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Topic review


The assembly source code, along with the license will be included in the future 5.2 release.

Hi Martin,

Today I looked in the new 5.1.2 release of the Assembly and did not find the license text including the notice where the source code is available (MPL $3.2) and that the source code is licenced under MPL (MPL $3.1).

Can this be include in the next release? This way users of the assembly do not have to refer to anything if they use the assembly as-is.

For now can you post the reference to the source code and the file that informs us that the source code is licenced under MPL.


Yes you can. You have to make public changes to make to the WinSCP assembly itself only, if any.


We have a proprietary application that we want to use the .NET Assembly in. I read the MPL and FAQ but it is not clear to me what I should make publicly available.

It is important to us that we do not have to change our license or make the source code available.

Can we use the .NET assembly in our proprietary application?

Re: WinSCP .NET assembly license

The .NET assembly has MPL licence. Package will be updated with the next release to include the licence text.

WinSCP .NET assembly license


I understand that WinSCP use GPL license.

What is the license of WinSCP .NET assembly ?
If it is GPL, corporate policies forbid me to use such a library in our software.

Is the WinSCP .NET assembly under LGPL or an other more permissive license (no contamination)?