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may I suggest to add scripting examples?
I mean in docs/scriptcommand_synchronize, it gives only the command which is
synchronize both d:\www /home/martin/public_html

so it doesn't help to understand how this command should be used in the command line.
This is why I didn't understand about the quotes.

If you add such example, it would easier to get the idea: /command "synchronize both d:\www /home/martin/public_html" exit

I was so focused on my mask that I didn't see the equal sign :-(
Thanks a lot Martin.

Have a nice day.

Re: Can't exclude directories in command line

You are missing an equal sign. And you also have quotes wrong.
It should be:
"synchronize local . / -filemask=|mydir/"

If this does not help, please post session log file.

Can't exclude directories in command line


I really can't understand from the manual, how to exclude a directory. :-(
I'm using WinSCP on Win2022.

I have a FTP server containing:


On my local machine, I cd into a directory and call the following to synchronize everything except mydir completely:  /command "synchronize local . /" -filemask "|mydir/" exit

It still downloads mydir, even if I use |/mydir/.
Even WinSCP dialog generates such filemask so what is the filemask I should use?

Output is:

Local '.' <= Remote '/'
mydir                  |            0 B |    0,0 KB/s | binary |   0%
other files...
