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2024-02-15 2024-02-16
6.3 stable released (martin) method_not_found_eventwaithandle (martin)
Line 542: Line 542:
Though as with the most of session settings, if you have the site set up in WinSCP GUI, you can have it [[ui_generateurl#code|generate a code template]] for you, including the ''SessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint''. Though as with the most of session settings, if you have the site set up in WinSCP GUI, you can have it [[ui_generateurl#code|generate a code template]] for you, including the ''SessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint''.
 +===== [[method_not_found_eventwaithandle]] Method not found: 'Void System.Threading.EventWaitHandle..ctor(Boolean, System.Threading.EventResetMode, System.String, Boolean ByRef, System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity)' =====
 +You are trying to use .NET framework build of the assembly in .NET [Core] code or from PowerShell [Code].
 +You need to use .NET Standard build of the assembly, which is located in the ''netstandard2.0'' subfolder of ''WinSCP-X.X.X-Automation.zip'' package.
 +For details, learn about [[library_install#installing|installing the assembly]].
===== [[key_fingerprint_does_not_match]] SSH host key/TLS host certificate fingerprint "..." does not match pattern "..." ===== ===== [[key_fingerprint_does_not_match]] SSH host key/TLS host certificate fingerprint "..." does not match pattern "..." =====

Last modified: by martin