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Re: Scheduled Task with Batch File not authenticating

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Scheduled Task with Batch File not authenticating

I have a scheduled task that is connecting to an environment through WinSCP. I have a batch file written. I have removed everything from my batch file except the connection to see if that was causing the issue, but it didn't help. I am able to connect directly through WinSCP. I have it writing to a log. The log is saying that it is accepting the public key, prompts for the passphrase, then says disconnected: unable to authenticate. I have a lot of other SFTP connections that use scheduled tasks and batch files with the exact same process, but I don't have these issues. Please see the code example below.

@echo off

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /script=C:\script.txt /log=C:\log.txt

script file
option batch continue

option confirm off

open "connection"

lcd C:\Files

put *.gpg

Any help would be extremely appreciated, as this is a production issue.