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2020-06-29 2020-08-21
integration_putty#openssh (martin) empty line between headers improves formatting (martin)
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===== External Applications ===== ===== External Applications =====
==== [[client_path]] PuTTY/Terminal Client Path ==== ==== [[client_path]] PuTTY/Terminal Client Path ====
Using //PuTTY/Terminal client path// box you can specify [[local_path|local path]] to PuTTY or other terminal client application that is used with //[[integration_putty#open_putty|Open in PuTTY]]// function. Using //PuTTY/Terminal client path// box you can specify [[local_path|local path]] to PuTTY or other terminal client application that is used with //[[integration_putty#open_putty|Open in PuTTY]]// function.

Last modified: by martin