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Re: Opened sessions toolbar menu

I'm sorry, but it's unlikely we add the drop down menu back.
Would adding an option to hide the tabs, when there's only one session opened, help you?

Opened sessions toolbar menu


Long time user, first time poster here. The software is great, and my sole recommendation on Windows but something went missing with the recent update to 5.1. Namely, the opened sessions drop-down menu next to the session buttons. It looks like it got replaced by session tabs. I'm requesting the old toolbar session menu be added back as an option to tabs, or as simply another toolbar of it's own.

My use case is this: I usually have no more than two sessions open at a time and I quickly switch between with Ctrl-Tab but when there is more, it was easy to switch to a particular one by clicking on the menu (always in the same location) and selecting the right one. Most of the time the menu stays out of the way tucked in some nook on the toolbar.

The session tabs however, are a non-customizable bar of their own and nothing can exist on the same row as them. Which with only a couple of session tabs means most of the tab bar's space is wasted. Luckily the bar isn't very thick but every pixel row counts on a laptop screen.

Maybe the average user has way more sessions open or otherwise finds the tabs handier than the old menu. I would simply like an option.