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2017-06-07 2017-06-23
styling user edit about ipv6 for host_does_not_exist (martin) link update (martin)
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You may get this error when using [[library|WinSCP .NET assembly]] from restricted environments, such as [[library_ssis|SSIS]]. To use the assembly from SSIS, it needs to be [[library_install#gac|installed to GAC]]. You may get this error when using [[library|WinSCP .NET assembly]] from restricted environments, such as [[library_ssis|SSIS]]. To use the assembly from SSIS, it needs to be [[library_install#gac|installed to GAC]].
-If the above is not your case, use [[https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e74a18c4.aspx|Assembly Binding Log Viewer]] (''Fuslogvw.exe'') to debug assembly loading.+If the above is not your case, use [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/fuslogvw-exe-assembly-binding-log-viewer|Assembly Binding Log Viewer]] (''Fuslogvw.exe'') to debug assembly loading.
===== [[path_slash_ambiguous]] Selecting files using a path ending with slash is ambiguous. Remove the slash to select the folder. Append * mask to select all files in the folder. ===== ===== [[path_slash_ambiguous]] Selecting files using a path ending with slash is ambiguous. Remove the slash to select the folder. Append * mask to select all files in the folder. =====

Last modified: by martin