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Re: Multiple connections in one bat file

I was asking for a generated WinSCP script file (not the batch file that generates it).
And for a session log file (/log), not a script output.

Re: Multiple connections in one bat file

The censored script is above.
here is the log file
Connecting to <host> ...
TLS connection established. Waiting for welcome message...
Starting the session...
Session started.
Active session: [1] <userid>@<host>.io
F:\Testing Bat\02-26-2024 Main Cluster\TheSecondIsland\SavedArks
000289b4d86d4b0093bdeff3d | 6 KB | 21.4 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002f198b44b43e1ab22001ad | 12 KB | 19.5 KB/s | binary | 100%
00021c4ffaff4786b45c51e34 | 9 KB | 17.6 KB/s | binary | 100%
00027c4f75384b0aae13cd345 | 30 KB | 24.2 KB/s | binary | 100%
00026e4ebab34410a4548abf3 | 13 KB | 23.3 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002c141c1ab44189b5ab6082 | 4 KB | 20.4 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002c817d4e74a049d0628122 | 18 KB | 21.0 KB/s | binary | 100%
000215137594488a8a93b6774 | 11 KB | 20.4 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002eb7595ac4f4c951260250 | 10 KB | 19.7 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002663d43774460988592f93 | 23 KB | 21.0 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002b712058e4a9fa4eaf2182 | 22 KB | 21.8 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002396685354150aaf4b6dfa | 23 KB | 22.6 KB/s | binary | 100%
0002c957268e4d0d92a7c6928 | 9 KB | 21.2 KB/s | binary | 100%
F:\Testing Bat\02-26-2024 Main Cluster\TheSecondIsland\Config
Game.ini | 42 KB | 103.6 KB/s | binary | 100%
GameUserSettings.ini | 26 KB | 67.3 KB/s | binary | 100%

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP>

The files are put into the named folders and the bat does create the secondary server's files as well. However nothing is opened for the second session. So those files don't populate.

Re: Multiple connections in one bat file

Please show us the generate script file, its output and log file.

Multiple connections in one bat file

I did have this working and then made some changes and don't know what has made it no longer work properly:
I have tried using sessions and I have tried just going with simple commands. I have tried with the built in copy script and nothing is letting it proceed to the second and further maps in one bat file.
I have tried it with the "close"/echo close inbetween each server and I have tried it as it is written below. What is happening now is that the bat is running bottom to top and I only get one server backing up and then the prompt just returns to a new prompt.
The following is edited removing the identifiers for the servers and host.
Can someone please tell me what I have done that is making it so that only one server backs up and then closes?
set path=F:\"Testing Bat"
cd %path%
set name1=%date1%"Maps"
set name2=%path%\%date1%" Maps"
set password=<password>
set scriptfile=%temp%\ARK.txt
echo open ftpes://<id>:%password%@<host> -rawsettings ProxyPort=0  >%scriptfile%
echo cd /arksa/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/TheIsland_WP >>%scriptfile%
echo lcd %name2%\TheIsland\SavedArks  >>%scriptfile%
echo get *.(file)  >>%scriptfile%
echo cd /arksa/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer  >>%scriptfile%
echo lcd %name2%\TheIsland\Config  >>%scriptfile%
echo get Game.ini  >>%scriptfile%
echo get GameUserSettings.ini  >>%scriptfile%
echo close  >>%scriptfile%
echo open ftpes://<id>:%password%@<host> -rawsettings ProxyPort=0  >%scriptfile%
echo cd /arksa/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/TheIsland_WP >>%scriptfile%
echo lcd %name2%\TheSecondIsland\SavedArks  >>%scriptfile%
echo get *.(file) >>%scriptfile%
echo cd /arksa/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer  >>%scriptfile%
echo lcd %name2%\TheSecondIsland\Config  >>%scriptfile%
echo get Game.ini  >>%scriptfile%
echo get GameUserSettings.ini  >>%scriptfile%
echo close  >>%scriptfile%
echo exit
mkdir %name2%
cd %name2%
mkdir TheIsland
mkdir TheIsland\Config
mkdir %name2%
cd %name2%
mkdir TheSecondIsland
mkdir TheSecondIsland\Config