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Re: Scripting / Autoreconnect

Thanks for your post. No it is not possible yet.

This request has been added to tracker.

Would you prefer option to specify number of retries or option to specify total time to keep trying?

Scripting / Autoreconnect


I can not find eg. it seems it would be a bug? I'am using WinSCP 4.1.8 (latest client). When I transfer files via the command (Scripting) the connection sometimes refused. WinSCP autoreconnect and resume my file. That is good and works fine. But sometimes a service on the remote site is death and WinSCP try to reconnect... and never stops till the file transfer is finished. I need a possiblity to stop the transfer after x retries.

For example: 10 times retries means for me to stop the batch job and gives me an error back?

Is there is any possibility right now?
