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2020-11-20 2020-11-30
5.17.9 (martin) 5.18 beta (martin)
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====== WinSCP News ====== ====== WinSCP News ======
 +===== WinSCP 5.18 beta released ((2020-11-30)) =====
 +The most important changes/additions are:
 +  * A complete list of files that are queued for a transfer can be shown.
 +  * A streaming support in scripting and .NET assembly.
 +  * An extension for synchronizing two remote servers.
 +  * Enabled TLS 1.3 and added support for SHA-256 TLS/SSL fingerprints.
===== WinSCP 5.17.9 released ((2020-11-20)) ===== ===== WinSCP 5.17.9 released ((2020-11-20)) =====

Last modified: by martin