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rawtransfersettings 2020-06-05 rawtransfersettings 2023-05-15 (current)
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In [[library|.NET assembly]], use ''[[library_transferoptions_addrawsettings|TransferOptions.AddRawSettings]]'' method (when the settings cannot be configured using any dedicated property of ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' class). In [[library|.NET assembly]], use ''[[library_transferoptions_addrawsettings|TransferOptions.AddRawSettings]]'' method (when the settings cannot be configured using any dedicated property of ''[[library_transferoptions|TransferOptions]]'' class).
-For both cases, you can just configure the advanced settings on [[ui_transfer_custom|Transfer Settings dialog]] and have WinSCP [[ui_generateurl|generate the code for you]].+For both cases, you can just configure the advanced settings on [[ui_transfer_custom|Transfer Settings dialog]] and have WinSCP [[guide_automation#generating|generate the code for you]].
See also [[rawconfig|raw configuration]] and [[rawtransfersettings|raw transfer settings]]. See also [[rawconfig|raw configuration]] and [[rawtransfersettings|raw transfer settings]].
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| ''==NewerOnly=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#other|New and updated files only]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''==NewerOnly=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#other|New and updated files only]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
| ''==FileNameCase=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom|File name case modification]] | ''0'' = No change, ''1'' = Upper case, ''2'' = Lower case, ''4'' = Lower case 8.3 | | ''==FileNameCase=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom|File name case modification]] | ''0'' = No change, ''1'' = Upper case, ''2'' = Lower case, ''4'' = Lower case 8.3 |
-| ''==ReplaceInvalidChars=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom|Replace '\:*?']] | ''0'' = Do not replace, ''1'' = replace with ''%XX'', where the ''XX'' is a hexadecimal code of the invalid character, //any other value// = replace with the character specified by the option value (e.g. ''95'' for an underscore) |+| ''==ReplaceInvalidChars=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom|Replace '\:*?']] | ''0'' = Do not replace, ''1'' = replace with ''%XX'', where the ''XX'' is a hexadecimal code of the invalid character, //any other value// = replace with the character specified by the option value (e.g. ''95'' for an underscore) \\ For list of characters to replace, see [[#localinvalidchars|''LocalInvalidChars'']]. | 
 +| ''==LocalInvalidChars=='' | Characters to be replaced | See [[#replaceinvalidchars|''ReplaceInvalidChars'']]. \\ Defaults to ''%%/\:*?\"<>|%%''. | 
 +| ''==IncludeFileMask=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#other|File mask]] | To be used with [[commandline#operations|command-line operations]] only. \\ In scripting use the ''-filemask'' switch; in .NET assembly, use the [[library_transferoptions#filemask|''TransferOptions.FileMask'']]. |
| ''==IgnorePermErrors=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#upload|Ignore permission errors]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''==IgnorePermErrors=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#upload|Ignore permission errors]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
| ''==PreserveTimeDirs=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#common|Preserve directory timestamps]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''==PreserveTimeDirs=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#common|Preserve directory timestamps]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
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| ''==ExcludeEmptyDirectories=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#other|Exclude empty directories]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''==ExcludeEmptyDirectories=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#other|Exclude empty directories]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
| ''==RemoveBOM=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#upload|Remove BOM and EOF marks]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On | | ''==RemoveBOM=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#upload|Remove BOM and EOF marks]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
 +| ''==EncryptNewFiles=='' | [[ui_transfer_custom#encrypt_new_files|Encrypt new files]] | ''0'' = Off, ''1'' = On |
===== Other Settings ===== ===== Other Settings =====

Last modified: by martin