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Re: Scripting Unknown Command Error

evick wrote:

The Script

option batch on

option confirm off

option transfer binary

"C:\WinSCP\winscp.exe" /console /script=TRANSFER_BACKUP.txt BACK

get *.* D:\BACKUP\



The highlighted part is probably cause of your problem.

Re: Scripting Unknown Command Error

martin wrote:

Can you post your batch file?

Yes, Thanks a lot

The .bat file
"C:\WinSCP\winscp.exe" /console /script=TRANSFER_BACKUP.txt BACK

The Script

option batch on

option confirm off

option transfer binary

"C:\WinSCP\winscp.exe" /console /script=TRANSFER_BACKUP.txt BACK

get *.* D:\BACKUP\



Thanks for any help that may provide

Re: Scripting Unknown Command Error

Can you post your batch file?

Scripting Unknown Command Error

Good evening to the community,

In the last three month in the place where I work integrate some old systems with new ones.

One of the good tools that we use its WINSCP 4.1.6, in the last month I create a script and call it from a bat file and works perfect in a Windows 2000 Server SP3 for create automation process.

I been a couple of hours trying to make the same in Windows XP SP3 and its
works and you see the Command window running but it come to a place where say Unknown Command.

First I notice that the default installation path is c:\program files\winSCP\ and the error say unknown command c:\program , there I decide to change the install path just to be sure that's not the problem. I install it here c:\winscp But it continues giving me the same error.

If someone have a working around or a solution to this problem its going to be a huge help.

Thanks a lot