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Session Class

This is the main interface class of the WinSCP assembly.

It represents a session and provides methods for manipulating remote files over SFTP, SCP or FTP session.

This feature will be available only with the next release.



Namespace: WinSCP

public sealed class Session : IDisposable


Name Description
Session() Default constructor.


Name Description
string AdditionalExecutableArguments Additional command-line arguments to be passed to In general, this should be left with default null.
bool DefaultConfiguration Should WinSCP be forced with the default configuration? true by default. Useful to isolate the console session run from any configuration stored on this machine.
string ExecutablePath Path to The default is null, meaning that is expected is the same directory as this assembly.
string IniFilePath Path to an INI file. Used only when DefaultConfiguration is false. When null, default WinSCP configuration storage is used, meaning INI file, if any is present in WinSCP startup directory, or Windows Registry otherwise.
string LogPath Path to store session log file to. Default null mean, no session log file is created.
bool Opened Is session opened yet? true, when Open was successfully called already. Read-only.
IList<string> Output Output of WinSCP console session. See also OutputDataReceived event. Read-only.
TimeSpan Timeout Maximal interval between two consecutive outputs from WinSCP console session, before TimeoutException is thrown. The default is one minute.



Name Description
Dispose Terminates underlying WinSCP process. Removes XML log file.
ExecuteCommand Executes command on the remote server.
FileExists Checks for existence of remote file.
GetFileInfo Retrieves information about remote file.
GetFiles Downloads files.
ListDirectory Lists remote directory.
Open Opens the session.
PutFiles Uploads files.
RemoveFiles Removes remote files.
SynchronizeDirectories Synchronizes local directory with remote directory.


Name Description
Failed Occurs on error during any operation.
FileTransferred Occurs when file is transfered.
OutputDataReceived Occurs on output from WinSCP console session.


To use the class:

  • Create an instance of SessionOptions and fill in all needed information to connect and authenticate the session automatically;
  • Create an instance of Session class;
  • Usually all properties of Session can be left with their default values;
  • Assign event handlers, if continuous monitoring of operation is required;
  • Call Open method passing instance of SessionOptions;
  • Use any file manipulation methods you need, such as GetFiles, PutFiles, SynchronizeDirectories.


The class is not thread safe. Though you can use several instances of the class in paralel, even from different threads.

Capturing Results of Operations

There are two classes of operations, hence two classes of methods; atomic operations, such as Open, ListDirectory, ExecuteCommand, etc; and batch operations, such as GetFiles, PutFiles, SynchronizeDirectories, etc.

Methods from both classes throw SessionLocalException on error in communication with WinSCP console session.

Methods for atomic operations throw SessionRemoteException on error originating from WinSCP console session (refered to as “failure” below).

Methods for batch operations returns an instance of descendant of OperationResultBase class (such as OperationResult<T> or SynchronizationResult). Such result class stores list of operations performed (e.g. OperationResult<T>.Operations or SynchronizationResult.Uploads), and list of failures (OperationResultBase.Failures).

Every structure representing operation performed may refer (e.g. in TransferEventArgs.Error) to one of the failures, if the failure can be explicitly associated with the operation. So often the same failure (represented by SessionRemoteException) will be referenced twice in the results.

But there can be failures that cannot be explicitly associated with any operation represented in results. An example is an error when listing contents of remote directory to determine list of files to downloads. The listing is not represented in the results, so the failure will be included only in a generic list of failures.

If you do not want to check the list of failures after every batch operation method call, you can use method OperationResultBase.Check to throw the first failure in the list, if any failure occured:

// Throw, if upload fails
session.PutFiles(localPath, remotePath).Check();

Also for all failures the Session.Failed event is raised.

Last modified: by Petr