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Topic review


Such comparison would require downloading the file. Which would spoil the purpose.

I don't know :(
You first compare the files on synchronization...

So you know the same file file1 is locally in dir dir1/old/file1 and remote it is in dir1/file1...
You know?

Re: recognize the movement of files

me_02 wrote:

Can you solve this dilemma?

How? :-)

recognize the movement of files

Dear Support-Team,

I'm using WinSCP for synchronizing a whole and complex directory.
Sometimes the files are moving from /dir1/file1 to dir1/old/file1

Currently WinSCP just delete the file1 in dir1 and upload the same file to dir1/old/file1. Thats very time spending and bandwidth-wasting.

Can you solve this dilemma?
