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Re: WinScp Editor Problem

It's the NUL character after "Molecule_name: mof-rht" what confuses the editor. Anyway 5.0.5 beta can handle this well.

WinScp Editor Problem

I am having a problem with WinScp internal editor problem.

When I open this file (I attached the file) with WinScp internal editor: some lines 1-26 are missing

Molecule_name: mof-rht.6349 26.9737 4.9193 H 0.3190 0 0
27 32.6349 5.8972 25.9958 H 0.3190 0 0
28 11.5584 26.9737 25.9958 H 0.3190 0 0
29 12.3635 3.5957 6.1712 O -0.5610 0 0

But When I open this file with wordpad. it shows fine:

Molecule_name: mof-rht

Coord_Info: Listed Cartesian None
1 7.8122 5.3631 1.8088 C 0.8130 0 0
2 28.8887 26.4396 1.8088 C 0.8130 0 0

Could someone help in detail.

Many thanks