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Topic review


Hi Martin

Thanks for your reply. I output the session log and it told me what the issues was:
Unable to load key (PuTTY key format too new)

Updating to the latest dll version and has solved the problem.
You live and learn.

Thanks again.

Re: COM Library with Pageant

Please post session log files for all these scenarios.

COM Library with Pageant


I use the COM Library to connect to a number of SFTP sites from the same server using public/private key authentication (none of which have a passphrase). All of these sites can be connected to using the COM Library apart from one which returns this error:
No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

However, if I run pageant and add the sites private key it will work fine. (The WinSCP GUI client will connect ok even if Pageant is not running.)

Can anyone please explain what could be happening here and if it would be possible to remove the need to use Pageant for this one connection?
