
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2014-02-05 2014-03-20
fix 603 was not working (martin) moving 5.1.4 from history (martin)
Line 1: Line 1:
====== Older Versions ====== ====== Older Versions ======
 +===== 5.1.4 =====
 +=== 2013-02-18 ===
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1e.
 +  * Not requiring the .NET assembly to exist in file. [[bug>970]]
 +  * Not considering ''3xx'' error code an error for post-login FTP commands. [[bug>972]]
 +  * Bug fix: Failure after system-wide change. [[bug>962]]
 +  * Bug fix: Issuer and Subject were swapped on Certificate verification prompt. [[bug>967]]
 +  * Bug fix: Traversed subfolders are incorrectly included in find results. [[bug>968]]
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong color indicator on session tab when session was not switched by clicking on the tab. [[bug>974]]
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when auto remote directory refresh was triggered during operation initiated by drag&drop. [[bug>975]]
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong timezone offset was applied with FTP protocol. [[bug>977]]
 +  * Bug fix: It was not possible to preserve timezone offset of 24 hours and greater in stored session.
 +  * Bug fix: Wrong timestamp conversion with FTP protocol. [[bug>978]]
 +  * Bug fix: Error in .NET assembly when temporary path contains exclamation mark. [[bug>980]]
 +  * Bug fix: Indefinite chain of errors when XML logging fails.
===== 5.1.3 ===== ===== 5.1.3 =====

Last modified: by martin