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master_password 2009-10-26 master_password 2023-04-08 (current)
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 +====== Master Password ======
 +WinSCP can protect stored passwords by strong AES cipher. In order to protect such sensitive information you need to set a master password. When a master password is not set, stored passwords can be [[security_credentials#storing_password|easily decrypted]] by malicious software that has infiltrated your computer.
 +===== Working with Master Password =====
 +If you set the master password, each new instance of WinSCP will ask you to enter the master password the first time it needs to access protected passwords or to protect a new password.
 +You can change or remove the master password again later. If you remove the master password, all of the passwords will not be protected anymore.
 +You can set the master password in [[ui_pref_security|preferences]].
 +===== [[reset]] Forgotten Master Password =====
 +When you forget your master password, there is no way to recover it, nor the protected passwords.
 +You can at least reset WinSCP back to unprotected state. Naturally, you lose all the protected passwords.
 +To reset master password, remove ''Configuration\Security'' [[config|configuration]] section/key.
 +You also need to remove all protected passwords. For this, search for and remove all ''Password'', ''ProxyPasswordEnc'' and ''TunnelPassword'' values from configuration subsections/subkeys of ''Sessions'' section/key. Alternatively, if you are going to set a new master password: While doing that WinSCP will prompt you for previous master password once for every lost password. Just cancel those prompts with ''Esc''.

Last modified: by martin