password. [[bug>1799]] 
 +  * Bug fix: .NET assembly does not have a digital signature. [[bug>1800]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Corrected some help links. 
 +===== [[5.16]] 5.16 beta ((2019-09-24)) ===== 
 +  * Improvements to sessions and workspace management, so that WinSCP can now easily restore tabs that were open when it was last closed: 
 +    * Login dialog can be configured not to automatically pop up, when starting WinSCP and when closing the last session. [[bug>1771]] 
 +    * When Login dialog is configured not to pop up automatically on start and workspace was saved in the previous run, the workspace is automatically restored when WinSCP starts. 
 +    * A session can be disconnected, without closing its tab, and later reconnected. 
 +    * Tabs of sessions opened with a workspace or a folder that fails to connect and tabs of all sessions that fail to reconnect are not closed. 
 +    * Option //"Keep main window open when the last session is closed"// is enabled by default. 
 +    * User is offered to save a workspace, even when only one session is opened. 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.72]]. It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Major rewrite of the crypto code to remove cache and timing side channels. 
 +    * Hardware-accelerated AES. [[bug>1769]] [[pbug>cpu-crypto-accel]] 
 +    * Support for GSSAPI key exchange. [[pbug>gss-key-exchange]] 
 +    * Server and protocol information dialog now shows a more detailed information about the cipher in use. 
 +    * Support for key exchange algorithm ''diffie-hellman-group14-sha256''. 
 +  * Extension //Archive and Download// to archive remote files and download the archive. [[bug>1773]] 
 +  * Improvements to Synchronization checklist window: 
 +    * Estimating time to finish directory comparison before synchronization based on previous comparisons of the same folders. 
 +    * Allowed opening the local or remote file from synchronization checklist in Windows Explorer or WinSCP, respectively. [[bug>1784]] 
 +    * Hints for synchronization action icons on synchronization checklist window. [[bug>1786]] 
 +  * Command-line switch ''/browse'' to either force opening the main window when a file URL is specified or to explicitly select a specified file in both file panels. 
 +  * Convenience methods ''Session.PutFileToDirectory'', ''Session.PutFilesToDirectory'', ''Session.GetFileToDirectory'' and ''Session.GetFilesToDirectory''. 
 +  * Selection of network interface for SSH and IPv4 using raw session setting ''SourceAddress''. [[bug>416]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1d.  It brings TLS 1.3 support among other changes. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 6.0.2: 
 +    * User can choose between installation for all users and the current user only. 
 +    * Change: Silent installation needs additional ''/ALLUSERS'' or ''/CURRENTUSER'' switches. 
 +    * Automatically creating appropriate type of desktop icon for respective install mode. 
 +    * Modern style of the installer wizard. 
 +    * Change: Installer does not support Windows XP/2003 anymore. 
 +  * Raw site settings editor. 
 +  * //Copy// (to clipboard) command in file context menu. [[bug>1758]] 
 +  * Automatically reconnecting when FTP data connection cannot be opened, if it previously worked. [[bug>1767]] 
 +  * Host key and certificate fingerprint verification improvements: 
 +    * When verifying a host key using an expected fingerprint, it is possible to use an expected fingerprint with a checksum only (with both key type and bit count omitted). 
 +    * When verifying a host key or a certificate using an expected fingerprint, the comparison is case-insensitive (with an exception of SHA-256 checksum). 
 +    * When verifying a host key using an expected fingerprint, a padding (''='') in SHA-256 checksum is not required. 
 +    * Change: TLS/SSL certificate fingerprints in generated URL use dashes (''-'') instead of colons ('':''), while colons are still accepted. 
 +    * Change: SHA-256 fingerprints in generated URL use dashes (''-'') and underscores (''_'') instead of pluses (''+'') and slashes (''/''), while pluses and slashes are still accepted. 
 +  * Support S3 servers with Path URI style (like MinIO). [[bug>1632]] 
 +  * S3 //Default region// can be configured on Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Support for non standard ports with S3 protocol. [[bug>1780]] 
 +  * Not showing remote custom commands and local custom commands working with remote files in local file context menu. 
 +  * Custom command pattern ''!E'' preserves session name. 
 +  * Added ''SessionOptions.Name'' and ''SessionOptions.ToString'' (returning the ''.Name''). 
 +  * Change: Removed option to create //Quick Launch// icons (Windows Vista and older only). 
 +  * Change: Consider size of linked file when transferring/synchronizing symbolic link. [[bug>1747]] 
 +  * Individual configuration storage sections can be set read-only. 
 +  * Switch ''/defaults'' accepts an optional delay in seconds to start the operation. 
 +  * Resolving local environment variables in initial session local path. [[bug>150]] 
 +  * Keep trying to save configuration for up to 2 seconds when INI file is locked by another process. [[bug>1775]] 
 +  * Change: ''RemoteFileInfo.FileType'' now consistently returns ''L'' for symlinks as was always documented. ''RemoteFileInfo.FileType'' now consistently returns uppercase value as was always documented. 
 +  * Configurable S3 root path/bucket in .NET assembly. [[bug>1778]] 
 +  * Indicating in an Internal editor that the file is new and preventing actions that does not make sense for non-existing files. [[bug>1752]] 
 +  * Persisting custom command toolbar buttons visibility. [[bug>1788]] 
 +  * Fallback to default ANSI encoding, when ''known_hosts'' file is not in UTF-8. [[bug>1789]] 
 +  * ''/passphrase'' command-line switch is now documented. 
 +  * When uploading file to a symbolic link with enabled remote recycle bin, the symbolic link is not moved to the recycle bin. [[bug>1759]] 
 +  * Speed box in Progress window responds to mouse wheel. 
 +  * //Updates// page of Preferences dialog replaced with simpler //Statistics// page for Store installations. 
 +  * Configurable console/terminal font. [[bug>1774]] 
 +  * Better error message when writing INI file fails. [[bug>1787]] 
 +  * ''Session.DisableVersionCheck'' will not be obsoleted. [[bug>1777]] 
 +  * When using a scripting console interactively, not warning about opening a session from a command-line or using a stored site. 
 +  * Allow turning off asynchronous loading of icons. [[bug>1783]] 
 +  * Using only extension/custom command name without any qualifiers in some contexts. 
 +  * Improved formatting of some messages. 
 +  * Small improvements of layout for longer translations. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting (local) custom command with no session opened. 
 +  * Bug fix: Errors while mass-modifying sites were displayed in message box instead of console window. 
 +  * Bug fix: When only encrypted session setting (like passwords) were changed during mass-modification, changes were not saved. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to mass-modify stored sites, when a master password was set. 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory changes cache is not case sensitive when resolving symbolic links. [[bug>1739]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some cached SSH and TLS/SSL fingerprints were not preserved when exporting/importing the configuration. 
 +  * Bug fix: Validation of input boxes prevented cancelling dialogs using //Cancel// button. [[bug>1763]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to overwrite remote file, when moving of overwritten files to remote recycle bin was configured, but the file could not be moved. [[bug>1766]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Files larger than 0.5 GB are never uploaded in ascii/text mode with SCP protocol as it would fail anyway due to memory issues. [[bug>1770]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Lower-than (''<'') and greater-than (''>'') symbols are not escaped in an output of ''RemotePath.EscapeFileMask'' .NET method and in a script generated by the GUI. [[bug>1781]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when reopening a remote file whose local temporary copy has been deleted. [[bug>1790]] 
 +===== [[5.15.9]] 5.15.9 (hotfix) ((2019-12-05)) ===== 
 +  * Temporarily using old DigiCert code signing certificate that does not trigger //"Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting"// warning. [[bug>1812]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Version check did not work with five digit build number (skipping 5.15.8 as a workaround). 
 +===== [[5.15.7]] 5.15.7 (hotfix) ((2019-11-27)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Russian. 
 +  * New DigiCert code signing certificate used for signing binaries valid until February 2023. 
 +  * Back-propagated fixes and changes from 5.16.1--5.16.2 releases: 
 +    * Toggling between light and dark interface theme is faster. 
 +    * Bug fix: .NET assembly does not have a digital signature. [[bug>1800]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Corrected some help links. 
 +    * Bug fix: Occasional hang when loading file icons. [[bug>1803]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure while closing application and suspending computer after operation completion. [[bug>1804]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when switching between light and dark interface themes. [[bug>1805]] 
 +===== [[5.15.6]] 5.15.6 (hotfix) ((2019-10-17)) ===== 
 +  * This is Microsoft Store-only release with the following fix: 
 +    * Bug fix: Start menu and Taskbar icons are too small when installed from Microsoft Store. [[bug>1793]] 
 +===== [[5.15.5]] 5.15.5 (hotfix) ((2019-10-16)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated fixes and changes from 5.16--5.16.1 releases: 
 +    * Security fix from [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.73]]: On Windows, other applications were able to bind to the same TCP port as a WinSCP local port forwarding. [[pbug>vuln-win-exclusiveaddruse]] 
 +    * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.9. 
 +    * Bug fix: Error when reopening a remote file whose local temporary copy has been deleted. [[bug>1790]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Edited path was hidden behind a browsing button on file/directory path selection boxes. [[bug>1791]] 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.73. 
 +  * Installer translations updated: Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Slovak and Turkish. 
 +===== [[5.15.4]] 5.15.4 ((2019-09-16)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2t. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.8. 
 +  * Official extension //Batch rename// prints more information about its progress. 
 +  * Small improvements of layout for longer translations. 
 +  * Translation updated: Italian. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot switch back to English after changing language on non-US English system. [[bug>1779]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Deleting temporary local copy of remote file caused errors and invalid attempts to upload the nonexisting file. [[bug>1782]] 
 +===== [[5.15.3]] 5.15.3 ((2019-07-21)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.72: 
 +    * Integer underflow parsing SSH-1 packet length. [[pbug>vuln-ssh1-buffer-length-underflow]]  
 +    * Buffer overflow in SSH-1 if server sends two tiny RSA keys. [[pbug>vuln-ssh1-short-rsa-keys]]  
 +    * Windows Pageant client code does not check response length field. [[pbug>vuln-win-pageant-client-missing-length-check]] 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.72. 
 +  * Using recommended sizes of icons when installed from Microsoft Store. [[bug>1754]] 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.7. 
 +  * Translations updated: Hungarian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish. 
 +  * File panel incremental search can be disabled using raw configuration setting. [[bug>1742]] 
 +  * Retrying deleting fake temporary folder created when pasting remote files to Windows File Explorer. [[bug>1765]] 
 +  * Bug fix: With every start on a monitor with different DPI than the primary monitor, dimensions of the window and some of its components change slightly. [[bug>1750]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Speed limit does not work with S3 protocol. [[bug>1755]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Site folder loses names of its sites. [[bug>1756]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Compare Files// extension cannot handle paths with spaces. [[bug>1760]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local recycle bin is unintentionally scanned, slowing down browsing. [[bug>1761]] 
 +  * Bug fix: .NET assembly debug log file timestamps shows as GMT, while they are actually local times. [[bug>1762]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot upload files over 50 GB to S3. [[bug>1764]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When using a local custom command from Synchronization checklist window, opened from a command-line, the connection was closed. 
 +  * Bug fix: When saving an edited site or default settings, WinSCP prompted for the master password, even when the site does not have any password to protect. 
 +  * Bug fix: When opening a connection from a command-line, which does not have a local directory set yet, local panel is opened empty. 
 +===== [[5.15.2]] 5.15.2 ((2019-05-29)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2s. 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to latest development snapshot of PuTTY <nowrap>(2019-05-13.45be166)</nowrap>. It brings the following change: 
 +    * Bug fix: Crash when adding an ECDSA key to Pageant. [[pbug>pageant-ecdsa-assert-fail]] 
 +    * Bug fix: RSA keys generated by PuTTYgen could be one bit too short. [[pbug>puttygen-keys-one-bit-short]] 
 +  * Translations updated: Dutch and Polish. 
 +  * Not scanning unvisited network folders to speed up start up and browsing. [[bug>1737]] 
 +  * Starting main window with the last user local folder instead of always starting in //Documents// folder. [[bug>1740]] 
 +  * When renaming an ad-hoc site, using a generated friendly name as a start. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some numerical folders are duplicated in remote directory tree. [[bug>1736]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ad hoc site opened from a workspace showed its internal number a name instead of a friendly generated name. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure in .NET assembly when ''ProgramFiles(x86)'' environment variable is not set and WinSCP executable cannot be found anywhere. [[bug>1741]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Keyboard accelerator for //Octal// box on Properties dialog does not work. [[bug>1743]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when .NET assembly times out waiting for WinSCP to start. [[bug>1744]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when shutting down Windows. [[bug>1746]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Two consecutive different file mask delimiters are processed incorrectly. [[bug>1745]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when undocking toolbar on a system with multiple monitors with different DPI. [[bug>1748]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after a session lost while in Console dialog is reconnected. [[bug>1749]] 
 +===== [[5.15.1]] 5.15.1 ((2019-04-11)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: .NET assembly does not have a strong name. [[bug>1730]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Raw transfer settings are incorrectly processed with ''synchronize'' command. [[bug>1731]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Compressed files entries are hard to read in dark theme. [[bug>1733]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot drag files from WinRAR. [[bug>1735]] 
 +===== [[5.15]] 5.15 ((2019-03-27)) ===== 
 +  * Translations updated: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, French, German and Icelandic. 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.71. It brings the following changes: 
 +    * Pageant support for SHA-256/512 RSA signatures, used by e.g. OpenSSH client. [[pbug>pageant-rsa-sha2]] 
 +    * Support OpenSSH 7.6+ aes256-ctr-encypted private keys. [[pbug>puttygen-openssh-aes-ctr]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.71. [[bug>1729]] [[pbug>vuln-rng-reuse]] [[pbug>vuln-rsa-kex-integer-overflow]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Reloading file in internal editor can cause unwanted upload of partially reloaded file. [[bug>1728]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting any (local) batch file operation with no session opened. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command to create/edit a local shortcut was disabled with no session opened. 
 +===== [[5.14.5]] 5.14.5 RC ((2019-02-28)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2r. 
 +  * Allowing localization of extension option values in drop-down lists. 
 +  * Bug fix: Renaming site on Login dialog cannot be committed using ''Enter'' key when it was started using //Manage > Rename// command. [[bug>1718]] 
 +  * Bug fix: After canceling a confirmation to install a public key to a non-OpenSSH server, a message about a successful key installation was displayed nevertheless. 
 +  * Bug fix: Pressing ''Alt'' with combo box focused did not show keyboard accelerators. 
 +  * Bug fix: Background transfers queue list font color does not reflect dark theme. [[bug>1721]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory is not reloaded, when focusing newly created file from Find dialog. [[bug>1722]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local directories with path long between 248 and 259 characters could not be created. [[bug>1725]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping down bookmark menu with no session opened. [[bug>1726]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting GUI. [[bug>1727]] 
 +===== [[5.14.4]] 5.14.4 RC ((2019-01-10)) ===== 
 +  * Prepared for translations. 
 +  * Updated NuGet package description and icon. 
 +  * Fixed some typos. 
 +===== [[5.14.3]] 5.14.3 RC ((2019-01-09)) ===== 
 +  * Suspending workaround [[bug>1644]] for a bug in Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 update), fixed in version 1809 (October 2018 update), that caused drag&drop downloads to Windows File Explorer end in a wrong folder. 
 +  * Control labels do not show keyboard accelerator cue, until ''Alt'' key is pressed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from the file focused by an incremental search. [[bug>1714]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incremental search in Explorer-selection mode does not select the found file. [[bug>1713]] 
 +  * Bug fix: The last file transfer before creating a remote directory during synchronization is not reported with .NET assembly. [[bug>1715]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Properties dialog shows //"1 file/folder"//, instead of a name, even when a single entry was selected only. 
 +  * Bug fix: When an ancestor directory cannot be read, its child files and subdirectories are incorrectly assumed to be encrypted. [[bug>1716]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting GUI. [[bug>1717]] 
 +===== [[5.14.2]] 5.14.2 beta ((2018-12-20)) ===== 
 +  * //Compare Files// extensions (obsoletes //File Compare// custom command). 
 +  * Dark theme. [[bug>1696]] 
 +  * Coloring files in file panels based on a file mask. [[bug>1574]] 
 +  * Improved incremental search in file panels. [[bug>1711]] 
 +  * Synchronization preview in .NET assembly. [[bug>1371]] 
 +  * Allowed dropping remote files to network drives. [[bug>1701]] 
 +  * Synchronization can be started in a new window. [[bug>327]] 
 +  * Command to un/check all files in a folder on Synchronization checklist window. [[bug>1705]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2q. 
 +  * ''/rawtransfersettings'' command-line switch to configure any transfer settings using a raw format as in an INI file. 
 +  * Command-line switch ''/comregistration'' for inspecting and clearing broken COM registrations. [[bug>1706]] 
 +  * Optionally failing synchronization in scripting when there are no changes. [[bug>1707]] 
 +  * ''Ctrl+PgDn'' tries to enter even a file. [[bug>1704]] 
 +  * Adding //"Open Directory/Bookmark"// command to bookmark drop-down menu. 
 +  * Change: Renamed ''RemotePath.CombinePaths'' to ''RemotePath.Combine''. 
 +  * Showing a progress while executing a local custom command with a set of files. 
 +  * Loading ''.exe'' (and similar) file icons asynchronously. 
 +  * Allowed excluding certain drive letters from monitoring for dropped files. 
 +  * Better error message when drop target cannot be detected and drag&drop shell extension is not available. 
 +  * Flashing taskbar button, when synchronization checklist window shows with found changed files, while WinSCP is on background. 
 +  * Custom font colors history. 
 +  * When switching colored sessions, file panels were temporarily drawn using a color of a previous session. 
 +  * Not offering name of selected subfolder as a name of new file and not downloading the folder if it by coincidence matches with name of the new file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping down bookmark menu while no bookmark is saved. [[bug>1697]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling connection attempt. [[bug>1698]] 
 +  * Bug fix: With themes disabled, an empty space is reserved for and working as a close button on a session tab even though the button is not drawn. [[bug>1699]] 
 +  * Bug fix: GUI freezes while executing an extension with ''ShowResultsInMsgBox'' or ''CopyResults'' flags. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Shift+Ctrl+Alt+?'' keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and extensions were not working. [[bug>1700]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //User name// edit box on Login dialog in some cases does not include modification commands (like //Paste//). [[bug>1702]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Opening context menu of a file in a local panel locks a parent folder of the file. [[bug>1703]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ampersand (''&'') from the last custom command was not shown in menu. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remembered private key passphrase is not passed to PuTTY. [[bug>1708]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Crash on start while loading local file icons. [[bug>1709]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling session reconnect. [[bug>1684]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling connection attempt started from command-line. [[bug>1710]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to access a bucket, if the user does not have permissions to list its root folder. [[bug>1712]] 
 +===== [[5.14.1]] 5.14.1 beta ((2018-10-26)) ===== 
 +  * Support OpenSSH AES-256-CTR-encrypted keys. PuTTYgen updated to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2018-10-22.1806b71). [[bug>1692]] 
 +  * Allow connecting to Amazon S3 using non-default endpoints. [[bug>1695]] 
 +  * With parallel background transfers, it is not possible to disable size calculation, which effectively prevented parallel transfers from working. [[bug>1691]] 
 +  * Low logging level implemented also for S3 and partly for WebDAV protocols. [[bug>1637]] 
 +  * Optionally consider exit code 1 an error when executing a shell command on a server. [[bug>1694]] 
 +  * Middle mouse click closes session without activating its tab. 
 +  * Choosing right color for background of calculated checksum on Properties dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing the main window with a colored session. [[bug>1693]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Confirmation of copy&paste transfers between panels was incorrectly controlled by drag&drop confirmation preference option. 
 +  * Bug fix: Background transfer settings are not preserved. [[bug>1690]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Resolving file move from synchronization checklist, invoked from command-line, closes a connection. 
 +  * Bug fix: Generated code included redundant ''PortNumber'' raw settings settings setter for all sessions not using port 22. 
 +===== [[5.14]] 5.14 beta ((2018-10-15)) ===== 
 +  * [[file_encryption|Files can be optionally encrypted]] when storing them on SFTP server. [[bug>1653]] 
 +  * Local UNC paths can be browsed. [[bug>133]] 
 +  * Files can be copied to the clipboard. [[bug>316]] 
 +  * Empty directories can be excluded from transfer and synchronization. [[bug>207]] 
 +  * Files can be downloaded directly to an external drop location even without a loaded drag&drop shell extension. 
 +  * It is always possible to use drag&drop to move remote files to external applications, while copy is always the default operation. 
 +  * Improvements to directory synchronization: 
 +    * Synchronization runs on top of Synchronization checklist window for easier overview of the process. 
 +    * Showing overall synchronization progress on progress window and taskbar. [[bug>598]] 
 +    * File/directory rename can be resolved on Synchronization checklist window. 
 +    * Size of directories can be calculated on Synchronization checklist window. 
 +    * Synchronization summary is shown at the end of the operation. [[bug>1680]] 
 +    * Function //"Keep remote directory up to date"// can be started in a new window. 
 +    * During synchronization transfer speed limit is preserved across set of synchronized directories. 
 +    * Larger default size of Synchronization checklist window on larger screens. 
 +    * Not showing //"Operation was successfully completed"// when canceling Synchronization Checklist window opened from command-line. 
 +    * Not showing //"Operation was successfully completed"// message, after command-line synchronization operation, where there were no files to be synchronized. 
 +    * //Once Finished// option now applies to whole synchronization operation, not only to the current particular synchronization sub-operation. 
 +    * Preventing artifacts on Synchronization checklist window. 
 +    * Bug fix: When synchronization changes preview is turned off, and changes are found, but none of them match synchronization options, no feedback is provided. 
 +  * Bookmark drop-down menu. [[bug>1127]] 
 +  * Added //Generate// button to //%%SSH%% > Authentication// page of Advanced Site Settings dialog, that starts PuTTYgen and detects a private key file generated by it. [[bug>386]] 
 +  * Command to install public key in available both on main window and on Advanced Site Settings dialog. [[bug>386]] 
 +  * Close button on session tab. [[bug>1393]] Using it, a non-active disconnected session can be closed without a need to reconnect it. 
 +  * When a path entered in Open Directory dialog or //Address// toolbar cannot be opened, retry an entry to allow user to correct it. [[bug>1673]] 
 +  * Public key can be displayed in Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Session tab can be renamed. [[bug>1183]] 
 +  * //Save as Preset// command in transfer settings drop-down menu. [[bug>892]] 
 +  * Improved design of About window. 
 +  * Build of .NET assembly that targets .NET Standard 2.0 is provided. [[bug>1640]] 
 +  * Change: .NET Assembly now targets .NET Framework 4.0. 
 +  * Support for long local paths with FTP protocol. [[bug>1337]] 
 +  * PowerShell script that runs WinSCP scripting commands can be generated on Generate Code dialog. 
 +  * Transfer settings that do not have a dedicated scripting switch or a .NET ''TransferOptions'' property can be set using ''-rawtransfersettings'' switch or ''TransferOptions.AddRawSettings'' method. 
 +  * Toolbar buttons can be hidden. [[bug>582]] 
 +  * Found files can be edited from the Find dialog. [[bug>1634]] 
 +  * Hidden files can be excluded from transfer/synchronization. [[bug>209]] 
 +  * Session URL can contain any raw session settings using connection parameter. New custom command pattern ''!E'' can generate such %%URL%% for use in WinSCP extensions. 
 +  * Session name specified by ''/sessionname'' command-line switch is preserved in workspace. 
 +  * Time constraints can be set to a start of an interval. 
 +  * ''today'' and ''yesterday'' time constraint aliases. 
 +  * Configuration can be saved to read-only INI file by holding down Shift key while closing WinSCP or submitting Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Change: Do not match URL after stripping protocol against stored site name in scripting/automation. [[bug>1647]] 
 +  * Configurable keyboard shortcuts for extensions. [[bug>1613]] 
 +  * When opening a session in PuTTY, exporting also cached host keys. 
 +  * Low logging level. [[bug>1637]] 
 +  * It's possible to limit number of command line parameters used for open-ended switches like ''-rawconfig'', ''-rawsettings'' and ''-rawtransfersettings'' using syntax ''-switch[count]''.  
 +  * Optionally create background queue connection right after session starts (hidden settings). [[bug>1681]] 
 +  * Natural order numerical sorting for directory tree. [[bug>1685]] 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.6. 
 +  * Distinguishing multiple sessions opened to the same site by current path. [[bug>1635]] 
 +  * Change: Keyboard shortcut for //Download// command in Explorer interface changed to ''Ctrl+T'' (''Ctrl+C'' previously). 
 +  * Change: Keyboard shortcut for //Open Terminal// command changed to ''Shift+Ctrl+T'' (''Ctrl+T'' previously). 
 +  * Silently ignore errors writing a read-only INI file when automatically saving a workspace when exiting. 
 +  * Do not show an error when remembered last used directories do not exist anymore. [[bug>1616]] 
 +  * Not failing transfer if file selected for transfer, but excluded by file mask, is deleted during operation. [[bug>1677]] 
 +  * Optimized loading time in scripting/.NET assembly mode. [[bug>1621]] 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.6.1. 
 +  * Use remembered private key passphrase in generated script/code. [[bug>1688]] 
 +  * Generated code does not include fingerprints of TLS certificates signed by a trusted authority. 
 +  * Preventing session tabs flicker with large number of sessions. 
 +  * Moving session //Color// submenu to //Session// menu. 
 +  * Not reloading site list when opening Login dialog/Site menu/etc where there is too many sites. [[bug>1658]] 
 +  * Allow authentication with empty passwords in scripting. [[bug>1638]] 
 +  * Preventing stall on startup when updating jumplist [[bug>1625]] or resolving icons of common file types [[bug>1649]] takes too long. 
 +  * ''Ctrl+A'' is working in file/directory path selection boxes. 
 +  * Parsing file modification time from display string if not provided explicitly in SFTP packet. [[bug>1665]] 
 +  * Operation status is shown on taskbar button and tray icon title also for command-line operations. 
 +  * Not showing an estimated time left till the end of an operation for the first few seconds. 
 +  * Hidden option to generate WebDAV URLs with ''%%http://%%'' protocol prefix. [[bug>1668]] 
 +  * Removed (non-working) panel loading animation. 
 +  * Workaround for problems when uploading files from symlinked location (such as deduplicated drive). [[bug>1355]] 
 +  * History of edit boxes can be deleted using ''Ctrl+Del'' keyboard shortcut. [[bug>1686]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hangs when clicking directory tree while inline editing file name. [[bug>1618]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ad-hoc sessions opened with workspace duplicated into a new window had a wrong name. 
 +  * Bug fix: When editing multiple files, opening ends on the first file that is already opened. 
 +  * Bug fix: When minimizing command-line operation, taskbar button was hidden. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hint popup on too long transfer settings panel was truncated on separator (''|'') of exclude masks. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP instance without main window (opened from command-line) could incorrectly accept session opened from another instance. 
 +  * Bug fix: Generated code included ''PortNumber'' property setter for all non-SSH protocols, even when the default port number of a respective protocol was used. 
 +  * Bug fix: Prevent SCP server sending files that were not requested. [[bug>1675]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when doing an operation on FTP connection that disconnected on a background. [[bug>1679]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure or delay when .NET assembly timeouts waiting for WinSCP process. [[bug>1683]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When dropping files on another session tab, the target path was not set to the working directory of that session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Orphaned hidden temporary folders were not being deleted. 
 +  * Bug fix: Using ''/ini=nul'' in GUI shows an error. 
 +  * Bug fix: Sort arrow is not shown on start up. 
 +  * Bug fix: When dragging files to other session tabs, drag cursor could change to "Move", although only "Copy" is possible. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remembered passphrase is used as a password in generated script/code. [[bug>1687]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling session reconnect. [[bug>1684]] 
 +===== [[5.13.9]] 5.13.9 (hotfix) ((2019-03-19)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated fixes and changes from 5.15 release: 
 +    * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.71. 
 +    * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.71. [[bug>1729]] [[pbug>vuln-rng-reuse]] [[pbug>vuln-rsa-kex-integer-overflow]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Reloading file in internal editor can cause unwanted upload of partially reloaded file. [[bug>1728]] 
 +===== [[5.13.8]] 5.13.8 (hotfix) ((2019-02-27)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated fixes from 5.14 beta -- 5.14.5 RC releases: 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2r. 
 +    * Bug fix: Prevent SCP server sending files that were not requested. [[bug>1675]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Local directories with path long between 248 and 259 characters could not be created. [[bug>1725]] 
 +===== [[5.13.7]] 5.13.7 (hotfix) ((2019-01-08)) ===== 
 +  * Translation updated: Simplified Chinese. 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.14 -- 5.14.3 beta releases: 
 +    * Suspending workaround [[bug>1644]] for a bug in Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 update), fixed in version 1809 (October 2018 update), that caused drag&drop downloads to Windows File Explorer end in a wrong folder. 
 +    * Use remembered private key passphrase in generated script/code. [[bug>1688]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Remembered private key passphrase is not passed to PuTTY. [[bug>1708]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when canceling connection attempt started from command-line. [[bug>1710]] 
 +    * Bug fix: The last file transfer before creating a remote directory during synchronization is not reported with .NET assembly. [[bug>1715]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when starting GUI. [[bug>1717]] 
 +===== [[5.13.6]] 5.13.6 (hotfix) ((2018-12-12)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.14.2 beta release: 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when canceling session reconnect. [[bug>1684]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Crash on start while loading local file icons. [[bug>1709]] 
 +===== [[5.13.5]] 5.13.5 (hotfix) ((2018-11-21)) ===== 
 +  * Translations updated: Dutch, Hungarian, Kabyle, Korean, Polish and Spanish. 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.14 -- 5.14.2 beta releases: 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2q. 
 +    * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.6. 
 +    * Bug fix: Using ''/ini=nul'' in GUI shows an error. 
 +    * Bug fix: Sort arrow is not shown on start up. 
 +    * Bug fix: When dragging files to other session tabs, drag cursor could change to "Move", although only "Copy" is possible. 
 +    * Bug fix: Remembered passphrase is used as a password in generated script/code. [[bug>1687]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when canceling session reconnect. [[bug>1684]] 
 +    * Bug fix: GUI freezes while executing an extension with ''ShowResultsInMsgBox'' or ''CopyResults'' flags. 
 +    * Bug fix: ''Shift+Ctrl+Alt+?'' keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and extensions were not working. [[bug>1700]] 
 +    * Bug fix: //User name// edit box on Login dialog in some cases does not include modification commands (like //Paste//). [[bug>1702]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Opening context menu of a file in a local panel locks a parent folder of the file. [[bug>1703]] 
 +===== [[5.13.4]] 5.13.4 ((2018-08-31)) ===== 
 +  * Passing private key to PuTTY when installed from Microsoft Store. [[bug>1654]] Passing also other options that PuTTY can accept on its command-line, like //"Attempt authentication using Pageant"//, //"Allow agent forwarding"//, //"Enable compression"//, //"%%SSH%% protocol version"//, //"Logical name of remote host"// and //"Internal protocol version"//. 
 +  * WinSCP installed from Microsoft Store can be executed from command-line. [[bug>1662]] 
 +  * Translation updated: Icelandic. 
 +  * With logging level 1 and higher, printing scripting exit debug information on an output too. 
 +  * Hidden configuration option to disable running shell operations on a separate thread. [[bug>1666]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2p. 
 +  * Bug fix: When system theme changes, path labels lose their background color. 
 +  * Bug fix: File mask is not considered when calculating total file transfer size when deleting original files. [[bug>1656]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When canceling connection, mouse cursor sometimes stay "busy". [[bug>1657]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Relative long paths are not handled correctly. [[bug>1659]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when closing edited/opened files with //"Keep temporary copies of remote files in deterministic paths"// option enabled. [[bug>1660]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It is not possible to open S3 folder from command-line/URL or in scripting when path ends with slash. [[bug>1661]] 
 +  * Bug fix: File panel columns do not have a width constraints. [[bug>1663]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Update information window layout is broken in some situations. [[bug>1664]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timezone autodetection failed if timestamp of file cannot be retrieved. [[bug>1672]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong error message when attempting to rename an S3 folder. [[bug>1674]] 
 +===== [[5.13.3]] 5.13.3 ((2018-06-18)) ===== 
 +  * Generated session URL for opened FTP/WebDAV session over TLS/SSL with invalid certificate includes its fingerprint. [[bug>1646]] 
 +  * Generated session URL has colons in TLS/SSL fingerprint unnecessarily URL-encoded. [[bug>1645]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It is not possible to delete symlink pointing to a directory with //"Follow symbolic links to directories"// session settings being on. [[bug>1648]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''ln'' does silently nothing when the server does not support creating symlinks, instead of reporting that. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when downloading file to a temporary filename with a long path with SFTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Keywords that link to help page are underlined in generated code on Windows 10 version 1803. [[bug>1650]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Start of file drag from remote panel stalls on some systems with floppy drive. [[bug>1652]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path argument in ''lcd'' command in generated script has to end with backslash, if it points to a root folder. 
 +  * Kabyle translation removed. 
 +===== [[5.13.2]] 5.13.2 ((2018-05-11)) ===== 
 +  * WinSCP is [[microsoft_store|available in Microsoft Store]]. [[bug>1639]] 
 +  * Workaround for a bug in Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 Update), causing drag&drop downloads to Windows File Explorer end in a wrong folder (computer restart required). [[bug>1644]] 
 +  * Translations completed: Croatian, Farsi and Russian; and updated: Dutch, French, German and Polish. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''%%ssh://%%'' URL is handled once for every opened instance of WinSCP too much. [[bug>1627]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Icons for local files do not show on some systems. [[bug>1628]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when binary file is attempted to be opened in an internal editor on system with multibyte legacy encoding. [[bug>1629]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Login dialog opens slowly, when there is a lot of stored sites with a color. [[bug>1630]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Extensions were not loaded when configuration is empty. 
 +  * Bug fix: Starts slowly on some systems. [[bug>1633]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when uploading a file larger than 2GB using S3 protocol. [[bug>1636]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when .NET assembly starts reading an XML log file in a short moment when it's empty yet. [[bug>1619]] 
 +===== [[5.13.1]] 5.13.1 ((2018-03-28)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Kabyle, Traditional Chinese and Ukrainian; and updated: Bahasa Indonesia. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2o. 
 +  * Treating a star as an unset permission for compatibility with Win32-OpenSSH. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''/refresh'' parameter with ''%%sftp://%%'' URL was not working for SFTP sessions with enabled fallback to SCP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Simple input boxes (like "Edit File" dialog) are broken on multi monitor systems with different DPI. [[bug>1614]] 
 +  * Bug fix: HTTP proxy responses for FTP protocol are logged char by char. [[bug>1615]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Port number box was visible for S3 protocol, even though its value has no effect. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when opening a menu with any //Paste// command, while clipboard contains a large amount of text. [[bug>1620]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Slashes in SHA-256 fingerprints are not encoded in generated URLs. [[bug>1622]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing a session with a local proxy command. [[bug>1623]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing Find window while finding files. [[bug>1624]] 
 +===== [[5.13]] 5.13 ((2018-02-19)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. 
 +  * Better error message when trying to upload a file to virtual S3 root "folder". 
 +  * Displaying server name in network drive label. [[bug>1607]]  
 +  * When using session name as a part of a path to a temporary directory, replace a slash separating a session folder from a session name with a dash instead of ''%2F''. [[bug>1608]] 
 +  * Configurable path to XML log file for the .NET assembly. [[bug>942]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening context menu of edit boxes on Login dialog. [[bug>1605]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when processing ''FileTransferProgress'' event. [[bug>1606]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to open workspace with special characters from a desktop shortcut. [[bug>1610]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when focused panel is changed, while double-clicking a file to edit it. [[bug>1611]] 
 +===== [[5.12.2]] 5.12.2 RC ((2018-02-01)) ===== 
 +  * Multiple levels of directories can be created, while synchronizing browsing to a non existing directory. [[bug>1601]] 
 +  * Setting Content Type of files uploaded to S3. [[bug>1602]] 
 +  * Configurable mapping from file extension to ''Content-Type'' (using hidden setting). [[bug>1604]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local directory tree cannot be controlled using keyboard. [[bug>1599]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Alt+Enter'' keyboard shortcut executed/opened selected file, instead of opening Properties dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Session hangs when ''QueryReceived'' is set while session is already opened. [[bug>1600]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''QueryReceivedEventArgs.Message'' is empty. 
 +  * Bug fix: Parallel background connections are never started, when queue processing is disabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: Panel column context menus were working incorrectly when panel was horizontally scrolled. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload during synchronization in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. [[bug>1603]] 
 +===== [[5.12.1]] 5.12.1 beta ((2018-01-16)) ===== 
 +  * Improvements and changes to .NET assembly and scripting: 
 +    * Custom error handling instead of default abort can be optionally implemented for batch operations in .NET assembly. [[bug>1594]] 
 +    * Change: .NET assembly instance methods ''Session.EscapeFileMask'', ''Session.CombinePaths'', ''Session.TranslateLocalPathToRemote'', ''Session.TranslateRemotePathToLocal'', ''Session.AddDirectorySeparator'', ''Session.GetDirectoryName'', and ''Session.GetFileName'' replaced by static methods of the same name in class ''RemotePath''. 
 +    * Change: ''Session.ScanFingerprint'' has a new mandatory ''algorithm'' parameter. 
 +    * Bug fix: .NET assembly methods ''GetFileName'' and ''GetDirectoryName'' did not behave correctly when provided a filename without any path. 
 +    * Bug fix: Backtick (''`'') and dollar (''$'') signs are not escaped in generated PowerShell code. [[bug>1590]] 
 +  * Displaying both SHA-256 and MD5 fingerprint of SSH host key on Server and protocol information dialog. 
 +  * Choosing right color for background of "selectable" labels. 
 +  * All read-only edit boxes/selectable labels have user friendly context menu for copying contents. 
 +  * Bug fix: Setting hidden raw session setting for "Configurable priority of host key types" overrides host key. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when error occurs while another error is already being handled. 
 +  * Bug fix: When connection is lost while deleting source remote file during "Download and Delete" operation, downloaded file may be deleted once connection is resumed. [[bug>1592]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hidden session settings ''S3DefaultRegion'' to create an S3 bucket in a non-default region was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to work with S3 buckets with a dot in their name. [[bug>1597]] 
 +  * Bug fix: S3 temporary redirect was not handled (consequently it was not possible to work with newly created S3 buckets) 
 +  * Bug fix: HTTP error was displayed instead of a more specific S3 error message in some situations. 
 +  * Bug fix: When viewing stored S3 site with a non-default hostname, the default Amazon S3 hostname was shown instead. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when updating jumplist. [[bug>1591]] 
 +===== [[5.12]] 5.12 beta ((2017-12-20)) ===== 
 +  * [[guide_amazon_s3|Amazon S3 protocol]] support. [[bug>572]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Stalled connection attempts can be canceled promptly. [[bug>1564]] 
 +  * SHA-256 host key fingerprints are used. [[bug>1589]] 
 +  * Improvements and changes to .NET assembly and scripting: 
 +    * Remote file duplication in scripting, .NET assembly and XML log.  
 +    * Support for ''PackageReference'' package management in NuGet package. [[bug>1581]] 
 +    * Help for script commands specifies unit for ''-speed'' switch. 
 +    * A ''SecureString'' can be used provide a private key passphrase in .NET assembly via property ''SessionOptions.SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase''. [[bug>1557]] 
 +    * Added ''Session.GetDirectoryName'', ''Session.GetFileName'' and ''Session.AddDirectorySeparator'' methods to .NET assembly. 
 +    * Publishing beta releases of NuGet package. [[bug>1598]] 
 +    * Extensions metadata can span multiple lines. 
 +    * Change: XML log tags ''<modification>'' and ''<permisssions>'' are absent, if their values are not known. Previously they would have value of ''1899-12-30T01:00:00.000Z'' and ''---------'' respectively. Consequently the .NET assembly ''RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime'' and ''RemoteFileInfo.FilePermissions'' have values ''DateTime.MinValue'' and ''null'', respectively. 
 +    * File owner and group, if available, are recorded in ''<stat>'' tag of XML log and consequently .NET assembly ''Session.GetFileInfo'' method is able to retrieve them. 
 +    * .NET assembly timeout for waiting for WinSCP response is always at least as long as session timeout. 
 +    * Scripting command ''mv'' and .NET assembly function ''Session.MoveFile'' report, when the server does not support file renaming/moving. 
 +    * Masking out passwords in raw settings (proxy and tunnel) when logging command-line. [[bug>1578]] 
 +    * Change: Scripting command ''mv'' and .NET assembly function ''Session.MoveFile'' tests, if a source file exists, before trying to rename. Consequently, an error message reported has changed significantly, if the source file does not exist. 
 +    * Putting ''WinSCPnet.dll'' to ''net'' framework subfolder of NuGet package. 
 +  * SSH host key can be verified by pasting the expected key or its fingerprint from the clipboard. [[bug>1563]] 
 +  * Option to turn off Natural order numerical sorting. [[bug>1293]] 
 +  * Wider range of Unicode characters is supported in internal editor. [[bug>1580]] 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.5. 
 +  * Skipping loading of files icons when it takes too long. [[bug>1556]] 
 +  * Hidden option to configure priority of host key types. [[bug>1562]] 
 +  * ''Ctrl-number'' custom keyboard shortcuts work on numeric keypad too. [[bug>1568]] 
 +  * Allowing download from MVS server using fully qualified dataset name. [[bug>1579]] 
 +  * Optionally displaying authentication banner in a monospaced font. [[bug>1588]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Per-session default encoding configuration for internal editor. [[bug>1577]] 
 +  * Log more information about loading a custom GSSAPI library. [[bug>1586]] 
 +  * Commands to copy hostkey/certificate fingerprint to clipboard has a form of a link, instead of a message button. 
 +  * Changed appearance of background confirmation options link. 
 +  * Logging a complete SSH host key only on //Debug// log level. 
 +  * Change: Last access time of downloaded files is no longer preserved. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command-line is disabled even for a local panel, if no session is connected or the connected session does support executing remote commands. 
 +  * Bug fix:  SSH hostkey/TLS certificate verification prompt in scripting in interactive mode was showing zero timeout. 
 +  * Bug fix: Leaving a folder with a large amount of files takes long. [[bug>1565]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout of auxiliary requests for Microsoft Passport authentication was not set correctly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Operation symbol column on Synchronization checklist does not scale with font size/DPI. [[bug>1569]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot enter subfolders of local drive mapped to WebDAV folder. [[bug>1575]] 
 +===== [[5.11.3]] 5.11.3 ((2017-12-14)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2n. 
 +  * Translations added: Korean; and updated: Bahasa Indonesia, Finnish and Spanish. 
 +  * Bug fix: Official extension //Generate HTTP URL// cannot copy multiple URLs to clipboard. [[bug>1567]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Parent directory icon broken on 250% scaling and higher. [[bug>1570]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Resizing of Synchronization checklist window does not stop when mouse button is released. [[bug>1571]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to answer prompts with non-ascii answers in ''winscp.com''. [[bug>1573]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting with window position configuration, saved on lower DPI, that does not fit anymore on lower resolution caused by higher DPI. [[bug>1576]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when changing remote working directory using directory tree. [[bug>1572]] 
 +  * Bug fix: XML log and .NET assembly API does not use an absolute path for source of SCP download. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly hangs when the XML log cannot be parsed. [[bug>1582]] 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly cannot work with files containing control characters. [[bug>1583]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when coping local custom command that works with remote files to clipboard. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using ''Ctrl+Tab'' keyboard shortcut with no session opened. [[bug>1585]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When parsing ''MLSD'' listing, file name was incorrectly tried to be interpreted against various rare path syntaxes, leading to wrong name being displayed. [[bug>1587]] 
 +===== [[5.11.2]] 5.11.2 ((2017-10-10)) ===== 
 +  * Translations added: Russian; and updated: Czech, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian and Spanish. 
 +  * Panel font sample on Preferences dialog is wrapped. 
 +  * Stopping monitoring a drive when a drive removal is announced, to allow removing the drive (particularly required for VeraCrypt drives). [[bug>1560]] 
 +  * Official extension //Generate HTTP URL// URL-encodes special characters in path. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong position of an icon on Login button, when Login dialog monitor DPI does not match system DPI. [[bug>1555]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory or deleting local files, while no session is connected. [[bug>1558]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse selection is sometimes incorrectly initiated after inline remote file renaming. [[bug>1559]] 
 +===== [[5.11.1]] 5.11.1 ((2017-09-08)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Connecting through tunnel to IPv6 does not work. [[bug>1553]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using translation on monitor with DPI that does not match system DPI. [[bug>1554]] 
 +===== [[5.11]] 5.11 ((2017-09-05)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Norwegian. 
 +  * Not closing an application when initial Login dialog is closed without opening session and //Keep main window open when the last session is closed// is on. [[bug>1552]] 
 +//Users upgrading from [[history_old#5.9.6|WinSCP 5.9.6]]// can read more about [[announcement_winscp511|*]] 
 +===== [[5.10.4]] 5.10.4 RC ((2017-08-16)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and Turkish. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.3. 
 +  * Preference option //Roll log files after reaching// renamed to //Rotate log files after reaching//. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang when showing overwrite confirmation prompt if GUI font has zero-width tab character. [[bug>1550]] 
 +===== [[5.10.3]] 5.10.3 beta ((2017-07-22)) ===== 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.70]]. It brings the following change: 
 +    * Fixed yet another instance of Windows DLL hijacking. [[bug>1459]] [[pbug>vuln-indirect-dll-hijack-3]] 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.2. 
 +  * Hidden configuration option for SSH bug //Replies to requests on closed channels//. 
 +  * Do not display error message on start when user documents folder cannot be resolved. [[bug>1547]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SSH bug //Replies to requests on closed channels// was always enabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: Clicking root folder in path label opens home folder instead of root folder. [[bug>1548]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Unchecking Update subdirectories for Keep remote directory up to date function was not fully working. [[bug>1549]] 
 +===== [[5.10.2]] 5.10.2 beta ((2017-06-28)) ===== 
 +  * Host keys can be imported from OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' file. [[bug>1542]] 
 +  * Cached host keys are unconditionally imported with PuTTY and FileZilla sites. 
 +  * Cached host keys can be imported from PuTTY/FileZilla even when using INI file as configuration storage. 
 +  * Better error reporting when ''winscp.com'' fails to execute ''winscp.exe''. 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1. 
 +  * Avoiding a short hang of GUI, when waiting for edited file to be saved. 
 +  * On VMS servers, do not use absolute paths with FTP ''DELE'' command. [[bug>1546]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Site lists stops working when import source is changed on Windows XP. 
 +  * Bug fix: Generated code uses ''TransferOptions.Speed'' instead of ''TransferOptions.SpeedLimit''. [[bug>1543]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Editor font too large on high DPI screens. [[bug>1544]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Uploads of saved edited files can rarely stop working. [[bug>1545]] 
 +===== [[5.10.1]] 5.10.1 beta ((2017-06-09)) ===== 
 +  * Official extension //Generate %%HTTP%% %%URL%%// displays a generated URL in a message box. 
 +  * Supporting Migrated datasets in IBM z/OS MVS FTP server. [[bug>1540]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Copying extension command with ''ShowResultsInMsgBox'' flag to clipboard was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Last download target folder in Explorer interface is not remembered when transferring on background. [[bug>1538]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using parallel background transfers. [[bug>1541]] 
 +===== [[5.10]] 5.10 beta ((2017-05-31)) ===== 
 +  * Background transfer operations can use multiple connections. [[bug>875]] 
 +  * Provisional implementation of per-monitor DPI awareness. [[bug>1521]] 
 +  * Find dialog is not modal when search finishes and its //Focus// button does not close the window. 
 +  * Found files can be downloaded and deleted on the Find dialog. [[bug>1473]] 
 +  * Support Microsoft ''Passport'' authentication to allow WebDAV access to Microsoft OneDrive. [[bug>1465]] 
 +  * Configurable path to INI file configuration storage. [[bug>817]] 
 +  * Changes to translations: 
 +    * Translations are installed to ''Translations'' subfolder. 
 +    * Unless user customizes language, automatically using the best language match each run. 
 +    * Including all translation (30% at least) in installation, but automatically using only those that are complete (80% at least). 
 +    * Marking the default, incomplete and invalid languages in Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Improvements to custom commands/extensions: 
 +    * Extension output can be displayed in a message box. 
 +    * Local custom console command output can be copied to clipboard. 
 +    * Uploading back files modified by local custom command applied to a folder. [[bug>1526]] 
 +    * The official extensions can be translated. 
 +    * Consistency in handling errors executing local custom command. 
 +    * Holding down ''Ctrl'' and ''Shift'' keys while running a remote custom command copies the command to clipboard instead of executing it. 
 +  * Improvements and changes to .NET assembly: 
 +    * Using full path in ''FileTransferProgressEventArgs.FileName''. [[bug>1531]] 
 +    * Allow cancelling file transfer. [[bug>1532]] 
 +    * Added ''Side'' property to ''TransferEventArgs''. [[bug>1470]] 
 +    * Masking out passwords and passphrases in .NET assembly output log. [[bug>1475]] [[bug>1488]] 
 +    * Change: Deprecating ''Session.DisableVersionCheck''. 
 +    * Bug fix: Internal ''InvalidOperationException'' on each call to ''Session.ListDirectory''. [[bug>1515]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Do not invoke ''Session.Failed'' when checking for non-existing file with ''Session.FileExists''. [[bug>1513]] 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.69]]. It brings the following change: 
 +    * WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.   
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l. 
 +  * Session log file rotation. [[bug>18]] 
 +  * It is possible to skip file actually being transferred. [[bug>251]] 
 +  * Not indefinitely retrying transfer with FTP protocol when opening transfer channel is failing. [[bug>1169]] 
 +  * Handling ''%%dav://%%'' URL. [[bug>1479]] 
 +  * SSH password change. [[bug>1987]] 
 +  * Duplication is supported with WebDAV protocol. [[bug>1508]] 
 +  * Improved connection time for fast connections. 
 +  * Open filter dialog when clicking the current filter in the path display. [[bug>1478]] 
 +  * The path display shows temporarily an implicit ''*.*'' filter when hovering a mouse over it. [[bug>1478]] 
 +  * Importing proxy configuration from FileZilla. 
 +  * Do not terminate path with slash in ''CWD'' FTP command for better compatibility with VMS systems. [[bug>1535]] 
 +  * If there is only a single private key configured in FileZilla, import it with session. [[bug>1468]] 
 +  * Added //New > File// command to the toolbar. [[bug>1477]] 
 +  * Cancelling calculation or errors while calculating size of files to upload does not abort the the actual transfer. 
 +  * Supporting user/group names in ''MLSD''/''MLST'' responses. [[bug>1481]] 
 +  * Allowed downloading file using URL even when listing its source directory is not possible. [[bug>1480]] 
 +  * Button to open Edit file mask dialog on Select and Filters dialogs. [[bug>1534]] 
 +  * Sending ''Content-Type'' header with WebDAV uploads. [[bug>1507]] 
 +  * When handling WebDAV file URL, use a display name for target local file. [[bug>1486]] 
 +  * Not aborting "Keep remote directory up to date" when //Continue on error// (or ''option batch continue'') is enabled and reading a local directory fails, because it was deleted. [[bug>1506]] 
 +  * Not verifying that final path after ''CWD'' FTP command matches requested path to allow better compatibility with atypical FTP servers . [[bug>1518]] 
 +  * DLL hijacking protection. [[bug>1459]] 
 +  * Poll edited file timestamps instead of using change notifications. [[bug>1500]] 
 +  * Using WinSCP site name for PuTTY window title. [[bug>1482]] 
 +  * Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available. [[bug>1522]] 
 +  * Option to open downloaded file on operation completion confirmation when transferring file from command-line/URL. [[bug>1524]] 
 +  * Hidden options for //Preference order for %%GSSAPI%% libraries// and //User-supplied %%GSSAPI%% library path//. [[bug>578]] 
 +  * ''Ctrl+Backspace'' in path edit boxes deletes the word before cursor. [[bug>1469]] 
 +  * Activating panel, when using file selection commands. [[bug>1519]] 
 +  * Displaying tunnel host name on Authentication dialog. [[bug>1528]] 
 +  * The //SFTP server// and //Shell// edit boxes on the Advanced Site settings dialog use path-style word-breaking. 
 +  * Not adding ''-load'' switch to PuTTY arguments, if it is configured already. [[bug>1493]] 
 +  * Drop-down lists on the Open Directory and Location Profile dialogs are up to 16 entries long. 
 +  * Progress window appears on top of Editor window when reloading an edited file. 
 +  * Not popping up Authentication window when reconnecting while the application is minimized. [[bug>1476]] 
 +  * Hidden session settings for "Logical name of remote host". [[bug>1472]] 
 +  * Prevent slow startup when there are some special folders. [[bug>1533]] 
 +  * More readable usage statistics display. 
 +  * Update dialog can be displayed by clicking update notification even when the Login dialog is opened. 
 +  * Scaling //Color// button image on Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * While downloading, when an SFTP ''SSH_FXP_FSTAT'' response does not include timestamps, using known timestamps from directory listing for a local file. [[bug>1496]] 
 +  * Improved file transfer logging, including new progress logging. 
 +  * Change: Failing on invalid size constraint. 
 +  * When opening secondary shell session fails, the main session is not closed. 
 +  * Change: When executing script file or script commands provided on command-line, default reconnect time is set to 120 seconds, if not limited yet by configuration. 
 +  * Bug fix: The ''/refresh'' command-line switch was not described in ''/?''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Digits-only file mask constraint was interpreted as time constraint instead of size constraint. 
 +  * Bug fix: Sudden disconnect errors during authentication are randomly ignored. [[bug>1489]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Queue status was not shown on taskbar button, when WinSCP was minimized by clicking on the taskbar button. 
 +  * Bug fix: Pending background transfers were not considered for progress bar on taskbar button. 
 +  * Bug fix: Configuring a PuTTY path with unclosed quotes prevents WinSCP from starting. [[bug>1499]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Never implemented ''-continueonerror'' switch was present in ''keepuptodate'' help 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure while reloading directory tree after a system colors had changed while the tree was not showing. [[bug>1509]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Clean up application data dialog was showing on wrong monitor. 
 +  * Bug fix: Resuming file upload in active FTP mode does not work on some servers. [[bug>1520]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when INI file cannot be opened. [[bug>1523]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Windows logo key is not working in toolbar input boxes. [[bug>1527]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Toolbar icons were broken with Windows high contrast themes. [[bug>1529]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP transfer stalls when error is received at the same time write buffer needs to be dispatched. [[bug>1536]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP upload errors are silently ignored for small files. [[bug>1537]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting ''open'' command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site. 
 +===== [[5.9.6]] 5.9.6 (hotfix) ((2017-06-21)) ===== 
 +  * German translation updated. 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.10 -- 5.10.2 beta releases: 
 +    * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.69]]. It brings the following change: 
 +      * WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.   
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l. 
 +    * Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available. [[bug>1522]] 
 +    * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1. 
 +    * Bug fix: Scripting ''open'' command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site. 
 +    * Bug fix: Generated code uses ''TransferOptions.Speed'' instead of ''TransferOptions.SpeedLimit''. [[bug>1543]] 
 +===== [[5.9.5]] 5.9.5 ((2017-04-19)) ===== 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.68]]. It brings the following change: 
 +    * Security fix: an integer overflow bug in the agent forwarding code. [[pbug>vuln-agent-fwd-overflow]]  
 +  * Translation completed: Traditional Chinese. 
 +  * Translation updated: Icelandic. 
 +  * De-duplicating //Duplicate Session// and //Disconnect// accelerators in //Session// menu. [[bug>1512]] 
 +  * De-duplicating //Quit// and //Queue// accelerators in //Commands// menu. [[bug>1516]] 
 +  * Increased length limit of host name. [[bug>1517]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reloading non-current directory expanded in remote directory tree. [[bug>1514]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when moving //Download and Delete// operation to background. [[bug>1462]] 
 +===== [[5.9.4]] 5.9.4  ((2017-02-15)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Portuguese. 
 +  * Allowed setting debug logging level to 2 in .NET assembly. [[bug>1487]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2k. 
 +  * All ''id_*'' files are included in private key files filter. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot use unencrypted client certificate file (''.pfx''/''.p12'' format). [[bug>1490]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Installer started by unprivileged user shows warning about an incomplete translation again after elevation to administrator privileges. [[bug>1492]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Installation fails when started by a non-privileged user on a system, where elevating to administrator privileges is disabled. [[bug>1491]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Colored session icon does not display on high DPI. [[bug>1494]] 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly fails when finding WinSCP executable in its installation folder. [[bug>1495]]  
 +  * Bug fix: Moving Login dialog moves main window disproportionally on some systems. [[bug>1497]]  
 +  * Bug fix: Remembered password is not used for reconnects. [[bug>1498]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Keep local directory up to date// extension failed, when local directory was initially empty and //Delete files// option was enabled. [[bug>1503]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong message when setting ''TransferOptions.OverwriteMode'' property to an invalid value. [[bug>1504]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Panel loses focus after a transfer initiated using ''Enter'' key or double-click. [[bug>1505]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using //Generate Code// command on Upload dialog opened by ''/upload'' command-line parameter. [[bug>1510]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some multibyte ANSI-encoded files are incorrectly loaded into an Internal editor. [[bug>1511]] 
 +===== [[5.9.3]] 5.9.3 ((2016-11-30)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Croatian. 
 +  * Support for non-ASCII passphrases to client certificate files (''.pfx''/''.p12'' format). [[bug>1461]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2j. 
 +  * Improvements to custom commands/extensions: 
 +    * New official extensions "Generate %%HTTP URL%%" [[bug>417]] and "Batch Rename". 
 +    * The official extensions are compatible with PowerShell 2.0. 
 +    * The official extension "Find Duplicates" re-implemented using the ''Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles'' and the ''RemoteFileInfo.FullName''. 
 +    * Site-specific extension options. 
 +    * Increased length limit for custom command and console. [[bug>1466]] 
 +    * Allowing tabs in addition to spaces in extension file. [[bug>1467]] 
 +    * Specific error messages about extensions are presented without irrelevant HTTP status code. 
 +    * Bug fix: Tab order on extension options dialog was broken, if the extension mixed options in and out of group box. 
 +  * Progress windows can be controlled using keyboard again. [[bug>1471]] 
 +  * Scaling combo box drop-down menu. 
 +  * Change: Not updating last access time of uploaded files with SFTP protocol to avoid problems with servers that do not support it. [[bug>1485]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Found folders were focusing incorrectly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command-line toolbar command can be executed while another command was executing already. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong layout of Login dialog on monitors with low vertical resolution. [[bug>1463]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session'' instance could not be reused for multiple ''ScanFingerprint'' calls. [[bug>1464]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom commands submenu with the other custom command type was not disabled when there was no such custom command. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to load again the first extension in an extension folder. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when logging fails for background session or during log in. [[bug>1483]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when pressing //Calculate// button on Properties dialog, while another calculation is already in progress. [[bug>1484]] 
 +===== [[5.9.2]] 5.9.2 ((2016-09-14)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish, Kabyle and Ukrainian. 
 +  * Moving main window with Login dialog. [[bug>1455]] 
 +  * Expanding patterns in default value of extension options. [[bug>1456]] 
 +  * //Paste// command in panels context menu. [[bug>422]] 
 +  * When upgrading the drag&drop shell extension, silently postpone replacement until the next system restart, unless the new extension is incompatible. [[bug>1458]] 
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.0. 
 +  * Not showing password in full ''open'' command syntax suggestion. [[bug>1452]] 
 +  * Using ''!P'' pattern in PuTTY command implies that password should be remembered. 
 +  * Not importing the //Disable Nagle's algorithm (TCP_NODELAY option)// from PuTTY as it has a different default due to its interactive nature. 
 +  * More detailed error message when fatal error (such as inability to write an XML log file) occurs while .NET assembly is starting ''winscp.exe''. 
 +  * Skip loading icons from ''.exe'' (and similar) files when it takes too long. [[bug>1460]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Long (or multiline) authentication prompts are truncated. [[bug>1449]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure during WebDAV SSPI authentication. [[bug>1450]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory listing lacks attributes on MVS systems. [[bug>1451]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to set site name empty. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error opening data connection over proxy server when the server supports ''EPSV'' command. [[bug>1310]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ad-hoc and Last custom commands were always executed for selected files, even when executed from a context menu of a focused file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom command patterns were replaced in values of extension options. 
 +  * Bug fix: Downloads by drag&drop were randomly defaulted to background queue. [[bug>1457]] 
 +===== [[5.9.1]] 5.9.1 ((2016-08-12)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: Catalan, Polish and Swedish. 
 +  * Several files can be opened in editor at once using their paths. [[bug>1437]] 
 +  * Change: ''Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles'' does not throw when reading subdirectory fails. 
 +  * Implemented //Beep when work finishes// also for //Keep remote directory up to date//. [[bug>1440]] 
 +  * Tunnel inherits SSH options from the main session. [[bug>1441]] 
 +  * Custom command and PuTTY patterns are case-insensitive. 
 +  * Custom sound for //Beep when work finishes//. [[bug>1444]] 
 +  * //Make WinSCP default handler// command opens //Set Program Associations// for WinSCP even on Windows 10. 
 +  * Informing, when the script file is not in supported encoding. 
 +  * Handling directory listing entries with question marks. [[bug>1448]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when user's //Documents// folder cannot be loaded on start. [[bug>1435]] 
 +  * Bug fix: GSSAPI authentication is not working in tunneled session. [[bug>1434]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some scripting commands or command-line switches were not recognized on some locales (like Welsh) when used or defined with a mixed case (like ''/XmlLog'' vs. ''/xmllog''). [[bug>1436]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When a passive file panel is focused after reload, the panel is scrolled to show the previously focused file, what can cause unintended behavior. [[bug>1438]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When the current console font (e.g. raster) does not support Unicode, some console output might be lost. [[bug>1439]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Command-line toolbar was not disabled for WebDAV sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: The ''-pw'' argument is added to PuTTY command-line, even when ''!P'' pattern is used. [[bug>1443]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Certificate validation fails on Windows Vista and older. [[bug>1442]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ordering of columns that are invisible by default is not preserved. [[bug>1446]] 
 +  * Bug fix: UTF-16 script files cannot be loaded. [[bug>1447]] 
 +===== [[5.9]] 5.9 ((2016-07-22)) ===== 
 +  * SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2016-07-19, commit 9398d23). 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure due to a disconnected session being left behind after opening a secondary shell session fails. [[bug>1433]] 
 +  * Bug fix: An URL in extension "option" with format ''- link caption %%https://www.example.com/%%'' is ignored. 
 +//Users upgrading from [[history_old#5.7.7|WinSCP 5.7.7]]// can read more about [[announcement_winscp59|*]] 
 +===== [[5.8.4]] 5.8.4 RC ((2016-06-16)) ===== 
 +  * Improvements to custom commands/extensions: 
 +    * Run time options for extensions. 
 +    * Extension can require specific PowerShell and Windows version. 
 +    * Extension option controls can be grouped using ''@option - group''. 
 +    * Command-line switch ''/refresh'' to allow extensions to refresh remote panel. 
 +    * Extension option aliases ''sessionlogfile'' and ''pausecheckbox''. 
 +    * It's possible to use an empty parameter in extension options metadata. 
 +    * Not displaying ellipsis in the Custom command options dialog title. 
 +    * Using path word-breaking for ''file'' extension options. 
 +  * The ''%TIMESTAMP%'' syntax allows formatting time strings for a time relative to present time. 
 +  * Autodetect FTP server timezone difference before file transfer, if it was not detected yet. [[bug>1431]] 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2016-06-03, commit 7b9ad09) 
 +  * Removing old ''putty.hlp'' when upgrading. 
 +  * When opening a session in an existing instance of WinSCP, any idle instance can be used, not only the latest one. 
 +  * PuTTY is started with its executable directory as working directory to allow relative private key paths in PuTTY's stored sessions. [[bug>1430]] 
 +  * When opening WinSCP session in PuTTY, expanding the relative paths. 
 +  * Providing more details when verification of the TLS certificate against Windows certificate store fails. 
 +  * Checkbox to remember the new directory settings is disabled when the protocol does not allow any. 
 +  * Bug fix: The dialog box to enter new local directory name included useless permissions box.   
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when SCP server fatally fails while uploading file. [[bug>1428]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing application after giving up trying to reconnect a broken connection. 
 +===== [[5.8.3]] 5.8.3 RC ((2016-05-23)) ===== 
 +  * Translation added: Icelandic. 
 +  * Improvements to .NET assembly: 
 +    * Added ''Session.TranslateLocalPathToRemote'' to .NET assembly to generate a remote path equivalent of a local path, given root paths. 
 +    * Change: A complete remote error message is stored into a single instance of ''SessionRemoteException'', instead of separating error details into an inner exception. 
 +    * Preventing .NET assembly from timing out during lengthy file transfers. 
 +    * Preventing ''winscp.com'' and .NET assembly timing out waiting for ''winscp.exe'' when the system is temporarily busy. 
 +    * Bug fix: ''Session'' instance could not be used anymore after calling ''ScanFingerprint''. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when ''Session.MoveFile'' source file is not existing and its name has file mask-like syntax. [[bug>1412]] 
 +    * Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly cannot find WinSCP executable in its installation folder nor the default installation folder when used in 64-bit process. [[bug>1421]] 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2016-04-17, commit b22c0b6). It brings following changes: 
 +    * Promoting ChaCha20 cipher above Blowfish (below AES). 
 +    * Change: Fallback between SSH versions is not supported anymore. 
 +    * Change: By default, warning is issued when using Diffie-Hellman group 1 key exchange algorithm. 
 +  * Improvements to custom commands: 
 +    * Extensions are configurable. 
 +    * Local path pattern (''!\'') for custom commands. 
 +    * All custom command prompts are entered on one dialog box. 
 +    * Separating custom commands that do not operate with files to a separate submenu of //Commands// menu. 
 +    * Holding down ''Ctrl'' and ''Shift'' keys while running a local custom command copies the command to clipboard instead of executing it. 
 +    * Displaying full command name in custom command preferences list. The keyboard shortcut now displays in a hint only. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.9. 
 +    * Further installer protection against potential DLL preloading attacks. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2h. 
 +  * Dynamically increase TCP send buffer on fast connections. 
 +  * Removed log window. 
 +  * With synchronized browsing on, the //Home Directory// command opens home directory in both panels. [[bug>1427]] 
 +  * The //Follow symbolic links to directories// session option is disabled with WebDAV protocol as it has no effect. 
 +  * When detecting time zone difference of FTP server, ignoring files with timestamp in the future, as they have high probability of being wrongly interpreted. 
 +  * Preventing mouse cursor flashing while deleting remote files or changing their properties over SFTP protocol. 
 +  * Change: Consider port number for site-specific caches and bookmarks. [[bug>1411]] 
 +  * Indenting //Allow GSSAPI credential delegation// checkbox to make it clear it is an suboption of //Attempt GSSAPI authentication// 
 +  * Disabling //Username// and //Password// boxes on a Login dialog when //Bypass authentication entirely// is enabled. 
 +  * Considering items out of the current view when sizing dialogs list columns. 
 +  * Ignoring blank lines in ''ls'' command output. [[bug>1416]] 
 +  * Installing PuTTY help file in modern ''.chm'' format. 
 +  * Showing details about TLS handshake errors. 
 +  * Use seconds in *nix-like ''LIST'' FTP listing, if the server provides them. [[bug>1422]] 
 +  * The ''lls'' command shows timestamps in respect to DST the same way as local file panel (and Windows Explorer). 
 +  * Bug fix: Downloads by drag&drop were randomly defaulted to background queue. 
 +  * Bug fix: Using precise timestamp of the uploaded file version was not working when a relative path was used in automation. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Authentication parameters// options were not disabled when //Bypass authentication entirely is enabled//. 
 +  * Bug fix: In rare cases a //Download and Delete// operation might have been incorrectly used instead of //Download// when dropping files to Windows Explorer with drag&drop shell extension enabled. [[bug>1414]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when system-wide settings change while panel is being reloaded. [[bug>1415]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Support for FTP servers with Windows-like paths (fixed again after broken in 5.8.2). [[bug>1074]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When user profile is stored on UNC path and the first drive is hidden, local panel starts empty. [[bug>1417]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting the last drive while the previous drive is not ready. [[bug>1418]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Command syntax suggestion, when using saved site in batch script, included RTF code. 
 +  * Bug fix: The ''stat'' command on FTP server may return wrong times, if the ''ls'' command was used before. 
 +  * Bug fix: Transferring newer files only did not work with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Autodetected time zone difference for servers not supporting ''MLST'' command was not taken into account for time on overwrite confirmation dialog. [[bug>1424]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When dropping files on another session tab, the //Duplicate via local temporary copy// option could be unchecked (and was initially unchecked), leading to the file being duplicated incorrectly within the current session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dragging a symbolic link to a directory between sessions. [[bug>1425]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When parsing timestamps in ''MDTM'' command response, second and minutes after zero hour (or minute) were ignored. 
 +  * Bug fix: Detect symbolic link loops when finding files (improved to cover more complex symbolic link structures). [[bug>1093]] 
 +===== [[5.8.2]] 5.8.2 beta ((2016-03-15)) ===== 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2016-03-05, commit 8e41e0a) 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2g. 
 +  * When FTP server does not provide precise timestamp, but the timestamp otherwise matches timestamp of the last uploaded version of the file, using precise timestamp of the uploaded version instead. [[bug>1395]] 
 +  * Improvements to code/script generation: 
 +    * Script or .NET assembly code can be generated for file transfers. 
 +    * Suggesting command-line to use to execute generated script. 
 +    * Using ''-Property'' switch to initialize ''SessionOptions'' properties in PowerShell. 
 +    * Not using ''my'' prefix for VB.NET variables. 
 +    * No redundant declaration of instantiated object variables type in VB.NET. 
 +    * Not highlighting script strings. 
 +    * Larger initial size of Generate URL/Code dialog, when starting on //Script/Code// page. 
 +    * Bug fix: Session timeout was incorrectly set in seconds, instead of milliseconds. 
 +    * Bug fix: Generate Code dialog could not be closed with ''Esc'' key. 
 +  * Improvements to the installer: 
 +    * The installer requests UAC elevation when started non-elevated. [[bug>646]] 
 +    * When the UAC elevation is denied by the user, the installer defaults installing to the user profile folder. 
 +    * The installer is not showing //Select Setup Language// dialog when it supports the current Windows UI language. 
 +    * Individual help link for each installer page. 
 +    * Correcting layout of the //Finished// page. 
 +    * Not warning on incomplete translation during silent installation. 
 +    * Bug fix: Wrong message shown in an installer when it cannot continue because previous installation/uninstallation was not completed. 
 +  * Improvements to custom commands: 
 +    * Custom commands can be distributed in a form of WinSCP extension. 
 +    * Distributing //Verify Checksum//, //Search Text// [[bug>903]] and //ZIP and Upload// .NET assembly examples as official WinSCP extensions. 
 +    * Including .NET assembly to the deployment to support these extensions. 
 +    * Local custom commands for local files. [[bug>1396]] 
 +    * Change: Remote custom commands cannot be executed with focus on local panel. 
 +    * Removed //D/R// column from //Commands// page of Preferences dialog to save space for //Name// and //Command// columns. 
 +    * Hint displays //Commands// page of Preferences dialog with full custom command name, keyboard shortcut and command.  
 +    * Local custom commands that work with list of files do not block the interface. 
 +    * Bug fix: Local custom commands that do not work with files froze the interface. 
 +  * Tooltips display for 20 seconds. 
 +  * Enhanced tooltips (aka ScreenTips). 
 +  * Retrieving seconds-precision timestamps using ''MDTM'' command, if the server provides them. [[bug>1221]] 
 +  * Improvements to .NET assembly: 
 +    * Method ''Session.ScanFingerprint'' to scan server's hostkey or certificate fingerprint. [[bug>1394]] 
 +    * ''TransferOptions.ResumeSupport'' is settable and ''TransferResumeSupport'' is constructable. 
 +    * Setting ''TransferResumeSupport.Threshold'' automatically sets ''State'' to ''Smart''. 
 +  * Application update information window has title //Check for Updates// instead of generic //Information//. 
 +  * //Free bytes for user// can be displayed for IIS FTP server with //FTP Directory Browsing >  Directory Listing Options > Available bytes// option enabled. 
 +  * Preventing interruption of file renaming by automatic operations (such as an automatic remote panel refresh). [[bug>1399]] 
 +  * Compatibility with FTP servers whose path does not start with a slash (such as IBM VMS or MVS). [[bug>1400]] 
 +  * Do not list remote directory when uploading file using FTP protocol with overwrite confirmations off. [[bug>1403]] 
 +  * Support for FTP directory listings with name only. [[bug>1401]] 
 +  * Verify TLS certificate against cached fingerprints before Windows certificate store. [[bug>1402]] 
 +  * Optionally following symbolic links to directories during file operations. [[bug>51]] 
 +  * The //Make WinSCP default handler// command opens //Set Default Programs// page in Control Panel. 
 +  * Returning an error exit code (1) when user aborts the script. [[bug>1404]] 
 +  * Returning an error exit code (1) when watching for directory changes fail (''keepuptodate''). 
 +  * Logging that user aborted the script in XML log. [[bug>1406]] 
 +  * Remembering a password for a duration of a session by default. [[bug>1409]] 
 +  * Right justifying hidden and filtered counters on Commander interface. 
 +  * Not showing 0% percent hint on the Progress dialog while calculating a transfer size. 
 +  * Linking background confirmations options from the generic options. [[bug>1408]] 
 +  * Transfer settings and path label hint popups use the same font as the underlying label and align with it. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when accessing a local directory junction on Windows XP/2003. [[bug>1392]] 
 +  * Bug fix: The ''/loglevel'' switch did not apply when used with pre-configured log file 
 +  * Bug fix: SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication is endlessly retried with WebDAV protocol. [[bug>1397]] 
 +  * Bug fix: User is not informed when SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication fails. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remote panel refresh interval could be set to zero. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP/SCP sessions cannot be connected to over proxy. [[bug>1405]] 
 +===== [[5.8.1]] 5.8.1 beta ((2016-01-20)) ===== 
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2015-12-22, commit 51465fa). It brings following changes: 
 +    * Support for ChaCha20-Poly1305 authenticated encryption. [[pbug>chacha20-poly1305]] 
 +    * Support for Curve25519 key exchange. [[pbug>curve25519]] 
 +    * Support for ECDSA keys in PuTTY and PuTTYgen. [[bug>1390]] [[pbug>ecdsa]] 
 +    * Support for Ed25519 user and host keys. [[pbug>ed25519]] 
 +    * WinSCP prefers host-key types it already has cached or configured (in scripting). [[pbug>hostkey-prefer-cached]] 
 +    * Support for OpenSSH encrypt-then-MAC scheme. [[pbug>encrypt-then-mac]] 
 +    * Support using public-only key files. 
 +    * Support for OpenSSH's new key format. 
 +  * Support for DER encoded binary certificates. [[bug>1388]] 
 +  * Correcting DST adjustments of FTP timestamps by IIS FTP server. [[bug>1380]] 
 +  * Dual code signing binaries with both SHA-1 and SHA-256. 
 +  * Improvements to code/script generation: 
 +    * Syntax highlighting for generated code. 
 +    * Command-line switches, script commands and their switches, and .NET assembly classes, methods and properties in generated code link to online documentation.  
 +    * Warning when a server hostkey is not known when generating a code.  
 +    * Not including the ''/console'' switch in a generated command-line. 
 +    * Separate display for an executable path, when generating a command-line. 
 +    * Using ''#'' for comments as on the Wiki. 
 +    * Made it obvious that a path to log file in generated code needs to be set to a real writable path. [[bug>1391]] 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.8. 
 +    * A //Welcome Screen// has been removed. 
 +  * Using actual system language name on About dialog if the name is not provided by a (uncomplete) translation. 
 +  * Closing application when Login dialog opened after handling URL with "save" extension is canceled. 
 +  * Change: Deprecating ''Session.IniFilePath'' in favor of ''Session.AddRawConfiguration''. 
 +  * Prolonging countdown only after mouse moves substantially over message box with "timeout" button. [[bug>1386]] 
 +  * More user-friendly error message when a wrong passphrase is used for a client certificate. 
 +  * When a passphrase for a client certificate is not provided, the authentication continues. 
 +  * Identifying as WinSCP (including version) in FTP ''CLNT'' command 
 +  * Sending FTP ''CLNT'' command even to FileZilla FTP server. 
 +  * Smarter merging of new encryption and KEX algorithms to existing preference lists. 
 +  * Change: Not allowing SSH-1 by default. 
 +  * Moving SSH-1-only options to less prominent positions on Advanced Site Settings dialog and removing SSH-2-only designations of session options.  
 +  * Refreshing download link when automatic update fails. 
 +  * Closing update window after displaying error message for automatic update. 
 +  * Bug fix: When opening ''%%ssh://%%'' URL in PuTTY or handling URL with a save extension, a main window was opened. 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing help link for //Internal Editor page// of Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Alt+D'' and ''Ctrl+L'' keyboard shortcuts on Commander interface in Location profiles bookmark mode do not focus the //Local directory// box, when a local panel has focus. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Script// and //.NET assembly code// tabs were not hidden on Generate file URL dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout when uploading to FTP over TLS and proxy when the FTP server responds with ''1xy'' before proxy connection is processed. [[bug>1381]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when displaying hint on color menu. [[bug>1382]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when transferring files from command-line. [[bug>1383]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on exit. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong background color of some progress windows parts when system themes are disabled. [[bug>1384]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when displaying hint on floating toolbar. [[bug>1385]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting using FTP with empty password. [[bug>1387]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Too long automatic bug reports were rejected. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reading a private key from a ''.pem'' file fails. 
 +  * Bug fix: An ''open'' scripting command for FTP session with encrypted client certificate without passphrase but with password is silently ignored. 
 +  * Bug fix: Assertions in Pascal code were present in release binaries. 
 +  * Bug fix: "Browse for folder" icon in installer overlaps labels on high DPI. 
 +  * Bug fix: Installer images did not scale correctly 
 +===== [[5.8]] 5.8 beta ((2015-12-16)) ===== 
 +  * Authentication with TLS/SSL client certificates. [[bug>921]] 
 +  * Redesigned Progress and Synchronization progress windows. 
 +  * WebDAV file locking. [[bug>1315]] 
 +  * Opening the initial Login dialog over the main window. 
 +  * Automatic updates (for donors only). 
 +  * Updates are checked over an encrypted HTTPS connection. 
 +  * Showing tips on using the application. 
 +  * Improvements and fixes for large font/high DPI environments: 
 +    * Toolbar, menu and dialog images for 125%, 150% and 200% zooms (120, 144, and 192 DPI respectively). [[bug>1302]] 
 +    * Scaling toolbar drop-downs. 
 +    * Scaling menu and toolbar details (submenu arrows, drop-down arrows, drag handles, checkmarks, radio-button marks, color palettes). 
 +    * Scaling status bars on Synchronization checklist and Find windows. 
 +    * Scaling drop-down button arrows. 
 +    * Correctly scaling file icon on Properties dialog. 
 +    * Scaling application icon on About dialog. 
 +    * Scaling images in installer. 
 +    * New application icon sizes. 
 +    * New installer icon sizes. 
 +    * New desktop icon sizes for site, site folder and workspace. 
 +    * New Console, Editor, Log, Find and Synchronization checklist windows icon sizes. 
 +    * Scaling icon overlays. 
 +    * Own scaled icons for message boxes. 
 +    * Using scalable system window resize grip. 
 +    * Preventing system from scaling windows when moving them between displays with a different DPI. 
 +    * Scaling Synchronization checklist action column. 
 +    * Scaling menu lists. 
 +    * Scaling hint window. 
 +    * Scaling Up/Down buttons width on numerical inputs. 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.66]]. 
 +  * Improved transfer speed: 
 +    * with SFTP and SCP protocols when CPU is limiting factor. 
 +    * with SFTP on high latency connections. [[bug>1295]] 
 +  * Improvements to scripting, command-line and .NET assembly: 
 +    * Change: Script file has to be in UTF-8 encoding. 
 +    * Command-line interface for converting and editing private keys. [[bug>1331]] 
 +    * Script or .NET assembly code template can be generated in GUI. [[bug>1010]] 
 +    * Allowing manual verification (with timeout) of SSH hostkey/TLS certificate in batch mode in scripting. 
 +    * Added ''Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles'' method that can enumerate remote files and directories recursively. [[bug>1356]] 
 +    * Switch ''-latest'' for ''get'' and ''put'' commands to transfer the latest file only. 
 +    * Added a ''FullName'' property to the ''RemoteFileInfo'' class. 
 +    * Resume and Append (''TransferOptions.OverwriteMode'') in .NET assembly. [[bug>1358]] 
 +    * The ''open'' command in scripting can open FileZilla stored site. 
 +    * Showing full ''open'' command syntax suggestion, when using saved site in batch script. 
 +    * Change: The ''RemoteFileInfo.Name'' now contains a name only, even for a ''RemoteFileInfo'' instance returned by the ''Session.GetFileInfo''. 
 +    * Added properties ''IsThisDirectory'' and ''IsParentDirectory'' to ''RemoteFileInfo'' class. 
 +    * Added ''Session.CombinePaths'' utility method as remote path equivalent of ''Path.Combine''. 
 +    * Added ''Session.TranslateRemotePathToLocal'' to generate a local path equivalent of a remote path, given root paths. 
 +    * Supporting impersonated IIS environment with .NET assembly. [[bug>1334]] 
 +    * Protocol prefix ''%%ftpes://%%'' for FTP over explicit TLS/SSL. 
 +    * Change: Deprecating ''Session.DefaultConfiguration'' in favor of ''Session.AddRawConfiguration''. 
 +    * Change: ''SessionOptions.SshPrivateKeyPassphrase'' renamed to ''SessionOptions.PrivateKeyPassphrase''. 
 +    * Not re-reading XML log when end of the file is reached to optimize performance. [[bug>1287]] 
 +    * Parameter ''/loglevel'' documented in usage. 
 +    * Removed deprecated .NET assembly options ''FtpSecure.ExplicitTls'' and ''FtpSecure.ExplicitSsl''. 
 +    * Warning when useless command-line parameters are specified in scripting. 
 +    * Not offering host key verification in scripting if configuration is not persistent. 
 +    * Suggesting use of ''-hostkey'' switch in host key verification prompt in scripting. 
 +    * Session can be named using ''/sessionname='' command-line switch. [[bug>1373]] 
 +    * Resetting 10 seconds input timeout every time a key is pressed in scripting batch mode. [[bug>1347]] 
 +  * Optionally not closing the application after the last session closes. [[bug>857]] 
 +  * Optionally preserve timestamps of directories with SFTP protocol. [[bug>94]] 
 +  * Change: Interface theme is not configurable anymore. Only single theme is supported. 
 +  * Selected private key files in OpenSSH or ssh.com format can be automatically converted to PuTTY format. [[bug>22]] 
 +  * Allowing selection to start in the first column of file panel. 
 +  * Change: Change of language on run-time is not supported anymore. 
 +  * Session name (''!N'') and port number (''!#'') patterns for custom commands and terminal client path. [[bug>1346]] [[bug>1020]] 
 +  * Configurable internal editor font color and default background color. [[bug>1326]] 
 +  * Change: Using UTF-8 for strings (such as password) with SSH protocol. [[bug>1014]] 
 +  * Using ''%%REST%%'' command to resume upload with FTP protocol. [[bug>552]] 
 +  * Incremental site search can be restricted to the beginning of site name only or expanded to other site fields. [[bug>1348]] 
 +  * Files can be dropped on queue list. [[bug>1281]] 
 +  * Including all at least 80% translations into installer. Informing user when incomplete language is selected when installing. 
 +  * Displaying //Owner// file property with WebDAV protocol. 
 +  * //Save All// function in Internal editor. [[bug>1327]] 
 +  * Masking out passwords when logging command-line. [[bug>1344]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2e. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.6. 
 +  * Enabled IPv6 with FTP by default. [[bug>1310]] 
 +  * Support for long local paths when deleting local file. [[bug>1352]] 
 +  * Animation on Find dialog and Authentication progress window. 
 +  * Displaying mod_dav ''executable'' property. 
 +  * Reloading site list when opening Login dialog to open additional session. [[bug>1322]] 
 +  * Handling ''%%ssh://%%'' URLs and opening them in PuTTY. [[bug>1305]] 
 +  * Optionally trimming VMS version numbers from filenames during transfer. [[bug>1312]] 
 +  * Caching fingerprints of last verified host keys so they can be used in Generate URL function on Login dialog already. 
 +  * //Download/Upload and Delete// command moved to //Download/Upload// submenu [[bug>1279]] and //Edit With// menu moved to //Edit// submenu. //Edit With// submenu is newly available on //Edit// toolbar button. 
 +  * Added //Download/Upload in Background// commands to respective menus. [[bug>1280]] 
 +  * Keyboard shortcuts ''Ctrl+L'' and ''Alt+D'' to focus //Address// toolbar (Explorer interface) or open bookmarks (Commander interface). [[bug>1303]] Change: Shortcut of command //Clear Selection// changed to ''Shift+Ctrl+L''. 
 +  * Commands to select/unselect all files with the same extension. [[bug>1286]] 
 +  * Inserting ''-load'' argument of PuTTY before custom user arguments. [[bug>1351]] 
 +  * New image for //Find// command and dialog. 
 +  * New images in an installer. 
 +  * About dialog lists all current and past translators. 
 +  * Warning when transferring multiple files to same name. [[bug>1282]] 
 +  * Hint user about possible reasons of SFTP code 4 error. [[bug>1285]] 
 +  * Platform SDK is no longer required to build 64-bit drag&drop shell extension. 
 +  * Increasing initial/minimal SFTP transfer packet size. 
 +  * Improving layout of installer //Completing// page of for long translations. 
 +  * Display parent directory in file panel even if the server does not include it in directory listing. [[bug>1298]] 
 +  * Showing only folder, not files, on Progress window, when calculating transfer size. 
 +  * Avoid flickering busy mouse cursor while calculating transfer size or collecting changes for synchronization. 
 +  * Showing localized language name on description of //Typical installation//. 
 +  * Added icon for //Cancel All// queue command. 
 +  * Correcting labels and hints for color commands in an internal editor. 
 +  * Session color can be set to black. 
 +  * Not showing percentage progress for indeterminate Directory size calculation. 
 +  * Preferences window opens with focused navigation tree. 
 +  * When //Cancel// is pressed on Progress window before moving transfer to background finishes, transfer is canceled. 
 +  * Disabling //Proceed to Background// once //Cancel// is pressed on Progress window. 
 +  * Added icon for queue //Speed// command. 
 +  * Desktop icons created by an installer show application description. 
 +  * Not showing details about retrieving time zone information on Authentication progress window. 
 +  * Using delete icon on site/site folder/workspace delete confirmation prompts. 
 +  * Showing error message when neon library initialization fails. 
 +  * Prompt for username even with GSSAPI authentication enabled. [[bug>1349]] 
 +  * Providing error details when deleting a local file fails. 
 +  * Using ''printenv'' instead of ''echo'' to obtain a value of the ''LANG'' environment variable. [[bug>1354]] 
 +  * Logging clear ''Authorization'' header when password logging is enabled. 
 +  * Explaining that certificate cannot be verified against hostname if IP address is used to connect to the server. [[bug>1359]] 
 +  * Translation specific GUI elements orientation is not followed by default. 
 +  * Updated to JCL library 2.7. 
 +  * Using Save dialog instead of Open for selecting log file and random seed file paths. 
 +  * Icon on New version message. 
 +  * Minimize buttons on Console and Synchronization checklist windows enabled. 
 +  * Informing the user when a connection fails because an FTP connection was attempted to an SFTP server. 
 +  * Increase length limit of site note to 4000. [[bug>1372]] 
 +  * Wrapping too long entries in authentication log to avoid horizontal scrollbar. 
 +  * Disambiguated commands in //Once Done/Empty// menus. [[bug>1375]] 
 +  * Encoding all non-ASCII characters in URLs to allow posting bug report and searching for message using web browsers that do not default to UTF-8 encoding for URLs (like Internet Explorer). 
 +  * Wider menu spacing. 
 +  * Bug fix: Speed limit history is not relocalized when language is changed. [[bug>490]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Not showing symbolic links to directories as a difference on synchronization checklist as they are not synchronized anyway. 
 +  * Bug fix: When restoring an application from minimization, progress windows did not get activated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Preventing active window title flickering before opening Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening WebDAVS session, if SSPI initialization failed (such as when running under Wine). 
 +  * Bug fix: When window is closing, its icon is hidden momentarily. 
 +  * Bug fix: WebDAV redirect loop was not detected on the first redirect. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when SFTP server responds to upload (write) requests out of order. [[bug>1365]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Duplicated ad-hoc session from workspace is wrongly named. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot work with filenames starting or ending with space with FTP protocol. [[bug>26]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure or broken synchronized browsing when changing directory while another command was executing already. [[bug>1369]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Showing a command of a custom command in status bar. [[bug>1370]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Commander panel ratio lost after swapping panels. 
 +  * Bug fix: Minimize buttons on Login and Find windows did not minimize the application. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing window while some command was executing. 
 +  * Bug fix: When Authentication window is resized smaller, prompts get truncated. 
 +  * Bug fix: URL is generated incorrectly for a file with a space in a path. [[bug>1374]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when a local drive is removed. [[bug>1376]] 
 +  * Bug fix: For a stored site with special characters, it was not possible to open/duplicate a session in a new instance, desktop shortcut had wrong name and desktop shortcuts/jump list entries were not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when the current local directory is deleted while session is disconnected and synchronized browsing is enabled. [[bug>1378]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using //Close all windows// taskbar function with opened and active internal editor. [[bug>1377]] 
 +===== [[5.7.7]] 5.7.7 (hotfix) ((2016-03-06)) ===== 
 +(*  * Translation completed: Arabic.*) 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1s. 
 +  * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.67. 
 +  * Dual code signing binaries with both SHA-1 and SHA-256. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when Progress window closes (transfer finishes) while //Once done// drop-down menu is opened. [[bug>1379]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Too long automatic bug reports were rejected. 
 +  * Bug fix: File masks with time constraints do not work with remote WebDAV files. [[bug>1389]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Installation fails when there is no user //Start// menu. [[bug>1398]] 
 +===== [[5.7.6]] 5.7.6 ((2015-11-04)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Spanish. 
 +  * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.65. 
 +  * Workaround for ProFTPD using ''cdir'' type in ''MLST'' response when retrieving listing for a current working directory. [[bug>1350]] 
 +  * Workaround for FTP servers that incorrectly use RFC 2228-style response to ''MLST'' command. [[bug>1360]] 
 +  * Perform TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection immediately when connected to Idea FTP server (home.pl). [[bug>1357]] 
 +  * Recognize WebDAV folder by trailing slash in its path, if the server does not provide ''DAV:collection'' tag. [[bug>1362]] 
 +  * Limiting ''Session.Output'' size not to waste memory with large sessions. [[bug>1367]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when spinning a mouse wheel over a Find/Replace dialogs of Internal editor. [[bug>1353]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping files from application that fails to provide ''CF_HDROP''. [[bug>1361]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when Windows session is closing while no session is connected. [[bug>1363]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot download root folder from an FTP server that does not support ''MLSD'' or ''SIZE'' and ''MDTM'' commands. [[bug>1364]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Queue setting on Copy dialog is lost when different transfer setting preset is selected. 
 +  * Bug fix: File timestamps are incorrectly adjusted for autodetected positive time zone difference. [[bug>1366]] 
 +===== [[5.7.5]] 5.7.5 ((2015-08-04)) ===== 
 +  * Translation completed: Catalan. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1p. 
 +  * Supporting the RFC 4419 revision to Diffie-Hellman group exchange. [[bug>1345]] [[pbug>rfc4419]] 
 +  * Workaround for Cerberus SFTP server incorrectly indicating end of directory listing. [[bug>1338]] 
 +  * SHA-256 hash of binaries provided in release notes. 
 +  * Aligning //Save// button with //Edit// button on Login dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure or timeout when Execute button on Console window was clicked while another command was executing already. [[bug>1339]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Switches do not work with aliases to scripting commands. [[bug>1340]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to manipulate files in nonexisting directory in "batch continue" scripting mode. [[bug>1314]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to configure //Time zone offset// for SCP protocol. [[bug>1343]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When time zone difference is autodetected with legacy FTP server, timestamp precision is not taken into account when comparing timestamps (e.g. for synchronization). [[bug>1342]] 
 +===== [[5.7.4]] 5.7.4 ((2015-06-17)) ===== 
 +  * Translations completed: French and Ukrainian. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1o. 
 +  * Not using directory include masks recursively when finding files. [[bug>1329]] 
 +  * Recognizing UTF-8 encoded localized German month names in FTP ''LIST'' command results. [[bug>1328]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Relative path of find results is shown incorrectly when finding from root folder. [[bug>1330]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when switching sessions with session log window opened. [[bug>1333]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Session and log file information on Log window is not updated when switching session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Reference to parent WebDAV directory shows incorrectly when a name of the current folder includes special characters. [[bug>1335]] 
 +  * Bug fix: History of some inputs is not saved. [[bug>1336]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect behavior when retrying connection after listing of initial remote directory fails. 
 +  * Bug fix: When panel drive/path comboxes box do not cover whole toolbar height, the change Drive/Directory command do not work. 
 +===== [[5.7.3]] 5.7.3 ((2015-05-13)) ===== 
 +  * Using FTP command ''SIZE'' in binary mode. [[bug>1292]] 
 +  * Optionally determining local file icon by extension only. [[bug>1325]] 
 +  * Ensuring that sessions to be opened in a new window do not get actually opened back in the existing window. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP transfers fail occasionally. [[bug>1321]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Controls occasionally do not align correctly after restoring maximized window from minimization. [[bug>1309]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Embedded session is not opened. [[bug>1311]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SCP session breaks when an output includes a null character. [[bug>1313]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error retrieving file attributes with FTP protocol when the path is given with trailing slash. [[bug>1314]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Sort arrow was shown on unsortable Find dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: File mask with size constraint over 4 GB does not work. [[bug>1318]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When dragging files from local panel to local tree, status bar is not updated. [[bug>1319]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local directory tree does not show newly created folder. [[bug>1320]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local directory tree stops reflecting changes after creating new folder. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when HTTPS WebDAV URL redirects to HTTP. [[bug>1323]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Certificate validation fails, when HTTP WebDAV URL redirects to HTTPS. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some redirected WebDAVS connection error messages show original host name instead of the actual host name. 
 +  * Bug fix: WebDAVS certificate failure override for redirected session is stored for original host name. 
 +  * Bug fix: During file transfers on FTP servers that do not support ''MLSD'' command, file details are not provided on overwrite confirmation prompt and transfer progress is not shown correctly. [[bug>1324]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Edit commands on all Internal editors reflect state of the currently focused editor, instead of their editor. 
 +===== [[5.7.2]] 5.7.2 ((2015-04-14)) ===== 
 +  * Reporting relative addresses in stack trace. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP/SCP transfers occasionally time out. [[bug>1306]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Fail gracefully when internal command generated by WinSCP .NET assembly is too long. [[bug>1297]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when "downloading and deleting" an empty remote directory with .NET assembly. [[bug>1299]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When overwriting configuration export, new configuration is appended, instead of replacing the previous export. [[bug>1300]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When listing WebDAV directory using relative path, the listing includes a reference to the directory itself. [[bug>1301]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when pressing help icon while no control has focus. [[bug>1304]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing log window during activity. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect encoding of SSH_FXP_REALPATH. [[bug>1308]] 
 +===== [[5.7.1]] 5.7.1 ((2015-03-25)) ===== 
 +  * Translations added: Croatian, Finnish, Korean and Polish. 
 +  * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.64. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1m. 
 +  * Not requiring confirmation when canceling an operation. 
 +  * Import of Base64-encoded passwords from FileZilla. 
 +  * Progress window uses //Skip// button instead of //Cancel// when calculating transfer size. [[bug>1296]] 
 +  * Workaround for ProFTPD ''mod_sftp'' bug in SSH_FXP_REALPATH handling with SFTP version 6. [[bug>1289]] 
 +  * Not asking for master password repeatedly when opening Generate URL dialog. Not asking at all unless user chooses to include password into URL. 
 +  * More space for information about translators. 
 +  * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.64.((PuTTY 0.65, 0.66 and 0.67 fixes are not relevant for WinSCP.)) [[pbug>private-key-not-wiped-2]] [[pbug>diffie-hellman-range-check]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when working with stored sites when a temporary hidden site for interprocess communication is not properly removed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwrite confirmation prompt displays name of source file instead of target file, when file name changes, with SFTP, SCP and WebDAV protocols. [[bug>1290]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Transfer was not resumed after moving the transfer to the background when source and target file name differs with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when trying to open another externally initiated session while externally initiated session is opening. 
 +  * Bug fix: It is not possible to configure certificate accepting with WebDAV protocol in .NET assembly. [[bug>1284]] 
 +  * Bug fix: User and group name is not decoded properly from UTF-8 encoding with SFTP version 3 and older. [[bug>1288]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When calculating size of files to transfer is canceled, not using the incomplete results to estimate transfer progress. 
 +  * Bug fix: When local custom command is applied to a remote folder, it is unconditionally uploaded back after the command finishes. [[bug>1294]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Calculation of transfer size could not be moved to background. 
 +===== [[5.7]] 5.7 ((2015-02-20)) ===== 
 +  * Translations added: Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Swedish and Turkish. 
 +  * Requesting FTP directory listing fields using ''OPTS MLST'', if the server does not provide all needed fields by default. [[bug>1267]] 
 +  * Support for ''MD5'' FTP command. 
 +  * Executable ''winscp.exe'' is included in //.NET assembly// package. 
 +  * Logging level and password logging can be set on command-line using ''/loglevel'' switch. 
 +  * Logging parsed command-line and script command parameters on //Debug 1// level. 
 +  * Size of connection receiving buffer increased. [[bug>1273]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1l. 
 +  * Reducing amount of detailed information shown on Authentication Progress window for FTP sessions. 
 +  * Adjusting message box size for icons scaled on Windows 8.1 and newer. 
 +  * Not using drag images. [[bug>1274]] 
 +  * Logging processes and performance counters in .NET assembly debug log, only when ''Session.DebugLogLevel'' is ''1''. 
 +  * Not logging value of  ''-passphrase'' switch of ''open'' command. [[bug>1277]] 
 +  * Bug fix: After several unsuccessful reconnects a resumed FTP file download starts from an initial remote folder, instead of correct source folder. [[bug>1268]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When sorting local files modified at the same time by modification time, sort direction is not considered when falling back to sorting by filename. [[bug>1269]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Command could be invoked in the middle of creating directory or navigating. [[bug>1272]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to drop on a file with drop handler in local panel with enabled drag&drop shell extension, although it cannot work with drop handlers. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping on a file with drop handler in local panel with disabled drag&drop shell extension. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when running in a restricted environment. [[bug>1276]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Confirmation button on //Read to Install// and //Finished installing// installer screens was incorrectly labeled //Next//. 
 +  * Bug fix: Order of sessions in workspace with more than 10 sessions is not preserved. [[bug>1278]] 
 +//Users upgrading from [[history_old#5.5.6|WinSCP 5.5.6]]// can read more about [[announcement_winscp57|*]] 
 +===== [[5.6.5]] 5.6.5 RC ((2015-01-13)) ===== 
 +  * Local custom commands can optionally be executed with remote file paths. [[bug>510]] 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1k. Fixing several security defects. 
 +  * Change: ''Session.CalculateFileChecksum'' method returns a byte array instead of a string to match .NET framework cryptography functions. 
 +  * Never doing transfer via temporary file when overwriting a file known to be owned by another user. [[bug>1260]] 
 +  * Never automatically refresh a file panel while menu is opened or file is being dragged. [[bug>1262]] 
 +  * Loading files ownership before showing Properties when connected to Bitvise SFTP server. 
 +  * Meaningful error message when a cipher or a key-exchange algorithm is not verified. 
 +  * Using term "Sleep" instead of "Suspend" as used by Windows Vista and newer. 
 +  * Bug fix: Location profile folders are duplicated. [[bug>1259]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Command could be invoked while keeping session up to date. [[bug>1263]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong syntax of SHA-1 cipher name in ''checksum'' command help. 
 +  * Bug fix: Default configuration was recreated after user chose to cleanup configuration during uninstallation. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure in scripting one some rare prompts. [[bug>1264]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when file panel autorefresh is triggered while directory is being read. [[bug>1265]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not connect to FTP server over a proxy with //Force IP address for passive mode connections// set to //On//. [[bug>1266]] 
 +===== [[5.6.4]] 5.6.4 RC ((2014-12-18)) ===== 
 +  * Automatic reconnect during listing of remote directory. [[bug>25]] 
 +  * Remembering the last working directories in a workspace. [[bug>1165]] 
 +  * Improvements to calculating remote file checksum: 
 +    * Checksum support for FTP using ''HASH''/''XSHA1''/''XSHA256''/''XSHA512''/''XMD5''/''XCRC'' commands. [[bug>1242]] 
 +    * File checksum can be calculated in scripting (''checksum'' command and XML log entry) and .NET assembly (''Session.CalculateFileChecksum'' method). [[bug>1246]] 
 +    * Using IANA checksum algorithm names. 
 +    * //Calculate checksum// button on Properties dialog becomes the default button when //Algorithm// box has focus. 
 +  * Supporting ''AVBL'' and ''XQUOTA'' commands to retrieve information about space available of FTP server. 
 +  * Home path can be resolved in .NET assembly using ''Session.HomePath''. [[bug>1248]] 
 +  * Site tree on Login dialog responds to mouse wheel even when not focused. [[bug>846]] 
 +  * Custom command pattern ''!S'' that expands to session URL. 
 +  * ''SessionOptions.ParseUrl'' method in .NET assembly. 
 +  * //Cancel all// command for Background transfer queue list. [[bug>602]] 
 +  * Supporting IIS WebDAV ''Translate'' header to allow downloading source files and files with unknown MIME type. [[bug>1255]] 
 +  * Supporting FTP ''HOST'' command (RFC 7151). [[bug>1166]] 
 +  * Keep remote directory up to date dialog can be minimized to tray, even when minimizing to taskbar is used for the application. [[bug>139]] 
 +  * Prolonging countdown instead of suspending it when moving mouse over message box with "timeout" button. [[bug>1107]] 
 +  * File ownership is available in .NET assembly and XML log. [[bug>1245]] 
 +  * Improved automatic sizing of columns in various lists. 
 +  * Items with unknown value on //Space available// tab of Server and protocol information dialog are shown dimmed. 
 +  * Change: Considering directories to have zero size, when matching file masks or sorting by size, even when the server reports size for the directory, to achieve consistent behavior. 
 +  * Further compatibility improvements with FTP servers: 
 +    * Workaround for malformed ''FEAT'' response of older versions of IIS FTP Server and WS_FTP server. 
 +    * Bug fix: Cannot upload file to directory when FTP server returns 4xx/5xx response to directory listing request after allowing (typically empty) listing transfer (old versions of IIS FTP server). [[bug>1249]] 
 +  * Replaced ''FtpSecure.ExplicitTls'' .NET assembly option with ''FtpSecure.Explicit'' and deprecated ''FtpSecure.ExplicitSsl''. 
 +  * Using //Yes/No//, instead of //OK/Cancel// on sites import confirmation during installation not to make an impression that rejecting the import cancels the installation. 
 +  * Logging when a symlink to a directory is skipped while downloading. 
 +  * Using standard formatting of IPv6 literals in session URL (instead of URL-encoding them). 
 +  * Displaying hint when ''F5'' keyboard shortcut is used for the first time on Commander interface. [[bug>1254]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Parameters ''/help'' and ''/batchsettings'' were not working with ''winscp.com''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command could be invoked using keyboard shortcut in the middle of reloading directory. [[bug>1256]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Reason not given when FTP upload fails because local file attributes cannot be retrieved. [[bug>1250]] 
 +  * Bug fix: FTP upload fails when volume information for local drive cannot be retrieved. [[bug>1251]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Size of directories was reported as -1 for some FTP servers. 
 +  * Bug fix: Invalid stored FTP password was tried indefinitely in a loop. [[bug>1252]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ad-hoc session duplicated to a new window had no name. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping files to an external application via a temporary directory with an automatic refresh of a remote directory enabled. [[bug>1253]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Pasting permissions when //Octal// box has focus does not update the box itself. [[bug>1257]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse cursor is hidden when hovering over progress window during download via temporary directory. [[bug>1258]] 
 +===== [[5.6.3]] 5.6.3 beta ((2014-11-13)) ===== 
 +  * Improved GUI responsiveness (with SFTP, SCP and FTP protocols). [[bug>1237]] 
 +  * Sites can be mass-modified using ''/batchsettings'' command-line parameter. [[bug>1236]] 
 +  * Use default transfer mode for edited files, except when using Notepad. [[bug>1239]] 
 +  * Added method ''Session.AddRawConfiguration'' to configure any global configuration option. [[bug>876]] 
 +  * Optionally logging even sensitive information (such as passwords). 
 +  * Consistently logging transferred bytes for every transferred file. 
 +  * Improving protection from undesired modifications of local files when handling URLs from browser while relieving restriction on combining URLs on command line with some switches, such as ''/log'', ''/xmllog'' and ''/defaults''. [[bug>916]] 
 +  * The ''failonnomatch'' option applies also to ''ls'' and ''lls'' command. [[bug>1172]] 
 +  * Replaced ''-explicittls'' command-line parameter and switch of ''open'' command with ''-explicit'' and deprecated ''-explicitssl''. 
 +  * Change: ''lls'' by default only displays a notification that no matching file is found, instead of failing. 
 +  * Differentiating unknown private key format and non-existing/non-readable private key file errors. 
 +  * Bug fix: Session cannot be opened when ''Session.AddRawSettings'' is used. [[bug>1234]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting to WebDAV server not supporting persistent connections. [[bug>1235]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Keepalives were turned off when overriding site settings with raw settings. 
 +  * Bug fix: Parameter ''/rawconfig'' was not documented in usage. 
 +  * Bug fix: The //Use default system editor// button is misplaced on (ad-hoc) //Editor// dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Synchronization checklist window could be resized too small not to fit //Custom// button. 
 +  * Bug fix: The last file upload before creating a remote directory is not reported with .NET assembly. [[bug>1238]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Progress bar not appearing on taskbar when main window is not visible. [[bug>1240]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwrite confirmation was required when changing case of site name. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when copying multiple files checksum results to clipboard. [[bug>1243]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Large sizes are displayed incorrectly. [[bug>1244]] 
 +===== [[5.6.2]] 5.6.2 beta ((2014-10-23)) ===== 
 +  * Computer can be suspended when operation completes. Thanks to s.vaningelgem. [[bug>694]] 
 +  * Uploading back files modified by local custom command. [[bug>169]] 
 +  * UTF-8 support for SCP. [[bug>325]] 
 +  * Checkbox to exclude all directories as a shortcut and hint to ''*'' mask on Edit file mask dialog. 
 +  * Improved Synchronization checklist window: 
 +    * Synchronization direction can be reversed for individual files. [[bug>225]] 
 +    * Showing total size of files selected for synchronization. [[bug>23]] 
 +    * Custom commands are available in context menu. [[bug>566]] 
 +    * Labeling custom commands drop-down menu //Commands// only to fit the label to the button. 
 +    * Bug fix: Icon was misplaced when columns order was changed. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1j. Fixing several security defects. 
 +  * Rounding file sizes up. [[bug>1204]] 
 +  * Global configuration options can be set on command-line. [[bug>876]] 
 +  * Command to copy find results to clipboard. [[bug>1117]] 
 +  * Optimized startup time. Sponsored by Alan Irwin. [[bug>1220]] 
 +  * Improved compatibility with antiquated FTP servers, like IIS: [[bug>1221]] 
 +    * Using ''CWD''/''SIZE''/''MDTM'' to retrieve information about file when ''MLST'' is not supported. [[bug>1209]] 
 +    * Non-standard use of ''MDTM'' to modify remote file timestamp. 
 +    * Auto-detecting time zone difference when ''MLST'' is not supported. 
 +  * Natural order numerical sorting of file names and sites. [[bug>425]] 
 +  * Support for ProFTPD FTP extensions ''SITE COPY''/''CPFR''/''CPTO'' to duplicate a remote file, and ''SITE SYMLINK'' to create a symbolic link. 
 +  * Configurable file panel font size. [[bug>596]] 
 +  * Moved mask hint below directory mask boxes on Edit file mask dialog to make it obvious it applies to those masks too. 
 +  * //Edit With// menu (previously //Edit (alternative)// added to file panel context menu. [[bug>1226]] 
 +  * Added //New// (//> File/Directory//) menu to local panel context menu. [[bug>1227]] 
 +  * Added "Exclude directories" transfer settings preset. 
 +  * When FTP ''MLSD'' listing does not include ''Unix.mode'' fact, presenting at least a ''Perm'' fact, if available. [[bug>1208]] 
 +  * Defaulting ''Session.ReconnectTime'' to 120 seconds to match the new actual default (see [[bug>1173]]). Setting the property to ''TimeSpan.MaxValue'' removes any limit. 
 +  * Improved detection if user shall be offered external editor auto configuration. 
 +  * Merging TLS and SSL encryption options for FTP into one, trying ''AUTH TLS'' first, falling back to ''AUTH SSL''. 
 +  * Timestamp variable in scripting. [[bug>1223]] 
 +  * Auto-detecting when SFTP server does not use UTF-8 encoding with SFTP-3 and older. [[bug>1212]] 
 +  * Removed //Ext// sub-caption from //Name// columns on file panels (since Windows Vista, it is no longer possible to distinguish sorting by name and extension in column header). 
 +  * Configurable WebDAV root path in .NET assembly. [[bug>1213]] 
 +  * Change: A .NET assembly method ''Session.ExecuteCommand'' does not throw an exception on error. Instead a ''CommandExecutionResult'' now descends from a ''OperationResultBase'' (use its ''Check'' method to reproduce the previous behavior). 
 +  * An ''ExitCode'' property added to ''CommandExecutionResult'' in .NET assembly and an ''exitcode'' tag added to XML logging. [[bug>1225]] 
 +  * A ''SecureString'' can be used provide password in .NET assembly via property ''SessionOptions.SecurePassword''. [[bug>1230]] 
 +  * Allow accessing ''RemoteFileInfo'' length via ''IDispatch'' on 32-bit systems. [[bug>1231]] 
 +  * Masking out password in .NET assembly debug log. 
 +  * Not considering directory name "extension" when sorting file panel by file type. [[bug>1211]] 
 +  * Not popping up a message box, when fatal startup error occurs in scripting with ''/nointeractiveinput'' switch (including runs by .NET assembly). If XML logging is enabled, the fatal error is recorded in the log (and promoted to .NET assembly). 
 +  * Improving GUI responsiveness when finishing uploads with SFTP protocol. 
 +  * Button to use system editor on Editor Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Optionally not honoring system NoDrives policy. [[bug>1233]] 
 +  * Trying to use ''cp -T'' when duplicating remote files. [[bug>1217]] 
 +  * Optionally keeping temporary mirrors of remote files in deterministic paths. [[bug>410]] [[bug>593]] 
 +  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.30.1. 
 +  * License in setup can be accepted simply by pressing //Accept// button. 
 +  * Supporting Unicode characters in private key file path. [[bug>1196]] 
 +  * Disabling permissions controls on Create directory dialog if protocol does not allow changing permissions. 
 +  * Disabling Terminal window with WebDAV protocol. 
 +  * Failing scripting commands ''call'' and ''chmod'' with WebDAV protocol. 
 +  * Improving workaround for Gallery2 WebDAV server that incorrectly fail ''PROPFIND'' requests for non existing files with ''401'' (authentication failure) code. 
 +  * Showing error details when logging to a file fails. [[bug>1198]] 
 +  * Showing error details when opening/creating a local file with FTP protocol fails. 
 +  * Display progress window earlier when transfer start is taking long with SFTP protocol. [[bug>1202]] 
 +  * SSL 3.0 disabled by default, to protect from SSL vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE). 
 +  * Changed default checksum algorithm to "sha1". 
 +  * Added ''Session.ReconnectTimeInMilliseconds'' as an alternative to ''Session.ReconnectTime'' that can be used from COM hosts not supporting 64-bit integers (such as VBA). 
 +  * Added alternative private key file filter that selects other key file formats in addition to ''.ppk''. 
 +  * Enabling //Import Sites// command even when no site is found and showing reason later. [[bug>1219]] 
 +  * Terminating the last line of console output, if it was progress line. 
 +  * Preventing "Pick an app" being offered as an external editor when the last editor was uninstalled. 
 +  * Displaying notification when source file mask in script matches no file. 
 +  * More tolerance to invalid modification time format with WebDAV protocol. [[bug>1232]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when error occurs while working with local files. [[bug>1218]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Keyboard accelerators to mask boxes on Edit file mask dialog were not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Not possible to select/enter file name with Unicode characters in filename input boxes. [[bug>1195]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong "Timeout detected" message when FTP control connection is closed while transferring a file. [[bug>1197]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from root folder of FTP server. [[bug>1199]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse cursor of file list/directory tree splitter is not adjusted when //Show directory tree left of file list// preference option is enabled. [[bug>1200]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Sort column header caption was truncated too much on Windows Vista and later. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hint for making tree sizes equal is not generic enough to cover "Tree on left" option. [[bug>1206]] 
 +  * Bug fix: OpenSSL was built without optimizations. 
 +  * Bug fix: When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported. [[bug>1210]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Part of interface description is obscured in installer when themes are turned off. 
 +  * Bug fix: On the first authentication failure, message "Access without password denied", even when password was actually used. [[bug>1214]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When any default settings are saved, logged source of ad-hoc sites is wrongly identified as modified site. [[bug>1216]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting. [[bug>1222]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When ''failonnomatch'' is enabled, script does not fail when multiple source masks are used, and the second and later mask matches no file. 
 +  * Bug fix: SSL 2.0 use could be configured, despite not actually supporting the protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hidden columns, including otherwise not-displayable internal column //Ext//, are shown when ''Ctrl-+'' shortcut is used. [[bug>1228]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot rename directory on WebDAV servers that insist on source path ending with slash. [[bug>1229]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session'' class properties could not be set over ''IDispatch'' without exact types (particularly boolean properties could not be set with integer value). 
 +===== [[5.6.1]] 5.6.1 beta ((2014-07-22)) ===== 
 +  * SFTP version 6 supported: [[bug>96]] 
 +    * Hardlinks can be created. 
 +    * Optimized directory reading and file downloading. 
 +  * Allowed stored sites, including their names and initial directories, to preserve Unicode characters. [[bug>1189]] 
 +  * Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support. [[bug>1190]] 
 +  * Workaround for Bitvise WinSSHD lack of SFTP extensions announcement. [[bug>1191]] 
 +  * Workaround for incorrect SFTP link argument in ProFTPD ''mod_sftp''. 
 +  * Support for proprietary OpenSSH extension ''hardlink@openssh.com'' for creating hardlinks. [[bug>1192]] 
 +  * //Open// command can open directories. 
 +  * WinSCP can register to handle WinSCP-specific WebDAV URL addresses (''%%winscp-http://%%'' and ''%%winscp-https://%%''). 
 +  * Improved stack trace reporting for internal errors. 
 +  * Not showing suggestion to delete file in error when overwriting file on non-interactive displays. 
 +  * Workaround for FTP servers that do not enclose path in response to PWD command in quotes. [[bug>1193]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening SCP session. [[bug>1187]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing help link for //Note page// of Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. [[bug>1188]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong formatting of some error messages on log view of Keep remote directory up to date dialog with //Continue on error// option enabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: Modified edited/opened remote files are incorrectly uploaded using an active session, instead of their original session. [[bug>1194]] 
 +===== [[5.6]] 5.6 beta ((2014-07-11)) ===== 
 +  * WebDAV support, both for GUI and automation (scripting and .NET assembly). [[bug>160]] 
 +  * Ongoing foreground transfer can be moved to background transfer queue. [[bug>1170]] 
 +  * Improved working with session URL: 
 +    * When clipboard contains session URL, //Paste// command on a main window opens the session specified by the URL. When save extension is used, Save session as site dialog opens instead. [[bug>663]] 
 +    * Added //Paste Session URL// command on Login dialog with ''Ctrl+V'' keyboard shortcut. 
 +    * When session URL is typed into //Host name// box on Login dialog, it is parsed when the box loses keyboard focus. 
 +    * New dialog for session URL generation. It also obsoletes previous //File > File Names > Copy URL to Clipboard// command. 
 +  * Note field for site. [[bug>353]] 
 +  * Improved display of files sizes in panels: 
 +    * Displaying file sizes in panels always in KB's by default. [[bug>1124]] 
 +    * Applying file panel size format to //Transferred// indicator on queue list. [[bug>1124]] 
 +    * Reverted to JEDEC size units (KB, MB, GB) instead of IEC units (KiB, MiB, GiB). [[bug>1123]] 
 +  * Improved informing about updates: 
 +    * Updates information dialog shows change list. 
 +    * Pending updates information is optionally shown on startup. 
 +    * Updates information balloon encourages to click it to display change list. 
 +    * Toolbar button always checks for updates, instead of showing cached data, when available. 
 +    * Distinguishing new version information on notification balloon. 
 +  * Improvements to scripting, command-line and .NET assembly: 
 +    * Remote file can be opened for editing in a standalone internal editor using ''/edit'' command-line parameter. [[bug>14]] 
 +    * Change: When executing script file or script commands provided on command-line, default batch mode is ''abort'' and overwrite confirmations are turned off. 
 +    * Change: Enabling batch mode in scripting automatically limits reconnect time to 120 seconds, if it is not limited yet. [[bug>1173]] 
 +    * Change: When host key does not match fingerprint specified on command line or in script, user is not prompted to verify the host key and connection is abandoned with meaningful error message. [[bug>1186]] 
 +    * ''Session.Close'' method in .NET assembly. 
 +    * Speed limit in .NET assembly. [[bug>1019]] 
 +    * Passphrase can be provided on command line/in scripting and .NET assembly. [[bug>816]] 
 +    * Added switch ''-neweronly'' to ''put'' and ''get'' scripting commands to enable //New and updated files only// option. [[bug>666]] 
 +    * Optionally failing command when file mask matches no files. [[bug>1172]] 
 +    * Updated in-application command-line help page with missing parameters and to match online help page. 
 +    * Bug fix: ''Session.SynchronizeDirectories'' could not be called via ''IDispatch''. [[bug>1136]] 
 +    * Detect and report that session is closed unexpectedly instead of reporting XML log reading error in .NET assembly. [[bug>1137]] 
 +    * Warning when starting configured transfer settings or synchronization options in script are not factory defaults. 
 +    * For negative (system) WinSCP exit codes, the .NET assembly presents the code also in hexadecimal format as is common for system error codes. 
 +  * Support for long local paths. [[bug>821]] 
 +  * Option not to abort //Keep remote directory up to date// on errors. [[bug>720]] 
 +  * Support for ''copy-file'' SFTP extension to duplicate remote files. 
 +  * Customizable background color of Internal editor. [[bug>480]] 
 +  * IDE upgraded to Embarcadero C++ Builder XE6. 
 +  * ECDH ciphers supported with TLS. 
 +  * Optionally opening new sessions in separate window by default. [[bug>1000]] 
 +  * Command to auto-detect proxy for session settings. [[bug>1147]] 
 +  * Hidden files are hidden by default. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.5. 
 +  * When internal exception occurs, stack trace is included into error message (and error report subsequently). 
 +  * Replaced //Symbolic link// option when creating/editing list with //Hard link// option to avoid confusion when the option is disabled when hard links are not supported. 
 +  * Not sizing message box buttons to width of the widest button. 
 +  * With FTP protocol, transfer settings do not mention removing EOF mark, as this is not supported. 
 +  * All top level windows (particularly when main window is not shown) have title icon, taskbar button and "WinSCP" suffix in title. 
 +  * Separated hidden and filtered files indicator to separate status bar panels that can be clicked to show hidden files or modify filter respectively. 
 +  * Site-specific transfer settings preset can be added from Login dialog. 
 +  * Using continuous "Synchronizing" in Synchronize progress window title. 
 +  * Automatically replacing forbidden slash in name of site imported from FileZilla. [[bug>1111]] 
 +  * Updated hint for //Paste// command to indicate it can also paste path and session URL. 
 +  * Command //Server/Protocol Information// moved to //Session// menu and session tab context menu. 
 +  * Warning when trying to edit large files in an internal editor. [[bug>1120]] 
 +  * After site import, selecting the first imported site in site tree on Login dialog. 
 +  * Close buttons on progress windows cancel operation. 
 +  * When collecting synchronization list for directory fails, allow skipping an error and continuing. [[bug>1132]] 
 +  * Close session tab on middle mouse click. [[bug>1133]] 
 +  * Using //Yes/////No// buttons on "Cancel ..." prompts instead of ambiguous //OK/////Cancel// buttons. 
 +  * Translating common Linux-PAM keyboard-interactive "Password:" prompt. [[bug>1135]] 
 +  * Showing queue status information balloons also when application in minimized. 
 +  * Information-only notification balloons distinguish main information. 
 +  * Session option //Chokes on WinSCP's SSH-2 'winadj' requests// made configurable. [[bug>1139]] 
 +  * Improved drive list updating: 
 +    * Preventing stale network drives from slowing or completely halting main window opening. 
 +    * Bug fix: CD/DVD label was not shown on Windows Vista and newer. 
 +    * Bug fix: CD/DVD label was not updated when media was changed. 
 +  * Showing background transfer queue list toolbar by default. 
 +  * Widening default Explorer interface window to fit all background transfer queue list columns. 
 +  * Removed useless trailing accelerator appendixes from toolbar button labels (typical for East Asian languages). 
 +  * Indicating when reading directory with SFTP protocol takes long because of resolving symbolic links. [[bug>1149]] 
 +  * Setup explains that application restart is needed to replace Drag&drop shell extension. [[bug>1150]] 
 +  * Using "<none>" instead of "<root>" on Save session as site dialog to indicate that site is not stored in folder. 
 +  * Moved //Delete local files to recycle bin// checkbox in Preferences to //Panels > Local// page. 
 +  * Presenting Directory size calculation progress as indeterminate on progress bar of Progress window. 
 +  * When saving current session as site, duplicating current session and opening current session in PuTTY, considering even username and password entered during authentication. 
 +  * Showing status for valid FTP over TLS certificates on Server and Protocol information dialog. 
 +  * Showing at least untranslated certificate error description from OpenSSL library for rare FTP over TLS certificate errors. 
 +  * Caching FTP certificates per site. 
 +  * Requiring FTP certificate revalidation when rejection reason changes. 
 +  * Showing notification balloon when error is suspended by //Continue on error// option. 
 +  * Not saving tunnel password if password saving is not explicitly confirmed. 
 +  * Offering saving a site when leaving site editor. [[bug>1174]] 
 +  * Offering saving site when closing Login dialog while editing. [[bug>1175]] 
 +  * Improved verification of FTP TLS/SSL certificates against system Trusted Root Certification Authorities. [[bug>1063]] 
 +  * //Use MLSD command for directory listing// affects also use of ''MLST'' command. [[bug>1181]] 
 +  * Consistently using //Target remote path// label on Duplicate and Move dialogs to indicate that the box includes also target file name, not only target directory. 
 +  * Using an actual file name on Duplicate and Move dialogs instead of ''*.*'' when transferring a single file only. [[bug>1182]] 
 +  * Widened Duplicate and Move dialogs. 
 +  * Keyboard shortcut ''Ctrl+Alt+F'' for //Filter// command. [[bug>929]] 
 +  * //Beep when work finishes// applies also to emptying background transfer queue. [[bug>697]] 
 +  * Drop-down arrow added to //Encoding// drop-down menu on Internal editor toolbar. 
 +  * Workaround for ProFTPD ''mod_sftp'' bug in SFTP ''space-available'' packet. [[bug>1184]] 
 +  * Using //Reverses Order of Symlink Command Arguments// workaround for ProFTPD ''mod_sftp''. [[bug>1185]] 
 +  * Bug fix: If an INI file name is exactly ''winscp.ini'', an INI file path on Preferences dialog is shown incorrectly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Tunnel password saving confirmation was repeatedly required when saving edited site, when there was no main session password. 
 +  * Bug fix: Not printing "Reading remote directory" while opening session, when directory is not actually read (in scripting particularly). 
 +  * Bug fix: Not including ''@'' in logged masked URL when there is no username/password in the URL. 
 +  * Bug fix: Potential failure when resolving folder attributes for local folder tree display. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error was silently ignored when synchronizing local file timestamp failed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting in a restricted environment (such as Microsoft Azure WebSite/WebJob). [[bug>1215]] 
 +===== [[5.5.6]] 5.5.6 (hotfix) ((2014-10-16)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.6.2 beta release: 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1j. Fixing several security defects. 
 +    * Bug fix: When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported. [[bug>1210]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting. [[bug>1222]] 
 +    * SSL 3.0 disabled by default, to protect from SSL vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE). 
 +===== [[5.5.5]] 5.5.5 (hotfix) ((2014-08-21)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.6 -- 5.6.2 beta releases: 
 +    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1i. Fixing several moderate severity security defects. 
 +    * Workaround for ProFTPD ''mod_sftp'' bug in SFTP ''space-available'' packet. [[bug>1184]] 
 +    * Using //Reverses Order of Symlink Command Arguments// workaround for ProFTPD ''mod_sftp''. [[bug>1185]] 
 +    * Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support. [[bug>1190]] 
 +    * Improved detection if user shall be offered external editor auto configuration. 
 +    * Showing error details when logging to a file fails. [[bug>1198]] 
 +    * Bug fix: If an INI file name is exactly ''winscp.ini'', an INI file path on Preferences dialog is shown incorrectly. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. [[bug>1188]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Keyboard accelerators to mask boxes on Edit file mask dialog were not working. 
 +    * Bug fix: Not possible to select/enter file name with Unicode characters in filename input boxes. [[bug>1195]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Wrong "Timeout detected" message when FTP control connection is closed while transferring a file. [[bug>1197]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from root folder of FTP server. [[bug>1199]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Mouse cursor of file list/directory tree splitter is not adjusted when //Show directory tree left of file list// preference option is enabled. [[bug>1200]] 
 +===== [[5.5.4]] 5.5.4 ((2014-06-10)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1h. It fixes [[https://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html#CVE-2014-0224|CVE-2014-0224]] vulnerability among other. 
 +  * Added ''SessionOptions.TimeoutInMilliseconds'' as an alternative to ''SessionOptions.Timeout'' that can be used from COM hosts not supporting 64-bit integers (such as VBA). [[bug>1156]] 
 +  * Support for size and time constraints in ''wildcard'' parameter of ''ls'' command. [[bug>1157]] 
 +  * Using ''Documents'' and ''Desktop'' subfolders of home directory, if exist, as "Document" and "Desktop" folders under Wine. 
 +  * Incremental site search is case sensitive when search text includes any capital letter. [[bug>1163]] 
 +  * Support ''OS.unix=symlink'' designation of symbolic links in ''MLSD'' listing. [[bug>1167]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Show inaccessible directories// option was incorrectly hiding folders from ''root''. [[bug>1155]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Sorting by type is not consistent between local and remote panel. [[bug>1158]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Passphrase prompt is missing an option to remember it for the duration of a session. [[bug>1159]] 
 +  * Bug fix: During command-line operation, hidden main window is incorrectly shown when restoring application from tray. [[bug>1160]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after passive panel directory reload. [[bug>1161]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''SynchronizationCriteria.None'' and ''SynchronizationCriteria.Either'' are not working. [[bug>1162]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Invalid proxy autodetection when system Internet Option //Use the same proxy for all protocols// is turned off. [[bug>1171]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when using source path ending with backslash with ''put'' command. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some certificate errors did not show any description. 
 +  * Bug fix: When remembering session password is enabled, stored password is used twice, even for two distinct consecutive keyboard-interactive prompts. [[bug>1176]] 
 +  * Bug fix: FTP proxy session setting is not logged. [[bug>1177]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when current local directory is deleted while no session is opened. [[bug>1178]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Connection attempt could not be canceled. [[bug>1179]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Tree of current directory on network drive is not refreshed. [[bug>1180]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Number of filtered local directories were not shown in status bar. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong reason is given when checking for application updates fail. 
 +===== [[5.5.3]] 5.5.3 ((2014-04-14)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1g. It fixes [[https://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html#CVE-2014-0160|CVE-2014-0160]] vulnerability (Heartbleed bug) among other. [[bug>1151]] 
 +  * Auto-recognition of RSA padding bug for ProFTPD. [[bug>1091]] 
 +  * On Windows XP, //Save As// button replaced with //Save// when editing site. 
 +  * Improvements for running under Wine: 
 +    * Using Wine home (''Z:\home\%USERNAME%\'') as documents folder. 
 +    * Hiding stub animation on Progress window on Wine. 
 +    * Workaround for list view bug in Wine. [[https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35945|Wine Bug 35945]] 
 +  * Alternate delete on ''Shift-Click'' on //Delete// command in file context menu. [[bug>1154]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory reading progress is not shown on taskbar button. [[bug>1148]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hint was popping up on file panel path label even when full path was visible whenever filter was active. 
 +  * Bug fix: Site colors were lost on Login dialog after language change. 
 +  * Bug fix: New site data were not reset after saving. 
 +  * Bug fix: Server hostname is not verified against certificate common name (or subject alternative name). [[bug>1152]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Help page was not defined for //Panels > Local page// of Preferences dialog. 
 +===== [[5.5.2]] 5.5.2 ((2014-03-20)) ===== 
 +  * Cloning site without hostname when ''Enter'' key is pressed. [[bug>1115]] 
 +  * Preventing "Message too long to send to external console" error. [[bug>1121]] 
 +  * When listing local files during operation fails, including path into error message. [[bug>1131]] 
 +  * [[library_install#nuget|NuGet package for .NET assembly]]. [[bug>1145]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Prompt to import sites was not skipped during silent install. [[bug>1112]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Transfer settings speed limit does not apply. [[bug>1114]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Edited file is reloaded from active session, not from original session. [[bug>603]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Caption of //New Site// node on Login dialog is not translated when language is changed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error on every even opening/editing of remote file while having //New and updated files only// option set as default. [[bug>1118]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor above or to the left of primary monitor. [[bug>1119]] 
 +  * Bug fix: In countries that changed time zone, file times before the change were set wrong for downloaded files. [[bug>1122]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect handling of remote files ending with dot with FTP protocol. [[bug>1128]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Speed limit of waiting background transfer shows incorrect value and cannot be changed. [[bug>1129]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Selecting private key file with space in path yields error message when submitting Advanced Site Settings dialog. [[bug>1130]] 
 +  * Bug fix: .NET assembly ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' is not included in COM event sink. [[bug>1134]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When main window was restored from notification area while message box was displayed, main window could receive focus. 
 +  * Bug fix: Notification balloons showing transfer configuration/error were showing ''**'' markup. 
 +  * Bug fix: When minimized, message boxes were popping up on foreground. 
 +  * Bug fix: Main menu accelerators are not working. [[bug>1143]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Scaled-down version of 32x32 icon was used in taskbar notification area instead of 16x16 icon. [[bug>1144]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when ending Windows session when main window is minimized. 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional failure when run from Session 0. [[bug>1146]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout while trying to resume upload with FTP protocol. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. 
 +  * Bug fix: With FTP protocol //Set permissions// transfer setting was incorrectly enabled for synchronization in //Both// mode. 
 +===== [[5.5.1]] 5.5.1 ((2014-01-21)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1f. 
 +  * Showing delayed Progress window before any message box is displayed 
 +  * Usability improvements to new Login dialog: 
 +    * Consistently using //Save// caption for save button, even for new sites. 
 +    * Using de-facto standard accelerator ''A'' for //Save As// command (also removes duplicity with //Save// command). 
 +    * Explicit keyboard shortcut ''Alt+A'' for //Save As// command. [[bug>1006]] 
 +    * When saving cloned site, offer folder and name (with unique suffix) of original site. [[bug>1105]] 
 +    * Cloning to a new site when double-clicking site without host name specified. [[bug>1100]] 
 +  * Selecting tab to the right after closing tab. [[bug>1102]] 
 +  * When externally opening additional session in existing instance of WinSCP, bringing its window to front. [[bug>1098]] 
 +  * Using same accelerator for //Up__l__oad// and //Down__l__oad// commands 
 +  * Default transfer setting preset can be duplicated. 
 +  * Temporarily suspending countdown when moving mouse over message box with "timeout" button. [[bug>1107]] 
 +  * Showing name of folder being calculated on Progress window before the calculation starts, not only after it has finished. 
 +  * Calculation of size of files to download can be cancelled without cancelling the actual transfer.  
 +  * Widening default //Progress// column of background transfer queue list to fit "Connecting..." and "Calculating..." states. 
 +  * Bug fix: Progress window is not shown for custom command launching long-lasting external process. [[bug>1101]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Swapped local and remote //Root directory// command buttons. [[bug>1097]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Drag&Drop menu on local panel loses focus when a change is detected in local drive. [[bug>1103]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Duplicate accelerator between //Edit and Download// and //Delete// commands [[bug>1104]] and //Download// and //Delete//. 
 +  * Bug fix: Repeated attempt to immediately start "Keeping remote directory up to date" when prompt to perform prior full synchronization is canceled with ''/keepuptodate /defaults''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Preferred main window size is lost after command-line operation. 
 +  * Bug fix: Invalid decoding of session URL with sequence of encoded characters that includes ''+'' or ''%'' encoded character on second or later place in the sequence. [[bug>1108]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Background transfer queue progress was shown on main window title, when a dialog box was opened on top of it. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some hint labels did not fit their caption, particularly with long translations. 
 +  * Bug fix: Compare directory criterions do not save. [[bug>1110]] 
 +===== [[5.5]] 5.5 ((2013-12-19)) ===== 
 +  * Distinguishing main question/information of even more messages. 
 +  * Detecting symbolic link loops when finding files. [[bug>1093]] 
 +  * Remembering //Synchronized browsing// state with site only when //Remember last used directory// is enabled. [[bug>963]] 
 +  * New installer icon. 
 +  * Visualizing instant operations (such as copying data to clipboard or creating a desktop shortcut) with hourglass mouse cursor. 
 +  * Showing full path to an INI file on Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Not allowing to switch from ''/ini=nul'' configuration storage to avoid data loss. 
 +  * Improved display of lists on Server and protocol information dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: During reconnect user was prompted with password even when password was remembered already. 
 +  * Bug fix: Option to remember password for session was not working for authentication of background transfers and separate shell sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: Removing BOM on text mode FTP uploads was unconditional. [[bug>1096]] 
 +//Users upgrading from [[#5.1.8|WinSCP 5.1.8]]// can read more at [[announcement_winscp55|*]]. 
 +===== [[5.2.7]] 5.2.7 RC ((2013-11-26)) ===== 
 +  * Support for proprietary SFTP extension ''statvfs@openssh.com'' to check disk space usage. 
 +  * Not requiring Windows nor Windows Explorer restart when new version uses the same or older version of Drag&Drop shell extension than existing one. 
 +  * It's possible to Login/Open a site in PuTTY in a new window without closing Login dialog. [[bug>1086]] 
 +  * Using theme instruction font for message texts. 
 +  * Listing new/empty site folders on Save session as site dialog. [[bug>1089]] 
 +  * Increasing number of items shown in drop-down lists of some combo boxes. 
 +  * Consistently logging modification time and size of every transferred file. 
 +  * System error message is shown when changing local working directory fails in scripting. [[bug>1087]] 
 +  * Added host name to some connection related error messages. 
 +  * Canceling site editing when the site is dragged. 
 +  * Allowing ''Enter'' and ''Esc'' keys on site list of folder/workspace view on Login dialog. 
 +  * Improved error messages related to drag&drop shell extension. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing Windows session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Environment variables were not expanded in site hostname and username in rare cases. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to skip error listing local directory during operation. [[bug>1090]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some messages containing ''&'' were shown incomplete. 
 +  * Bug fix: FTPS upload over proxy truncates files. [[bug>1092]] 
 +===== [[5.2.6]] 5.2.6 beta ((2013-11-14)) ===== 
 +  * Improved [[integration_url|registration for URL protocols]]: 
 +    * WinSCP registers itself with //Default Programs// control panel for protocol URLs ''%%sftp://%%'', ''%%scp://%%'', ''%%ftp://%%'' and ''%%ftps://%%'' on Windows Vista and newer. [[bug>50]] 
 +    * WinSCP handles application specific protocol URLs ''%%winscp-sftp://%%'', ''%%winscp-scp://%%'', ''%%winscp-ftp://%%'' and ''%%winscp-ftps://%%''. 
 +    * It is possible to remove protocol registration from Preferences. 
 +    * It is possible to open //Default Programs// control panel for WinSCP from Preferences. 
 +    * When registering machine-wide, current-user-specific registration that would shadow it is removed. 
 +  * New icons for //Move to// and //Duplicate// commands and dialogs. 
 +  * Keyboard shortcut to open site in PuTTY on Login dialog. [[bug>1079]] 
 +  * When saving session opened from SFTP/SCP URL with host key fingerprint, the host key is saved to cache. 
 +  * Improved distinguishing main question of master-password related message boxes. 
 +  * Removed icon from //Quit// command in menus. 
 +  * Not adding UTF-8 BOM to files edited in an Internal editor. [[bug>1081]] 
 +  * For FTP sessions over implicit TLS/SSL, //Copy URL to Clipboard// command uses ''ftps:%%//%%'' protocol. 
 +  * Support FTP servers that require TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection before responding ''1yz'' to ''STOR''/''APPE''. [[bug>1084]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting through SSH tunnel. [[bug>1076]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on start when any site has proxy or tunnel password protected with master password. [[bug>1077]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting a session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure during some operations in FTP over TLS/SSL session. [[bug>1078]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When saving site from SFTP/SCP URL, the saved site was not pre-selected on the Login dialog, unless the URL contained host key fingerprint. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when selecting SSH private key. [[bug>1080]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Time-based SSH key re-exchange does not work. [[bug>1082]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Passwords are lost when any raw session settings is specified in scripting or command-line. [[bug>1083]] 
 +===== [[5.2.5]] 5.2.5 beta ((2013-10-24)) ===== 
 +  * Distinguishing main question of a message box. [[bug>46]] 
 +  * Session can be opened in PuTTY from Login dialog. [[bug>190]] 
 +  * Improved working with session colors: 
 +    * Better standard color set (16 less saturated colors). 
 +    * Remembering recently used custom colors. 
 +    * Drop-down color selector on Advanced site settings dialog. 
 +    * Custom colors can be modified on standard Color dialog. 
 +    * Option //Default// (color) renamed to //No Color//. 
 +    * Bug fix: Color of a directory tree border was not updated in some cases. 
 +  * Change: Using UTF-8 for strings (such as file names) with SFTP protocol by default even for version 3 and lower. [[bug>1072]] 
 +  * Offering to upload edited/opened file using another session to the same site, if original session was closed. [[bug>1042]] 
 +  * Support for FTP servers with Windows-like paths. [[bug>1074]] 
 +  * Option to create a site desktop shortcut on Save Session as Site dialog. 
 +  * Verifying TLS/SSL certificates against system Trusted Root Certification Authorities. [[bug>1063]] 
 +  * Command to clone site settings to a new site. [[bug>1069]] 
 +  * Automatically saving opened workspace. [[bug>1029]] 
 +  * Not showing Progress window for operations shorter than 200ms. 
 +  * Change: Removing BOM/EOF marks on text mode uploads is configurable and disabled by default. [[bug>842]] 
 +  * Showing total progress for non-recursive transfers even when //Calculate total size// transfer settings is turned off. [[bug>1040]] 
 +  * Support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange with SHA-256. [[bug>1067]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.63]] and further to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot]] (2013-10-09, r10049). It brings following changes: 
 +    * SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED in response to SSH_MSG_KEXINIT is ignored. [[pbug>kexinit-unimplemented]] 
 +    * Support for HMAC-SHA-256 as an SSH-2 MAC algorithm (hmac-sha2-256). 
 +    * Bug fix: If the host key isn't saved, rekeys cause another warning. [[pbug>hostkey-rekey]] 
 +    * Many other small bug fixes. 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.4. 
 +  * New Site icon on Login dialog and Session tabs. 
 +  * New Open Directory/Location profiles dialog icons. 
 +  * Command to delete all completed queue items. [[bug>1056]] 
 +  * Improvements to session URL syntax: 
 +    * Support for SSH host key fingerprint specification in session URL using connection parameter ''fingerprint'' defined by draft-ietf-secsh-scp-sftp-ssh-uri. [[bug>93]] 
 +    * URL session parameter ''save'' to initiate site saving. 
 +    * Change: Symbol '';'' has special meaning in session URL (due to the above changes) and has to be URL-encoded when used as a literal. 
 +    * Change: UTF-8 encoded characters in session URL are supported. [[bug>1062]] 
 +  * Detecting Drag&drop shell extension on 64-bit systems. [[bug>20]] 
 +  * Logging warning when system option //Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time// is disabled. 
 +  * Bringing an application into foreground, when opening session from commandline and/or from jumplist in existing WinSCP instance. 
 +  * More command and dialog icons. 
 +  * Showing window and application name on Internal editor window caption. 
 +  * Improved layout of message boxes. 
 +  * Showing tree lines on site tree on Login dialog. 
 +  * Tolerating invalid local file timestamps. [[bug>1064]] 
 +  * Pattern ''!U'' in Custom command and PuTTY path works even with password entered only during authentication. 
 +  * Do not include information about inability to test, if server IP address is routable, into error messages. 
 +  * Warning that editing is in progress when double-clicking edited site on Login dialog. 
 +  * Drop-down menu is never narrower than its button. 
 +  * Not allowing operations on focused-only file, when focus is not visible (application does not have focus). [[bug>1050]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to run WinSCP or open session with .NET assembly after frequent scheduled use. [[bug>996]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Up to one second delay for transfer of every file with FTP over TLS/SSL. [[bug>1058]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Rare incorrect conversion of line endings. [[bug>1059]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timestamps of local files are not shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 2008 R2. [[bug>1060]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when validating/executing custom command ending with ''!'' pattern. 
 +  * Bug fix: File name was not shown on Progress window when deleting local files. 
 +  * Bug fix: Stray folders on initially inactive page of Location profiles dialog. [[bug>1094]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when excessive session timeout or keepalive interval is configured. [[bug>1065]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor. [[bug>1066]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When saving new site with the same generated name as an existing saved site, an overwrite configuration was not requested. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when downloading empty file/directory using FTPS via proxy. [[bug>1068]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong icon for //Enable Queue Processing// command. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Suspend All// and //Resume all// queue commands were not working unless any queue item had focus. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to drag a site to a root folder on Login dialog.  
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong check for presence of GSSAPI/SSPI on Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: When remote directory was not opened using directory tree, a node of the opened directory was not expanded. 
 +  * Bug fix: Local custom commands working with both local and remote files were disabled when file in passive panel was focused only (not selected). [[bug>1071]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Size of externally removed local selected files is detracted twice from total file size of selected files shown on status bar. [[bug>1073]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When some of master-password protected passwords became undecryptable, //Sites// and //Workspaces// menus could not be opened. 
 +===== [[5.2.4]] 5.2.4 beta ((2013-09-16)) ===== 
 +  * Improved and fixes for large font/high DPI environments: 
 +    * Windows and panel size configuration (including default configuration) scales with DPI. 
 +    * Using native "Segoe UI" dialog font in Windows Vista and later. 
 +    * Changing Internal editor and Console window font to "Lucida Console" (Windows 7 and older) or "Consolas" (Windows 8 and newer). 
 +    * Using icon font for file panels/lists, directory trees, path labels, status bars, message boxes and other controls throughout the application. 
 +    * Saving preferred editor font in points, rather than pixels. 
 +    * File panels respond to changes of system icon font. 
 +    * Using native scaling even for scales above 120%/125 DPI. 
 +    * Using Windows native scalable mouse cursors for splitters. 
 +    * Bug fix: Path labels on Commander interface were using different font than the rest of the window. 
 +    * Bug fix: Status bars on some windows did not resize for large fonts. 
 +    * Bug fix: Some images were not centered. 
 +    * Bug fix: Many dialogs were incorrectly resized for large fonts. 
 +  * Redesigning message boxes after Windows task dialogs. 
 +  * Reusing TLS/SSL session ID is configurable. 
 +  * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. [[bug>1039]] 
 +  * Not allowing operations on focused-only file, when focus is not visible (panel does not have focus). [[bug>1050]] 
 +  * Aligning file information on Overwrite confirmation dialog. [[bug>1049]] 
 +  * Improved placement and effects of drop-down menus. 
 +  * Showing //Proxy settings// box on Advanced Site Settings dialog for SFTP/SCP protocols only. 
 +  * Empty queue notification can be clicked to restore/activate application, respective session and transfer queue list 
 +  * Showing file name in error message when deleting of auxiliary local files fails. 
 +  * Configuration is saved after submitting Preferences dialog (this among other warns user when configuration storage is not writable). [[bug>667]] 
 +  * Opening update information, when clicking update notification balloon. [[bug>1047]] 
 +  * Widening default //Changed// columns width to accommodate AM/PM suffixes. 
 +  * Hiding //Group// column by default also in Explorer interface. 
 +  * Not asking for exit confirmation when Windows session is closing. 
 +  * Reporting connection errors on FTP transfer failure. 
 +  * Do not include confusing FTP server's intermediate and success responses into error messages. 
 +  * ''Ctrl+Space'' shortcut for toggling selection of focused file works in Commander-style selection mode. 
 +  * Message box width is limited. 
 +  * Widened some forms and controls to make space for translation into languages with longer words, such as German. 
 +  * Reduced chance of collision in .NET assembly session instance name in multi-threaded applications. [[bug>1055]] 
 +  * Allowing button selection using ''Left''/''Right'' keys on message boxes with drop-down menus. [[bug>1054]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1039]] [[pbug>vuln-modmul]] [[pbug>vuln-bignum-division-by-zero]] [[pbug>private-key-not-wiped]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening the first session with //Automatically open new session in PuTTY// enabled. [[bug>1037]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Login dialog got corrupted when changing language on systems with Windows XP style font scaling enabled. Worked-around by disabling runtime language change on such systems. [[bug>1038]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Dialog boxes were incorrectly considered as submitted when Windows session was closing, causing failures or validation errors, preventing the Windows session from actually closing. 
 +  * Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error "The system cannot find the file specified" was shown instead of the actual cause. 
 +  * Bug fix: Console input/output was not using UTF-8 encoding on Windows 8. 
 +  * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted when TLS/SSL certificate uses ASN.1 GeneralizedTime format. [[bug>1044]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted without any feedback when TLS/SSL  certificate cannot be decoded. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when send buffer of FTP connection is temporarily full. 
 +  * Bug fix: External changes to local directory are sometimes not shown on the local panel. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP child process was not terminated when process using WinSCP .NET assembly crashed. [[bug>1045]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Edit// toolbar buttons were not disabled when only directories were selected. 
 +  * Bug fix: When changing configuration storage failed (such as when an INI file could not be removed), storage state on Preferences dialog is not rolled back and some of the other changes to preferences were lost. 
 +  * Bug fix: For various errors when cleaning up application configuration, a resource number was shown instead of an actual error message. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure while (or after) creating directory during synchronized browsing. [[bug>1046]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Context menu was popping up after new session was opened when New Session tab was right-clicked. 
 +  * Bug fix: Notification about empty transfer queue was not shown. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong detection of Windows Server 2008 R2 for purposes of timestamp conversion in respect to DST. 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory listing was included in transfer error messages with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory masks in autoselection rule of transfer settings preset were not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: "Never show again" checkbox on information only messages boxes was wrongly labeled "Never ask again". 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when manipulating location profiles folders. [[bug>1052]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Allow SCP fallback// session option was not preserved. [[bug>1053]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hostname and Username masks in autoselection rule of transfer settings preset were not working. 
 +===== [[5.2.3]] 5.2.3 beta  ((2013-08-12)) ===== 
 +  * Convenience and robustness improvements for working with master password: [[bug>1023]] 
 +    * Avoiding repetitive master password prompts, when editing site. 
 +    * Detect and warn when trying to set/clear master password while another instance of WinSCP is running. 
 +    * Saving configuration, including master password, immediately after setting/clearing one. 
 +    * Not prompting for master password for read-only site view. 
 +    * Hiding an actual password length from read-only site view. 
 +    * When setting/changing/clearing master password, collecting errors while recrypting passwords individually, not to abort whole process on a single error. 
 +    * Gracefully handling stray encrypted passwords, when master password is actually not enabled or different. 
 +    * Feedback and repeated prompt on incorrectly entered master password in scripting mode. 
 +  * Synchronization preview in scripting. [[bug>885]] 
 +  * Change: In .NET assembly, ''SessionOptions'' class properties ''SslHostCertificateFingerprint'' and ''GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySslHostCertificate'' renamed to ''TlsHostCertificateFingerprint'' and ''GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnyTlsHostCertificate'', respectively.  
 +  * Showing number of active and pending transfers on queue label. [[bug>1031]] 
 +  * Configurable minimal and maximal supported TLS/SSL version. 
 +  * Information about TLS/SSL version and cipher used in available on Server and protocol information dialog and main window status bar. 
 +  * ''Ctrl+W'' shortcut for closing tab (session). [[bug>1035]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local directory box was missing on Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Redundant reading of directory contents before file download when ''MLSD'' is in use. [[bug>1021]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect encryption of passwords protected with master password, potentially leading to loss of stored passwords. [[bug>1022]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When adding password to existing site, new password can possibly be unprotected with master password. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting with default session settings having a password set protected with master password. 
 +  * Bug fix: Not allowing search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters. [[bug>1025]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Pending queued transfers were omitted from queue status display on taskbar button. [[bug>1030]] 
 +  * Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. [[bug>1032]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using context menu of disconnected session tab. [[bug>1033]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when right-clicking empty area on site tree. [[bug>1036]] 
 +===== [[5.2.2]] 5.2.2 beta ((2013-07-18)) ===== 
 +  * Simplified [[ui_login|Login dialog]]: 
 +    * Both site tree and basic session controls are visible at the same time. 
 +    * Login dialog is resizable. [[bug>378]] 
 +    * Modal editing of sites. 
 +    * Advanced session controls moved to a separate dialog Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +    * Context menu for site tree. 
 +    * Site name and path are specified separately when saving site. 
 +    * Separate entry for //New Site// in site tree. 
 +    * Global settings such as //Interface// and //Logging// removed from Login dialog. 
 +    * Language selection moved from //Languages// button of Login dialog to //Languages// page of Preferences dialog. 
 +    * Display of sessions in workspace. 
 +    * SSH //Private key file// box moved to //SSH tab// of Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
 +  * Performance improvement. [[bug>1141]] 
 +  * Custom command pattern ''!`command`'' that expands to output of local command. 
 +  * Subset of custom command patterns can be used in PuTTY path, including ''!/'', ''!@'', ''!U'', ''!P'', ''!?prompt?!'' and ''!`command`''. This among other allows opening PuTTY in the same directory as current WinSCP working directory [[bug>326]]; or using different SSH client, such as KiTTY [[bug>966]]. 
 +  * Buttons that open drop-down menu are marked with an arrow. 
 +  * New icons for Console, Find and Synchronization Checklist windows. 
 +  * Session settings can be exported also to KiTTY, when opening session in PuTTY/KiTTY. 
 +  * Configurable registry key for exporting sessions to PuTTY(-like) clients. [[bug>1006]] 
 +  * Suppressing critical error popups. [[bug>1007]] 
 +  * New shell icons for site, site folder and workspace. 
 +  * Relevant help is available for more error messages. 
 +  * Renamed Login and Preferences dialogs' "tabs" to "pages". 
 +  * Help border button is available on message boxes. 
 +  * Prompt answers //Yes to All/No to All// moved closer to the primary //Yes/No// answers. 
 +  * Internal error message boxes feature //Report// button to directly report the error on support forum. 
 +  * Allowing filtering subdirectories. [[bug>1018]] 
 +  * Event ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' is always raised when file transfer completes. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window. [[bug>1004]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reading file into internal editor. [[bug>1005]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Fragments in Help links were not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when disposing ''Session'' of .NET assembly. [[bug>1008]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when pressing ''Shift'' key in console prompt with ''winscp.com''. [[bug>1009]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Constant CPU usage when queue is empty. [[bug>1013]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing labels for some answers in scripting (such as //Yes to All/////No to All// on overwrite confirmation prompt). 
 +  * Bug fix: Option //Support for listing if hidden files// is not working. [[bug>1015]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot open context menu on another list or tree entry or different view location, while another context menu of the same view is already opened. 
 +  * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fix from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1017]] [[pbug>vuln-signature-stringlen]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Mismatched warnings about accepting any SSH host key and TLS/SSL certificate respectively. 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol. 
 +===== [[5.2.1]] 5.2.1 beta ((2013-05-08)) ===== 
 +  * Not showing disconnect error message before reconnecting inactive session to upload edited file. 
 +  * Renamed WinSCP .NET assembly to ''winscpnet.dll'' to avoid conflicts with ''winscp.exe''. [[bug>945]] 
 +  * Command //Clear caches// clears also cache of separate shell session. 
 +  * Change: Not trying to kill WinSCP process from .NET assembly ''Session'' finalizer. 
 +  * Calculating hot track color of path label to be in contrast with background. [[bug>992]] 
 +  * Simplifying [[ui_overwrite|overwrite confirmation]] prompt: [[bug>993]] 
 +    * Grouping advanced commands to drop-down menu under button with related common command. 
 +    * Added thousands separators to sizes. 
 +  * Offering to remember password for duration of session on [[ui_authenticate#password|password prompt]] (when settings //Remember password for duration of session// is turned off). [[bug>610]] 
 +  * File sizes on [[ui_synchronize_checklist|Synchronization Checklist]] and [[ui_find|Find]] dialogs are optionally shown using short format. Use //Show files sizes in short format// checkbox in the //[[ui_pref_panels|Panels]] page// on the Preferences dialog to control this feature. 
 +  * Changing default tabulator size to 8. 
 +  * Swapped order of //Use MLSD command for directory listing// and //Support for listing of hidden files// FTP session options. Also disabling the latter unless the first is set to //Off//. 
 +  * Not allowing //Time zone offset// session setting with FTP protocol, while ''MLSD'' listing command is used. 
 +  * Not opening session from jumplist in existing instance, if it is showing error. 
 +  * Logging parsed directory listing on //Normal// logging level (previously on //Debug 1// level). 
 +  * Moved option to remember session password from //Background// to //[[ui_pref_security|Security]] page// of Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Cached SSH host keys are imported by default. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to pass sequence of consecutive delimiters when skipping to the next "word" in path input boxes. 
 +  * Bug fix: Opened/Closed folder icons on Location profile dialog were swapped. 
 +  * Bug fix: Build script was not working on 64-bit. 
 +  * Bug fix: Build script was calling non-existing target ''clean''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Taskbar button does not flash, when message pops up, while WinSCP is on background. [[bug>988]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom command pattern ''!/'' had incorrect value when executed on existing separate shell session just after directory change. [[bug>989]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong background of path labels with disabled themes. [[bug>990]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot import FileZilla sites in folders. [[bug>994]] 
 +  * Bug fix: FileZilla site logon type is not imported. [[bug>995]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Installer was asking for name of program menu folder, although no folder is created anymore. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled. [[bug>997]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using mouse wheel with mouse cursor outside of WinSCP window. [[bug>998]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP password prompt. 
 +  * Bug fix: When //Change stored password to this one// option is checked on password prompt, password is not updated for current session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload. [[bug>999]] 
 +  * Bug fix: IP address range ''172.16''–''172.31'' was not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode. [[bug>1001]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Opening session in PuTTY does not work. [[bug>1002]] 
 +===== [[5.2]] 5.2 beta ((2013-04-07)) ===== 
 +  * New toolbar icons and 16x16 icon. [[bug>290]] 
 +  * [[workspace|Workspace]] can be saved. [[bug>776]] 
 +  * Using term //Site// instead of //Stored session//. 
 +  * [[ui_import|Sites import]] from Filezilla. [[bug>61]] 
 +  * When upgrading, setup offers to restart Windows Explorer (or other applications), when drag&drop shell extension needs to be updated. [[bug>686]] 
 +  * While installing, setup offers sites import from PuTTY or Filezilla. 
 +  * Command to Import/restore configuration from INI file. 
 +  * On first edit, offers configuration of user's custom text editor as default editor. 
 +  * Simplified [[ui_copy|Transfer options]] dialog: 
 +    * The dialog is shown only on the first transfer, when using drag&drop, unless user explicitly opts to show it the next time. 
 +    * Moved the //New and updated files only// option to Transfer settings. 
 +    * Moved the //Do not show this dialog box again// checkbox below buttons. 
 +    * Hiding //Transfer each file individually// when not applicable. 
 +    * Icon to distinguish Copy/Move operation. 
 +    * //Do not show this dialog box again// implies saving transfer settings 
 +  * Improved working with [[transfer_settings|transfer settings]] and presets: 
 +    * Not showing default Text mode file mask in //Transfer settings// box. 
 +    * Showing even default Binary Transfer type in //Transfer settings// box. 
 +    * Removed "Exclude temporaries" transfer settings preset. 
 +    * Added "Newer and updates files only" transfer settings preset. 
 +    * Reorganized //Transfer settings// drop-down menu, including new //Presets// header. 
 +    * Hiding unusable presets from //Transfer settings// drop-down menu. 
 +    * Merged configuration of default transfer settings and transfer settings presets. 
 +  * Improved user interface: 
 +    * Using "Download" and "Upload" commands to distinguish copying to local and remote directories respectively. 
 +    * Using "Download and Delete" and "Upload and Delete" commands instead of "Move" to distinguish moving files to local and remote directories respectively. 
 +    * Optionally keeping completed transfers in queue list for configurable period of time. [[bug>584]] 
 +    * Replaced file operation toolbar, bottom hot key bar and upload/download toolbar with specialized local and remote file toolbars to allow manipulating local/remote files using mouse, without need to change panel focus (Commander interface only). 
 +    * Improved incremental search for sites on Login dialog: [[bug>984]] 
 +      * Text is searched anywhere in the site name, not only at the beginning. 
 +      * Next/previous matching sites can be searched for. 
 +      * Search text is shown below site list. 
 +    * Displaying queue status on taskbar button. [[bug>151]] 
 +    * Replaced Selection toolbar with specialized local and remote Selection toolbars (Commander interface only). 
 +    * Added label to the most important toolbar buttons. They can be optionally hidden including already existing labels like Command-line label (Commander interface), Address label (Explorer interface) and New session tab label. 
 +    * Moved //Commands// toolbar of Commander interface first. 
 +    * //Find files// command moved from Commands toolbar to Remote Navigation toolbar and is now available regardless of focused panel. 
 +    * Renamed //Add to Bookmarks// command to [[task_navigate#bookmarks|Add Path to Bookmarks]]. 
 +    * Removed //Close// toolbar button from Editor and Log windows. 
 +    * //Session// menu and toolbar reorganized. 
 +    * Increased height of path labels (Commander interface only). 
 +    * Single-file queue transfers occupy only single line in background transfer queue list. 
 +    * Increased height of background transfer queue list row. 
 +    * User interface icons are shown also in Setup. 
 +    * Turned off automatic stretching of Transfer settings toolbar. 
 +    * Column //Attr// is hidden by default on local panel. 
 +    * Default (installation) width of the Commander interface is larger, if the screen resolution allows it. 
 +    * Added //Download// and //Download and Delete// buttons on //Commands// toolbar of Explorer interface. 
 +    * Moved //Panels// node on [[ui_preferences|Preferences]] dialog to the top-level to reduce nesting. 
 +    * Horizontal line above file background transfer queue list splitter to highlight its presence. 
 +    * Disabling whole //Once Empty// submenu, when queue is empty. 
 +    * Using own context menu for local files (similar to existing context menu for remote files) by default. [[bug>163]] 
 +    * First column in Editor list in preferences is editor name. 
 +    * Icons are no longer dimmed with Office XP theme. 
 +    * Tab with disconnected session is greyed.  
 +    * Removed //SSH Protocol version// from Site tooltip. 
 +    * When file cannot be loaded using selected encoding in Internal editor, error is shown. On error loading default encoding, attempts to load using another encoding. [[bug>971]] 
 +    * On main window views without focus respond to mouse wheel. [[bug>846]] 
 +  * Whole site folder can be opened at once. [[bug>424]] 
 +  * Change: Session from commandline and/or from jump list is opened by default using existing WinSCP instance. [[bug>769]] 
 +  * Transfer resume support can be controlled in scripting (''-resumesupport'' switch of file transfer commands) and .NET assembly (''TransferOptions.ResumeSupport'' property). [[bug>834]] 
 +  * Transfer progress feedback using ''Session.FileTransferProgress'' event. [[bug>818]] 
 +  * For special cases, it is possible to accept any SSH host key or any TLS/SSL certificate (with warning) using ''-hostkey=*'' in scripting and ''SessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey'' or ''SessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnyTlsHostCertificate'' in .NET assembly. [[bug>815]] 
 +  * //Site Manager// command. [[bug>855]] 
 +  * Writing INI file to user's profile, if program path is not writable. [[bug>817]] 
 +  * Any mouse or keyboard input cancels or resets reconnect countdown. 
 +  * Increased default reconnect interval for idle sessions to 9 seconds. 
 +  * Additional ''F5'' shortcut to reload file in internal editor. [[bug>986]] 
 +  * Reconnect interval for idle sessions can be configured independently. 
 +  * Only shortcut to WinSCP itself is created in Start menu. [[bug>616]] 
 +  * In Commander interface, the keyboard shortcuts F3 and F5 can optionally have the same meaning as in Windows Explorer (//Find File// and //Refresh//). 
 +  * Changing session port number on Login dialog to well know port, updates protocol automatically. 
 +  * Reporting an error when reading of local directory fails during operation. [[bug>952]] 
 +  * Retrospectively logging previous script records when session is starting. 
 +  * When SFTP connection is rejected, knock FTP port. If open suggest using FTP protocol. 
 +  * Desktop shortcut to open site folder can be created. 
 +  * Change: Dropped support for Windows 2000. Minimal supported version is Windows XP. 
 +  * Using GiB scale for large file sizes. [[bug>913]] 
 +  * Option to reconnect disconnected non-active session, when saving file opened from that session. [[bug>917]] 
 +  * Use of ''MLSD'' FTP command is configurable. [[bug>927]] 
 +  * Printing transfer progress for small files in bytes in scripting. [[bug>964]] 
 +  * Before opening session using command-line parameter in scripting, warning is printed, that this is deprecated function. 
 +  * Allowing host key import for SSH protocols only. 
 +  * Export to INI file moved from Preferences to Login dialog. 
 +  * Added larger values to initial offer of speed limits. [[bug>987]] 
 +  * New ''!P'' pattern to include process ID into session log path. 
 +  * Logging file timestamps when transferring using SFTP protocol. 
 +  * Workaround for FTP servers that do not acknowledge file transfer. [[bug>976]] 
 +  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.3. 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''synchronize'' sometimes did not announce that there is nothing to synchronize. 
 +  * Bug fix: First Authenticate log entry was trimmed temporarily. 
 +  * Bug fix: Separators on toolbars were showing "E" hint. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect file icon overlay positioning. 
 +  * Bug fix: Not drawing own shortcut overlay over shortcut icons. 
 +  * Bug fix: Records on Authentication window were temporarily truncated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Selection on file panel was not visually updated when panel received/lost focus. 
 +  * Bug fix: Panel path label was not deactivated when focus moved from directory tree to file transfer queue. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Download// command was not highlighted as default in remote directory context menu when //Operation to perform on double-click// was set to //Copy//. 
 +  * Bug fix: Text mode transfers should not be resumed FTP protocol. [[bug>965]] 
 +  * Bug fix: No error is shown in Internal editor, when file cannot be loaded using selected encoding. [[bug>971]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when disposing ''Session'' of .NET assembly in process running with restricted privileges. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''open'' command record in logs with masked-out password did not contain the command name. 
 +  * Bug fix: Pointless attempt to update source file timestamp, when uploading with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Preserve timestamp checkbox was not available for uploads with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when server does not acknowledge file upload with FTP protocol. [[bug>982]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory. [[bug>983]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When user cancels connection, authentication window is not closed. 
 +===== [[5.1.8]] 5.1.8 (hotfix) ((2013-12-04)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2.4 beta -- 5.2.7 RC releases: 
 +    * Logging warning when system option //Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time// is disabled. 
 +    * Reduced chance of collision in .NET assembly session instance name in multi-threaded applications. [[bug>1055]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Console input/output was not using UTF-8 encoding on Windows 8. 
 +    * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted when TLS/SSL certificate uses ASN.1 GeneralizedTime format. [[bug>1044]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Connection gets aborted without any feedback when TLS/SSL certificate cannot be decoded. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when send buffer of FTP connection is temporarily full. 
 +    * Bug fix: External changes to local directory are sometimes not shown on the local panel. 
 +    * Bug fix: WinSCP child process was not terminated when process using WinSCP .NET assembly crashed. [[bug>1045]] 
 +    * Bug fix: For various errors when cleaning up application configuration, a resource number was shown instead of an actual error message. 
 +    * Bug fix: Directory listing was included in transfer error messages with FTP protocol. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure while (or after) creating directory during synchronized browsing. [[bug>1046]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Directory masks in autoselection rule of transfer settings preset were not working. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when manipulating location profiles folders. [[bug>1052]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Up to one second delay for transfer of every file with FTP over TLS/SSL. [[bug>1058]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Rare incorrect conversion of line endings. [[bug>1059]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Timestamps of local files are not shifted when DST starts/finishes on Windows 2008 R2. [[bug>1060]] 
 +    * Bug fix: File name was not shown on Progress window when deleting local files. 
 +    * Bug fix: Error when downloading empty file/directory using FTPS via proxy. [[bug>1068]] 
 +    * Bug fix: //Suspend All// and //Resume all// queue commands were not working unless any queue item had focus. 
 +    * Bug fix: Color of a directory tree border was not updated in some cases. 
 +    * Bug fix: Size of externally removed local selected files is detracted twice from total file size of selected files shown on status bar. [[bug>1073]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting a session. 
 +    * Bug fix: FTPS upload over proxy truncates files. [[bug>1092]] 
 +===== [[5.1.7]] 5.1.7 (hotfix) ((2013-08-14)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2.3 beta and 5.2.4 beta releases: 
 +    * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. [[bug>1039]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1039]] [[pbug>vuln-modmul]] [[pbug>vuln-bignum-division-by-zero]] [[pbug>private-key-not-wiped]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Not allowing search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters. [[bug>1025]] 
 +    * Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. [[bug>1032]] 
 +    * Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error "The system cannot find the file specified" was shown instead of the actual cause. 
 +===== [[5.1.6]] 5.1.6 (hotfix) ((2013-07-29)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2.2 beta and 5.2.3 beta releases: 
 +    * Help border button is available on message boxes. 
 +    * Suppressing critical error popups when creating jumplist. [[bug>1007]] 
 +    * Saving configuration, including master password, immediately after setting/clearing one. [[bug>1023]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Fragments in Help links were not working. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when pressing ''Shift'' key in console prompt with ''winscp.com''. [[bug>1009]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Cannot open context menu on another list or tree entry or different view location, while another context menu of the same view is already opened. 
 +    * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fix from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1017]] [[pbug>vuln-signature-stringlen]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol. 
 +    * Bug fix: Redundant reading of directory contents before file download when ''MLSD'' is in use. [[bug>1021]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when starting with default session settings having a password set protected with master password. 
 +===== [[5.1.5]] 5.1.5 (hotfix) ((2013-05-19)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.2 beta and 5.2.1 beta releases: 
 +    * New ''!P'' pattern to include process ID into session log path. 
 +    * Logging file timestamps when transferring using SFTP protocol. 
 +    * Workaround for FTP servers that do not acknowledge file transfer. [[bug>976]] 
 +    * Logging parsed directory listing on //Normal// logging level (previously on //Debug 1// level). 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when disposing ''Session'' of .NET assembly in process running with restricted privileges. 
 +    * Bug fix: ''open'' command record in logs with masked-out password did not contain the command name. 
 +    * Bug fix: Pointless attempt to update source file timestamp, when uploading with FTP protocol. 
 +    * Bug fix: Preserve timestamp checkbox was not available for uploads with FTP protocol. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when server does not acknowledge file upload with FTP protocol. [[bug>982]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory. [[bug>983]] 
 +    * Bug fix: When user cancels connection, authentication window is not closed. 
 +    * Bug fix: Build script was not working on 64-bit. 
 +    * Bug fix: Build script was calling non-existing target ''clean''. 
 +    * Bug fix: Taskbar button does not flash, when message pops up, while WinSCP is on background. [[bug>988]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Custom command pattern ''!/'' had incorrect value when executed on existing separate shell session just after directory change. [[bug>989]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled. [[bug>997]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP password prompt. 
 +    * Bug fix: When //Change stored password to this one// option is checked on password prompt, password is not updated for current session. 
 +    * Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload. [[bug>999]] 
 +    * Bug fix: IP address range ''172.16''–''172.31'' was not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode. [[bug>1001]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window. [[bug>1004]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when reading file into internal editor. [[bug>1005]] 
 +===== [[5.1.4]] 5.1.4 ((2013-02-18)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1e. 
 +  * Not requiring the .NET assembly to exist in file. [[bug>970]] 
 +  * Not considering ''3xx'' error code an error for post-login FTP commands. [[bug>972]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after system-wide change. [[bug>962]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Issuer and Subject were swapped on Certificate verification prompt. [[bug>967]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Traversed subfolders are incorrectly included in find results. [[bug>968]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong color indicator on session tab when session was not switched by clicking on the tab. [[bug>974]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when auto remote directory refresh was triggered during operation initiated by drag&drop. [[bug>975]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong time zone offset was applied with FTP protocol. [[bug>977]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to preserve time zone offset of 24 hours and greater in stored session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong timestamp conversion with FTP protocol. [[bug>978]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error in .NET assembly when temporary path contains exclamation mark. [[bug>980]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Indefinite chain of errors when XML logging fails. 
 +===== [[5.1.3]] 5.1.3 ((2013-01-06)) ===== 
 +  * Masking out password in ''open'' command in logs. [[bug>957]] 
 +  * Location of XML log file can be configured in .NET assembly. [[bug>942]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Several flaws in file mask validation on Edit mask dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Selecting and filtering files using exclude mask only was not working. [[bug>951]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to open session in scripting from command line was not reported in exit code. [[bug>953]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Session settings ''TunnelHostKey'' was not working. [[bug>948]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path word-breaking was not working on most dialogs. [[bug>954]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout while waiting for user to enter password with FTP protocol. [[bug>955]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Newly created local directory is not opened with synchronized browsing. [[bug>956]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot change local folder anymore after system-wide change, when local tree is hidden. [[bug>959]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure in ''Session.Open'' on x64 systems. [[bug>960]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting as user without desktop. [[bug>961]] 
 +===== [[5.1.2]] 5.1.2 ((2012-12-02)) ===== 
 +  * Not poping up progress window when application is minimized. [[bug>943]] 
 +  * Ensuring uniqueness of the XML logging path in .NET assembly. [[bug>944]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Never create Quick Launch icon on Windows 7 and newer also from Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting main session while transferring files in the background. [[bug>939]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hangs when stopping watching for changes in local folder. [[bug>915]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reporting usage statistics. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing application, while checking for application updates. 
 +  * Bug fix: Session and directory information was not shown on tray icon tooltip. [[bug>949]] 
 +===== [[5.1.1]] 5.1.1 ((2012-11-06)) ===== 
 +  * New VeriSign publisher certificate used for signing binaries. 
 +  * Including time zone information in a session log file. 
 +  * Installer creates desktop icon for all users by default. 
 +  * On Windows 8, installer creates only main icon on the Start screen. 
 +  * Added commands to execute PuTTYgen and Pageant to //Tools// menu on Login dialog. 
 +  * Allowing multiple fingerprints in ''SessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint'' and ''SessionOptions.HostSslCertificateFingerprint''. [[bug>932]] 
 +  * Logging FTP raw directory listing on Normal logging level. 
 +  * Raw session setting ''TunnelHostKey'' to verify tunnel session hostkey. [[bug>938]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when saving file opened from closed session. [[bug>918]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Invalid executable signature. [[bug>924]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Never create Quick Launch icon on Windows 7 and newer. 
 +  * Bug fix: Notifications of completed operation (such as balloon notifications), when application is minimized, were not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hangs when showing Log windows while logging in. [[bug>925]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Retrieving file stats using non-absolute path may fail with FTP protocol. [[bug>930]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error retrieving file stats using full path with FTP protocol. [[bug>926]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Treat timestamps in FTP ''MLSD''/''MLST'' results as UTC. [[bug>923]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when FTP server returns "parent" directory is MLSD directory listing. [[bug>922]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Background transfer queues were not re-arranged with the sessions, when changing session tab order. [[bug>928]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect file was renamed when changing remote directory using directory tree while renaming file. [[bug>933]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect file list/directory tree splitter color (with themes turned off). 
 +  * Bug fix: Command on Console windows is not saved to history, when executed using Enter key. [[bug>934]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not use .NET assembly from path with special characters (like ''#''). [[bug>935]] 
 +  * Bug fix: On re-installation, drag&drop shell extension was sometime not activated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when canceling password prompt with FTP protocol. [[bug>936]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Empty directory listing was loaded twice with ''MLSD'' with FTP command. [[bug>937]] 
 +===== [[5.1]] 5.1 ((2012-09-24)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Local file/folder got recycled when dropped on folder on the same panel. [[bug>911]] 
 +===== [[5.0.9]] 5.0.9 RC ((2012-09-05)) ===== 
 +  * When saving current session over the original stored session, save password by default unless it changed and do not prompt for overwrite. 
 +  * Values of .NET assembly properties ''Session.SshHostKey'' and ''Session.SslCertificate'' are validated for correct syntax. 
 +  * Change: Not keeping name of an original stored session for edited ad-hoc sessions. 
 +  * Change: In .NET assembly ''SessionOptions'' class property ''SshHostKey'' renamed to ''SshHostKeyFingerprint'', ''SshPrivateKey'' to ''SshPrivateKeyPath'' and ''SslCertificate'' to ''SslHostCertificateFingerprint''.  
 +  * Values of .NET assembly ''SessionOptions'' class properties ''Timeout'' and ''PortNumber'' are validated. 
 +  * If FTP connection requires password, prompt immediately, without reconnecting. [[bug>653]] 
 +  * Session log includes all script console output, including local errors. [[bug>910]] 
 +  * Method ''Session.EscapeFileMask'' added. [[bug>901]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Ad-hoc sessions were added to the jump list. [[bug>894]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Icon on properties dialog was rendered with session color on background. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after system wide change. [[bug>899]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Tray icon was not restored after explorer/taskbar restart. [[bug>898]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session.ListDirectory'' did not report fatal errors. [[bug>900]] 
 +  * Bug fix: External IP address of the server is not used when provided IP address is automatically detected as unroutable. [[bug>904]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error connecting over SOCKS proxy with FTP protocol. [[bug>907]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when exiting with default configuration. [[bug>908]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when listing file with ''MLST'' FTP command failed. [[bug>905]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error retrieving file stats, if FTP server returns full file path in ''MLST'' response. [[bug>906]] 
 +===== [[5.0.8]] 5.0.8 RC ((2012-08-03)) ===== 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1c. 
 +  * Drag&drop to re-order session tabs. [[bug>862]] 
 +  * Local files can be dragged to session tabs for upload. [[bug>865]] 
 +  * Remote files can be dragged to session tabs for duplication. [[bug>884]] 
 +  * Color icon on session tab. [[bug>863]] 
 +  * FTP passive mode IP address is substituted with connection address automatically when passive mode address is unroutable. [[bug>883]] 
 +  * Contents of opened internal editors is automatically backed up, when application is abruptly closed. [[bug>886]] 
 +  * Session color menu is available on session tab context menu. 
 +  * //Filter// command added to address toobars and context menu of file panels. [[bug>732]] 
 +  * //Lock toolbars// command added to context menu of file panel toolbars. [[bug>754]] 
 +  * Added ''Session.CreateDirectory'' and ''Session.RenameFile'' methods to .NET assembly. [[bug>822]] [[bug>833]] 
 +  * Added ''Session.Abort'' method to .NET assembly. [[bug>890]] 
 +  * Change: Scripting command ''rm'' and .NET assembly ''Session.RemoveFiles'' method can remove directories as well. [[bug>887]] 
 +  * Postponing upload of modified edited remote file to allow the editor finish saving of the file. [[bug>870]] 
 +  * When transfer settings preset selected for transfer or synchronization is changed, the transfer settings are updated to the new preset configuration. 
 +  * Support for directory listing with timestamp format ''yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm'' with SCP protocol. [[bug>853]] 
 +  * With scripting exit code is recorded in the session log file. 
 +  * Properties of ''Session'' class that cannot be changed after session starts, throw an exception when set. 
 +  * It is possible to set limit to try reconnecting broken sessions using ''Session.ReconnectTime''. [[bug>860]] 
 +  * Change: Remote files are never recycled, unless explicitly enabled. [[bug>867]] 
 +  * UTF-8 byte-order-mark is stripped on FTP upload. [[bug>888]] 
 +  * Keyboard shortcut ''Ctrl+Alt+F4'' for internal editor in Commander interface. [[bug>827]] 
 +  * Keyboard shortcut ''Alt+Up'' for opening parent directory. [[bug>605]] 
 +  * Taking tabs into account when calculating column position in an Internal editor. [[bug>789]] 
 +  * Double buffered drawing of session tabs to prevent flicker.  
 +  * Windows 8 compatibility and certification: 
 +    * Not saving random seed file, when run for maintenance task, e.g. during installation/uninstallation, to comply with Windows 8 certification. 
 +    * Other compatibility improvements. 
 +  * Using name of focused file as initial name for a new file. [[bug>873]] 
 +  * When generation of temporary file for .NET assembly fails, meaningful exception is thrown and status of temporary folder is logged to help troubleshooting. 
 +  * Falling back to Virtual folder when looking for an INI file to maintain compatibility with WinSCP 4.x on Windows Vista and newer. [[bug>874]] 
 +  * Parsed directory listing is logged. 
 +  * AES is preferred encryption cipher again. [[bug>880]] 
 +  * Directory listings lacking inode column are supported. [[bug>881]] 
 +  * Dialogs are placed in the center of their parent window. 
 +  * Improved debug logging of .NET assembly. 
 +  * Logging collection of files for synchronization. 
 +  * Beta versions always check for beta versions updates. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Restore selection// command shortcut changed to ''Shift+Ctrl+R'' (it used to have the same shortcut as //Automatically refresh directory after operation//). 
 +  * Bug fix: "Operation aborted" messages were not suppressed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnect failed (generalizing fix). [[bug>829]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing icons in jumplist. [[bug>854]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Session.FileExists'' was failing with "Recursive calls not allowed". [[bug>852]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Some UTF-8 encoded files were incorrectly loaded into an Internal Editor. [[bug>859]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when changing active session while background transfer queue list was being updated. [[bug>864]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Main window was not restoring from system tray sometimes. [[bug>745]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure was not reported, when opening of secondary shell session to execute remote command failed. [[bug>871]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hidden files were not dimmed, when //Name// column was not the first one (including the hidden columns). [[bug>872]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Instruction-only authentication prompts were failed, when predefined password was used in prior prompt already. [[bug>877]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when connecting to FTPS servers not supporting TLS/SSL session resuming. [[bug>879]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional hang when dialog was opened from an internal editor window. [[bug>882]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Bugs and other three-state session options were logged incorrectly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Switch ''/xmllog'' was not working in GUI sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not connect to SSH server without storing hostkey fingerprint. [[bug>889]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Support for ''MLSD'' FTP command was not detected. [[bug>891]] 
 +  * Bug fix: File permissions were not retrieved from ''MLSD'' FTP directory listing. 
 +  * Bug fix: Searching messages without associated help page on documentation site was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Warning about overriding script options ''include'' and ''exclude'' by ''-filemask'' switch was sometimes shown incorrectly. 
 +===== [[5.0.7]] 5.0.7 beta ((2012-05-08)) ===== 
 +  * Using ''MLSD''/''MLST'' to list directory with FTP protocol, when supported. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. [[bug>568]] 
 +  * UTF-8 support in an internal editor. [[bug>78]] 
 +  * Optionally refreshing file panel in regular intervals. [[bug>53]] 
 +  * If password is not specified on Login dialog with FTP protocol, connection is first tried without password. [[bug>653]] 
 +  * WinSCP can now optionally collect and send to WinSCP team non-personal [[usagestatistics|usage statistics]]. 
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1b. 
 +  * IDE upgraded to Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2. 
 +  * Change: Dropped support for Windows 95/98/ME. Minimal supported version is Windows 2000. 
 +  * Warning is printed on console, when user combines ''-filemask'' switch with obsoleted ''exclude'' or ''include'' options. 
 +  * Embedded GPL license text did not contain instructions for how to use GPL on your own programs. [[bug>800]] 
 +  * .NET assembly description and consequently type library name modified to start with "WinSCP" for easier look up. 
 +  * Remembering the last selected stored session on the Login dialog. [[bug>760]] 
 +  * When waiting for external console redirected to a pipe times out, it is suggested to check, if the pipe is being read from. 
 +  * Transfer settings panel moved from Preferences dialog into separate dialog. 
 +  * Layout of Transfer settings dialog improved. 
 +  * Split button is used for //Transfer Settings// button on Transfer, Synchronize and Keep remote directory up to date dialogs (Windows Vista and newer only). 
 +  * //Set defaults// command of Login dialog placed more intuitively on drop-down menu of //Save// button (On Windows Vista and newer only). 
 +  * .NET assembly ''Session'' class public methods are explicitly locked against concurrent and recursive access. 
 +  * Silently ignoring errors, when implicitly preserving permissions of overwritten file after resumable file upload. [[bug>773]] 
 +  * File mask on Find file window can be edited in Edit mask dialog. 
 +  * Files in directory excluded from file search are excluded from search too. [[bug>730]] 
 +  * Change: Blowfish is preferred encryption cipher. [[bug>1]] 
 +  * Fixed mistakes in MFC building readme file in source code package. 
 +  * 256px icon embedded directly in the executable file. 
 +  * Not considering 3xx error code an error for custom remote commands. [[bug>832]] 
 +  * Double buffered drawing of file panels to prevent flicker. [[bug>823]] 
 +  * Alpha-blended marquee selection on file panels. 
 +  * Hidden columns are reordered to the front, not to interfere with resizing of visible columns. 
 +  * Full row select is by default turned 'off' to allow easier selection of files by mouse. 
 +  * Optional full row select in Explorer interface. [[bug>792]] 
 +  * Increased minimal height of directory tree item. 
 +  * On Login dialog, //Save// button is disabled on //Logging tab// and //Preferences tab// and //Login// button is disabled on //Preferences tab//, to avoid confusion. 
 +  * Bug fix: When downloading file with SFTP protocol, overwrite confirmation dialog showed cached timestamp of source remote file instead of actual one. [[bug>810]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Shut down once operation completes was blocked by confirmation prompt. [[bug>811]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Redirected output of console interface lacked CR. [[bug>812]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Window flickered when application was activated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Main menu did not open when application was not activated. [[bug>813]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When selecting files by mask, all directories were implicitly selected. [[bug>808]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When finding files, all directories were implicitly found. [[bug>840]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''winscp.com'' did not restore console codepage on exit. [[bug>814]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on TLS/SSL session resuming. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. [[bug>668]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on second failed call to ''Session.Open'' of .NET assembly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Information about dragged files was generated incorrectly. [[bug>828]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnect failed. [[bug>829]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Exclusion-only file mask on Edit mask dialog was formatted incorrectly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Unicode console output was displayed incorrectly on Windows XP and earlier. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when generating valid local file name from name containing more than one invalid character. [[bug>836]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path label disappears when clicked. [[bug>837]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Authentication prompts with no actual prompt were always failed in scripting. [[bug>820]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Default session settings were not preserved, when set based on loaded stored session. [[bug>839]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When mask wrapped in Edit file mask dialog, it was split into multiple masks. 
 +  * Bug fix: The .NET assembly could not find ''winscp.exe'', when run from network path. [[bug>841]]  
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect timestamp time zone in XML log and .NET assembly. [[bug>843]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Rare incorrect conversion of line endings. [[bug>845]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Keepalives cause timeouts with FTP protocol. [[bug>847]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional failure while authentication prompt is idle. [[bug>848]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Selected note in directory tree was drawn incorrectly, when not focused in Explorer interface. 
 +  * Bug fix: Temporary file with XML log was not removed with .NET assembly. [[bug>849]] 
 +===== [[5.0.6]] 5.0.6 beta ((2012-02-29)) ===== 
 +  * Prototype of [[library|.NET assembly]] built around WinSCP scripting interface. [[bug>147]] 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0g. 
 +  * SFTP status packets with missing language tag are accepted. [[bug>770]] 
 +  * Disabling session option //Optimize connection buffer size// disables unlimited SSH window to overcome bugs in some older version of OpenSSH. [[bug>635]] 
 +  * When //Optimize connection buffer size// is enabled, also FTP socket internal buffer size is increased. Thanks to tteras. [[bug>787]] 
 +  * Added workaround for //Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages// SSH server bug. [[bug>577]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.62]]. It brings following changes: 
 +    * Security fix: WinSCP no longer retains passwords in memory by mistake. [[pbug>password-not-wiped]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Spurious "Access denied" printed in the authentication window after GSSAPI failure. [[pbug>gssapi-access-denied]] 
 +    * Bug fix: 0.61-style Pageant did not work with 0.60-style WinSCP. [[pbug>pageant-backwards-compatibility]] 
 +  * Several changes to enhance and simplify file masks: 
 +    * Convenient dialog for setting file masks. [[bug>98]] 
 +    * Change: File mask that does not end with slash matches only files, not directories anymore. 
 +    * Change: Include directory masks are recursive. 
 +    * //Include directories// checkbox on Select mask dialog was replaced with //Apply to directories// checkbox that suspends the above change. 
 +    * Change: Include file mask that does not contain any directory mask matches any directory. 
 +    * Change: //Include/Exclude mask// in transfer settings replaced with //File mask//, what is equivalent of //Include mask// (as supported already previously, it can contain exclude mask after ''|''). 
 +    * Change: Script options ''exclude'' and ''include'' deprecated in favor of ''-filemask=<mask>'' switch of ''get'', ''put'', ''synchronize'' and ''keepuptodate'' commands. 
 +    * Change: Special characters '';,|<>'' in file masks can be used as literals by doubling them. 
 +    * File masks can select files also by their modification timestamp. [[bug>672]] 
 +  * Change: Escaping new lines in attribute values in XML log (particularly useful for attribute ''value'' of ''output'' and ''erroroutput''). 
 +  * Change: Script option ''transfer'' deprecated in favor of ''-transfer'' switch of ''get'', ''put'', ''synchronize'' and ''keepuptodate'' commands. 
 +  * Added scripting command ''stat'' to retrieve attributes of remote file, along with associated ''stat'' XML log element. 
 +  * Added ''/xmlgroups'' command-line parameter that causes XML log file generated while scripting, to group elements corresponding to the same script command under ''group'' element. 
 +  * Added ''/nointeractiveinput'' command-line parameter that makes scripting fail all prompts, except for prompts for commands. 
 +  * It is enough to click (as opposite to previous double-click) //Transfer settings// box on //Transfer//, //Synchronize// and //Keep remote directory up to date// dialogs to open //Transfer settings// dialog. 
 +  * Change: Session option //Remember last used directory// is enabled by default. 
 +  * Error when looking up user groups are by default suppressed. 
 +  * Timeout prompt suggests turning off //Optimize connection buffer size// as workaround for some problems. 
 +  * "Host key not verified" error messages includes host key fingerprint. 
 +  * Host keys (both actual and configured) are recorded in session log. 
 +  * Directories in file panel are never sorted by an extension. 
 +  * Embedded GPL license text did not contain instructions for how to use GPL on your own programs. [[bug>800]] 
 +  * When checking for updates, version of ''winscp.com'' and .NET assembly is also reported. 
 +  * When downloading file with SFTP protocol, first open source remote file before deleting original contents of target local file. [[bug>803]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connection is lost while retrieving file attributes with FTP protocol. [[bug>771]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on reconnects. [[bug>772]] 
 +  * Bug fix: State of //Synchronize on start// of Keep remote directory up to date dialog was not preserved. [[bug>774]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Operation progress was not shown on taskbar button. [[bug>777]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not edit files over 64 KiB in an internal editor. [[bug>763]] 
 +  * Bug fix: With FTP, particularly in scripting, files could be uploaded to wrong directory. [[bug>780]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not select files by dragging selection marquee. [[bug>778]] 
 +  * Bug fix: "Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages" SSH bug was always on. [[bug>767]] 
 +  * Bug fix: File list flickered on every focus move on Windows XP with Explorer-style selection disabled. [[bug>783]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not search for ''+''/''-''/''*'' in filename in file panel by typing. [[bug>784]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when cancelling authentication prompt of background transfer. [[bug>785]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Password was not remembered for background transfers and/or PuTTY sessions. [[bug>786]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Progress window was incorrectly placed when reloading remote file opened in an Internal editor. 
 +  * Bug fix: File was uploaded after closing an internal editor even when not changed, but reloaded. [[bug>790]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Mask hint for transfer settings preset rules included file size mask. 
 +  * Bug fix: With FTP protocol ''touch'' element was not generated in XML log file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not handle less common formats of passive connection data response from FTP server. [[bug>793]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure exit code always reported when reading script from standard input. [[bug>794]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot create desktop shortcut for session with special characters in name. [[bug>795]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Progress bar tooltip was not hidden once the progress window disappears. [[bug>796]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on fatal script error. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP file handle is written incorrectly when reading properties of remote file being overwritten. [[bug>798]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Undisplayable information were logged/displayed incorrectly 
 +  * Bug fix: Output/input from ''winscp.com'' is converted to/from ANSI encoding. 
 +  * Bug fix: Fallback to registry storage, when implicit INI file storage was not writable, was not working. [[bug>801]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect Base64 encoding in HTTP Basic authentication with FTP protocol. [[bug>804]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Could not drop files on file panel (unless started and kept in report view). [[bug>806]] 
 +===== [[5.0.5]] 5.0.5 beta ((2011-11-08)) ===== 
 +  * Connection attempt can be cancelled. [[bug>757]] 
 +  * After cancelling authentication prompt, error message is no longer displayed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure while logging off the Windows. 
 +  * Bug fix: Fixed parsing owner/group with modified ID on Properties dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing animations on Progress window on Windows Vista/7. 
 +  * Bug fix: When switching between session and shared bookmarks, path was not updated on the Open directory dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Internal "Operation aborted" errors were not suppressed for background transfers. 
 +  * Bug fix: Path label was not resized with larger shell font size. 
 +  * Bug fix: Pageant authentication was not working on x64. [[bug>764]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on startup when master password is set. [[bug>765]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Upload of non existing file in script using ''put'' command did not trigger error. 
 +===== [[5.0.4]] 5.0.4 beta ((2011-10-30)) ===== 
 +  * Icon is assigned to all top-level windows, in particular to initial Login dialog, so that there's always WinSCP icon in the ''Alt+Tab'' view. 
 +  * Bug fix: Synchronization check list view was corrupted. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when changing view style in Explorer interface. [[bug>753]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to drag more than one file. [[bug>756]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Default permissions for new remote directory did not include Execute right. [[bug>762]] 
 +===== [[5.0.3]] 5.0.3 beta ((2011-10-21)) ===== 
 +  * Recently used sessions are added to taskbar jump list on Windows 7. [[bug>527]] 
 +  * Queue processing can be disabled. [[bug>29]] 
 +  * Tab selector for sessions. [[bug>77]] 
 +  * Change: Synchronized browsing state is stored with stored session, not in preferences. [[bug>10]]  
 +  * Stored session folder opened/closed state is remembered. [[bug>220]] 
 +  * Change: In mouse-only Explorer-style selection mode, single-file implicit mouse-selection is not preserved, when focus/selection is subsequently changed using keyboard. 
 +  * Change: All fatal errors (those that cause exit code of WinSCP to be 1) in scripting are recorded in new subtag ''failure'' of root tag ''session'' in XML log. This includes connection errors, replacing previous recording in ''result'' tag. 
 +  * Change: Value ''both'' of ''synchronize'' command switch ''criteria'' renamed to ''either'' to avoid confusion (''both'' is still recognized for backward compatibility). [[bug>195]] 
 +  * Increased socket internal buffer size for SSH with option to disable it. It improves transfer speed. Thanks to ultramage. [[bug>690]] 
 +  * File sizes in file panel are optionally shown using short format (KiB, MiB, etc). [[bug>421]] 
 +  * All binaries are signed with //Martin Prikryl// publisher certificate. [[bug>505]] 
 +  * Automatic reconnect, when server stopped responding. [[bug>405]] 
 +  * When script is aborted by the user, error exit code is used. 
 +  * Explicit control for specifying anonymous FTP login on Login dialog. [[bug>569]] 
 +  * FTP account can be specified on Login dialog. [[bug>203]] 
 +  * MFC building readme file in source code package has wrong content. 
 +  * When saving opened session, password saving is enabled, when master password is in use. 
 +  * Connect timeout is configurable. 
 +  * Information window about updates show times of the last and the next check for updates. 
 +  * Increased height of Login dialog to fit more stored sessions. [[bug>378]] 
 +  * Description of ''rawsettings'' script added to command-line help screen and ''open'' command help. 
 +  * Change: Silently ignoring, when local file mask in ''put'' command matches no file. [[bug>746]] 
 +  * Added ''mget'' alias for ''get'' script command and ''mput'' alias for ''put'' command. 
 +  * Added ''echo'' script command. [[bug>551]] 
 +  * URL of //Getting started// webpage opened from installer includes previously installed version, so that hints specific to upgrades from the version can be displayed. 
 +  * Installer starts WinSCP minimized, when it also opens //Getting started// webpage. 
 +  * Session option //Allow GSSAPI credential delegation// is now configurable on the Login dialog. [[bug>583]] 
 +  * When renaming a folder within file panel, whole filename (including an extension) is always selected. [[bug>737]] 
 +  * In-application license text updated to GPLv3. [[bug>751]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Default session log file path was missing slash before filename. 
 +  * Bug fix: Duplicate reconnect prompt when connection is lost, while transferring file in subdirectory. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error was signaled from script when connection stalled even when it was reconnected. [[bug>731]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Help > Contents// command was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to locate ''GetUserNameEx''. [[bug>734]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Records of files transferred within subdirectory were written at once, not continuously, in XML logging. [[bug>739]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Switch ''-rawsettings'' of ''open'' command was not working. [[bug>740]] 
 +  * Bug fix: In mouse-only Explorer-style selection mode, selection was not cleared after clicking outside of selection, after focus/selection was previously changed using keyboard. 
 +  * Bug fix: Mouse cursor stayed "busy" forever after drag&drop operation. [[bug>744]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Main window was not restoring from system tray sometimes. [[bug>745]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Session name was not preserved when duplicating session into a new window. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when using an INI file. [[bug>747]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Installer was not removing translations of previous versions on Windows 7. 
 +===== [[5.0.2]] 5.0.2 beta ((2011-09-14)) ===== 
 +  * Any session configuration option can be set on command line and/or scripting in raw format using ''/rawsettings'' switch. [[bug>520]] 
 +  * Change: Binary transfer mode is default. [[bug>670]] 
 +  * Change: Connection error is recorded in XML log in new subtag ''result'' of root tag ''session''. [[bug>545]] 
 +  * Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. [[bug>165]] 
 +  * Environment variables are resolved in session hostname and username. [[bug>392]] 
 +  * Installer without OpenCandy does not include OpenCandy license anymore. 
 +  * Option to enable active mode with FTP protocol in scripting. [[bug>669]] 
 +  * Both session (text) and XML log can be produced at the same time. [[bug>481]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when cancelling login dialog. [[bug>728]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to locate ''GetTimeZoneInformationForYear''. [[bug>729]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Duplicate shortcut key in local //Open directory// window. [[bug>710]] 
 +===== [[5.0.1]] 5.0.1 beta ((2011-09-09)) ===== 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0e. 
 +  * Support for different DST boundaries in the past. [[bug>656]] 
 +  * Starting renaming the next file after confirming rename with ''Tab'' key. [[bug>701]] 
 +  * External IP address for FTP active mode is configurable. [[bug>538]] 
 +  * Logging local account into session log. [[bug>709]] 
 +  * Setup informs at the end about reason restart is required (when it is) and that it does not prevent WinSCP from functioning, apart from the drag&drop shell extension. [[bug>686]] 
 +  * Setup optionally opens //Getting started// webpage. 
 +  * Prevented file virtualization. [[bug>719]] 
 +  * ''F10'' key closes an internal editor. [[bug>711]] 
 +  * Error when opening FTP active mode connection, has explicit help link. 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot drag&drop files from local file panel. [[bug>721]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory listing was shown as part of the file transfer error message with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing application icon. [[bug>722]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Internal editor window was not restored when minimized when editing the already file again. [[bug>723]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing ''build.bat'' from the source code package. [[bug>724]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Windows button on taskbar was not hidden when minimizing to tray. [[bug>725]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Auto arranging of WinSCP window by Windows (and other applications) did not work. [[bug>186]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Improved compatibility with MSVDM. 
 +  * Bug fix: Opening session in PuTTY was not working. [[bug>726]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to store passwords encrypted with master password. [[bug>727]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Link to a parent directory was not read in an empty remote root folder. [[bug>706]] 
 +===== [[5.0]] 5.0 beta ((2011-08-25)) ===== 
 +  * Unicode support. [[bug>586]] 
 +  * Explorer-style file selection with mouse is enabled by default in Commander interface. [[bug>718]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Buttons on Login dialog sometimes got hidden. [[bug>691]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''?'' at the end of file mask did not enforce presence of character. [[bug>630]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when session is closed unexpectedly in scripting. [[bug>716]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Cannot switch to Internal text editor when searching. [[bug>679]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong window layout with large fonts. [[bug>831]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Minimized snapped window was not restored to its snapped position. [[bug>844]] 
 +(* ===== [[4.4.1]] 4.4.1 (hotfix) ((2013-08-14)) ===== *) 
 +(*  * Back-propagated some fixes from WinSCP 5.1.5 beta - 5.1.7 beta releases: *) 
 +(*    * Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. [[bug>1039]] *) 
 +(*    * Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. [[bug>1039]] [[pbug>vuln-modmul]] [[pbug>vuln-bignum-division-by-zero]] [[pbug>private-key-not-wiped]] [[bug>1017]] [[pbug>vuln-signature-stringlen]] *) 
 +(*    * Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. [[bug>1032]] *) 
 +(*    * Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error "The system cannot find the file specified" was shown instead of the actual cause. *) 
 +(*    * Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol. *) 
 +===== [[4.4]] 4.4.0 (hotfix) ((2013-01-28)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Icon on properties dialog was rendered with session color on background. 
 +  * Bug fix: Tray icon was not restored after explorer/taskbar restart. [[bug>898]] 
 +  * Bug fix: External IP address of the server is not used when provided IP address is automatically detected as unroutable. [[bug>904]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error connecting over SOCKS proxy with FTP protocol. [[bug>907]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local file/folder got recycled when dropped on folder on the same panel. [[bug>911]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when saving file opened from closed session. [[bug>918]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Command on Console windows is not saved to history, when executed using Enter key. [[bug>934]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect file was renamed when changing remote directory using directory tree while renaming file. [[bug>933]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to open session in scripting from command line was not reported in exit code. [[bug>953]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Issuer and Subject were swapped on Certificate verification prompt. [[bug>967]] 
 +===== [[4.3.9]] 4.3.9 (hotfix) ((2012-07-24)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.8 beta release: 
 +    * FTP passive mode IP address is substituted with connection address automatically when passive mode address is unroutable. [[bug>883]] 
 +    * Postponing upload of modified edited remote file to allow the editor finish saving of the file. [[bug>870]] 
 +    * Parsed directory listing is logged.  
 +    * Bug fix: Instruction-only authentication prompts were failed, when predefined password was used in prior prompt already. [[bug>877]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Error when connecting to FTPS servers not supporting SSL session resuming. [[bug>879]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Bugs and other three-state session options were logged incorrectly. 
 +===== [[4.3.8]] 4.3.8 (hotfix)  ((2012-06-07)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.7 and 5.0.8 beta releases: 
 +    * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1c. 
 +    * Embedded GPL license text did not contain instructions for how to use GPL on your own programs. [[bug>800]] 
 +    * Full row select is by default turned 'off' to allow easier selection of files by mouse. 
 +    * Support for directory listing with timestamp format ''yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm'' with SCP protocol. [[bug>853]] 
 +    * With scripting exit code is recorded in the session log file. 
 +    * Bug fix: Fallback to registry storage, when implicit INI file storage was not writable, was not working. [[bug>801]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Incorrect Base64 encoding in HTTP Basic authentication with FTP protocol. [[bug>804]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Could not select files by dragging selection marquee. [[bug>778]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Shut down once operation completes was blocked by confirmation prompt. [[bug>811]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure on SSL session resuming. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. [[bug>668]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Command ''lls'' showed incorrect size for files over 2 GiB. [[bug>819]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when generating valid local file name from name containing more than one invalid character. [[bug>836]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Authentication prompts with no actual prompt were always failed in scripting. [[bug>820]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Default session settings were not preserved, when set based on loaded stored session. [[bug>839]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Keepalives cause timeouts with FTP protocol. [[bug>847]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Incorrect timestamp time zone in XML log and .NET assembly. [[bug>843]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when changing active session while background transfer queue list was being updated. [[bug>864]] 
 +===== [[4.3.7]] 4.3.7 (hotfix) ((2012-02-18)) ===== 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.6 beta release: 
 +    * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0g. 
 +    * Bug fix: State of //Synchronize on start// of Keep remote directory up to date dialog was not preserved. [[bug>774]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Progress window was incorrectly placed when reloading remote file opened in an Internal editor. 
 +    * Bug fix: File was uploaded after closing an internal editor even when not changed, but reloaded. [[bug>790]] 
 +    * Bug fix: With FTP protocol ''touch'' element was not generated in XML log file. 
 +    * Bug fix: Could not handle less common formats of passive connection data response from FTP server. [[bug>793]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure exit code always reported when reading script from standard input. [[bug>794]] 
 +    * Bug fix: File list flickered on every focus move on Windows XP with Explorer-style selection disabled. [[bug>783]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Progress bar tooltip was not hidden once the progress window disappears. [[bug>796]] 
 +===== [[4.3.6]] 4.3.6 (hotfix) ((2011-12-29)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: "Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages" SSH bug was always on. [[bug>767]] 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.3 -- 5.0.6 beta releases: 
 +    * All binaries are signed with //Martin Prikryl// publisher certificate. [[bug>505]] 
 +    * When script is aborted by the user, error exit code is used. 
 +    * Connect timeout is configurable. 
 +    * When renaming a folder within file panel, whole filename (including an extension) is always selected. [[bug>737]] 
 +    * In-application license text updated to GPLv3. [[bug>751]] 
 +    * Change: In mouse-only Explorer-style selection mode, single-file implicit mouse-selection is not preserved, when focus/selection is subsequently changed using keyboard. 
 +    * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.62]]. It brings following changes: 
 +      * Security fix: WinSCP no longer retains passwords in memory by mistake. [[pbug>password-not-wiped]] 
 +      * Bug fix: Spurious "Access denied" printed in the authentication window after GSSAPI failure. [[pbug>gssapi-access-denied]] 
 +      * Bug fix: 0.61-style Pageant did not work with 0.60-style WinSCP. [[pbug>pageant-backwards-compatibility]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Fixed parsing owner/group with modified ID on Properties dialog. 
 +    * Bug fix: When switching between session and shared bookmarks, path was not updated on the Open directory dialog. 
 +    * Bug fix: Internal "Operation aborted" errors were not suppressed for background transfers. 
 +    * Bug fix: Path label was not resized with larger shell font size. 
 +    * Bug fix: Default permissions for new remote directory did not include Execute right. [[bug>762]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Duplicate reconnect prompt when connection is lost, while transferring file in subdirectory. 
 +    * Bug fix: Error was signaled from script when connection stalled even when it was reconnected. [[bug>731]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure to locate ''GetUserNameEx''. [[bug>734]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Records of files transferred within subdirectory were written at once, not continuously, in XML logging. [[bug>739]] 
 +    * Bug fix: In mouse-only Explorer-style selection mode, selection was not cleared after clicking outside of selection, after focus/selection was previously changed using keyboard. 
 +    * Bug fix: Session name was not preserved when duplicating session into a new window. 
 +    * Bug fix: Installer was not removing translations of previous versions on Windows 7. 
 +  * OpenCandy advertising module reintroduced to the installer. There's also ad-free alternative installer available. 
 +===== [[4.3.5]] 4.3.5 (hotfix) ((2011-09-18)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Translations were not included in setup. [[bug>713]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Versions of 3<sup>rd</sup> party components were not updated in translations. [[bug>715]] 
 +  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0 -- 5.0.2 beta releases: 
 +    * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0e. 
 +    * Explorer-style file selection with mouse is enabled by default in Commander interface. [[bug>718]] 
 +    * Starting renaming the next file after confirming rename with ''Tab'' key. [[bug>701]] 
 +    * Logging local account into session log. [[bug>709]] 
 +    * ''F10'' key closes an internal editor. [[bug>711]] 
 +    * Installer without OpenCandy does not include OpenCandy license anymore. 
 +    * Bug fix: Directory listing was shown as part of the file transfer error message with FTP protocol. 
 +    * Bug fix: Internal editor window was not restored when minimized when editing the already file again. [[bug>723]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Link to a parent directory was not read in an empty remote root folder. [[bug>706]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when session is closed unexpectedly in scripting. [[bug>716]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Duplicate shortcut key in local //Open directory// window. [[bug>710]] 
 +===== [[4.3.4]] 4.3.4 ((2011-07-27)) ===== 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.61]]. It brings following changes: 
 +    * When WinSCP fails to get a response from Pageant, it logs the fact. 
 +    * Bug fix: Workaround for some servers blithely responding to ''winadj@putty.projects.tartarus.org'' with ''SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS'' despite probably having no idea what it means. [[pbug>winadj-success]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Pageant authentication was not working. [[bug>703]] 
 +  * The command ''list -a'' is stopped being used when returned listing is empty. [[bug>693]] 
 +  * Using HTTP/1.1 when checking for application updates. 
 +  * Bug fix: Unwanted auto-completion in comboboxes when resizing the window. 
 +  * Bug fix: Arguments (passwords in particular) passed to PuTTY were not escaped correctly. [[bug>692]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Special permissions were not preserved correctly in configuration. [[bug>695]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Another invalid time zone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol. [[bug>696]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connection closes with FTP protocol. [[bug>698]] 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP was hanging when FTP directory listing connection was closed without response to LIST command. [[bug>699]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Slow startup when there are disconnected network drives. [[bug>702]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Notification balloon was displayed after finishing of every queue task. [[bug>705]] 
 +  * Bug fix: No fallback to IPv4 with SSH. [[bug>707]] 
 +===== [[4.3.3]] 4.3.3 ((2011-05-25)) ===== 
 +  * Rolled back increase of socket internal buffer size for SSH. [[bug>677]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2011-03-04, revision 9120). It brings following changes: 
 +    * Support for "zlib@openssh.com" compression. [[bug>146]] 
 +    * Small performance improvements. 
 +  * On Windows 7 progress of operation is shown on the taskbar button. [[bug>437]] 
 +  * URLs with IPv6 address are supported. [[bug>681]] 
 +  * Removed length limit for FTP Post login commands. [[bug>673]] 
 +  * Colon in stored session name and IPv6 addresses is escaped when used for generated name of session log file. 
 +  * State of //Advanced options// checkbox is always remembered. [[bug>650]] 
 +  * Source of the configuration is stored into session log. [[bug>683]] 
 +  * Navigating back/forward with synchronized browsing enabled affects both panels. [[bug>625]] 
 +  * When renaming a file during transfer, only filename (without an extension) is optionally selected. [[bug>664]] 
 +  * File renaming is not started, when only focusing application. [[bug>651]] 
 +  * Session colors are used on stored session list. [[bug>687]] 
 +  * Setup will default to use the same language as the last time. 
 +  * Setup will not try to replace the drag&drop shell extension unless newer version is included. This prevents setup from requiring restart in many cases. [[bug>686]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST on Windows 2008 R2. [[bug>671]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on transfer error with SCP protocol. [[bug>674]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Invalid time zone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol. [[bug>675]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Pageant authentication was not working on x64. [[bug>662]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnection fails with FTP protocol. [[bug>680]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting with FTP protocol. [[bug>676]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''chmod'' command was not skipped with SCP protocol, when changing file properties but not changing permissions. [[bug>645]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when uploading file with specific size with FTP protocol. [[bug>684]] 
 +===== [[4.3.2]] 4.3.2 ((2011-02-23)) ===== 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0d. 
 +  * Enabled TLS extensions in OpenSSL, what resolves problems with some FTP servers. [[bug>658]] 
 +  * Change: //Compare directories// command uses ''Shift+F2'' shortcut instead of ''Ctrl+C''. [[bug>641]] 
 +  * OpenCandy advertising module was suspended from the installer. 
 +  * Added support for dragging files from WinRAR. [[bug>399]]. 
 +  * Default ascii file mask extended with ''*.js''. [[bug>642]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2011-02-21, revision 9101). 
 +  * Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error response to SFTP initialization request was sometimes parsed incorrectly. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to skip errors during some operations. [[bug>654]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Home directory was incorrect after reconnect with FTP protocol. [[bug>659]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was sometimes not possible to initiate file renaming. [[bug>657]] 
 +===== 4.3.1 beta ((2010-12-11)) ===== 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0c. 
 +  * File renaming is not started, when only focusing file panel. [[bug>570]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when logging in ad-hoc session. [[bug>632]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when directory is reloaded while renaming file. [[bug>633]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Values with special characters were not exported correctly to PuTTY. [[bug>634]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Invalid DST handling in the Southern hemisphere. [[bug>638]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Synchronized browsing was not preserved, when restarting application. [[bug>639]] 
 +===== [[4.3]] 4.3 beta ((2010-11-07)) ===== 
 +  * Increased socket internal buffer size for SSH. It should improve transfer speed. Thanks to ultramage. [[bug>615]] 
 +  * Environment variables are resolved in path to external editor. [[bug>563]] 
 +  * Include/exclude masks can be used when moving files between local and remote directories. [[bug>536]] 
 +  * //Add to Bookmarks// and //Refresh// commands added to context menus of panel path labels. [[bug>624]] 
 +  * Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. [[bug>165]] 
 +  * Change: Links to website and help are no longer created in start menu folder. [[bug>616]] 
 +  * Autocomplete disabled for most of the combo boxes. [[bug>619]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2010-09-27, revision 9010). It brings following changes: 
 +    * Improved port forwarding robustness. 
 +    * When disconnected because there are no supported authentication methods left to try, the error message contains the list of methods sent by the server. 
 +    * Standard GSS libraries are now loaded from standard locations rather than using the default DLL search path. 
 +    * Other small bugs fixed. 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0a. This effectively disables SSL 2.0 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when refreshing panel content. [[bug>617]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when more background transfers finish at the same moment. [[bug>622]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Script does not abort after receiving no answer for prompt, when running in batch mode. [[bug>623]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Main window appeared in background, when prompt for master password appeared during authentication. [[bug>629]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Script running in batch mode did not automatically reconnect broken sessions. [[bug>517]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when uploading empty file over FTPS. [[bug>489]] 
 +===== [[4.2.9]] 4.2.9 ((2010-09-23)) ===== 
 +  * Never try to rename file to the very same name. [[bug>604]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when executing custom command and not capturing its output. [[bug>587]] 
 +  * Bug fix: GSSAPI/Kerberos was not working. [[bug>590]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local file timestamp was interpreted incorrectly for synchronization on Windows 7. [[bug>591]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on ''close'' scripting command. [[bug>599]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Path history was mixed among sessions. [[bug>607]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Session closed after operation completed was automatically reconnected. [[bug>608]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Check for application updates was hanging. [[bug>611]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing content on OpenCandy screen. [[bug>600]] 
 +===== [[4.2.8]] 4.2.8 ((2010-07-14)) ===== 
 +  * File size masks are allowed in script commands. [[bug>555]] 
 +  * Change: Conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST follows changes introduced in Windows 7. [[bug>564]] This breaks synchronization when you used previous WinSCP versions. 
 +  * Installation package includes development versions of PuTTYgen and Pageant applications. It brings following changes: 
 +    * PuTTYgen supports importing of new-style OpenSSH private keys (encrypted by AES rather than 3DES). 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2010-05-19, revision 8952). Improving GSSAPI support. 
 +  * Script commands and output are included into session log. [[bug>547]] 
 +  * Bug fix: IPv6 support was broken. [[bug>556]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Protocol ''ftps'' was ignored in session URL when port number was also specified. [[bug>558]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Suggested session path was duplicated when saving new session. [[bug>562]] 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP packet counter overflow. [[bug>565]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Sorting by owner/group was broken. [[bug>571]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when opening session protected with master password from command-line in console. [[bug>573]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Saving password in default session settings did not force prompt for master password, allowing the password being stored unencrypted. 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing OpenCandy DLL on Windows startup. [[bug>579]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hangs when changing directory using directory tree after toggling showing of hidden files. [[bug>580]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''!.!'' was suggested as name of executable when browsing for previously undefined executable. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when running multiple instances of console interface tool in parallel. [[bug>581]] 
 +===== [[4.2.7]] 4.2.7 ((2010-03-04)) ===== 
 +  * Increased maximal size of accepted SFTP packet. [[bug>548]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing connection after another failed connection. [[bug>547]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Root path was not remembered as last working path on a drive. [[bug>549]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Hang-up after closing connection. [[bug>550]] 
 +===== [[4.2.6]] 4.2.6 ((2010-02-16)) ===== 
 +  * ZIP archive with both executables is released instead of just compressed EXE. [[bug>523]] 
 +  * Automatically named session is renamed when hostname and/or username is modified. [[bug>532]] 
 +  * When reading of file to be edited fails, empty internal editor is no longer shown. 
 +  * Forcing width of message box not to exceed screen width. 
 +  * Environment variables in path to private key file are resolved before passing it to PuTTY to open the session. [[bug>524]] 
 +  * WinSCP name is included in balloon notifications. [[bug>533]] 
 +  * Time zone offset can be set up to +/-25 hours. [[bug>534]] 
 +  * Setup does not query OpenCandy for ads when running silent install. 
 +  * Small visual changes for Windows 7. 
 +  * Being tolerant to FTP servers enclosing path in 257 response to single quotes. [[bug>541]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2010-01-17, revision 8846). Fixing memory leak. 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.8l. 
 +  * Bug fix: Bookmarks with equal sign in their name were not preserved when using INI file. [[bug>522]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Synchronize browsing failed, when entering local directory, while current remote path was root. [[bug>525]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Having higher logging level set decreased performance even when logging itself was disabled. [[bug>526]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when running ad hoc custom command. [[bug>529]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Tray icon was sometimes not removed when application closed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Navigation tree on Preferences dialog was corrupted sometimes. [[bug>539]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Memory leak while authenticating with private key. 
 +  * Bug fix: System date/time format was not followed on Windows 7. [[bug>537]] 
 +  * Bug fix: On some systems ''winscp.com'' did not find ''winscp.exe'' when executed from search path. [[bug>542]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connection was closed while Console window was opened. [[bug>544]] 
 +===== [[4.2.5]] 4.2.5 ((2009-12-22)) ===== 
 +  * Environment variable ''WINSCP_PATH'' pointing to path, where WinSCP executable file is located, is set on startup, so it can be used to configure portable paths relative to the WinSCP executable file. [[bug>311]] 
 +  * It is not possible to cancel master password prompt anymore, when saving session with passwords. 
 +  * Slash added to names of directories in search results to distinguish them from files. 
 +  * Keyboard shortcut for finding files changed to ''F3'' in Explorer interface. 
 +  * Path is recorded in history after changing directory in console window. [[bug>518]] 
 +  * Replacing characters not allowed in local file names is taken into account with synchronized browsing. [[bug>512]] 
 +  * Merged error message and directory creation confirmation box into one, when synchronized browsing cannot find corresponding opposite directory. [[bug>347]] 
 +  * Synchronized browsing can handle change to different directory branch. [[bug>101]] 
 +  * Placed //Use same options next time// on synchronization dialog above transfer settings box to make it clear that transfer settings are not saved. [[bug>519]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2009-11-22, revision 8755). It does not bring any notable change. 
 +  * Bug fix: When master password changing was canceled, message informing about successful change appeared anyway. 
 +  * Bug fix: No help was associated with //Security// tab of Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Passwords in default session settings were not re-encrypted when master password was changed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Empty session password were in rare situation encrypted using master password, what caused seemingly useless prompts for master passwords. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP did not offer to unset read-only flag when overwriting local files anymore. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when downloading remote files from root directory into temporary local directory. [[bug>502]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when retrying connect attempt after host is not resolved. [[bug>503]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect calculation of DST start/end date. [[bug>504]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Session data on Login dialog were overwritten when locale is changed. [[bug>508]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when moving local directory to remote side. [[bug>509]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Help for ''put'' scripting command incorrectly claimed that ''-append'' switch is valid for FTP protocol only. 
 +  * Bug fix: Ampersands (''&'') in names of transfer settings presets and custom commands were handled inconsistently. [[bug>506]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Excluding file from transfer did not prevent access to the file. [[bug>514]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when daylight saving is not properly configured in Windows. [[bug>519]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Shell icon for stored session in folder could not be created. [[bug>515]] 
 +===== [[4.2.4]] 4.2.4 beta ((2009-10-25)) ===== 
 +  * File search. [[bug>92]] 
 +  * Stored session passwords can be encrypted by AES cipher using master password. [[bug>273]] 
 +  * Path relative to startup directory can be used in initial session local directory. [[bug>492]] 
 +  * Up to 255 characters long SFTP server commands are allowed. [[bug>495]] 
 +  * Value ''off'' of ''reconnecttime'' script option is case-insensitive. [[bug>491]] 
 +  * SFTP status code is not logged as status/error code anymore. [[bug>484]] 
 +  * While downloading trailing dot in filenames is replaced with ''%2E'', as Windows trim them. [[bug>452]] 
 +  * WinSCP can load plain text tunnel password from configuration (new attribute ''TunnelPasswordPlain''). If possible, it automatically converts the password to encrypted form. [[bug>497]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2008-09-27, revision 8665). It brings following changes: 
 +    * Bug fix: Minor memory leaks. 
 +  * Bug fix: Uploads of large files with FTP were restarting. [[bug>157]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when opening separate shell session. [[bug>477]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Backslash in remote path broke path label. [[bug>482]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Using passive mode was suggested when connection fails even when used already. [[bug>485]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Operation hanged for a while when transfer of file was skipped with FTP protocol. [[bug>486]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Operation hanged occasionally when both control and transfer connection were closed at the same time with FTP protocol. [[bug>487]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Quote escaping did not work with console interface tool. [[bug>494]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Ctrl+C'' in console windows occasionally interrupted more than one prompt. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failed connection in script closed last active session simultaneously.  
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to copy remote files using drag&drop within remote panel with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Problem minimizing progress windows while performing operation executed from command-line. [[bug>475]] 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP hanged on some systems, when remote file with name reserved on Windows appeared in directory listing. [[bug>152]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Backslash was inserted to remote path when running custom command from synchronization checklist dialog. [[bug>498]] 
 +===== [[4.2.3]] 4.2.3 beta ((2009-08-18)) ===== 
 +  * Configurable keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and shared bookmarks. [[bug>103]] 
 +  * FTP proxy support. [[bug>27]] 
 +  * FTPS server certificate is shown on Server and protocol information dialog. [[bug>438]] 
 +  * Existing remote file can be opened in editor by typing its name. [[bug>366]] 
 +  * Workaround for Momentum server limit of 32 KiB for reading/writing. [[bug>440]] 
 +  * Added missing descriptions of ''certificate'', ''implicit'', ''explicitssl'' and ''explicittls'' switches for command-line and scripting. 
 +  * Empty SSH keyboard interactive prompts are ignored. [[bug>388]] 
 +  * 256x256 icon is deployed with WinSCP. [[bug>445]] 
 +  * WinSCP prevents computer from being suspended during operation. [[bug>265]] 
 +  * It can be configured how long WinSCP should keep trying reconnect broken sessions. [[bug>460]] 
 +  * Change: Double double-quote is treated as a single double-quote within value of command-line parameter. [[bug>454]] 
 +  * For FTP servers know not to support ''LIST -a'' command (Personal FTP server), ''LIST'' only is used by default. [[bug>458]] 
 +  * Errors when deleting local files after upload finishes are reported. [[bug>462]] 
 +  * Pressing ''Enter'', while having selected an open session without hostname, loads the session. [[bug>463]] 
 +  * Session name can be optionally used as part of the path to temporary copies of remote files. [[bug>385]] 
 +  * Remote path may optionally not be used as part of the path to temporary copies of remote files. [[bug>229]] 
 +  * Option for substituting FTP passive mode IP address with connection address. [[bug>376]] 
 +  * Change: Once dot-only filenames are obscured from Windows, all security checks which hide dot-only filenames from user are removed. [[bug>452]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwrite confirmations were shown even when target file did not exist when uploading with SFTP protocol. [[bug>442]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Mask hints// label on transfer settings dialogs was improperly placed when localized. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing session while having log window opened and custom commands toolbar displayed. [[bug>441]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Passive FTP transfers with IPv6 did not work. [[bug>446]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Ctrl+R'' in the internal editor opened Replace dialog instead of reloading current document. [[bug>444]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Meaning of UTF-8 encoding for filenames option was reversed for FTP. [[bug>450]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Skipped files are shown in progress list on console. [[bug>451]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Values were overlapped on progress window when //Calculate total size// transfer settings was disabled. [[bug>456]] 
 +  * Bug fix: "There is no disk in drive" message was sometimes shown on startup. [[bug>19]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when configuration was changed, while file from closed internal editor was still being uploaded. [[bug>461]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when file was opened in editor while still being uploaded after closing editor. [[bug>465]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Transfer progress was not shown on console when moving files to local directory. [[bug>443]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when uploading empty folder that already existed on the server with FTP. [[bug>466]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when FTP data connection was lost. [[bug>467]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Memory leak in drag&drop shell extension. [[bug>471]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when installing on Windows 2000. [[bug>447]] 
 +  * Bug fix: OpenCandy DLL was installed even if user chose not to use it. [[bug>455]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Icon was not displayed properly on Windows 2000. [[bug>473]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Timeout may occurred earlier that configured with FTP. [[bug>472]] 
 +===== [[4.2.2]] 4.2.2 beta ((2009-06-28)) =====  
 +  * [[&forum_topic(6854)|New icon]] by [[http://jhnet.co.uk/|Jonathan Heathcote]] 
 +  * OpenCandy advertising network is used in installation application. 
 +  * Each selected file/directory can be optionally added individually to background transfer queue. [[bug>97]] 
 +  * It is possible to schedule computer shutdown at the end of operation or once the background transfer queue is empty. [[bug>292]] 
 +  * New switches ''-append'' and ''-resume'' to scripting commands ''put'' and ''get'' to append file/resume transfer respectively. [[bug>298]] 
 +  * Added switch ''/certificate'' to command-line and ''open'' script command to automatically accept SSL certificate with given fingerprint. [[bug>430]] 
 +  * Change: SSH host key or SSL/TLS certificate can no longer be automatically verified using scripting batch mode. [[bug>411]] 
 +  * When renaming a file within file panel, whole filename (including an extension) can be optionally selected again. [[bug>255]] 
 +  * In Commander interface the directory tree can be optionally shown left of file list. [[bug>5]] 
 +  * Broken idle sessions are optionally automatically reconnected. [[bug>30]] 
 +  * Local custom commands that work both with remote and local file (diff-style) can be executed from synchronization checklist for pairs of files. [[bug>54]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2009-04-26, revision 8519). It brings following changes: 
 +    * Empty SSH keyboard interactive prompts are ignored. [[bug>388]] 
 +  * SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.8k. 
 +  * FTPS session can be opened from script explicitly. [[bug>396]] 
 +  * It is possible to turn off both modification time and file size comparison criteria, synchronizing thus only by file existence. [[bug>368]] 
 +  * List of parameters can be passed to script using ''/parameter'' command-line parameter. The parameters are resolved in the script using ''%N%'' pattern. [[bug>197]] 
 +  * For synchronization, when comparison by modification time is disabled, it is possible to turn off preserving of timestamp. [[bug>368]] 
 +  * Empty password can be specified explicitly on command-line and in script to allow password-less authentication with FTP. [[bug>428]] 
 +  * Speed limit can be set as part of transfer settings. [[bug>302]] 
 +  * It can be configured how long script should keep trying reconnect broken sessions. [[bug>367]] 
 +  * On download names of files reserved in Windows (such as ''NUL'') are appended with ''%00'' to allow saving them. [[bug>58]] 
 +  * Appending to log file with XML format is disallowed. 
 +  * Dialogs are showed on-screen even if center of the main window is off-screen. [[bug>360]] 
 +  * Changed usage to discourage specification of session on command-line for console use. 
 +  * Console interface tool usage shows only command-line parameters relevant for console use. 
 +  * Limited number of HTTP redirects when checking for updates. 
 +  * When opening connection in FTP active mode fails, using passive mode is suggested. 
 +  * Workaround for Windows 7 incompatibility, preventing loading translation plugins. [[bug>423]] 
 +  * For compatibility with Fedora 11, dot (''.'') after permissions in directory listing is ignored [[bug>436]] 
 +  * Transfer settings controls reorganized so that //Clear 'Archive' attribute// fits to //Upload options//. [[bug>108]] 
 +  * In //Mirror// synchronization mode it is possible to turn off comparison by modification time. 
 +  * It is not possible to change XML log file name in middle of session. [[bug>393]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when downloading file from non-current directory with FTPS protocol. [[bug>390]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Edit With// dialog had wrong layout. 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwriting new or updated files only was not working with SFTP when overwrite confirmations were disabled. [[bug>408]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional failure when closing commander window. [[bug>419]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local shortcuts were not followed. [[bug>420]] 
 +  * Bug fix: //Commander// tab of Preferences dialog did not have help screen associated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Selection did not follow focus after reloading of directory. [[bug>432]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Stray empty line was printed on console on failed connections. 
 +  * See also change list for [[#4.1.9|4.1.9]]. 
 +===== [[4.2.1]] 4.2.1 beta ((2009-02-27)) =====  
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to open Preferences dialog. [[bug>381]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error message was appearing during installation. [[bug>382]] 
 +===== [[4.2]] 4.2 beta ((2009-02-26)) =====  
 +  * FTPS (FTP over TLS/SSL) support using OpenSSL 0.9.8j. [[bug>36]] 
 +  * It is possible to change group/owner of a remote file by UID/GID. [[bug>333]] 
 +  * XML logging for more formal and machine-readable representation of operations performed during the session. [[bug>95]] 
 +  * Filter for file panel. [[bug>56]] 
 +  * New set of bookmarks/location profiles that is shared among all sessions. [[bug>284]] 
 +  * Timestamps of uploaded files are preserved with FTP. [[bug>293]] 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2008-02-23, revision 8461). It brings following changes:  
 +    * Improved flow control with SSH-2, what improved transfer speed, particularly for downloads. [[bug>17]] [[pbug>flow-control]] [[pbug>flow-control-filexfer]] 
 +    * Support for SSH-2 RSA key exchange. [[pbug>ssh2-rsa-kex]] 
 +    * Improved robustness when dealing with servers that does not respect WinSCP window size. [[pbug>ssh2-window-overrun]] 
 +    * Improved robustness when dealing with servers that does not respect WinSCP packet size limit (e.g. GlobalSCAPE). [[bug>314]] [[pbug>ssh2-bug-maxpkt]] 
 +    * Switched to PuTTY's own implementation of Kerberos/GSSAPI. It brings following changes: [[pbug>kerberos-gssapi]] 
 +      * GSS key exchange algorithms are no longer supported. 
 +      * Session option //Service principal name// is no longer supported. 
 +    * Bug fix: WinSCP tried password authentication with SSH-1 even if the server says not to. [[pbug>ssh1-no-password]] 
 +    * Bug fix: In CBC modes, decrypting the packet length could leak information. [[pbug>ssh2-cbc-pktlen-weakness]] 
 +  * When checking for updates, beta versions are by default not reported. 
 +  * Any file mask can include exclude masks (separated by pipe). [[bug>328]] 
 +  * Position of internal editor window is remembered. [[bug>317]] 
 +  * It is possible to synchronize remote files with name that is not allowed on Windows. [[bug>31]] 
 +  * Console window of ''.exe'' can be minimized to taskbar status area. [[bug>243]] 
 +  * For external editors, WinSCP no longer waits for editor process to be closed by default. It keeps edited remote file in temporary directory until WinSCP closes instead. Previous behavior can be forced using editor preference option //External editor opens each file in separate window (process)//. [[bug>334]] 
 +  * In editor preferences list, editing certain files with an associated application can be configured. [[bug>283]] 
 +  * It is possible to edit files in ad hoc selected editor. [[bug>291]] 
 +  * Using of switch ''-a'' with FTP ''LIST'' command is configurable. [[bug>275]] 
 +  * For messages without associated help page, WinSCP can initiate search of whole documentation site. 
 +  * File mask hint shows file size mask syntax. 
 +  * Number of not shown hidden files is indicated on status bar. 
 +  * Expanding/collapsing capability of create directory dialog removed. 
 +  * Bug fix: File externally hidden was not removed from file panel. 
 +  * Improvements and fixes back-propagated to [[#4.1.9|4.1.9]] hotfix release. 
 +===== [[4.1.9]] 4.1.9 (hotfix) ((2009-04-23)) =====  
 +  * Back-propagates some improvements and fixes from [[#4.2|4.2 beta]] release: 
 +    * Workaround for problem with Tectia SFTP server corrupting remote file if resumed transfer fails again. [[bug>351]] 
 +    * Errors while keeping session alive with FTP protocol are ignored. 
 +    * Bug fix: When synchronizing timestamps of local files, update of non-existing local files was offered. [[bug>346]] 
 +    * Bug fix: When name of destination remote file was changed on overwrite confirmation dialog, timestamps and permissions were yet set on the original filename (SFTP only). 
 +    * Bug fix: Change of name of destination remote file on overwrite confirmation dialog was not reflected properly for resumable file transfers (SFTP only). 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure during dummy listing of remote directory with FTP as form of keepalive, while error message of failed regular directory listing was shown. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure after closing internal editor. [[bug>349]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Infinite loop when FTP directory listing with ''-a'' switch fails. [[bug>352]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Paste in an internal editor could not be undone. [[bug>354]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Script switch ''-preservetime'' did not work. [[bug>361]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Repetitive prompts for adding bookmark when switching between "bookmark" and "location profile" mode. 
 +    * Bug fix: Suspending background transfer was not working with FTP. [[bug>341]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Occasional failure when showing main window. [[bug>369]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Status bar on log file window always indicated no log file. [[bug>370]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Just leaved directory was not focused in file panel when paths as reported by remote server ended with slash. [[bug>371]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Opening session in PuTTY was not working for ad-hoc sessions. [[bug>372]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Incorrectly URL-encoded character in session specification may caused the session to be silently ignored. [[bug>373]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure of authentication was not shown on authentication dialog with FTP protocol. 
 +    * Bug fix: Directories with no transferred files were not created on upload with FTP. [[bug>137]] 
 +  * Back-propagates some improvements and fixes from upcoming 4.2.2 release: 
 +    * Improved logging of FTP protocol events and errors. 
 +    * Password for tunnel session is also remembered for background transfers. [[bug>400]] 
 +    * Timestamps of local and remote file are compared with respect to their precision when transferring updated files only. [[bug>409]] 
 +    * Bug fix: File selection was broken after sorting on Windows Vista. [[bug>383]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Main window stopped responding if directory listing with SFTP started with file with suspicious name. [[bug>384]] 
 +    * Bug fix: No overwrite confirmation when dropping local files to local panel of Commander interface. [[bug>387]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Local and remote panels were inconsistently sorted by extension. [[bug>389]] 
 +    * Bug fix: The //Update subdirectories// checkbox of Keep remote directory up to date did not apply to synchronization on start. [[bug>395]] 
 +    * Bug fix: When changing directory with FTP failed due to new remote path being different to requested one, respective error message missed to report a cause. [[bug>398]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Remembered password of main session was in some cases reused to authenticate tunnel session for background transfers. [[bug>400]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Blank lines of command output were not shown in console window. [[bug>402]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Button-like controls disappeared when accelerators were about to be shown on Windows Vista. [[bug>329]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Last modification date was not shown in local file panel with some rare system date/time formats. [[bug>406]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Transfer to temporary file was disabled when transferring file to/from editor. [[bug>407]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Overwrite confirmation prompt was showing timestamps not adjusted for DST with FTP. [[bug>412]] 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure while uploading file when timestamp of remote file was not retrieved with FTP protocol. [[bug>413]] 
 +    * Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when FTP connection was closed while waiting for reply to keepalive. [[bug>414]] 
 +    * Bug fix: FTP command scheduled for execution just before connection is closed was executed out of the order after reconnect. [[bug>415]]  
 +===== [[4.1.8]] 4.1.8 ((2008-12-01)) =====  
 +  * Expanding/collapsing capability of message boxes removed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Icon on Properties dialog is shrunk to fit, if shell icon size is too large. [[bug>323]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Dragging of item in editor list was not correctly stopped. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when moving current remote directory to different location (e.g. by dragging tree node). [[bug>330]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Duplicating session in new window was not working. [[bug>332]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Color of file panel border was not updated in some cases. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error during startup when initial local directory as reported by Windows starts with lowercase drive letter. [[bug>319]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Size of externally removed local files was not detracted from total file size shown on status bar. 
 +  * Bug fix: File statistics on status bar was not updated with automatic update of local file panel on external change. 
 +  * Bug fix: Controls on some dialogs (e.g. editor preferences dialog) were occasionally corrupted. [[bug>336]] 
 +===== [[4.1.7]] 4.1.7 ((2008-09-28)) =====  
 +  * Output from console interface tool is no longer buffered. [[bug>281]] 
 +  * System error message is shown when FTP connection is refused. 
 +  * Transfer mode and resume support status are no longer shown on progress window. 
 +  * Internal editor is opened faster. [[bug>312]] 
 +  * It is possible to reference session in folder from command line and script. [[bug>300]] 
 +  * Session name can contain special characters like ''[]/''. [[bug>305]] 
 +  * In scripting on session start local working directory is set to the one saved in stored session. [[bug>303]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrapping of long files were not applied to newly opened internal editors. [[bug>287]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Alias to directory listing command was not cleared (SCP only). [[bug>285]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when creating directory with SFTP. [[bug>307]] 
 +  * Bug fix: "List index out of bounds (-1)" error on startup with Explorer interface and //Show full path on address bar// option disabled. [[bug>294]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Transfer progress indication was not completed with FTP protocol. [[bug>278]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Paste in an internal editor lost final new line. [[bug>277]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Dialogs opened from Preferences dialog opened from internal editor are properly placed over them. [[bug>282]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dragging item in editor list. 
 +  * Bug fix: Internal editor status bar was not updated after reload. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP closed without warning even when internal editor with modified local file was opened. 
 +  * Bug fix: Changes to internal editor configuration were not applied to opened editors with local files. 
 +  * Bug fix: Random pieces of log were duplicated in log window. [[bug>310]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Log window was not updated while connecting. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some administrative restrictions were not being applied. [[bug>315]] 
 +===== [[4.1.6]] 4.1.6 ((2008-07-30)) =====  
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when skipping error during ''ls'' command in scripting. [[bug>269]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Unix-style paths on command-line were ignored. [[bug>267]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Permissions to uploaded directories were set even when //Set permissions// was off, what caused problems on servers not allowing setting permissions to directories (Serv-U). [[bug>268]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Misplaced sorting arrow was shown when file panel was sorted by hidden column. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remote files were incorrectly moved to recycle bin even when alternative resume or append was selected instead of overwrite. 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwritten remote files were not moved to recycle bin during resumable transfers. [[bug>272]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwritten remote files were not moved to recycle bin if overwrite confirmations were disabled. [[bug>272]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was pointlessly offered to alternatively resume transfer when local and remote files had a same size. 
 +  * Bug fix: Refreshing large remote directory tree took too long. [[bug>279]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Workaround for failure on startup. [[bug>140]] 
 +===== [[4.1.5]] 4.1.5 ((2008-07-12)) =====  
 +  * For internal directory listings with FTP protocol ''LIST'' is used unless ''LIST -a'' was already proven to work. [[bug>263]] 
 +  * Bug fix: ''..'' directory become visible eventually in Explorer interface. [[bug>259]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Open session in new window was not working for stored sessions in folders. [[bug>266]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to permanently select English language, when default system language was different (and that language for WinSCP was installed). 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to move files by drag&drop to other applications when using drag&drop shell extension. [[bug>261]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when starting console interface tool. [[bug>260]] 
 +===== [[4.1.4]] 4.1.4 beta ((2008-06-25)) =====  
 +  * More verbose error messages are shown when operation with local file fails. 
 +  * Improved detection of Vista for workaround for bug in it preventing selection of files with keyboard. [[bug>242]] 
 +  * Ignoring less than 2 seconds timestamp difference when synchronizing. [[bug>249]] 
 +  * Improvements to setup: [[bug>240]] 
 +    * Improved support for installation by non-privileged users. 
 +    * User preferences set in installer are used as defaults for all users, not only the one that has installed it. 
 +    * Option to add WinSCP path to search path is not offered if installer is not run by administrator. 
 +    * Bug fix: Installed WinSCP uses by default registry to store configuration for all users, not only the one that has installed it. 
 +  * When ''winscp.com'' is forcefully terminated, ''winscp.exe'' is not left running behind anymore. [[bug>246]]  
 +  * Most lists can be scrolled while item is dragged, particularly stored sessions list. [[bug>241]] 
 +  * Whitespace is no longer required after comment line in scripting. [[bug>252]] 
 +  * Workarounds for OpenSSH-specific bugs are applied with Sun SSH as well. [[bug>228]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Workaround for failure on startup on Windows Vista. [[bug>140]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Drag&drop with shell extension did not work if temporary path was set in short form. [[bug>254]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Automatic reconnect during transfer did not work occasionally. [[bug>72]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Local proxy was not working at all. [[bug>244]] 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when dummy protocol command was dispatched to keep session alive, while reconnecting. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when server stopped receiving data. 
 +  * Bug fix: Improved compatibility with MSVDM. Maximized main window no longer minimize into small window caption. [[bug>174]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''call'' tried to interpret command switches. [[bug>238]] 
 +===== [[4.1.3]] 4.1.3 beta ((2008-05-23)) =====  
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''synchronize'' ignored local directory parameter. [[bug>233]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing. [[bug>232]] 
 +===== [[4.1.2]] 4.1.2 beta ((2008-05-09)) =====  
 +  * Active session is kept alive while watching for changes in script. [[bug>211]] 
 +  * Improved local file panel refresh on change detection. [[bug>62]] 
 +  * Bug fix: "Abnormal program termination" error when closing. [[bug>226]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Application was stealing ports binded to by other applications when setting up SSH tunnel. [[bug>188]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Application hangs when change is detected while session is disconnected. [[bug>230]] 
 +===== [[4.1.1]] 4.1.1 beta ((2008-05-04)) =====  
 +  * Speed limit of background transfers can be set also from the main menu. 
 +  * Descriptive hints are shown also on status bar of internal editor. 
 +  * Error messages with no explicit help page are at least linked with [[messages|common error messages]]. 
 +  * Error code is reported from scripting also when file overwriting is denied. [[bug>210]] 
 +  * //FTP tab// of Login dialog is shown only with advanced options enabled. 
 +  * Change: Text files are not converted to canonical format with FTP protocol. [[bug>204]] 
 +  * When checking for updates, only one request is sent to the server. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when trying to download non-existing file in scripting with FTP. [[bug>212]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on attempt to keepalive while operation is in progress (FTP). [[bug>185]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure on tunnel connection termination. [[bug>187]] 
 +  * Bug fix: No help page was associated with Save session dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error while changing language. [[bug>217]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Authentication dialog displayed multiple prompts incorrectly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Error "List index out of bounds" while opening a main window. [[bug>178]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to drop files from other application on system with multi-byte character set. [[bug>181]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Authentication prompt for tunnel sessions was not marked properly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Key passphrase prompt was not being localized. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP failed to quit because of stalled check for updates. [[bug>198]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when moving files from remote directory with SCP. [[bug>206]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error on opening main window. [[bug>218]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when unsupported command is used for keepalive with FTP. [[bug>208]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Default log file path still used ''&s'' pattern instead of ''!s''. [[bug>224]] 
 +===== [[4.1]] 4.1 beta ((2008-03-20)) =====  
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.60]]. It brings following changes: 
 +    * Support for "local proxying", where a network connection is replaced by a local command. 
 +    * Various cryptographic improvements in SSH-2, including SDCTR cipher modes and a workaround for a weakness in CBC cipher modes. Support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange with SHA-256 was not included due to performance problems. 
 +    * Support for the Arcfour cipher in SSH-2. 
 +    * When Pageant is running and an SSH key is specified in the configuration, WinSCP will now only try Pageant authentication with that key. This gets round a problem where some servers would only allow a limited number of keys to be offered before disconnecting. 
 +    * Support for SSH-2 password expiry mechanisms, and various other improvements and bugfixes in authentication. 
 +    * A change to the SSH-2 password camouflage mechanism in 0.58 upset some Cisco servers, so we have reverted to the old method. 
 +    * If authentication challenge includes multiple prompts, all are displayed in one form. 
 +    * Random seed file is being stored to application data folder when possible. 
 +    * Bug fix: SSH-1 connections tended to crash, particularly when using port forwarding. 
 +    * Bug fix: SSH Tectia Server would reject SSH-2 tunnels from WinSCP due to a malformed request. 
 +    * Bug fix: SSH-2 login banner messages were being dropped silently under some circumstances. 
 +    * Bug fix: IPv6 should now work on Windows Vista.  
 +  * Stored sessions can be organized into folders. [[bug>34]] 
 +  * Switched to Quest PuTTY implementation of Kerberos/GSSAPI. It brings following changes: 
 +    * Preference of GSS key exchange algorithms can be configured on //Key exchange// tab of login dialog. 
 +    * Session option //Allow Kerberos 5 ticket forwarding in GSSAPI/SSPI// obsoleted (was probably useless anyway). 
 +    * Session option //Server realm// renamed to //Service principal name//. 
 +  * Added several switches to scripting commands to extend their capabilities with functionality available in GUI already: 
 +    * ''-mirror'' and ''-criteria'' [[bug>59]] for ''synchronize''; 
 +    * ''-delete'' for ''synchronize'' and ''keepuptodate'' (obsoletes option ''synchdelete''); 
 +    * ''-permissions'', ''-nopermissions'' and ''-speed'' [[bug>109]] for ''get'', ''put'', ''synchronize'' and ''keepuptodate''; 
 +    * ''-delete'', ''-preservetime'' and ''-nopreservetime'' for ''get'' and ''put''; 
 +    * ''-timeout'', ''-privatekey'' and ''-passive'' [[bug>132]] for ''open''. 
 +  * Added switch ''/hostkey'' to command-line and ''open'' script command to automatically accept host keys with given fingerprint. 
 +  * Environment variables can be used in scripting commands. The syntax is ''%NAME%''. [[bug>76]] 
 +  * Command //Duplicate// can transfer files in between different opened sessions (via local temporary copy). It can also be used to duplicate the file within the session, if the protocol does not allow direct duplication. [[bug>127]] 
 +  * In file panel, file sorting by date and size is by default descending. 
 +  * Speed limit can be actually set in KiB/s. 
 +  * Speed limit can be set for background transfers. [[bug>115]] 
 +  * Custom command to execute SFTP server binary may be specified. This allows using ''su'' to run SFTP server. [[bug>84]] 
 +  * Transfer settings were removed from transfer options dialog to simplify it. The settings can be changed by selecting transfer settings preset or by invoking custom transfer settings dialog (the same way as for synchronization). 
 +  * More than one host key for a host may be accepted. 
 +  * It is possible to cancel connection attempts of background transfer. 
 +  * Proxy settings to check for updates can be automatically detected from system and IE settings. 
 +  * Improved keepalive mechanism of FTP sessions by listing current directory in regular intervals. 
 +  * On upgrade, setup informs if there are installed translations that are not present in new release anymore. 
 +  * Setup removes obsolete translations from previous installations. 
 +  * When synchronized browsing is on and entered directory does not exist in an opposite directory, WinSCP offers to create it. 
 +  * Saving password to stored session must be explicitly requested using checkbox on save session dialog (replaces previous warning message box). [[bug>136]] 
 +  * Transfer options dialog can be suppressed. [[bug>44]] 
 +  * Change: Removed //One file only// editing mode. 
 +  * During resumable transfers, the destination file is not removed (if present) until the transfer actually finishes. 
 +  * When opening secondary shell session, startup actions like clearing of aliases, unsetting national variables and looking up user groups are not performed. 
 +  * For SCP protocol, listing command can be fully specified to overcome specifics of platform (this obsoletes former option //Alias LS to display group name//). [[bug>142]] 
 +  * New patterns for custom commands: ''!/'' expands to current remote path, ''!@'' expands to current session hostname. ''!u'' expands to username, ''!p'' expands to password. [[bug>48]] 
 +  * Escaping of special characters is reversed on upload. [[bug>32]] 
 +  * Custom FTP commands can be executed after login. [[bug>162]] 
 +  * Transfer and session toolbars automatically stretches to right window edge. 
 +  * Command line panel is toolbar (can be docked elsewhere). 
 +  * Address and command line drop-down boxes follow the toolbar style. 
 +  * On Explorer interface, path on address toolbar is editable. 
 +  * //KiB// is used instead of //KB// for kilobyte. 
 +  * Estimated time is shown instead of elapsed time in queue list. 
 +  * //Open in PuTTY// makes PuTTY use Telnet or SSH session for FTP sessions in WinSCP. 
 +  * Host key confirmation dialog has an option to copy the key into clipboard. 
 +  * //Server does not use UTF-8// changed to //UTF-8 encoding for filenames// and moved to //Environment// tab, as it is used also by FTP protocol. 
 +  * //Time zone offset// moved to //Environment// tab, as it is used also by FTP protocol. 
 +  * ''Shift-Del'' deletes to recycle bin, if deletion to recycle bin is disabled, and vice versa. 
 +  * Opening bookmarks and home directory do not trigger synchronized browsing anymore. 
 +  * Drive drop-down menu shows //My documents// when current local directory is below "My documents" folder. 
 +  * It is possible to optionally overwrite stored password with new one, if authentication with original stored password fails. 
 +  * When renaming a file within file panel, only filename (without an extension) is selected. 
 +  * When storing remote file to local temporary directory, full remote path is recreated locally to make identification of file easier (particularly in external editor). [[bug>4]] 
 +  * Several improvements to internal editor: 
 +    * Search direction can be specified. 
 +    * Support for multiple undoes and redo. 
 +    * Tab size can be defined. [[bug>12]] 
 +    * Improved toggling of word wrapping. 
 +  * //Print// command added to default custom command examples. [[bug>6]] 
 +  * When operation finishes while minimized, window is no longer restored. Instead taskbar balloon is shown. 
 +  * When saving session with password, option is given not to store the password. 
 +  * Changed default local tunnel port number range to "IANA Dynamic and/or Private Ports range". [[bug>173]] 
 +  * Change: Log file path patterns changed to match those of custom commands. 
 +  * WinSCP starts on the same monitor it was closed the last time. [[bug>135]] 
 +  * Notification balloon is not displayed after background upload of edited/opened file is finished. [[bug>143]] 
 +  * //Edit link// function is available in context menu of remote symbolic links. 
 +  * Size of directory change cache is limited. 
 +  * Error messages of background transfer are actually presented as errors. 
 +  * Initial size of Commander window is increased. 
 +  * Improved initial placing of Commander window. 
 +  * Improved ''call'' command description with respect to FTP protocol. 
 +  * ''ftp'' protocol added to command-line syntax help. 
 +  * Most options on //SCP// tab of login dialog are disabled, when SCP protocol is not selected, to avoid confusion (although they can actually be used when SCP fallback is administered). 
 +  * Cleaned icons for //Open in PuTTY// and //Log Window//. 
 +  * Default ping interval session option is not saved anymore. 
 +  * Patterns hint next to proxy telnet/local command on Proxy tab of login dialog. 
 +  * Change: Transfer option //Preserve read-only// is off by default. 
 +  * On download with LF to CR/LF EOL conversion, CR EOL's were needlessly removed. [[bug>67]] 
 +  * UTF-8 byte-order-mark is stripped on upload. [[bug>82]] 
 +  * Example for switching user on login added to //Shell// session option (''%%/bin/bash -c 'sudo su -'%%''). 
 +  * Better error reporting when contacting ''winscp.net'' to check for application updates fails. 
 +  * When script output is redirected to file, filename in transfer progress report is not truncated. [[bug>63]] 
 +  * Names of directories being compared during synchronization in scripting are echoed. [[bug>73]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to match file/directory in root with file mask. [[bug>170]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when dropping file to ''..'' link (particularly with FTP). [[bug>166]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect handling of certain errors while connecting. 
 +  * Bug fix: Ping interval of the first opened FTP session was preserved for all later sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: When traversing path components in input boxes, input cursor may have ended past the end of text. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to configure //Preserve timestamp// transfer settings for synchronization, although it is always enabled actually. 
 +  * Bug fix: Bottom-aligned components of login and preferences dialog may have been positioned (partially) off-screen. [[bug>33]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Main window was opened on primary monitor even if login dialog was moved to other monitor. [[bug>135]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Pressing ''Esc'' while renaming session on Login dialog, closed the dialog instead of cancelling the renaming. 
 +  * Bug fix: When remote file is dropped to place, where dropping is not possible, misleading error message was shown, when drag&drop shell extension was enabled. 
 +===== [[4.0.7]] 4.0.7 ((2008-03-03)) =====  
 +  * While downloading trailing space in filenames is replaced with ''%20'', as Windows does not allow them. [[bug>45]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional failure while closing console window. 
 +  * Bug fix: Empty directories were not created on upload with FTP. [[bug>137]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Choosing between opening session in current or new window using ''Shift'' key was not working properly. [[bug>155]] 
 +  * Bug fix: When cancelling moving of local file to remote directory with FTP protocol, local source file was removed. [[bug>35]] 
 +  * Bug fix: Overwrite confirmations could not be suppressed for FTP protocol. [[bug>153]] 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to import "WinSCP temporary session" back to WinSCP. [[bug>148]] 
 +===== [[4.0.6]] 4.0.6 ((2008-01-03)) =====   
 +  * U3 version launches by default PuTTY for U3 and saves settings to its registry key. 
 +  * Access denied errors upon implicit writing to an INI file are ignored (it is expected that user made the file read-only deliberately). 
 +  * Drag and drop on 64-bit systems is working (was actually implemented for testing purposes in 4.0.5 already). 
 +  * When parsing directory listing, "at" sign after permissions is silently ignored 
 +  * INI file is being saved only when there was a change made. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP has not allowed ending of Windows session (Log off, Shut down, etc.). 
 +  * Bug fix: The last line of authentication banner may have been incorrectly listed on authentication window. 
 +  * Bug fix: When prompt was displayed while reconnecting session with internal editor focused, it was not possible to focus the prompt input box. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP was ignoring external requests to resize its window (particularly //Cascade//, //Tide Horizontally// and //Tide Vertically// taskbar commands). 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when authentication prompt was displayed while "timeout" message was shown. 
 +  * Bug fix: With some servers, it was not possible to remove a directory because WinSCP made the directory current before deletion (FTP). 
 +  * Bug fix: INI file was uselessly being saved also when opened for reading only. 
 +  * Bug fix: Improved compatibility with MSVDM. Main window no longer minimize into small window caption. 
 +  * Bug fix: Quotes around string options saved to an INI files were duplicated. 
 +  * Bug fix: Reference to ''dragext.dll'' was not released once not used. 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory content cache was not reset after timestamp synchronization. 
 +  * Bug fix: When specifying session using ''%%ftp://%%'' URL, correct port 21 is used by default. 
 +  * Bug fix: When URL of translator was not specified, stray URL was used instead. 
 +===== [[4.0.5]] 4.0.5 ((2007-10-24)) =====  
 +  * With FTP protocol, errors when parsing file permissions in directory listing are ignored. 
 +  * Reading/writing INI files is faster. 
 +  * Hostkey of tunneled session is verified against target session of tunnel. 
 +  * When opening session in PuTTY, defaults for session options not set by WinSCP are loaded from //Default settings// of PuTTY. 
 +  * Increased maximal length of username. 
 +  * Full system error is reported when writing of local file fails. 
 +  * Sample custom command //Execute// changed to ''./!'' (from ''!''). 
 +  * When parsing directory listing, plus sign after permissions, separated by space, is silently ignored. 
 +  * When uploading to symbolic link with SFTP protocol, resuming is disabled to preserve the link. 
 +  * Bug fix: Automatic reconnect in scripting was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: When reading of local file failed, while uploading with SFTP protocol, file transfer was interrupted without reporting any error. 
 +  * Bug fix: When file transfer failed with FTP protocol, whole batch was interrupted, without an option to retry or skip the file transfer. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when parsing of directory listing failed with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Background color of directory tree icons has not reflected session color. 
 +  * Bug fix: Removed dependency on ''netapi32.dll'' (not present on Windows 95/98/ME). 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to upload file opened in another application with FTP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Missing GSSAPI was incorrectly reported, even when SSPI with GSSAPI support was present. 
 +  * Bug fix: Workaround for occasional bug when opening some dialogs. 
 +===== [[4.0.4]] 4.0.4 ((2007-09-02)) ===== 
 +  * Fallback to simple FTP ''LIST'' command, when ''LIST -a'' fails. 
 +  * Workaround for bug in Windows Vista preventing selection of files with keyboard. 
 +  * Offline network drives are not scanned on startup to prevent long delays before a main window is shown. 
 +  * Improved security when handling URL's (from web browser). 
 +  * Bug fix: When connection was broken during automatic transfers, program stalled for few seconds. 
 +  * Bug fix: Instability when the connection was dropped while keep remote directory up to date function was running. 
 +  * Bug fix: Malformed prompt for username in scripting. 
 +  * Bug fix: Second opened session with enabled SSH tunnel (with automatic selection of tunnel port) actually used the existing tunnel of the first session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Memory leak when SSH connection is refused. 
 +  * Bug fix: When username is not specified on login dialog, password typing is revealed on authentication dialog. 
 +===== [[4.0.3]] 4.0.3 ((2007-07-12)) ===== 
 +  * Mask ''*.php*'' in default text file mask is replaced with ''*.php'' and ''*.php3''. 
 +  * Subdirectories of current directory are not scanned for purpose of displaying in tree view when the tree view is hidden. 
 +  * Bug fix: Once any transfer is done while keep remote directory up to date is running, its dialog cannot be minimized anymore. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when automatically reconnecting the session from script with ''option batch continue''. 
 +===== [[4.0.2]] 4.0.2 beta ((2007-05-29)) ===== 
 +  * Bug fix: Popup menus invoked from buttons were not working. 
 +===== [[4.0.1]] 4.0.1 beta ((2007-05-28)) ===== 
 +  * FTP core upgraded to [[https://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla 2.2.32]]. The upgrade solves some vulnerabilities. 
 +  * When //Session// sheet is automatically selected on Login dialog (creation of new session, etc.), the //Host name// box is focused. 
 +  * Username of the main session is reused for background transfers. 
 +  * Different set of keepalive settings is used for FTP. FTP now has keepalives enabled by default. 
 +  * For convenience, file mask "*." matches files without an extension (even if the name does not include the dot at all). 
 +  * When window is minimized during transfer that is part of synchronization, it stays minimized till the end of synchronization. 
 +  * After failure to open session requested from command line, login window is not shown. 
 +  * Command //Open in PuTTY// uses tunnel for current session. 
 +  * Global configuration that can be set on login dialog (user interface style, logging) is saved when session it saved. 
 +  * ''Alt+F6'' now edits the link (if applicable). 
 +  * Bug fix: Checksum calculation with SFTP protocol was not working at all. 
 +  * Bug fix: For remote directories with names like "C:", the icons of local drives were used. 
 +  * Bug fix: Proxy setting were ignored when setting up SSH tunnel. 
 +  * Bug fix: Password for proxy was ignored with FTP. 
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP uploads occasionally hanged. 
 +  * Bug fix: Prompts (such as password prompts) for background transfers froze the main window. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to change path by //Browse// button (such as path to a log file). 
 +  * Bug fix: //Yes to All// on overwrite confirmation box was not working (FTP only). 
 +  * Bug fix: For automatic transfers (uploads from editor, synchronization), the transfer was incorrectly automatically "resumed" when source file was larger than destination one, leaving content of file corrupted (FTP only). The issue may also make uploads from editor impossible in case server does not support (text file) transfer resuming. 
 +  * Bug fix: Local files excluded from transfer (upload) were indefinitely locked by WinSCP. 
 +  * Bug fix: Script failed once it needed to ask for password (with SFTP and SCP only). 
 +  * Bug fix: //Open session in PUTTY// did not use stored password. 
 +  * Bug fix: When switching back to WinSCP internal editor from another application, the main WinSCP window was focused instead. 
 +  * Bug fix: When synchronization occurred while the //Keep remote directory up to date// dialog was minimized, it was not possible to restore it. 
 +===== [[4.0]] 4.0 beta ((2007-04-07)) ===== 
 +  * FTP support (based on [[https://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla project]]). 
 +  * WinSCP can itself setup SSH tunnel to allow indirect connections through proxy SSH host. 
 +  * WinSCP executable is now named ''WinSCP.exe'' instead of ''WinSCP3.exe''. The same change applies to default installation path and //Start// menu group (for upgrades, existing ''WinSCP3'' path is preserved). 
 +  * Added simple "typical installation" option to setup that requires no further interaction from the user (apart from interface selection for fresh installs). 
 +  * Optional minimization to taskbar notification area (system tray). 
 +  * When executed as portable (not installed) for the very first time, an INI file is used by default, if user has write permissions to directory, where WinSCP is executed from. 
 +  * Taskbar balloons optionally used for notifications when appropriate: 
 +    * When inactive session is disconnected. 
 +    * When background transfer queue is emptied (except for active session, when queue list is visible). 
 +    * When user interaction is required, while WinSCP is minimized. 
 +    * When new release is detected. 
 +  * File checksum can be calculated from Properties dialog (providing the server supports the functionality). 
 +  * SFTP uploads optimized. 
 +  * New option for handling of remote file timestamps: //Preserve remote timestamp//. 
 +  * New scripting option ''option batch continue''. When set, WinSCP ignores and skips all errors. 
 +  * New scripting option ''option echo'' to enable echoing of commands being executed. 
 +  * New command to execute the last ad hoc custom command. 
 +  * Tabs on Login dialog that have no usable option for current context (e.g. protocol) are hidden. 
 +  * "Host hasn’t answered for X seconds" message disappears itself once the response finally arrives also in scripting. 
 +  * File edited in an internal editor can be reloaded (refreshed). 
 +  * Support for SSPI authentication. 
 +  * Support for Kerberos ticket forwarding. 
 +  * Configuration can be exported to an INI file. 
 +  * New command //Duplicate session//. 
 +  * Mirror mode for synchronization, where files are updated on any timestamp difference (i.e. even newer files are updated). 
 +  * Custom commands history stores also the command options. 
 +  * Preview changes for synchronization is enabled by default. 
 +  * Quick preset buttons for Windows and Unix systems on //Environment// tab of Login dialog (visible when advanced options are turned off only). 
 +  * It is no longer required to specify username on Login dialog. User is prompted for username once required (and only if required). 
 +  * Information shown on status bar were reduced. 
 +  * Environment variables can be used in most configurable paths (like path to random seed file, log file, configuration INI file, PuTTY executable, folder for temporary files, private key file, etc.). The syntax is ''%NAME%''. Part of U3 support. 
 +  * Script aborts eventually after receiving no answer for prompt (like password prompt), when running in batch mode. 
 +  * Whole authentication prompt is shown, even if it spans multiple lines. 
 +  * When ''Shift'' key is held while //New session// or //Duplicate session// commands are selected, the session is opened in new instance (window) of WinSCP. 
 +  * Button //Load// on //Stored sessions tab// of Login dialog renamed to //Edit//. 
 +  * ''F1'' opens help for current tab on Login and Preferences dialogs. 
 +  * What's this button on dialog caption (''?'') opens help directly. 
 +  * Button //Help// replaced with //Close// on Login dialog. 
 +  * Single log file is used for all connections of one session (background transfer connections, secondary shell connection, tunnel connection). 
 +  * During silent uninstall, user is not prompted for cleanup of application data. 
 +  * Workaround for SSH servers based on cryptlib, which reports invalid files types in response to ''SSH_FXP_LSTAT'' request. 
 +  * Configuration of GSSAPI/SSPI authentication is exported to PuTTY sessions. 
 +  * When changing configuration storage, also caches (change directory cache, accepted SSH host keys, accepted banners) are transferred to the new storage. 
 +  * Context menu of permissions popup and input boxes has clipboard management commands. 
 +  * Menu item captions capitalized according to Windows standard. 
 +  * More internal error messages from PuTTY code are being localized. 
 +  * When saving the edited session under the same name, overwrite confirmation is not requested. 
 +  * Shell options of //SCP tab// of login dialog redesigned. 
 +  * Timestamps are saved in numerical format into an INI file for portability among systems with different date/time format. 
 +  * Status bar message about preset auto-selection can be clicked to reveal information about the preset. 
 +  * Preset information dialog has //Configure// button that opens preset preferences. 
 +  * Detection of OpenSSH sftp-server is more strict, not to apply on other SFTP servers running under OpenSSH. 
 +  * Pattern hint link for log file name added. 
 +  * For fatal errors (e.g. "lost connection"), original cause of the problem is kept as a top message, as opposite to regular errors, where contextual error message is on top. 
 +  * Buttons //Login// and //Save// on Login dialog swapped. 
 +  * When //Handles SSH-2 key re-exchange badly// bug is enabled, the //Key exchange// tab is hidden. 
 +  * Web page shortcuts in //Start// menu are now direct shortcuts instead of shortcuts to ''URL'' file. 
 +  * New button //What's new// on information box about updates. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when changing languages (particularly with "Data execution protection" enabled). 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure, when remote command had character ''%'' in its error output. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Close// button were default even, if path box on //Space available// tab of Server and protocol information dialog had focus. 
 +  * Bug fix: Remote home directory of session was set to current working directory, after switching sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: Local home directory were changing while switching sessions, even when changing of local panel state with sessions is disabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: INI file specified by filename-only using ''/ini'' parameter was not looked for in current working directory. 
 +  * Bug fix: Ad hoc command executed from file panel context menu was executed for selected files, despite the menu being opened for not-selected file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Infinite loop of error messages when connection was broken while timeout message was being shown. 
 +  * Bug fix: Trailing delimiter text were occasionally left in remote command output. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some authentication progress steps were not shown on authentication window for secondary shell sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: Inactive sessions were not kept alive. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect sizing of internal editor windows opened on non-primary monitor. 
 +  * Bug fix: Automatic retry after timeout was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Stored session may be lost when letter case was changed solely during rename.  
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to cancel text mode upload with SCP protocol. 
 +  * Bug fix: Change directory cache may become corrupted when using INI file for configuration. 
 +  * Bug fix: Drag&drop download was not working, if relative path was used for temporary folder. Part of U3 support. 
 +  * Bug fix: After startup, button on taskbar was not "pressed", even if WinSCP login dialog had focus. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when closing console window. 
 +  * Bug fix: When moving files from remote directory tree, the tree was not updated after operation, leaving icon for no-longer-existing directory. 
 +  * Bug fix: Octal display of file permissions was not filled if no permissions were set for a file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure to change attributes of local files was not reported sometime. 
 +===== 3.8.2 for U3 ((2006-10-23)) ===== 
 +  * U3 support. 
 +===== [[3.8.2]] 3.8.2 ((2006-06-19)) ===== 
 +  * Change to overcome URL handler vulnerability: When protocol (''%%sftp://%%'' or ''%%scp://%%'') is provided on command line (possible execution from web browser/Windows Explorer), all command-line parameters that cause any automatic action are ignored, including ''/defaults'', ''/log'', ''/script'' and ''/command''. 
 +  * Function //Copy path to clipboard// has keyboard shortcut ''Shift+Ctrl+P'' in Explorer interface. 
 +  * Address bar of Explorer interface has dedicated context menu, with option to //Copy path to clipboard//. 
 +  * Partial files (''.filepart'') are no longer considered for synchronization (SFTP-only). 
 +  * Permissions input box has the same context menu as permissions popup box. 
 +  * In scripting mode, the WinSCP can read commands from redirected standard input. 
 +  * UTF-8 encoded script files are supported (byte-order-mark is required). 
 +  * Bug fix: Sorting arrows on synchronization checklist were corrupted on Windows 2000 and older. 
 +  * Bug fix: Permissions popup box was occasionally dismissed, when its context menu was revealed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Menu item //Leave as is// of permissions box was visible, even if it made no sense in the context. 
 +  * Bug fix: When recursive setting of permissions was turned off on properties dialog, permissions may have possibly retained undefined state, although no longer allowed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Path labels were redrawn each time mouse was moved over them, causing unnecessary flickering. 
 +  * Bug fix: Some dialog labels were not disabled along with associated control. 
 +  * Bug fix: Log window was showing log file name with patterns, instead of actual current log file name. 
 +  * Bug fix: When patterns were used in log file name, the log file was recreated every time configuration has changed.  
 +===== [[3.8.1]] 3.8.1 ((2006-05-07)) ===== 
 +  * Notice is displayed for period of time on status bar on various events, including: 
 +    * Automatic selection of transfer setting preset. 
 +    * Turning on/off of synchronised browsing. 
 +    * New version release. 
 +  * Synchronization checklist can be sorted by any column. 
 +  * When downloading, up to date remote file modification time is used, instead of cached time shown in file panel. 
 +  * File masks can select files also by their size. 
 +  * Automatic refresh of remote directory after an operation can be disabled (also by keyboard shortcut ''Ctrl+Alt+R''). 
 +  * Stored session can be renamed. 
 +  * Synchronized browsing state is now part of session state. 
 +  * Options dialogs for uploads, downloads, synchronization and //Keep remote directory up to date// invoked from command-line can be skipped using ''/defaults'' switch. 
 +  * Transfer settings presets drop-down menu improved to show information about the preset being selected. 
 +  * Parameters ''/script'' and ''/command'' can be used without ''/console'' to run the script without creating a console window (works for ''.EXE'' only). 
 +  * Overwrite configuration message offers possibility to transfer file under different name (SFTP-only). 
 +  * Turning off the advanced options on Login dialog hides also some advanced controls on tabs that are otherwise visible. 
 +  * //Edit// is now a default action for double-click. 
 +  * When new version release is notified, the message indicates if it is beta version. 
 +  * Exclude file mask in example transfer setting preset //Exclude temporaries// expanded with ''*~; #*; .#*''. 
 +  * Error "EAccessViolation" is now replaced with more meaningful "Invalid access to memory" also in scripting. 
 +  * Mere change from //Exclude mask// to //Include mask// is not shown in transfer setting overview unless the mask itself is specified too. 
 +  * Main window no longer flashes when Preferences dialog is closed. 
 +  * Location profiles are renamed inline now. 
 +  * Confirmation of file recycling is configurable independently of file deleting. 
 +  * Reading of remote directory can be cancelled by ''Esc'' key. 
 +  * During authentication, usage of stored password is indicated. 
 +  * ''Shift+Up/Down'' selects files. 
 +  * Button //Cancel// is not disabled on message dialogs, when //Never ask me again// checkbox is checked. 
 +  * Command //Insert to Command Line// is no longer shown in file context menu on Explorer interface. 
 +  * Bug fix: Menus were always shown on primary monitor in multi-monitor environment. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP was not reflecting system-wide disabling of menu animations. 
 +  * Bug fix: Menus were not animated on Windows XP. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting thru proxy. 
 +  * Bug fix: Major CPU consumption during prompt for password/passphrase. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to edit remote files with name containing characters not allowed on Windows. 
 +  * Bug fix: Timestamp synchronisation was not working properly for remote directory synchronisation. 
 +  * Bug fix: Group control caption was truncated on some XP themes. 
 +  * Bug fix: Button //Browse// on download options dialog was not preserving trailing backslash and operation mask. 
 +  * Bug fix: Assertion in ''DirView.pas''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect decoding of SFTP extension ''version''. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command ''open'' in scripting failed if password was specified in its parameter. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when last access time of file being uploaded could not be retrieved (typical for uploads from CD). 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect validation of file masks separated by comma. 
 +  * Bug fix: Before updates information is shown, query is sent to the server, if cached information were retrieved by another version of WinSCP. 
 +  * Bug fix: Transfer option //New and updated file(s) only// was not being saved. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command line switches ''/synchronize'' and ''/keepuptodate'' were not documented in syntax overview shown by ''/help'' switch. 
 +  * Bug fix: When //Never ask me again// was checked on query for synchronization before starting //Keep remote directory up to date//, the synchronization was not performed. 
 +===== 3.8 beta ((2005-12-20)) ===== 
 +  * Synchronization enhanced:  
 +    * When option //Preview changes// is turned on, checklist of synchronization actions is displayed, giving user option to review and confirm them all at once. 
 +    * Option //Preview changes// works for timestamp synchronization too. 
 +    * When list of directories watched by function //Keep Remote Directory Up To Date// is changed, new count is shown on log view. 
 +    * Synchronization delay for function //Keep Remote Directory Up To Date// is configurable (only directly in configuration files). [[bug>735]] 
 +    * Bug fix: When list of directories watched by function //Keep Remote Directory Up To Date// was changed, some of the subdirectories stopped being watched. 
 +    * Bug fix: Option //Same size only// for timestamp synchronization was not working. 
 +    * Bug fix: Newly added subdirectories were not watched for changes, when keeping remote directory up to date from script. 
 +  * The connection can be automatically re-established when lost during file transfer (SFTP-only). 
 +  * When the main session is reconnected the background transfer queue is now preserved. 
 +  * The Server/Protocol Information dialog remade. It now also shows space available for current directory. 
 +  * Color can be associated with session. It is used as background color for file panels. 
 +  * Authentication window introduced. It combines progress display with authentication prompts. 
 +  * Initial permissions can be set when creating new remote directory. 
 +  * File panel can be sorted by extension by clicking on dedicated part of //Name/Ext// column title. 
 +  * Permission errors when setting attributes (permissions and timestamp) of remote file can be suppressed using new transfer option //Ignore permissions errors// (SFTP-only). 
 +  * Commands //Edit New File// and //Create Directory// moved to //New > File// and //New > Directory//. Command //Add/Edit Link// split into //Edit Link// and //New > Link//. Submenu //New// is also accessible from panel's context menu. 
 +  * New panel option for Commander interface: //Full row select// (turned on by default). Can be turned off to make panel's context menu more accessible. 
 +  * New toolbar with custom commands. 
 +  * New toolbar for Commander interface with buttons //Upload// and //Download//, useful when you want to transfer file without having the source panel active. 
 +  * New command (switch) for queue //Disconnect Once Empty// closes the session, if it's idle, when the last scheduled background transfer is finished. 
 +  * System administrators can enforce display of authentication banners. 
 +  * System administrators can restrict connection to servers without having their host keys accepted in advance. 
 +  * Context menu of console output display includes command to resize the console window to fit the command output. 
 +  * If the SFTP server does not provide file permissions/owner/group in directory listing, WinSCP requests them explicitly before showing Properties dialog. 
 +  * Pressing button //OK// on fatal error message box for the initial session re-opens the Login dialog. 
 +  * Only the last ''@'' in connection string is considered as username/hostname separator, making it possible to easier type username and/or password containing ''@'' from command-line. 
 +  * "Edit" commands now open all selected files, not only focused one, if editing of multiple files is allowed. 
 +  * Edited remote file can be uploaded, even if the session was reconnected meanwhile. 
 +  * Transfer setting dialog has option //Do not show this dialog box again//, when transfer is invoked using drag&drop to disable future drag&drop transfer confirmation. 
 +  * Optional "Office 2003" theme and few minor changes to toolbars. 
 +  * Size of the console window is preserved. 
 +  * When changing file properties, ''chgrp'' and ''chown'' are called before ''chmod'', because they change file permissions (SCP-only). 
 +  * If the session is closed due to option //Disconnect when operation finishes//, associated background transfers are terminated immediately, not only after the user acknowledges the closure. 
 +  * It is now possible to edit two files with the same path/name located on different servers. 
 +  * Logging to file can be enabled using new ''/log'' command-line option. 
 +  * Log file name can contain following patterns: ''&Y'' (year), ''&M'' (month), ''&D'' (day), ''&T'' (time), ''&H'' (hostname), ''&S'' (session name). 
 +  * Improved cleaning of directory change cache on symbolic link deletion. 
 +  * SFTP extension "versions", specifying list of supported protocol versions, is decoded and logged. 
 +  * SFTP extension "supported" is ignored, when extension "supported2" is also sent by the server. 
 +  * Custom transfer settings dialog disables settings unusable in current context (synchronization mode, server capabilities, etc.). 
 +  * Transfer setting preset info tip does not show settings unusable in current context (server capabilities, etc.). 
 +  * Setup does not overwrite update period, if updates were already enabled. 
 +  * Transfer setting options "Permissions" and "Preserve read-only" are disabled when the server does not support permissions. 
 +  * On Windows XP, native column sorting icons are used. 
 +  * License of PuTTY updated. 
 +  * Command //Copy URL to Clipboard// now URL-encodes some characters (space particularly). 
 +  * WinSCP can handle URL with URL-encoded characters in session name. 
 +  * URL handler registered by WinSCP now encloses the URL into quotes to allow handling of URL's with space. 
 +  * WinSCP can load plain text password from configuration (new attribute ''PasswordPlain''). If possible, it automatically converts the password to encrypted form. 
 +  * File mask ''*.*'' is treated exceptionally, matching all files, even those without dot. 
 +  * Internal editor window is activated before associated message box pops up (e.g. save confirmation). 
 +  * //Preferences// command added to context menu of internal editor. 
 +  * Navigation tree on login and preferences dialogs widened to allow longer translations. 
 +  * When sorting files in file panel, filename is always secondary criteria. 
 +  * INI file name on Properties dialog changes with name of executable. 
 +  * Option ''/script='' without value is ignored. 
 +  * //Server response timeout// can be set up to 6000 seconds. 
 +  * Popup hints close on mouse click. 
 +  * Bug fix: Fixed resolving symbolic links in sub-directories. 
 +  * Bug fix: After directory refresh, WinSCP sometime incorrectly behaved as if the user were dragging the selected file. 
 +  * Bug fix: SCP fallback for SSH-1 was not working. 
 +  * Bug fix: Uploads of files into previously non-existing directory could not be resumed (SFTP-only). 
 +  * Bug fix: Selection could not be restored after changing file properties. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP hung on start-up occasionally (for example when the main window was closed maximised on different screen resolution the last time). 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when changing file properties on SFTP server supporting UTF-8. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrectly formatted message "Unknown principal". 
 +  * Bug fix: Hint on status bar for transfer setting preset selector incorrectly showed preset configuration. 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom transfer settings dialog invoked from context menu on synchronization dialog did incorrectly allowed changing all settings, even when time-stamp-only synchronization was selected. 
 +  * Bug fix: When the SFTP server does not support permissions, random permissions were used for the files. 
 +  * Bug fix: Crash when re-key occurred on idle background session and the host key was not cached. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when downloading file from different directory than the current one (SCP only). 
 +  * Bug fix: Username was stored incorrectly when exporting session to PuTTY. 
 +  * Bug fix: On the first start-up on fresh installation, default editor settings were not preset. 
 +  * Bug fix: When output of the console was redirected to file, list of transferred files contained only the last file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Editors list was lost when changing configuration storage. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Mouse only// option of //Explorer style selection// was not preserved. 
 +  * Bug fix: When password storing is restricted, warning that the password is being stored is no longer shown. 
 +===== [[3.7.6]] 3.7.6 ((2005-08-15)) ===== 
 +  * Editing files enhanced: 
 +    * There can be several external editors configured. 
 +    * Appropriate editor for particular file can be selected automatically by file mask (i.e. file extension, directory, etc.). 
 +    * Command //File(s) > Edit (alternative)// replaced with sub menu listing all available editors. 
 +    * Command //File(s) > Edit new// has now keyboard shortcut originally used by //File(s) > Edit (alternative)//. 
 +    * File can be optionally opened in editor as response to double-click. 
 +    * Change to internal editor configuration is immediately applied to all already opened editor windows. 
 +    * Search options are shared among opened internal editors. 
 +    * Search dialogs have context help. 
 +    * Bug fix: Application could not be closed as long as any internal editor was opened. 
 +    * Bug fix: "Total replacements" message sometime incorrectly appeared, even when //Replace All// was not used. 
 +    * Bug fix: Find results sometime appeared over the main window instead of over the editor window. 
 +    * Bug fix: Search dialogs were sometime incorrectly placed. 
 +  * Authentication banner, if any, is shown during authentication. 
 +  * New functions for queue management: //Suspend//, //Resume//, //Suspend All// and //Resume All//. 
 +  * Unix-style approach to Daylight saving time (client does adjustment) is made default. This can affect interpretation of timestamps of your files. Use function //[[task_synchronize_full|Synchronize]]// with option //[[ui_synchronize#options|Synchronize timestamps only, not files]]// to resolve it. 
 +  * Button //Calculate// on Properties dialog calculates also total number of files/directories/symlinks. The button newly also does not show up, when all selected directories are actually symlinks. 
 +  * Several changes to synchronization: 
 +    * Added new option //Selected files only// for functions //Synchronize// and //Keep Remote Directory Up To Date//. It limits the synchronization to files selected in either panel only. 
 +    * Removed option //No confirmations// for functions //Synchronize// and //Keep Remote Directory Up To Date//. Confirmations are now disabled always. 
 +    * Directory number limit for function //Keep remote directory up to date// can be overruled. 
 +    * Event log is shown for function //Keep remote directory up to date//. 
 +    * When synchronizing timestamps, only same-sized files can be affected optionally. 
 +    * For //Synchronize timestamps only, not files// mode the only item of transfer settings that can be set (and that is displayed) is exclusion/inclusion mask. 
 +    * //Keep remote directory up to date// can be interrupted by ''Esc''. 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when synchronization before //Keep remote directory up to date// was interrupted. 
 +    * Bug fix: When time-stamp synchronization was configured as default synchronization action, it was incorrectly inherited by //Keep remote directory up to date//. 
 +  * Several changes to scripting: 
 +    * New scripting option ''option batch abort''. When set, WinSCP will abort the script as soon as any of the commands fail. Values ''on'' and ''off'' are still available with unchanged behavior. 
 +    * New scripting options ''include'' and ''exclude'' to set include/exclude masks. Only one of the two can be set at a time. 
 +    * ''Ctrl+C'' during script file processing breaks whole script, not only current command. 
 +    * During synchronization names of directories where change happened are displayed only. 
 +    * Bug fix: Script file loading errors were displayed in message box instead of console. 
 +    * Bug fix: Scripting have not inherited configured synchronization settings. 
 +    * Bug fix: Incorrect parameter syntax in help for scripting command ''open''. Thanks to Gottfried Haider. 
 +    * Bug fix: Second consecutive ''put'' command from script file overwrites output of previous one. 
 +  * When overwriting of remote file fails, WinSCP can try to delete file and create new one (SFTP only). 
 +  * New custom command option //Copy results to clipboard//. 
 +  * Workaround for OpenSSH limit of 256 KiB for size of SFTP packet. Consequence was occasional interruption of transfer with error "Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 11." 
 +  * All new sessions can be automatically opened also in PuTTY. 
 +  * The Office XP-like look can be turned off from //Interface tab// of Preferences dialog. 
 +  * WinSCP remembers what location profile folders were opened. 
 +  * New //Type// column for remote panel (hidden by default). 
 +  * Default private key can be specified using ''/privatekey'' option. 
 +  * User is notified when selected private key file does not contain private key in supported format or when the private key is for different SSH version than preferred one. 
 +  * New file selection command //Restore Selection// which restores file selection before last file operation. 
 +  * Characters not allowed in Windows file names are now replaced by ''%XX'' (where ''XX'' is hexadecimal representation of character ASCII code), instead of underscore (''_''). 
 +  * Increased chance that files information on overwrite confirmation message are properly aligned (English version only). 
 +  * New optional file selection mode in Commander interface, where mouse behaves as in Windows Explorer and keyboard behaves as in Norton Commander. 
 +  * Files dropped on newly created desktop icons, associated with particular stored session, are uploaded. 
 +  * File mask ending with slash matches directories only. This is particularly useful for include mask to match any directories using mask ''*/''. 
 +  * When appending (including alternative resume), the target file is not deleted, when transfer is canceled by user. 
 +  * Custom command parameters are escaped for remote commands. For ''!?prompt[\]?default!'' pattern, escaping can be avoided using optional slash (''\''). 
 +  * Added hint links to several dialogs. They open popup hint describing syntax of masks and custom command patterns. 
 +  * About dialog redesigned. URL links can receive focus, to allow opening the URL using keyboard. Additional URL link can be associated with translation. 
 +  * Confirmation of overwriting read-only files can be suppressed the same way as overwrite confirmation, i.e. by disabling confirmation for synchronization, background transfers or in script. 
 +  * When saving location profile, existing profile can be overwritten (names of existing profiles are provided for selection in drop-down menu), giving limited ability to edit profiles. 
 +  * When one of the directories of location profile does not exist anymore, the latter is opened, before error shows up. 
 +  * Added new error messages as defined by SFTP-6. 
 +  * Maximal size of read block as requested by SFTP server using ''supported2'' extension is respected. 
 +  * New option to lock placement of toolbars. 
 +  * Added ''/command'' option to usage screen (''/help''). 
 +  * //Cache directory changes// checkbox is disabled when //Cache visited remote directories// is unchecked and SCP-only mode is selected. 
 +  * Empty proxy password is not "saved" to reduce session data size. 
 +  * When reloading directory content, file panel tries to preserve its position. 
 +  * When checking //Never ask me again// checkbox, all answer buttons are disabled except for the positive one, to avoid confusion. 
 +  * More informative error message when setting permissions of uploaded directory fails. 
 +  * File masks can be separated also by comma (in addition to semicolon). 
 +  * Dialog for entering deselection mask has //Deselect// title now. 
 +  * It is now possible to specify both password and private key on Login dialog (server may require double authentication). 
 +  * Confirmation is required before stored session is deleted. 
 +  * Too long authentication prompts can be revealed also using keyboard. 
 +  * Queue command //Delete// renamed to //Cancel// to avoid confusion with delete file command. 
 +  * Usage of ellipsis (...) and capital letters in menus revised. 
 +  * Splitters have hints describing their specific functionality. 
 +  * Double-clicking some of the splitters hide component they resize. 
 +  * Commands toolbar has initially vertical layout when undocked. 
 +  * When reading of local file during upload fails, more descriptive error message is shown and //Skip// button is not offered (SCP only). 
 +  * When automatic popup of background transfer prompts is disabled, taskbar button at least flashes when WinSCP is on background. 
 +  * Obsolete temporary directories are no longer checked, when WinSCP is run for service task (such as registration for URL handling). 
 +  * Bug fix: When using MS Virtual Desktop Manager, the main window of WinSCP was enlarged, when its virtual desktop was activated. Other associated issues are pending. 
 +  * Bug fix: Stored session name was not recognized in URL's containing path suffix. 
 +  * Bug fix: When remote file was opened (not edited) in an external application that opens multiple files in window (process), WinSCP incorrectly suggested to enable support for this kind of //editors//. Now it suggests to configure the application as an external editor. 
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong default action was highlighted in remote file context menu when resolving of symbolic links is turned off or impossible. 
 +  * Bug fix: When directory was removed its cache was not, making it possible to enter no longer existing directory by typing its path manually. 
 +  * Bug fix: SCP fallback was not working in 3.7.5. 
 +  * Bug fix: Include mask was not saved in configuration. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command //Open in PuTTY// was not working when current session was not opened from stored session. 
 +  * Bug fix: When there were too frequent changes to current local directory the panel content was never refreshed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when directory was reloaded while file was being renamed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Layout of some toolbars was not restored when using INI file as configuration storage. 
 +  * Bug fix: Occasional failure when opening Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom transfer settings dialog had some controls incorrectly disabled when invoked from Keep remote directory up to date dialog by double-clicking the transfer settings panel. 
 +  * Bug fix: Custom transfer settings dialog had incorrect help context. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect files were selected when using ''Shift-click'' after reloading directory after using ''Left'' or ''Right'' keys to select first or last file. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect help context for message informing about autoselection of transfer settings preset. 
 +  * Bug fix: Incorrect behavior after two consecutive clicks on //Execute// command of queue. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was possible to enter invalid mask to transfer setting preset autoselection rule. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Help// button on console window was incorrectly anchored. 
 +===== 3.7.5 beta ((2005-05-07)) ===== 
 +  * Transfer settings presets: 
 +    * In addition to default transfer settings, any number of presets can be configured on //Presets tab// of Preferences Dialog. 
 +    * User can make any preset default on //Transfer Settings// toolbar. 
 +    * The preset can be also made default automatically based on current hostname, username, remote and local directory. 
 +    * User can load settings from any preset on Upload, Download, Synchronize and Keep Remote Directory Up to Date dialogs. 
 +  * Transfers settings can be configured on Synchronize and Keep Remote Directory Up to Date dialogs. 
 +  * New Office XP-like look and functionality of menus and toolbars: 
 +    * Nicer design. 
 +    * Toolbars can be docked virtually anywhere. They can be even left floating. 
 +    * When the whole toolbar does not fit on a window, dropped off buttons can be still shown using drop-down menu. 
 +    * Support for large fonts. 
 +    * Limitations to be resolved yet:  
 +      * Session drop-down menu cannot be resized anymore. 
 +    * All that thanks to [[&url(tb2k)|Toolbar2000]] library by Jordan Russell and [[&url(tbx)|TBX]] library by Alex A. Denisov. 
 +  * Check for updates improved: 
 +    * Automatic check in regular interval can be enabled. See //Updates tab// on Preferences dialog. 
 +    * New toolbar //Updates// with icon indicating the new version. 
 +    * In addition to information about the new version, WinSCP can show message from the server (even when new version is not available yet). 
 +    * The check can pass thru HTTP proxy server. 
 +    * To allow new features, WinSCP sends to the server its current version and UI language. 
 +  * Several changes to custom commands: 
 +    * Custom commands that does not work with files selected in file panels (no ''!'', ''!&'', ''!^!'' patterns) are now officially supported. Such commands can be executed anytime, even if no file is selected. Also they are executed only once, despite several files being selected. Options //Apply to directories// and //Execute recursively// cannot be configured for them. Command //Disk Space Usage// added as an example (''df''). 
 +    * Possibility to run ad hoc custom command (//File(s) > Custom Commands > Enter//). 
 +    * Custom command that works with local files can be run from the main menu even when local panel is active (Commander interface only). 
 +    * History for custom command parameters. 
 +    * Output to //stderr// and exit code 1 are not considered as error for custom commands. 
 +    * Example custom command //File compare// is not shown on Windows 95/98 saving necessity to tag it as //NT/2k/XP only//. 
 +  * Context sensitive help improved: 
 +    * Button //Help// added to all dialogs. 
 +    * Virtually all main menu items have context-sensitive help (''F1''). 
 +    * Many message boxes have context-sensitive help. 
 +    * Context help points to specific tab help for Preferences dialog. 
 +  * Preferred SFTP protocol version can be set. Particularly useful to workaround bugs in implementation of particular SFTP version (both in WinSCP and the server). 
 +  * Functionality of SFTP server bug //Does not use UTF-8 for SFTP4 and newer// workaround extended. It is now titled //Server does not use UTF-8//. By setting it to //Off//, usage of UTF-8 can be forced even for SFTP3 and older (useful for servers using MBCS natively). Thanks to [[https://blog.teatime.com.tw/|Tommy Wu]]. 
 +  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// can handle subdirectory addition and removal. 
 +  * Function //Synchronize// can optionally synchronize timestamps of existing files only, instead of actual files (SFTP only). 
 +  * New ''/command'' command-line option to pass command to scripting. 
 +  * File size can be optionally used as comparison criterion for synchronization. 
 +  * Files can be excluded from transfer negatively using //Include mask//. 
 +  * All links now point to ''winscp.net''. 
 +  * Several changes in setup: 
 +    * Link "Using public keys for SSH authentication" is no longer created. 
 +    * Link "Documentation" is added to Start menu. 
 +    * Setup allows user to install WinSCP without accepting the GPL license. 
 +    * Some Start menu icons have comment (displayed as hint). 
 +  * Direction of synchronization can be saved to preferences.  
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.58]]. It brings following changes: 
 +    * Bug fix: Failure when connecting through SOCKS proxy. 
 +  * SFTP moved before SCP in Login dialog navigation tree as well as in protocol selection box to emphasise current state of art. 
 +  * SFTP server bug //Misinterprets file timestamps prior to 1970// workaround introduced in 3.7.4 can be now configured from //SFTP tab// of Login dialog. 
 +  * Added workaround for some versions of F-SECURE SSH server that incorrectly use attribute ''SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID'' with SFTP4. 
 +  * Transfer queue list distinguishes process of "transfer size calculation". 
 +  * Confirmation messages unified to always show //Cancel// button. Previously some contained //Abort// instead. 
 +  * Improved error reporting for //Keep remote directory up to date// function. 
 +  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// can perform full synchronization on start. By default user confirmation is required. 
 +  * Confirmation of transfer resume can be suppressed the same way as overwrite confirmation, i.e. by disabling confirmation for synchronization, background transfers or in script. 
 +  * Function //Open in PuTTY// is available on //Commands// toolbar. 
 +  * Error messages have button //Skip All// to skip all futher errors during batch operation. 
 +  * Single notation consistently used to refer to SSH protocol versions. 
 +  * Proxy password is stored encrypted, while maintaining compatibility with older versions and PuTTY. 
 +  * Some error messages that were previously tagged as //Confirmation// are now properly tagged as //Error//. 
 +  * During upload, when overwriting remote file fails and user selects //Retry//, overwrite confirmation is not requested again. 
 +  * //Editor// tab of Preferences dialog redesigned. 
 +  * Fixed potential security issue in console interface tool ''WinSCP3.com'' (thanks to Paul Ward). 
 +  * Fixed potential security issues when decoding SFTP packets. 
 +  * Confirmations during background transfers can be suppressed from //Background tab// of Preferences dialog too. 
 +  * Both compare directory criterions (//Compare by time// and //Compare by size//) can be unselected making WinSCP select only files not existing in the opposite directory. 
 +  * Functions //Synchronize// and //Keep remote directory up to date// do not delete files by default. This affects fresh installation only! 
 +  * Server host key fingerprint verification box reformatted. It also shows key type now. 
 +  * When synchronizing and comparing directories, the time difference of one second is ignored (for compatibility with FAT file systems). It is also ignored when transferring newer files only. 
 +  * New scripting command ''call'' to run arbitrary remote shell command. If the current session does not support this (SFTP), separate shell session is automatically opened. Alias for the command is ''!''. 
 +  * File masks can be directory specific, where meaningful (text file mask, exclusion masks). For example mask ''*/public_html/*.php'' matches only PHP files in directory ''public_html''. It does not matter what slashes are used, the mask always matches both remote and local directories. 
 +  * Lines beginning with '';'' or ''#'' are ignored in script files (can be used for comments). 
 +  * When connected to Vandyke VShell server for Windows, the remote directory tree shows list of drives on the server (implemented support for SFTP extension ''fs-roots@vandyke.com''). 
 +  * Window title and application taskbar button can show name of current directory (default) or current full path. 
 +  * //Session toolbar// is initially hidden. Shows once you open at least two sessions simultaneously. 
 +  * When authentication using stored password fails while running script, WinSCP does not ask user for another password. 
 +  * Back/forward menu is preserved when switching sessions. 
 +  * Reverted 3.7.2 change "File panel reflects change of system icon font in run time". It caused file panel fonts to be extremely large on some systems. 
 +  * When the same file is downloaded to editor again and support for editors that open multiple files in one process is enabled, the file is downloaded to the same temporary directory as before. This allows editor to reload the updated file (if supported by the editor). 
 +  * Optional remote file panel column //Link target// showing target of symbolic links. 
 +  * Context menu for "name" column header of file panel has item //By extension// to sort the column by file extension. 
 +  * Logging level can be configured from GUI (on //Logging tab// of Login and Preferences dialog). 
 +  * When changing permissions of one directory, the checkboxes cannot be toggled to "undefined" state unless //Recursive// options is checked. 
 +  * Progress dialog shows //Time left// instead of previous //Time estimated//. 
 +  * Checkboxes on permissions box toggle in order: unchecked, checked, grayed. 
 +  * Existing target file is removed before resumable transfer to verify that user has sufficient permissions as soon as possible (SFTP-only). 
 +  * When downloading to or uploading from the temporary directory (e.g. when editing files), user is not bothered with full path. 
 +  * When uploading from editor using background transfer, the confirmations are always suppressed despite settings of background transfers. 
 +  * Fallback to pre-3.7.2 method of detecting existence of remote directory, in case the server does not support ''SSH_FXP_LSTAT'' request (FTPshell Server).  
 +  * WinSCP is no longer sending SFTP extensions ''winscp@winscp.sourceforge.net'' and ''software@generic-extensions''. Instead ''vendor-id'' is used as proposed by SFTP version 6. 
 +  * Smarter queue visibility toggling. 
 +  * Link to logging configuration from log window toolbar. 
 +  * Internal editor window never falls off the desktop work area. The same is true for default (fresh installation) position of main window. 
 +  * Session name cannot contain some special characters. Especially slash ''/'', that caused problems when parsing URLs. 
 +  * New //No to all// button on confirmation message, where user can select between appending source file and alternate method for transfer resuming. It makes WinSCP resume transfer whenever it finds smaller file in target directory with the same name. 
 +  * New //No to all// button on confirmation message for alternative method of transfer resume. 
 +  * Bug fix: Command //File(s) > Move to// was not disabled for SFTP version 1 and older. 
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to change local drive using drop-down menu, when the last used path on the drive was removed. 
 +  * Bug fix: Functions //Synchronize// and //Keep remote directory up to date// have ignored file for one minute after the target file was changed just at whole minute (0 seconds). 
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when browsing using back/forward buttons on some mouses and there is no path to browse back/forward. 
 +  * Bug fix: Random seed file was not saved at all in most cases. 
 +  * Bug fix: Misleading error message was shown when file in subdirectory was excluded by filemask (SCP-only). 
 +  * Bug fix: When uploading file from editor, //Exclude mask// was not ignored, what prevented editing some files. 
 +  * Bug fix: Check for suspicious files containing ''/'' or ''\'' have not considered Unicode filenames (SFTP-only). 
 +  * Bug fix: ''Shift+Ctrl+Left/Right'' in path input boxes was not selecting text. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP failed when keepalive occurred during initialisation of separate shell session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Timestamp was incorrectly shown in terminal window. 
 +  * Bug fix: ''cd'' command in terminal window on separate shell session have not changed path in main SFTP session. 
 +  * Bug fix: Function //Keep remote directory up to date// has watched even directories excluded from transfers. 
 +  * Bug fix: Excluding remote files containing colon ('':'') from transfer have not worked correctly. 
 +  * Bug fix: Synchronization confirmation message for download referred to "upload" instead. 
 +===== [[3.7.4]] 3.7.4 ((2005-02-10)) ===== 
 +  * Workaround for OpenSSH SFTP server bug that caused all file modification timestamps older than 1970 be interpreted as timestamps after 2038. 
 +  * Current directory can be changed by pasting (''Ctrl+V'' or //File > Paste//) path from clipboard. 
 +  * Small improvements for bi-directional languages. 
 +  * //Key exchange// tab of Login dialog is disabled for SSH-1-only. 
 +  * Improved debug logging. 
 +  * Bug fix: In 3.7.3 the Synchronize dialog failed to open in non-English versions. 
 +  * Bug fix: SCP uploads sometime timed out. 
 +===== [[3.7.3]] 3.7.3 ((2005-02-07)) ===== 
 +  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// now can watch for up to 500 directories (62 previously). 
 +  * Allowed downloads to UNC paths. 
 +  * When logging is enabled and several sessions (including background transfer connections) are opened at a time, several log files are generated. 
 +  * Exit code is propagated to console interface tool, ''WinSCP3.com''. 
 +  * GUI application, ''WinSCP3.exe'', waits until user pressed any key before exit, when run with ''/?'' parameter. 
 +  * When focused control (like directory tree) is hidden, focus is moved to the last used file panel. 
 +  * Default (installation) size of the Commander interface is larger, if the screen resolution allows it. 
 +  * Log file includes timestamps of all events. 
 +  * Bug fix: Crash when using Proxy with //Do DNS name lookup at proxy end// enabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: Upload hangs on empty (0 bytes) files (SFTP only). 
 +  * Bug fix: Command //File Names > Copy to Clipboard// have not worked correctly. 
 +  * Bug fix: The last toolbar in a toolbar row is not restored incorrectly right-aligned anymore. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP now restores window size correctly even when it was closed very small. 
 +  * Bug fix: Hangs and other problems when showing control (like queue view) that was previously hidden larger then current window size. 
 +  * Bug fix: Rekey time limit could not be set to zero (to disable time-based rekey). 
 +===== [[3.7.2]] 3.7.2 ((2005-01-29)) ===== 
 +  * Scripting commands ''get'', ''put'', ''ls'', ''lls'', ''chmod'', ''mv'' and ''rm'' support wildcards. 
 +  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2005-01-28)]]. It brings following changes:  
 +    * New //Key exchange tab// on Login dialog. It allows configuration of key exchange algorithm selection policy. It also include options to configure regular key re-exchanged based on time and data transferred. 
 +    * Support for IPv6 (unfix.org's IPv6 patches up to level 10). IP protocol version can be configured on //Connection tab// of Login dialog. 
 +    * Removed bug //Chokes on Diffie-Hellman group exchange// from //Bugs tab//. 
 +    * Fixed key exchange problems with some servers. 
 +    * Software version strings for adhere to SSH standard. 
 +    * Fixed some potential crashes. 
 +    * Support for diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 group exchange . 
 +    * Keyboard-interactive authentication is offered as long as server offers it, rather than only once, unless the server responds to our initial request with failure. 
 +    * Support for ssh.com "des-cbc@ssh.com" authentication. 
 +  * SFTP protocol optimization, especially for dealing with very small files and directories and when transferring over very fast connections. Downloads, uploads and directory listings now take up to 80%, 80% and 40% less time, respectively. Please report your personal experiences with the change, positive or negative. 
 +  * Implemented support for editors that open multiple files in one process (window).  
 +    * WinSCP can delay deletion of temporary local file until its exit. This is allowed only if //Allow multiple opened files (editors)// is enabled. 
 +    * The behavior can be turned on using option //External editor opens multiple files in one window (process)// (off by default). 
 +    * If the option if disabled and the editor closes too early, WinSCP suggests user to enable the option. 
 +  * When switching sessions, the panel state can be optionally preserved, including selected file and sort column/order. To disable this, go to //Panels tab// of Preferences dialog. Option //Do not change local directory when switching sessions// on //Commands tab// renamed to //Do not change state of local panel when switching sessions// and now affects this feature too. 
 +  * When INI file is used as configuration storage, SSH host key cache is stored into the INI file too. 
 +  * Transfer queue shows transfer speed and elapsed time. 
 +  * With SFTP it is now possible to enter the traverse-only (''chmod 110'') directories. 
 +  * Menu //Files > File Names// includes new command //Copy URL to Clipboard//. The URL format is: ''<protocol>:%%//%%<session>/<path>/<file>''. 
 +  * WinSCP now detects dropped connection immediately. It also responds to server keepalive requests immediately (''keepalive@openssh.com''). 
 +  * It is possible to edit remote files whose filenames contain characters not allowed on Windows. 
 +  * Inline rename box on remote panel now accepts characters not allowed on Windows, but allowed on other systems. 
 +  * Window //server/protocol information// shows server host key fingerprint.  
 +  * New //SFTP tab// on session dialog. It contains configuration options for detection of two known bugs in SFTP servers. The first bug //Reverses order of symlink command arguments// is known on all OpenSSH servers. The second bug //Does not use UTF-8 for SFTP4 and newer// is known on Foxit WAC server.  
 +  * When overwriting local read-only file, the read-only attribute is preserved. 
 +  * It is now possible to overwrite local hidden file (the attribute is preserved). 
 +  * When changing local drive using drive drop-down menu the current working directory on the drive is opened instead of root directory (Commander interface only). 
 +  * Partially transferred files (''.filepart'') have the same icon as full file would have with "partial file" overlay over it. 
 +  * It is possible to change width of session drop-down menu on //Session// toolbar. Just drag the empty space on the right of the drop-down menu. 
 +  * Queue sessions are kept alive if the main session is configured so. As side effect dropped connection is detected immediately (no error is displayed), not only after there is transfer attempt over it. It avoids failing transfer just because of dropped connection. 
 +  * When secondary shell session is dropped on background, no error is displayed and the main session is no longer closed. 
 +  * If the edited file is saved while the previous change is still being uploaded, the error is no longer displayed, re-upload is scheduled instead. 
 +  * //Language// button on Login dialog includes //Get More// command to open translation download page. 
 +  * Menu //File Names// is included in remote panel context menu too. 
 +  * The command //Files > Open// opens the remote file locally always. It does not imitate double-clicking anymore (when symbolic link resolving is not enabled/supported, double-click tries to open remote file as if it were symlink to directory). 
 +  * Internal editor shows name of the session in the window title. 
 +  * File panel scrolls whole page when visualising batch operation progress. 
 +  * File panel reflects change of system icon font in run time. 
 +  * The same remote file cannot be edited twice. 
 +  * If reading directory takes too long, number of files read is shown on WinSCP button on taskbar. 
 +  * Several changes in installer: 
 +    * When installer finds obsolete default translation in the installation directory, it displays a warning with option to delete the translation. 
 +    * Bug fix: Removed //flags: unchecked// string from the //Add installation directory to search path// checkbox. 
 +    * Bug fix: Last few characters of long lines were cut off. 
 +  * Proxy password box is disabled for SOCK4 proxies, as SOCK4 does not support passwords. 
 +  * When transferring files using scripting commands ''get'' and ''put'', without explictly specifing operation mask, the mask ''*.*'' is used, overriding default operation mask set in GUI. 
 +  * Wildcards in operation mask (''*'' and ''?'') can be delimited using backslash (''\''). 
 +  * It is no longer possible to check //Disconnect when operation finishes// during total transfer size calculation before file transfer. 
 +  * Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed from host and user names. 
 +  * Links to WinSCP homepage in //Help// menu updated to point directly on respective Wiki topics 
 +  * First attempts for context help. ''F1'' key now opens WinSCP documentation page. On some dialogs it now opens directly help for the dialog. 
 +  * Installation path can be added to system search path from //Integration tab// of Prefenreces dialog. 
 +  * Bug fix: When synchronizing local directory from console mode using SCP protocol, some files were printed twice. Once with path, once without. 
 +  * When listing directory with SFTP protocol, files whose filenames contain slashes or dots-only are ignored. 
 +  * Bug fix: Duration indicators failed to display more than 24 hours. 
 +  * When WinSCP in console mode were executed from batch file its console title was incorrectly preserved for next commands of the batch 
 +  * Bug fix: Some errors in console mode were displayed in message box instead of being printed on console 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''ls'' has never shown year when full file timestamp was known. Now it shows full timestamp (including year and full precision time). 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP crashed when timeout message was shown while reading directory content. 
 +  * Bug fix: Scripting command ''get'' with SCP protocol printed downloaded directory twice, the second time with statistics of the last file downloaded. 
 +  * Bug fix: Fixed several bugs when downloading files for which the server incorrectly reports unreasonable file sizes. 
 +  * Bug fix: WinSCP refused to start, when using ''/ini'' parameter without session name parameter. 
 +  * Bug fix: The download of files smaller then 4 KiB could not be interrupted. 
 +  * Bug fix: Attempt to open non-existing local directory (Commander interface only) have not displayed any error message. The first existing parent directory (if any) was opened instead. 
 +  * Bug fix: When downloading file to editor, //Exclude mask// and operation mask were not ignored, what prevented editing some files. 
 +  * Bug fix: When using ''ls'' command with ''%%--full-time%%'' option (SCP protocol) the leading spaces in the filenames were omitted while reading directory. 
 +  * Bug fix: //Time estimated// showed incorrect values for resumed file transfers. 
 +  * Bug fix: When downloading file with SCP protocol, any leading spaces in the filename were lost. 
 +  * Bug fix: Possible crashes when having more sessions opened in parallel. 
 +  * Bug fix: When using INI file as configuration storage, the quotes enclosing configuration options (particularly path to PuTTY executable) were lost. 
 +  * Bug fix: Directory was randomly selected in remote panel when switching sessions. 
 +  * Bug fix: When upgrading from 3.7 and older, command //Open in PuTTY// stopped working if path to PuTTY included spaces. 
 +  * Bug fix: Items in queue display menu may have been sometime disabled. 
 +  * Bug fix: When uploading, the contents of selected directories was counted twice into "total size", making progress indicator inaccurate. 
 +  * Bug fix: When restoring maximised main window it was sometime wider than before maximisation. 
 +  * Bug fix: Fake "Ext" column could be shown by mistake. 
 +  * Bug fix: Sorted On Exit Crash after long periods of use. 
 +===== [[3.7.1]] 3.7.1 ((2004-10-31)) =====
  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.56]]. It brings following changes:   * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.56]]. It brings following changes:
-    * Security fix: the vulnerability reported by iDEFENSE is fixed. See [[&url(ssh2msgdebug)|details]]. +    * Security fix: the vulnerability reported by iDEFENSE is fixed.
    * Several other changes.     * Several other changes.
  * Added support for UTF-8 encoded filenames for SFTP protocol version 4 and newer.   * Added support for UTF-8 encoded filenames for SFTP protocol version 4 and newer.
Line 16: Line 4700:
  * Warning is shown when user stores session with filled password.   * Warning is shown when user stores session with filled password.
  * ''%XX'' in URLs are decoded. Plus sign (''+'') is converted to space.   * ''%XX'' in URLs are decoded. Plus sign (''+'') is converted to space.
-  * New option to swap panels in Norton Commander interface. +  * New option to swap panels in Commander interface.
  * When LS command does not list anything, error messages are shown even if //Ignore LS warning// option is turned on (SCP only).   * When LS command does not list anything, error messages are shown even if //Ignore LS warning// option is turned on (SCP only).
  * Added command //Create directory// to context menu of file panels.   * Added command //Create directory// to context menu of file panels.
Line 27: Line 4711:
  * Other small changes and fixes.   * Other small changes and fixes.
-===== 3.7 ===== +===== [[3.7]] 3.7 ((2004-10-13)) =====
-=== 2004-10-13 ===+
  * [[scripting|Scripting/automation]].   * [[scripting|Scripting/automation]].
  * Custom commands enhanced:   * Custom commands enhanced:
Line 34: Line 4717:
    * New option //Show results in terminal//. Used by new sample command //Grep//.     * New option //Show results in terminal//. Used by new sample command //Grep//.
    * Custom commands can be executed locally on temporarily downloaded files.     * Custom commands can be executed locally on temporarily downloaded files.
-    * Local custom commands can be executed on pairs of remote (temporarily downloaded) and local files (Norton Commander interface only). New sample command //File compare// uses the option. Replace simple ''fc'' command with your favourite diff tool. +    * Local custom commands can be executed on pairs of remote (temporarily downloaded) and local files (Commander interface only). New sample command //File compare// uses the option. Replace simple ''fc'' command with your favourite diff tool.
  * New command-line parameters ''/synchronize'' and ''/keepuptodate''. Both have two optional arguments for local and remote directory. If parameter is preceded by stored session name, it is opened automatically. Otherwise login dialog is shown.   * New command-line parameters ''/synchronize'' and ''/keepuptodate''. Both have two optional arguments for local and remote directory. If parameter is preceded by stored session name, it is opened automatically. Otherwise login dialog is shown.
-  * For SCP protocol the directory is read with ''%%--full-time%%'' option to get second-precision timestamp (necessary for synchronization). When the reading of the first directory fails (for whatever reason), the directory is reloded without the option and the option will no longer be used. Next version will include option to control the behaviour manually. +  * For SCP protocol the directory is read with ''%%--full-time%%'' option to get second-precision timestamp (necessary for synchronization). When the reading of the first directory fails (for whatever reason), the directory is reloded without the option and the option will no longer be used. Next version will include option to control the behavior manually.
  * "Host hasn't answered for X seconds" message disappers itself once the response finally arrives.   * "Host hasn't answered for X seconds" message disappers itself once the response finally arrives.
  * WinSCP can be now compiled using Personal edition of Borland C++Builder 6.   * WinSCP can be now compiled using Personal edition of Borland C++Builder 6.
  * New browsing shortcuts:   * New browsing shortcuts:
-    * ''Alt-Left'' and ''Alt-Rigth'' to browse backward and forward. +    * ''Alt+Left'' and ''Alt+Right'' to browse backward and forward.
    * Back/forward buttons on some mouses supported (Microsoft Intellipoint particularly).     * Back/forward buttons on some mouses supported (Microsoft Intellipoint particularly).
    * Support for ''Back'', ''Forward'', ''Reload'', ''Home'' and ''Favorities'' buttons on multimedia-keyboards.     * Support for ''Back'', ''Forward'', ''Reload'', ''Home'' and ''Favorities'' buttons on multimedia-keyboards.
Line 72: Line 4755:
  * Bug fix: When download using drag&drop in //Temporary directory// mode finished while the computer desktop was locked, the download failed, and it was no longer possible to use drag&drop.   * Bug fix: When download using drag&drop in //Temporary directory// mode finished while the computer desktop was locked, the download failed, and it was no longer possible to use drag&drop.
-===== 3.6.8 ===== +===== [[3.6.8]] 3.6.8 ((2004-08-25)) =====
-=== 2004-08-25 ===+
  * New function to duplicate remote files. Implemented natively only for SCP protocol as SFTP does not have the functionality. With SFTP the command can open secondary shell session, like with //Open Terminal// (and other functions), to perform the duplication.   * New function to duplicate remote files. Implemented natively only for SCP protocol as SFTP does not have the functionality. With SFTP the command can open secondary shell session, like with //Open Terminal// (and other functions), to perform the duplication.
Line 79: Line 4761:
  * Remote recycle bin may be configured for session. Deleted and overwritten files may be optionally moved to defined remote directory.   * Remote recycle bin may be configured for session. Deleted and overwritten files may be optionally moved to defined remote directory.
  * During synchronization user may optionally request confirmation before each change.   * During synchronization user may optionally request confirmation before each change.
-  * Path label above file panel is now click-able. User may click on any part of the path to enter that directory (Norton-Commander interface only). +  * Path label above file panel is now click-able. User may click on any part of the path to enter that directory (Commander interface only). 
-  * Size of the translation files reduced by 40% (more than 200 kB each).+  * Size of the translation files reduced by 40% (more than 200 KiB each).
  * New filename modification option: lower case only DOS names (8.3).   * New filename modification option: lower case only DOS names (8.3).
  * On startup program checks for obsolete temporary folders. If it finds any, it offers user their deletion. Obsolete directories maybe also deleted  manually from Cleanup window (see //Tools// button on //Stored session// tab of Login window).   * On startup program checks for obsolete temporary folders. If it finds any, it offers user their deletion. Obsolete directories maybe also deleted  manually from Cleanup window (see //Tools// button on //Stored session// tab of Login window).
-  * Confirmation option //Exiting application on operation completion// affects now also, whether confirmation is shown once upload invoked using Explorer's //Send to// menu is finished.+  * Confirmation option //Exiting application on operation completion// affects now also, whether confirmation is shown once upload invoked using Windows Explorer's //Send to// menu is finished.
  * When importing stored sessions from PuTTY, default values are used for options not set by PuTTY (like transfer protocol).   * When importing stored sessions from PuTTY, default values are used for options not set by PuTTY (like transfer protocol).
-  * In file panel, when horizontal scroll bar is hidden, left and right arrow keys moves selection to first and last file respectively (Norton-Commander interface only). +  * In file panel, when horizontal scroll bar is hidden, left and right arrow keys moves selection to first and last file respectively (Commander interface only). 
-  * Bug fix: With some specific devices, prompt to insert media was shown just before the main windows of application was displayed (Norton-Commander interface only).+  * Bug fix: With some specific devices, prompt to insert media was shown just before the main windows of application was displayed (Commander interface only).
  * Bug fix: The check for obsolete default translation files failed to display complete error message when the translation file was really very old.   * Bug fix: The check for obsolete default translation files failed to display complete error message when the translation file was really very old.
-  * Bug fix: When drive (like USB memory stick) was attached or detached the local directory tree was not refreshed, making the new drive inaccesible from local panel (Norton-Commander interface only).+  * Bug fix: When drive (like USB memory stick) was attached or detached the local directory tree was not refreshed, making the new drive inaccesible from local panel (Commander interface only).
  * Bug fix: Remote path history was corrupted, when directory was changed using directory tree.   * Bug fix: Remote path history was corrupted, when directory was changed using directory tree.
  * Bug fix: Assertion error in attempt to use //Desktop// or //My documents// in local path drop-down menu.   * Bug fix: Assertion error in attempt to use //Desktop// or //My documents// in local path drop-down menu.
Line 94: Line 4776:
  * Bug fix: Error message was shown in infinite loop, when error occured in attempt to open file in an external editor.   * Bug fix: Error message was shown in infinite loop, when error occured in attempt to open file in an external editor.
  * Bug fix: Small problems with Kerberos authentication.   * Bug fix: Small problems with Kerberos authentication.
-  * Bug fix: Local recycle bin could not be left using ''..'' link (Norton-Commander interface only).+  * Bug fix: Local recycle bin could not be left using ''..'' link (Commander interface only).
  * Bug fix: Setup failed to detect that the application is running during upgrade.   * Bug fix: Setup failed to detect that the application is running during upgrade.
-===== 3.6.7 ===== +===== [[3.6.7]] 3.6.7 ((2004-08-09)) =====
-=== 2004-08-09 ===+
  * This security fix release is initially available in English version only. Other languages can be downloaded from [[&download|downloads page]] once finished.   * This security fix release is initially available in English version only. Other languages can be downloaded from [[&download|downloads page]] once finished.
  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.55]]. It brings following changes:   * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.55]]. It brings following changes:
-    * Security fix: the vulnerability found by the Core Security Technologies is now fixed. See advisory numbered [[&url(core20040705)|CORE-2004-0705]]+    * Security fix: the vulnerability found by the Core Security Technologies is now fixed.
    * General robustness of the SSH-1 implementation has been improved.     * General robustness of the SSH-1 implementation has been improved.
    * Bug fix: Random noise generation was hanging some computers and interfering with other processes' precision timing.     * Bug fix: Random noise generation was hanging some computers and interfering with other processes' precision timing.
    * Several other bug fixes.     * Several other bug fixes.
-  * Multiple files can be edited and/or opened at the same time. Modified files are uploaded back using background transfer queue. To revert to previous behaviour, see Editor settings.+  * Multiple files can be edited and/or opened at the same time. Modified files are uploaded back using background transfer queue. To revert to previous behavior, see Editor settings.
  * With SFTP protocol, it is possible to open separate shell session to execute user-defined commands. The server must provide Unix-like shell and the shell must use same path syntax as SFTP session for this to work. This enables //Open Terminal//, //Custom commands// and command-line features in SFTP sessions (the shell session is opened automatically when they are used).   * With SFTP protocol, it is possible to open separate shell session to execute user-defined commands. The server must provide Unix-like shell and the shell must use same path syntax as SFTP session for this to work. This enables //Open Terminal//, //Custom commands// and command-line features in SFTP sessions (the shell session is opened automatically when they are used).
  * Experimental support for version 5 of SFTP. Currently it brings only better error reporting. In future the upgrade may allow file verification using MD5 algorithm. Note that as I do not know any server supporting SFTP5, the funtionality was not tested at all.   * Experimental support for version 5 of SFTP. Currently it brings only better error reporting. In future the upgrade may allow file verification using MD5 algorithm. Note that as I do not know any server supporting SFTP5, the funtionality was not tested at all.
  * When obsolete translation file is found in WinSCP startup directory, warning is shown, as it may cause program not to work properly.   * When obsolete translation file is found in WinSCP startup directory, warning is shown, as it may cause program not to work properly.
-  * Command //Open directory/bookmark// added to panel context menu (Norton-Commander interface only).+  * Command //Open directory/bookmark// added to panel context menu (Commander interface only).
  * Some SFTP error messages were clarified.   * Some SFTP error messages were clarified.
  * Temporary directory options moved from //Drag&drop tab// of Preferences dialog to //Storage tab// as the settings are actually used by other features as well.   * Temporary directory options moved from //Drag&drop tab// of Preferences dialog to //Storage tab// as the settings are actually used by other features as well.
Line 115: Line 4796:
  * Several other bug fixes.   * Several other bug fixes.
-===== 3.6.6 ===== +===== [[3.6.6]] 3.6.6 ((2004-07-15)) =====
-=== 2004-07-15 ===+
  * Symbolic links on remote tree has "arrow" icon overlay.   * Symbolic links on remote tree has "arrow" icon overlay.
  * Only session properties whose values are different from factory defaults are stored. It dramatically decreases space occupied by stored sessions in windows registry and/or INI file.   * Only session properties whose values are different from factory defaults are stored. It dramatically decreases space occupied by stored sessions in windows registry and/or INI file.
Line 131: Line 4811:
  * Bug fix: Several drag&drop fixes.   * Bug fix: Several drag&drop fixes.
-===== 3.6.5 beta ===== +===== [[3.6.5]] 3.6.5 beta ((2004-07-02)) =====
-=== 2004-07-02 ===+
  * This beta is released in English version only.   * This beta is released in English version only.
-  * Directory tree display. Available both for remote and local (Norton-Commander interface only) panels. The tree may be used as both source and target of drag&drop operations.+  * Directory tree display. Available both for remote and local (Commander interface only) panels. The tree may be used as both source and target of drag&drop operations.
  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// was completely remade:   * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// was completely remade:
    * Subdirectories are now optionally synchronized (maximal number of subdirectories being watched is 62).     * Subdirectories are now optionally synchronized (maximal number of subdirectories being watched is 62).
    * Arbitrary two directories can be synchronized.     * Arbitrary two directories can be synchronized.
    * Obsolete files may be deleted (optionally).     * Obsolete files may be deleted (optionally).
-    * Function is newly available in Explorer-like interface too. +    * Function is newly available in Explorer interface too.
  * Files matching given mask may be excluded from file transfer and synchronization.   * Files matching given mask may be excluded from file transfer and synchronization.
  * Option //New and update file(s) only// to transfer files that either does not exist in the target directory or whose timestamp is greater than target file timestamp. Similar functionality has new button //Newer only// on overwrite confirmation dialog.   * Option //New and update file(s) only// to transfer files that either does not exist in the target directory or whose timestamp is greater than target file timestamp. Similar functionality has new button //Newer only// on overwrite confirmation dialog.
-  * Local change drive down menu contains links to folders //My documents// and //Desktop// (Norton-Commander interface only) +  * Local change drive down menu contains links to folders //My documents// and //Desktop// (Commander interface only) 
-  * Files copied to clipboard may be pasted both to remote and local (Norton-Commander interface only) panels. Keyboard shortcut is ''Ctrl-V''. +  * Files copied to clipboard may be pasted both to remote and local (Commander interface only) panels. Keyboard shortcut is ''Ctrl+V''. 
-  * When handling ''scp:%%//%%'' or ''sftp:%%//%%'' URL, which includes path without trailing slash, the file or directory it points to is downloaded. When path ends with slash, the directory it points to is opened (previous behaviour).+  * When handling ''scp:%%//%%'' or ''sftp:%%//%%'' URL, which includes path without trailing slash, the file or directory it points to is downloaded. When path ends with slash, the directory it points to is opened (previous behavior).
  * New option //existing only// for Synchronization.   * New option //existing only// for Synchronization.
  * Transfer resume confirmation may be turned off.   * Transfer resume confirmation may be turned off.
Line 153: Line 4832:
  * Bug fix: Using //Home directory// function on remote panel corrupted "change directory cache".   * Bug fix: Using //Home directory// function on remote panel corrupted "change directory cache".
  * Maximal length of file masks was extended on all windows.   * Maximal length of file masks was extended on all windows.
-  * ''Ctrl-C'' on message window copies to clipboard the additional message (display-able via //More// button) as well. +  * ''Ctrl+C'' on message window copies to clipboard the additional message (display-able via //More// button) as well. 
-  * Toolbar button //Open directory/bookmark// moved from //Standard// toolbar behind directory drop·down menu on //Address// bar (Explorer-like interface). +  * Toolbar button //Open directory/bookmark// moved from //Standard// toolbar behind directory drop-down menu on //Address// bar (Explorer interface). 
-  * Double·click on path label above file panel opens //Open directory/bookmark// window (Norton-Commander interface only).+  * Double-click on path label above file panel opens //Open directory/bookmark// window (Commander interface only).
  * Tab //Drag&drop// of Preferences window moved from //Environment// to //Transfer// group.   * Tab //Drag&drop// of Preferences window moved from //Environment// to //Transfer// group.
  * Error "EAccessViolation" is now replaced with more meaningful "Invalid access to memory" to better distinguish it from "Permissions denied".   * Error "EAccessViolation" is now replaced with more meaningful "Invalid access to memory" to better distinguish it from "Permissions denied".
  * Bug fix: Button //No to all// on overwrite confirmation dialog made error message appear for every skipped file with SCP protocol.   * Bug fix: Button //No to all// on overwrite confirmation dialog made error message appear for every skipped file with SCP protocol.
-  * Bug fix: Processed files were not deselected, when downloading using drag&drop and, when uploading using drag&drop from local to remote panel of Norton-Commander interface.+  * Bug fix: Processed files were not deselected, when downloading using drag&drop and, when uploading using drag&drop from local to remote panel of Commander interface.
  * Bug fix: Message "Operation was successfully completed. Connection was closed...." was displayed as "Error" instead of "Information", when uploading files from //Sent to// menu of Windows Explorer.   * Bug fix: Message "Operation was successfully completed. Connection was closed...." was displayed as "Error" instead of "Information", when uploading files from //Sent to// menu of Windows Explorer.
-  * Bug fix: The local directory was uselessly reloaded sometime, when calculation of total transfer size before download was completed (Norton-Commander interface only). +  * Bug fix: The local directory was uselessly reloaded sometime, when calculation of total transfer size before download was completed (Commander interface only). 
-  * Bug fix: With path ''a/bbb/ccc'', the one-letter-long folder ''a'' would not be displayed in change directory drop·down menu.+  * Bug fix: With path ''a/bbb/ccc'', the one-letter-long folder ''a'' would not be displayed in change directory drop-down menu.
  * Bug fix: Text mode masks history was not working on Preferences dialog.   * Bug fix: Text mode masks history was not working on Preferences dialog.
  * Bug fix: With initial configuration, session settings on //Bugs tab// of login dialog was not loaded properly.   * Bug fix: With initial configuration, session settings on //Bugs tab// of login dialog was not loaded properly.
-===== 3.6.1 ===== +===== [[3.6.1]] 3.6.1 ((2004-05-13)) =====
-=== 2004-05-13 ===+
-  * MIT Kerberos 5 GSSAPI authentication. Thanks to [[&url(vtm)|Vaclav Tomec]]+  * MIT Kerberos 5 GSSAPI authentication. Thanks to Vaclav Tomec.
  * Password provided on-request during connection may be optionally reused for background sessions. See Preferences dialog.   * Password provided on-request during connection may be optionally reused for background sessions. See Preferences dialog.
  * Transfers on background may be set as default. Both using //Use same settings next time// check and on Preferences dialog.   * Transfers on background may be set as default. Both using //Use same settings next time// check and on Preferences dialog.
  * When disconnecting, alert shows up, when there are pending background transfers.   * When disconnecting, alert shows up, when there are pending background transfers.
-  * A hack that forced "copy" to be default transfer operation when using drag&drop shell extension has not proved to be reliable. As alternative solution, "move" operation is disabled now by default. It makes "copy" effectively the only possible operation and thus the default one. "Move" can be enabled on Preferences dialog. Note that "move" is always allowed when dragging inside WinSCP (e.g. from remote to local panel of Norton Commander interface)+  * A hack that forced "copy" to be default transfer operation when using drag&drop shell extension has not proved to be reliable. As alternative solution, "move" operation is disabled now by default. It makes "copy" effectively the only possible operation and thus the default one. "Move" can be enabled on Preferences dialog. Note that "move" is always allowed when dragging inside WinSCP (e.g. from remote to local panel of Commander interface)
  * Background session opens directly in working directory of its first transfer. It saves one useless directory retrieval.   * Background session opens directly in working directory of its first transfer. It saves one useless directory retrieval.
  * //Server/protocol information window// shows SSH implementation string.   * //Server/protocol information window// shows SSH implementation string.
Line 180: Line 4858:
  * Bug fix: When downloading, modification timestamp was not preserved sometime. For example on Win2k, when using background transfer.   * Bug fix: When downloading, modification timestamp was not preserved sometime. For example on Win2k, when using background transfer.
  * Bug fix: Upload target directory was uselessly reloaded twice after background transfer completion (both by background session and main session). Now it is reloaded on background only.   * Bug fix: Upload target directory was uselessly reloaded twice after background transfer completion (both by background session and main session). Now it is reloaded on background only.
-  * Bug fix: Explorer-like interface hanged on startup with certain configuration.+  * Bug fix: Explorer interface hanged on startup with certain configuration.
  * Bug fix: //Disconnect when complete// on progress dialog have not worked properly during certain kinds of operations.   * Bug fix: //Disconnect when complete// on progress dialog have not worked properly during certain kinds of operations.
  * Bug fix: After changing path to full path of cached symbolic link, current path was shown as path to symbolic link instead of its target path.   * Bug fix: After changing path to full path of cached symbolic link, current path was shown as path to symbolic link instead of its target path.
  * Other minor bug fixes.   * Other minor bug fixes.
-===== 3.6 ===== +===== [[3.6]] 3.6 ((2004-05-02)) =====
-=== 2004-05-02 ===+
  * Background transfer queue. When option //Transfer on background// is checked on transfer confirmation dialog, the transfer is added to background transfer queue. Each background transfer opens own SSH session, which is reused by further transfers. Number of simultaneous background transfers can be limited (defaults to 2). Transfer queue list can be displayed on the bottom of main dialog. There is new //Transfer/Background tab// on Preferences dialog to control queue options.   * Background transfer queue. When option //Transfer on background// is checked on transfer confirmation dialog, the transfer is added to background transfer queue. Each background transfer opens own SSH session, which is reused by further transfers. Number of simultaneous background transfers can be limited (defaults to 2). Transfer queue list can be displayed on the bottom of main dialog. There is new //Transfer/Background tab// on Preferences dialog to control queue options.
Line 203: Line 4880:
  * Quotes around path to private key are stripped, which is necessary when exporting and opening session in PuTTY.   * Quotes around path to private key are stripped, which is necessary when exporting and opening session in PuTTY.
  * Skipped files are included in batch operation percantage completeness.   * Skipped files are included in batch operation percantage completeness.
-  * When resuming file transfer, resumed file size is not counted towards //Total transfered//. +  * When resuming file transfer, resumed file size is not counted towards //Total transferred//. 
-  * Bug fix: Using password longer than 255 characters hanged the application. This fixes [[&url(windowsntfocus)|Denial of Service]] as reported by Luca Ercoli. +  * Bug fix: Using password longer than 255 characters hanged the application. This fixes Denial of Service as reported by Luca Ercoli. 
-  * Experimental support for two SFTP extensions ''owner-group-query@generic-extensions'' and ''software@generic-extensions'' as proposed by [[&amp;url(ejb)|Erwin Bolwidt]]+  * Experimental support for two SFTP extensions ''owner-group-query@generic-extensions'' and ''software@generic-extensions'' as proposed by [[http://www.klomp.org/erwin/|Erwin Bolwidt]]
  * Improved server prompts (keyboard-interactive, TIS and Cryptocard). Prompt dialog is wider. If the prompt still does not fit, whole text is displayed when hovering mouse cursor over it.   * Improved server prompts (keyboard-interactive, TIS and Cryptocard). Prompt dialog is wider. If the prompt still does not fit, whole text is displayed when hovering mouse cursor over it.
  * When URL part after ''scp:%%//%%'' or ''sftp:%%//%%'' matches one of the stored session names, the session is used. This way you may setup default username and/or password for particular host by storing them to session with the same name as the host.   * When URL part after ''scp:%%//%%'' or ''sftp:%%//%%'' matches one of the stored session names, the session is used. This way you may setup default username and/or password for particular host by storing them to session with the same name as the host.
Line 211: Line 4888:
  * Improved //Import from PuTTY// dialog. New //Un/check all// button. Cached host keys may be optionally imported for selected sessions.   * Improved //Import from PuTTY// dialog. New //Un/check all// button. Cached host keys may be optionally imported for selected sessions.
  * When opening remote file for writting, file size is sent to server giving it chance to allocate enough space on file system in advance (SFTP only).   * When opening remote file for writting, file size is sent to server giving it chance to allocate enough space on file system in advance (SFTP only).
-  * ''Ctrl-Left'' and ''Ctrl-Right'' in directory input boxes stops on slashes too (in addition to usual spaces). +  * ''Ctrl+Left'' and ''Ctrl+Right'' in directory input boxes stops on slashes too (in addition to usual spaces). 
-  * Synchronized browsing works properly even when changing directory by more than one level (for example via history drop·down list).+  * Synchronized browsing works properly even when changing directory by more than one level (for example via history drop-down list).
  * Improved communication with drag&drop shell extension. Situations when the application timouts waiting for response from the extensions should be much reduced now.   * Improved communication with drag&drop shell extension. Situations when the application timouts waiting for response from the extensions should be much reduced now.
  * Local file, which is being written during download can be opened (for reading only) by other applications.   * Local file, which is being written during download can be opened (for reading only) by other applications.
Line 226: Line 4903:
  * Bug fix: Fixed bug in SFTP4 implementation, when reading nano-seconds precision timestampts.   * Bug fix: Fixed bug in SFTP4 implementation, when reading nano-seconds precision timestampts.
  * Bug fix: Symlinks in current directory are resolved with SFTP4.   * Bug fix: Symlinks in current directory are resolved with SFTP4.
-  * Bug fix: Fixed generation of group drop·down list on Attributes dialog in case the server does not provide it (SCP only).+  * Bug fix: Fixed generation of group drop-down list on Attributes dialog in case the server does not provide it (SCP only).
-===== 3.5.6 ===== +===== [[3.5.6]] 3.5.6 ((2004-03-05)) =====
-=== 2004-03-05 ===+
  * Default drag&drop operation, when transferring to local directory, is "copy", when shells extension is used.   * Default drag&drop operation, when transferring to local directory, is "copy", when shells extension is used.
Line 243: Line 4919:
  * Bug fix: When moving remote files to other directory, the file names were not displayed on progress dialog.   * Bug fix: When moving remote files to other directory, the file names were not displayed on progress dialog.
-===== 3.5.5 ===== +===== 3.5.5 beta ((2004-02-23)) =====
-=== 2004-02-23 ===+
  * Drag&drop control completely remade:   * Drag&drop control completely remade:
Line 252: Line 4927:
    * When dragging files within remote panel, only "move" operation is allowed and only if dragging to subdirectory or parent directory.     * When dragging files within remote panel, only "move" operation is allowed and only if dragging to subdirectory or parent directory.
    * When the shell extension is not used and files are moved using drag&drop outside of WinSCP, warning is displayed. The warning can be turned off from Preferences window via option //Warn when moving to temporary directory//. The option replaces older option //Allow move on remote side//.     * When the shell extension is not used and files are moved using drag&drop outside of WinSCP, warning is displayed. The warning can be turned off from Preferences window via option //Warn when moving to temporary directory//. The option replaces older option //Allow move on remote side//.
-    * When dragging between local and remote panel, "copy" operation is offered by default (Norton Commander interface only).  +    * When dragging between local and remote panel, "copy" operation is offered by default (Commander interface only).  
-    * Bug fix: When moving files to remote directory from local panel (Norton Commander interface only) using drag&drop, local panel is refreshed after transfer completes. +    * Bug fix: When moving files to remote directory from local panel (Commander interface only) using drag&drop, local panel is refreshed after transfer completes.
  * Moving remote files to different remote directory.   * Moving remote files to different remote directory.
  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.54]]. It brings following changes:   * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.54]]. It brings following changes:
Line 259: Line 4934:
    * Several other bug fixes.     * Several other bug fixes.
  * Program can be registered to handle ''scp:%%//%%'' and ''sftp:%%//%%'' addresses. Format of the address may be the same as session command-line parameter of program: ''%%(scp|sftp)://[user[:pwd]@]host[:port][/path]%%''. Command-line parameter may also start with protocol name now. Address handling may be registered either from Preferences window or from setup application.   * Program can be registered to handle ''scp:%%//%%'' and ''sftp:%%//%%'' addresses. Format of the address may be the same as session command-line parameter of program: ''%%(scp|sftp)://[user[:pwd]@]host[:port][/path]%%''. Command-line parameter may also start with protocol name now. Address handling may be registered either from Preferences window or from setup application.
-  * On Norton Commander interface, command line panel can be shown. It allows execution of commands both on local and remote computer. +  * On Commander interface, command line panel can be shown. It allows execution of commands both on local and remote computer. 
-  * New function //Copy Path to Clipboard// copies current path to clipboard as text. Function is available from context menu of panels (Norton Commander interface only) and from main menu. +  * New function //Copy Path to Clipboard// copies current path to clipboard as text. Function is available from context menu of panels (Commander interface only) and from main menu. 
-  * New submenu //File names// in //File(s)// menu contains functions for manipulation with names of selected files: //Copy to Clipboard//, //Copy to Clipboard (Include Paths)// and //Insert to Command Line// (Norton Commander interface only).+  * New submenu //File names// in //File(s)// menu contains functions for manipulation with names of selected files: //Copy to Clipboard//, //Copy to Clipboard (Include Paths)// and //Insert to Command Line// (Commander interface only).
  * //Minimize// button on synchronization progress window.   * //Minimize// button on synchronization progress window.
  * Synchronized browsing is preserved, when restarting application and switching session, as long as the last component of local and remote path is the same.   * Synchronized browsing is preserved, when restarting application and switching session, as long as the last component of local and remote path is the same.
Line 270: Line 4945:
  * Swapped month name and day number is allowed in directory listing (SCP only).   * Swapped month name and day number is allowed in directory listing (SCP only).
  * ''Ctrl+Alt+H'' hot key toggles showing of hidden files in panels (corresponds to //Show hidden files// option on Preferences window).   * ''Ctrl+Alt+H'' hot key toggles showing of hidden files in panels (corresponds to //Show hidden files// option on Preferences window).
-  * When local panel is selected, synchronize dialog offers remote directory synchronization by default and vice versa (Norton Commander interface only). +  * When local panel is selected, synchronize dialog offers remote directory synchronization by default and vice versa (Commander interface only). 
-  * Menu //Mark// has new //Select/unselect// item. Its purpose is solely to show new users, who do not know Norton Commander interface, keyboard shortcut to select/unselect files. +  * Menu //Mark// has new //Select/unselect// item. Its purpose is solely to show new users, who do not know Commander interface, keyboard shortcut to select/unselect files. 
-  * Directory bookmarks is the default bookmark management option for Norton Commander interface. It used to be "Location profiles".+  * Directory bookmarks is the default bookmark management option for Commander interface. It used to be "Location profiles".
  * When server fails to read requested number of bytes with SFTP protocol when reading file, error "Received incomplete data packet before end of file" should not occur any more for most of the cases. However in such circumstances, acceleration of SFTP transfer performance introduced in 3.4 is lost.   * When server fails to read requested number of bytes with SFTP protocol when reading file, error "Received incomplete data packet before end of file" should not occur any more for most of the cases. However in such circumstances, acceleration of SFTP transfer performance introduced in 3.4 is lost.
  * When renaming temporary ''.filepart'' file to destination name fails, program suggests turning off the "resume support".   * When renaming temporary ''.filepart'' file to destination name fails, program suggests turning off the "resume support".
Line 279: Line 4954:
  * Edited file is uploaded, when its timestamp changes randomly, not only when it changes forwards. This fixes problem that remote file, whose timestamp was forward comparing with local time, was not uploaded after beging edited.   * Edited file is uploaded, when its timestamp changes randomly, not only when it changes forwards. This fixes problem that remote file, whose timestamp was forward comparing with local time, was not uploaded after beging edited.
  * Bug fix: Changes to loaded stored session on login dialog were saved when //Login// button was pressed.   * Bug fix: Changes to loaded stored session on login dialog were saved when //Login// button was pressed.
-  * Bug fix: Failure when selecting directory on remote panel drop·down menu. +  * Bug fix: Failure when selecting directory on remote panel drop-down menu. 
-  * Bug fix: Path above remote panel is shortened when it does not fit to panel width (Norton Commander interface only).+  * Bug fix: Path above remote panel is shortened when it does not fit to panel width (Commander interface only).
-===== 3.5 ===== +===== [[3.5]] 3.5 ((2004-01-14)) =====
-=== 2004-01-14 ===+
  * Installation package includes Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Spanish and Swedish translations. More languages will be available once completed.   * Installation package includes Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Spanish and Swedish translations. More languages will be available once completed.
Line 304: Line 4978:
  * File having CR/LF line endings already is not converted, when converting line endings from LF to CR/LF.   * File having CR/LF line endings already is not converted, when converting line endings from LF to CR/LF.
  * Empty output of ''groups'' command is tolerated.   * Empty output of ''groups'' command is tolerated.
-  * When neighter configured local directory nor user documents directory can be opened, the WinSCP installation directory is set as initial in the local panel of Norton Commander like interface.+  * When neighter configured local directory nor user documents directory can be opened, the WinSCP installation directory is set as initial in the local panel of Commander interface.
  * When saving modified session, name of original session is offered as default name.   * When saving modified session, name of original session is offered as default name.
  * Download confirmation dialog forces full local (non UNC) path to be entered.   * Download confirmation dialog forces full local (non UNC) path to be entered.
Line 312: Line 4986:
    * Bug fix: Connections to '''' from interface IP addresses was refused.     * Bug fix: Connections to '''' from interface IP addresses was refused.
  * Operation progress percentage is now shown on progress window title too.   * Operation progress percentage is now shown on progress window title too.
-  * Command //Quit// was moved from Commands to File menu of Explorer-like interface.+  * Command //Quit// was moved from Commands to File menu of Explorer interface.
  * Sort direction arrows on file panels are reversed.   * Sort direction arrows on file panels are reversed.
  * Changes to directories with names like ''~ xxxx'' are again possible. Note space after tilde (SCP only).   * Changes to directories with names like ''~ xxxx'' are again possible. Note space after tilde (SCP only).
Line 327: Line 5001:
  * Bug fix: Violation of SFTP4 specification, when opening remote file (4 bytes instead of one were occupied by parameter ''type'' of SSH_FXP_OPEN packet).   * Bug fix: Violation of SFTP4 specification, when opening remote file (4 bytes instead of one were occupied by parameter ''type'' of SSH_FXP_OPEN packet).
-===== 3.4.2 ===== +===== [[3.4.2]] 3.4.2 ((2003-11-05)) =====
-=== 2003-11-05 ===+
  * Bug fix: Incorrect SFTP upload of files in text-mode (Shame on me, I had a bad week).   * Bug fix: Incorrect SFTP upload of files in text-mode (Shame on me, I had a bad week).
Line 335: Line 5008:
  * Russian and Czech translations updated.   * Russian and Czech translations updated.
-===== 3.4.1 ===== +===== [[3.4.1]] 3.4.1 ((2003-11-01)) =====
-=== 2003-11-01 ===+
-  * Serious bug fix: Uploaded files smaller than 4 kB were empty after transfer (SFTP only).+  * Serious bug fix: Uploaded files smaller than 4 KiB were empty after transfer (SFTP only).
  * Russian translation of setup application added.   * Russian translation of setup application added.
-===== 3.4 ===== +===== [[3.4]] 3.4 ((2003-10-29)) =====
-=== 2003-10-29 ===+
  * Significant acceleration of SFTP transfer performance.   * Significant acceleration of SFTP transfer performance.
Line 357: Line 5028:
  * Remote directory(ies) properties dialog has new button //Calculate//, which calculates total size of all files in directory(ies).   * Remote directory(ies) properties dialog has new button //Calculate//, which calculates total size of all files in directory(ies).
  * Batch operation progress percentage is shown on taskbar.   * Batch operation progress percentage is shown on taskbar.
-  * Drive drop-down menu is updated, when a drive/device is loaded or ejected (Norton Commander interface only). +  * Drive drop-down menu is updated, when a drive/device is loaded or ejected (Commander interface only). 
-  * Time or size or both can be used to compare files (Norton Commander interface only).+  * Time or size or both can be used to compare files (Commander interface only).
  * Option //Update only existing files// for //Keep remote directories up to date// function.   * Option //Update only existing files// for //Keep remote directories up to date// function.
  * Temporary folder created to edit/open remote file is deleted whole, including any new files (particulary backup file created by editor).   * Temporary folder created to edit/open remote file is deleted whole, including any new files (particulary backup file created by editor).
-  * ''Ctrl-Tab'' and ''Ctrl-Shift-Tab'' can be used to switch between opened sessions.+  * ''Ctrl+Tab'' and ''Shift+Ctrl+Tab'' can be used to switch between opened sessions.
  * Host name may contain ''user@host''. This is particulary useful for importing sessions from PuTTY, which allows same format too.   * Host name may contain ''user@host''. This is particulary useful for importing sessions from PuTTY, which allows same format too.
-  * Default resume threshold increased to 100 kB.+  * Default resume threshold increased to 100 KiB.
  * Function //Check for updates// is available on login dialog too.   * Function //Check for updates// is available on login dialog too.
  * When uploading file in text (ASCII) mode, ''^Z'' (ASCII 0x26) characters are removed.   * When uploading file in text (ASCII) mode, ''^Z'' (ASCII 0x26) characters are removed.
  * Button //Save// (session) is available on all tabs of login dialog, with exception of //Stored sessions// tab.   * Button //Save// (session) is available on all tabs of login dialog, with exception of //Stored sessions// tab.
  * Insignificant errors that occur during reading directory content with SFTP protocol are ignored.   * Insignificant errors that occur during reading directory content with SFTP protocol are ignored.
-  * Local panel is resorted, when file is renamed (Norton Commander interface only).+  * Local panel is resorted, when file is renamed (Commander interface only).
  * More descriptive error message is shown, when SCP protocol cannot be initialized (SCP command is missing or cannot be found).   * More descriptive error message is shown, when SCP protocol cannot be initialized (SCP command is missing or cannot be found).
  * Preferences dialog uses navigation tree instead of tabs, just like Login dialog.   * Preferences dialog uses navigation tree instead of tabs, just like Login dialog.
Line 374: Line 5045:
  * Bug fix: Download option //Preserve read-only// now works with SFTP protocol.   * Bug fix: Download option //Preserve read-only// now works with SFTP protocol.
  * Bug fix: Change to word wrapping with editor being opened is now applied correctly.   * Bug fix: Change to word wrapping with editor being opened is now applied correctly.
-  * Bug fix: Local panel is refreshed, when editor is closed (Norton Commander interface only).+  * Bug fix: Local panel is refreshed, when editor is closed (Commander interface only).
  * Bug fix: When exporting session to PuTTY, path to private key is exported correctly. Proxy settings are exported both in format used by PuTTY 0.53b (and older) and current development snapshot.   * Bug fix: When exporting session to PuTTY, path to private key is exported correctly. Proxy settings are exported both in format used by PuTTY 0.53b (and older) and current development snapshot.
  * Bug fix: Program was aborted, when one of the local files of batch operation were deleted before being processed.   * Bug fix: Program was aborted, when one of the local files of batch operation were deleted before being processed.
Line 381: Line 5052:
  * Bug fix: When running in ''/update'' mode, errors are handled properly.   * Bug fix: When running in ''/update'' mode, errors are handled properly.
-===== 3.3 ===== +===== [[3.3]] 3.3 ((2003-09-15)) =====
-=== 2003-09-15 ===+
  * Custom commands feature (SCP protocol only). In Preferences window, user may set up set of custom commands. Than it is possible to execute any of these commands for each of selected files. Exclamation mark (''!'') in command is replaced with name of file. There are two predefined commands: //touch// (''touch "!"'') and //execute// (''"!"''). To execute custom command use either main menu or remote file context menu.   * Custom commands feature (SCP protocol only). In Preferences window, user may set up set of custom commands. Than it is possible to execute any of these commands for each of selected files. Exclamation mark (''!'') in command is replaced with name of file. There are two predefined commands: //touch// (''touch "!"'') and //execute// (''"!"''). To execute custom command use either main menu or remote file context menu.
Line 388: Line 5058:
  * For SCP protocol it is possible to define time zone difference between server and client. Using this information WinSCP is able to perform correct remote and local directory comparison.   * For SCP protocol it is possible to define time zone difference between server and client. Using this information WinSCP is able to perform correct remote and local directory comparison.
  * //Check for updates// feature. It connectes to WinSCP site and checks, if there is new version released. You may also run WinSCP with command line switch ''/update''.   * //Check for updates// feature. It connectes to WinSCP site and checks, if there is new version released. You may also run WinSCP with command line switch ''/update''.
-  * New option //Do not change local directory when switching sessions//. It preserves same local directory, when switching between opened sessions (Norton Commander interface only). +  * New option //Do not change local directory when switching sessions//. It preserves same local directory, when switching between opened sessions (Commander interface only). 
-  * Current session settings can be exported to PuTTY and opened with this SSH terminal client (''Ctrl-P'').+  * Current session settings can be exported to PuTTY and opened with this SSH terminal client (''Ctrl+P'').
  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|current development snapshot of PuTTY (2003-09-12)]]. It brings following changes:   * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|current development snapshot of PuTTY (2003-09-12)]]. It brings following changes:
    * Bug fix: Error "%%Assertion failed: addr->family == AF_UNSPEC%%", when using SOCKS5 proxy.     * Bug fix: Error "%%Assertion failed: addr->family == AF_UNSPEC%%", when using SOCKS5 proxy.
Line 397: Line 5067:
  * With SFTP protocol version 3 and older, program is able to ignore non-UNIX style directory listing (file owner/group name will not be detected).   * With SFTP protocol version 3 and older, program is able to ignore non-UNIX style directory listing (file owner/group name will not be detected).
  * Animation displayed on progress windows for "set properties" operation.   * Animation displayed on progress windows for "set properties" operation.
-  * Menu //Commands// was split to //Commands// and //Files// in Norton Commander interface.+  * Menu //Commands// was split to //Commands// and //Files// in Commander interface.
  * Improved packet logging for SFTP.   * Improved packet logging for SFTP.
  * Bug fix: When a session had turned off option //Remember last used directory//, its opened local directory was not preserved, when switching between opened sessions.   * Bug fix: When a session had turned off option //Remember last used directory//, its opened local directory was not preserved, when switching between opened sessions.
Line 403: Line 5073:
  * Several other bug fixes.   * Several other bug fixes.
-===== 3.2.1 ===== +===== [[3.2.1]] 3.2.1 ((2003-08-24)) =====
-=== 2003-08-24 ===+
  * Bug fix: It was not possible to overwrite file, when overwrite confirmation was on (SFTP only).   * Bug fix: It was not possible to overwrite file, when overwrite confirmation was on (SFTP only).
-===== 3.2 ===== +===== [[3.2]] 3.2 ((2003-08-24)) =====
-=== 2003-08-24 ===+
-  * It is possible to open more connections simultaneously. Connections may be switched using //Opened sessions// from //Session// menu, //Session// toolbar or ''Alt-1'' to ''Alt-0'' keyboard shortcuts (only first 10 connections).+  * It is possible to open more connections simultaneously. Connections may be switched using //Opened sessions// from //Session// menu, //Session// toolbar or ''Alt+1'' to ''Alt+0'' keyboard shortcuts (only first 10 connections).
  * Support for version 4 of SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) including its native support for text (ASCII) mode transfers. Session option //EOL characters// (//Environment// tab of Login dialog) is ignored with SFTP4. CR/LF is always used unless server requests different sequence. With SFTP4 it is also possible to change file owner/group.   * Support for version 4 of SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) including its native support for text (ASCII) mode transfers. Session option //EOL characters// (//Environment// tab of Login dialog) is ignored with SFTP4. CR/LF is always used unless server requests different sequence. With SFTP4 it is also possible to change file owner/group.
  * With SFTP4 WinSCP is compatible with VanDyke VShell for Windows.   * With SFTP4 WinSCP is compatible with VanDyke VShell for Windows.
-  * //Directory bookmarks// were replaced with //Location Profiles// in Norton Commander interface. Profile is composed of both local and remote directory bookmark and custom name. Profiles can be organised into folders (currently one level only). Profiles are compatible with bookmarks in both ways. To switch back to bookmarks, see check box on //Commander tab// of Properties dialog.+  * //Directory bookmarks// were replaced with //Location Profiles// in Commander interface. Profile is composed of both local and remote directory bookmark and custom name. Profiles can be organised into folders (currently one level only). Profiles are compatible with bookmarks in both ways. To switch back to bookmarks, see check box on //Commander tab// of Properties dialog.
  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|current development snapshot of PuTTY (2003-07-17)]]. It brings following changes:   * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|current development snapshot of PuTTY (2003-07-17)]]. It brings following changes:
    * Two new proxy options: //Consider proxying local host connections// and //Do DNS name lookup at proxy end// (see //Proxy tab// of login dialog).     * Two new proxy options: //Consider proxying local host connections// and //Do DNS name lookup at proxy end// (see //Proxy tab// of login dialog).
Line 425: Line 5093:
  * When reconnecting after fatal error, current program instance (window) is reused.   * When reconnecting after fatal error, current program instance (window) is reused.
  * Only Windows (CR/LF) end-of-line sequence is converted, when uploading file in text (ASCII) mode.   * Only Windows (CR/LF) end-of-line sequence is converted, when uploading file in text (ASCII) mode.
-  * File is transfered properly using SFTP, even when its actual size is different than value displayed in directory listing (this happens e.g. when file was changed since directory was opened). +  * File is transferred properly using SFTP, even when its actual size is different than value displayed in directory listing (this happens e.g. when file was changed since directory was opened). 
-  * ''Ctrl-Down'' and ''Ctrl-Up'' can be used to enter/leave subdirectory. +  * ''Ctrl+Down'' and ''Ctrl+Up'' can be used to enter/leave subdirectory. 
-  * WinSCP identifies itself to SFTP server (version 3 and later) using ''winscp@winscp.sourceforge.net'' extension (''SSH_FXP_EXTENDED'' packet). If server recognises WinSCP, it should reply with ''SSH_FXP_STATUS'' packet with ''SSH_FX_OK'' value.+  * WinSCP identifies itself to SFTP server (version 3 and later) using ''winscp@winscp.sourceforge.net'' extension (''SSH_FXP_EXTENDED'' packet). If server recognizes WinSCP, it should reply with ''SSH_FXP_STATUS'' packet with ''SSH_FX_OK'' value.
  * SFTP error messages (received from server) are converted from UTF-8 encoding to local encoding.   * SFTP error messages (received from server) are converted from UTF-8 encoding to local encoding.
-  * All drop·down lists are always wide enough to fit its contents (whenever possible).+  * All drop-down lists are always wide enough to fit its contents (whenever possible).
  * Dialog with directory bookmarks is widened, when necessary.   * Dialog with directory bookmarks is widened, when necessary.
  * When saving file from editor, overwrite confirmation is not requested.   * When saving file from editor, overwrite confirmation is not requested.
Line 441: Line 5109:
  * Bug fix: Renaming symbolic link renamed linked file instead (SFTP only).   * Bug fix: Renaming symbolic link renamed linked file instead (SFTP only).
  * Bug fix: Session was not closed after fatal error during drag&drop operation.   * Bug fix: Session was not closed after fatal error during drag&drop operation.
-  * Bug fix: Empty file could not have been transfered using SFTP. +  * Bug fix: Empty file could not have been transferred using SFTP. 
-  * Bug fix: File was not transfered, when using drag&drop along with checking //Disconnect when complete// option.+  * Bug fix: File was not transferred, when using drag&drop along with checking //Disconnect when complete// option.
  * Bug fix: Failure when dragging file with semicolon ('';'') in filename ("Assertion Failed: File..." or "List index out of bounds(...)").   * Bug fix: Failure when dragging file with semicolon ('';'') in filename ("Assertion Failed: File..." or "List index out of bounds(...)").
-===== 3.1 ===== +===== [[3.1]] 3.1 ((2003-07-15)) =====
-=== 2003-07-15 ===+
  * Support for older version 2 of SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). With the version it is not possible to handle symbolic links. When it is in use, program behaves as if //Resolve symbolic links// option (see below) were turned off.   * Support for older version 2 of SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). With the version it is not possible to handle symbolic links. When it is in use, program behaves as if //Resolve symbolic links// option (see below) were turned off.
  * Version of SFTP in use is displayed on status line of main application window.   * Version of SFTP in use is displayed on status line of main application window.
-  * On //Stored sessions tab// of login dialog, you may add item to Explorer's //Send to// menu. The item opens session and uploads selected files. +  * On //Stored sessions tab// of login dialog, you may add item to Windows Explorer's //Send to// menu. The item opens session and uploads selected files. 
-  * All icons and shortcuts that may be created using installer can be created also on //Integration tab// of Preferences window. This includes desktop icon, quick launch icon and upload shortcut to Explorer's //Send to// context menu.+  * All icons and shortcuts that may be created using installer can be created also on //Integration tab// of Preferences window. This includes desktop icon, quick launch icon and upload shortcut to Windows Explorer's //Send to// context menu.
  * Option //Resolve symbolic links// on //Environment tab// of Login dialog. If it is turned off, symbolic links will not be resolved, when directory content is loaded. This may speed up directory loading and avoid problems with cyclic links. Yet it disables possibility to open symbolic links pointing to a directory and disables //Add/edit link// function.   * Option //Resolve symbolic links// on //Environment tab// of Login dialog. If it is turned off, symbolic links will not be resolved, when directory content is loaded. This may speed up directory loading and avoid problems with cyclic links. Yet it disables possibility to open symbolic links pointing to a directory and disables //Add/edit link// function.
  * On Properties window, it is possible to change file permissions even using octal format.   * On Properties window, it is possible to change file permissions even using octal format.
  * For external editor, it is possible to specify optional parameters. Pattern ''!.!'' is replaced with name of file being edited.   * For external editor, it is possible to specify optional parameters. Pattern ''!.!'' is replaced with name of file being edited.
-  * Fixed bug, which caused program failure, after remote file was dropped on file in local panel (Norton Commander interface only), which has associcated drop handler. Typical example is ZIP file in Windows XP.+  * Fixed bug, which caused program failure, after remote file was dropped on file in local panel (Commander interface only), which has associcated drop handler. Typical example is ZIP file in Windows XP.
  * Fixed detection of end of command output (SCP only). Among other this fixes failure, when ''set'' command is typed in console.   * Fixed detection of end of command output (SCP only). Among other this fixes failure, when ''set'' command is typed in console.
  * Fixed bug, which caused program termination, when editor was opened, while having selected more than one file.   * Fixed bug, which caused program termination, when editor was opened, while having selected more than one file.
Line 462: Line 5129:
  * Key ''del'' works properly in internal editor, even when no text block is selected.   * Key ''del'' works properly in internal editor, even when no text block is selected.
-===== 3.0 beta ===== +===== 3.0 beta ((2003-06-26)) =====
-=== 2003-06-26 ===+
 +  * [[project_history|Project milestone]].
  * SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) version 3 support. [[protocols|Compare with SCP]].   * SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) version 3 support. [[protocols|Compare with SCP]].
-  * Transfer resume (SFTP only). By default WinSCP allows resume only for files greater than 10 kB. It would cause not appropriate slow down with smaller file. It is possible to change threshold in Preferences.+  * Transfer resume (SFTP only). By default WinSCP allows resume only for files greater than 10 KiB. It would cause not appropriate slow down with smaller file. It is possible to change threshold in Preferences.
  * Text file editor. By default internal editor is used, yet external editor can be configured instead. Internal editor features:   * Text file editor. By default internal editor is used, yet external editor can be configured instead. Internal editor features:
    * Clipboard operations (copy, cut, paste, delete).     * Clipboard operations (copy, cut, paste, delete).
Line 473: Line 5140:
    * Go to line number.     * Go to line number.
  * Remote file execution (file is downloaded to local temporary directory, executed/opened and uploaded back, when changed).   * Remote file execution (file is downloaded to local temporary directory, executed/opened and uploaded back, when changed).
-  * //Add/edit link// command. For SCP, both symbolic links and hard links can be created. For SFTP, only symbolic links are supported. Symbolic links can be edited also. On local panel (Norton Commander interface only) command works with Windows shortcuts.+  * //Add/edit link// command. For SCP, both symbolic links and hard links can be created. For SFTP, only symbolic links are supported. Symbolic links can be edited also. On local panel (Commander interface only) command works with Windows shortcuts.
  * Transfer speed limiter on transfer progress dialog.   * Transfer speed limiter on transfer progress dialog.
  * Improved loading of remote directory. Directories with very large number of files should load much faster.   * Improved loading of remote directory. Directories with very large number of files should load much faster.
Line 481: Line 5148:
  * When //Remember last used directory// option is turned on, //Home directory// command opens real home directory, even when default directory is specified.   * When //Remember last used directory// option is turned on, //Home directory// command opens real home directory, even when default directory is specified.
  * Bug fix: Password was unintentionally saved with stored session, when //Remember last used directory// option was turned on.   * Bug fix: Password was unintentionally saved with stored session, when //Remember last used directory// option was turned on.
-  * When you drag files from remote directory to local within application (Norton Commander interface only), files are downloaded directly to local directory.+  * When you drag files from remote directory to local within application (Commander interface only), files are downloaded directly to local directory.
  * //Ignore// button on error confirmation dialogs replaced with more meaningful //Skip// button.   * //Ignore// button on error confirmation dialogs replaced with more meaningful //Skip// button.
  * Auto-completion feature in Console dialog was removed.   * Auto-completion feature in Console dialog was removed.
Line 493: Line 5160:
  * Bug fix: When log window was opened, it received focus after file operation finishes. Some other log window bugs fixed too.   * Bug fix: When log window was opened, it received focus after file operation finishes. Some other log window bugs fixed too.
-===== 2.3 ===== +===== [[2.3]] 2.3 ((2003-04-24)) =====
-=== 2003-04-24 ===+
  * Directory content cache.   * Directory content cache.
-  * Installer can add item to Explorer's //Send to// menu (item is named //Send to/WinSCP2 (upload with SCP)//).+  * Installer can add item to Windows Explorer's //Send to// menu (item is named //Send to/WinSCP2 (upload with SCP)//).
  * A temporary files for drag&drop operations are now deleted properly.   * A temporary files for drag&drop operations are now deleted properly.
  * Logging window was fixed.   * Logging window was fixed.
Line 505: Line 5171:
  * When program is uninstalled, user settings (including stored sessions) are preserved.   * When program is uninstalled, user settings (including stored sessions) are preserved.
-===== 2.2.3 ===== +===== [[2.2.3]] 2.2.3 ((2003-04-12)) =====
-=== 2003-04-12 ===+
  * Some bugs while processing files above 2GB are fixed.   * Some bugs while processing files above 2GB are fixed.
Line 513: Line 5178:
  * More details in a log file.   * More details in a log file.
  * An error reporting after failed autentification improved.   * An error reporting after failed autentification improved.
-  * Windows Explorer can be launched for current local directory (this function is only available in the Norton Commander interface). +  * Windows Explorer can be launched for current local directory (this function is only available in the Commander interface). 
-  * Clicking on local directory shortcut opens the directory (this function is only available in the Norton Commander interface).+  * Clicking on local directory shortcut opens the directory (this function is only available in the Commander interface).
  * //More// button on copy confirmation dialogs works correctly now.   * //More// button on copy confirmation dialogs works correctly now.
  * A keepalive interval can be specified in seconds now.   * A keepalive interval can be specified in seconds now.
  * When username and server is stored in "Default Session" that session is not opened automaticaly on program startup anymore.   * When username and server is stored in "Default Session" that session is not opened automaticaly on program startup anymore.
-===== 2.2 ===== +===== [[2.2]] 2.2 ((2003-01-26)) =====
-=== 2003-01-26 ===+
  * WinSCP2 is no longer BETA.   * WinSCP2 is no longer BETA.
Line 534: Line 5198:
  * Improved XP design.   * Improved XP design.
-===== 2.1 beta ===== +===== [[2.1]] 2.1 beta ((2003-01-13)) =====
-=== 2003-01-13 ===+
  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.53b]]. It brings following changes:   * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.53b]]. It brings following changes:
-    * Security fix: the vulnerability found by the Rapid7 SSHredder test suite is now believed fixed. See CERT advisory [[&amp;url(ca200236)|CA-2002-36]].+    * Security fix: the vulnerability found by the Rapid7 SSHredder test suite is now believed fixed. See CERT advisory [[https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/389665/|CA-2002-36]].
    * Support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange in SSH-2.     * Support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange in SSH-2.
    * Support for AES in SSH-2.     * Support for AES in SSH-2.
Line 552: Line 5215:
  * //Never ask me again// checkbox on copy/delete confirmation dialog.   * //Never ask me again// checkbox on copy/delete confirmation dialog.
-===== 2.0 beta (#110) ===== +===== [[2.0 beta]] 2.0 beta (#110) ((2002-12-21)) =====
-=== 2002-12-21 ===+
  * You can rename file to a name of existing file.   * You can rename file to a name of existing file.
Line 560: Line 5222:
  * Buttons //__A__bort// and //A__l__l/Yes to A__l__l// have different accelerators now.   * Buttons //__A__bort// and //A__l__l/Yes to A__l__l// have different accelerators now.
-===== 2.0 beta (#106) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#106) ((2002-12-16)) =====
-=== 2002-12-16 ===+
  * Installation package for this version is available.   * Installation package for this version is available.
-  * New function //Keep remote directory up to date// that watches all changes to the local directory. All new and/or modified files all automatically uploaded to the remote directory (this function is only available in the Norton Commander interface). +  * New function //Keep remote directory up to date// that watches all changes to the local directory. All new and/or modified files all automatically uploaded to the remote directory (this function is only available in the Commander interface). 
-  * //Compare directories// function. It marks files in both panels, that does not exist in opposite panel or that are newer (this function is only available in the Norton Commander interface).+  * //Compare directories// function. It marks files in both panels, that does not exist in opposite panel or that are newer (this function is only available in the Commander interface).
  * Both new functions may be invoked from //Commands// menu or from new toolbar //Commands Buttons//.   * Both new functions may be invoked from //Commands// menu or from new toolbar //Commands Buttons//.
  * Placement of INI file with configuration may be specified by command-line parameter ''/INI=path''.   * Placement of INI file with configuration may be specified by command-line parameter ''/INI=path''.
  * New session option (//Remember last used directory// on //Directories tab//), which secures that on connect, last used local and remote directory would be opened.   * New session option (//Remember last used directory// on //Directories tab//), which secures that on connect, last used local and remote directory would be opened.
  * You can select directory from recent directories list in //Open directory// dialog for remote panel.   * You can select directory from recent directories list in //Open directory// dialog for remote panel.
-  * In Explorer-like interface it is optionally possible to show full path on //Address bar//.+  * In Explorer interface it is optionally possible to show full path on //Address bar//.
  * //Show tabs with advanced options// setting is stored now.   * //Show tabs with advanced options// setting is stored now.
  * Fixed bug "assert(!FSuspended)".   * Fixed bug "assert(!FSuspended)".
Line 578: Line 5239:
  * It is possible to work with files that begin with dash.   * It is possible to work with files that begin with dash.
-===== 2.0 beta (#101) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#101) ((2002-12-02)) =====
-=== 2002-12-02 ===+
  * New style for Windows XP.   * New style for Windows XP.
  * Configuration may be optionally saved to INI file instead of Registry.   * Configuration may be optionally saved to INI file instead of Registry.
-  * Optional Explorer-style selection even in Norton Commander inteface.+  * Optional Windows Explorer-style selection even in Commander inteface.
  * Function to store current session to session list.   * Function to store current session to session list.
  * Option to hide columns in directory listing panel.   * Option to hide columns in directory listing panel.
Line 591: Line 5251:
  * Inaccessible directories maybe optionally hidden.   * Inaccessible directories maybe optionally hidden.
  * Sort by file extension.   * Sort by file extension.
-  * Tabs on login dialog with advanced options (Advanced, SCP, Logging) are hidden by default. They can be shown using &quot;Show tabs with advanced options"; checkbox on Basic tab.+  * Tabs on login dialog with advanced options (Advanced, SCP, Logging) are hidden by default. They can be shown using //Show tabs with advanced options// checkbox on Basic tab.
  * Default text file mask extended to: ''*.*htm*; *.txt; *.php*; *.cgi; *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.pas; *.bas; *.tex; *.pl; .htaccess; *.xtml; *.css; *.cfg; *.ini; *.sh; *.xml''   * Default text file mask extended to: ''*.*htm*; *.txt; *.php*; *.cgi; *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.pas; *.bas; *.tex; *.pl; .htaccess; *.xtml; *.css; *.cfg; *.ini; *.sh; *.xml''
  * When autodetection of return code variable fails, the connection is terminated immediately.   * When autodetection of return code variable fails, the connection is terminated immediately.
Line 598: Line 5258:
  * Fixed bug while changing local drive.   * Fixed bug while changing local drive.
-===== 2.0 beta (#93) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#93) ((2002-11-13)) =====
-=== 2002-11-13 ===+
  * When copying files to remote directory using drag&drop, proper dialog is shown now, that includes option to set file permissions.   * When copying files to remote directory using drag&drop, proper dialog is shown now, that includes option to set file permissions.
Line 606: Line 5265:
  * Fixed bug "Access violation" while closing application.   * Fixed bug "Access violation" while closing application.
  * Other minor changes and fixes.   * Other minor changes and fixes.
-  * Licence windows added.+  * License windows added.
-===== 2.0 beta (#89) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#89) ((2002-01-29)) =====
-=== 2002-01-29 ===+
  * Drag&drop bug fixed.   * Drag&drop bug fixed.
  * Option //Clear aliases// is now respected.   * Option //Clear aliases// is now respected.
-===== 2.0 beta (#87) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#87) ((2001-11-26)) =====
-=== 2001-11-26 ===+
  * It is possible to open directory even on system, where ''ls'' command doesn't print ''total ...'' line.   * It is possible to open directory even on system, where ''ls'' command doesn't print ''total ...'' line.
-===== 2.0 beta (#86) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#86) ((2001-11-16)) =====
-=== 2001-11-16 ===+
  * Option to specify server response timeout.   * Option to specify server response timeout.
  * Fixed bug in TIS/CryptoCard autentification.   * Fixed bug in TIS/CryptoCard autentification.
-===== 2.0 beta (#85) ===== +===== 2.0 beta (#85) ((2001-11-09)) =====
-=== 2001-11-09 ===+
  * Function to open WinSCP homepage in //Help// menu.   * Function to open WinSCP homepage in //Help// menu.
Line 634: Line 5289:
  * Other minor bugs fixed.   * Other minor bugs fixed.
  * File names containing some special characters (exclamation mark, plus) are now handled correctly.   * File names containing some special characters (exclamation mark, plus) are now handled correctly.
-  * View style in Explorer-interface is stored in configuration.+  * View style in Explorer·interface is stored in configuration.
  * Program doesn't fail when user attempts to copy file specifing name of existing file as target remote directory.   * Program doesn't fail when user attempts to copy file specifing name of existing file as target remote directory.
  * Remote directory containing devices can be opened.   * Remote directory containing devices can be opened.
Line 646: Line 5301:
  * File transfer protocol was modified. WinSCP should not "hang" when downloading files anymore. (It was happening on some systems).   * File transfer protocol was modified. WinSCP should not "hang" when downloading files anymore. (It was happening on some systems).
-===== 2.0 beta ===== +===== 2.0 beta ((2001-10-05)) =====
-=== 2001-10-05 ===+
 +  * [[project_history|Project milestone]].
  * SSH-2 support.   * SSH-2 support.
-  * RSA keys authentication (SSH-1-only), including support for [[&pageanthelp|Pageant]] and agent forwarding.+  * RSA keys authentication (SSH-1-only), including support for [[ui_pageant|Pageant]] and agent forwarding.
  * Compression.   * Compression.
  * Possibility to choose preferred encryption algorithm (3DES, DES, Blowfish).   * Possibility to choose preferred encryption algorithm (3DES, DES, Blowfish).
Line 669: Line 5324:
  * Change of file group and file permissions merged into one Properties dialog. In same dialog it is possible to change file owner.   * Change of file group and file permissions merged into one Properties dialog. In same dialog it is possible to change file owner.
  * Selectable file transfer mode: ASCII/BINARY. Recognition of appropriate transfer mode can be realized automatically by file extension.   * Selectable file transfer mode: ASCII/BINARY. Recognition of appropriate transfer mode can be realized automatically by file extension.
-  * Files can be transfered to different folder than one opened in opposite panel.+  * Files can be transferred to different folder than one opened in opposite panel.
  * Improved file selection.   * Improved file selection.
  * Status bar showing bytes received and sent indicator. Also SSH version, compression usage, encryption algorithm and session duration is shown.   * Status bar showing bytes received and sent indicator. Also SSH version, compression usage, encryption algorithm and session duration is shown.
  * Function to clean up all data stored by WinSCP.   * Function to clean up all data stored by WinSCP.
-===== 1.0 ===== +===== [[1.0]] 1.0 ((2000-09-30)) =====
-=== 2000-09-30 ===+
-  * First program version.+  * [[project_history|First program version]].

Last modified: by martin