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Topic review


Grammar errors in License

The last line of the license:
"In any case, neither author nor any other party providing this software won't be responsible for loses caused by using or not be able to use this software (including a lose of data)."

Might benefit from the grammatical tweaks:
"In any case, neither"
-insert "the" for more proper english

"author nor any other party providing this software"
-"will" is correct here, "neither" and "won't" make a double negative, which means you are not, not, responsible! You then ARE responsible! Ouch.

"be responsible for"
-it's spelled "losses", the noun has a double s

"caused by using or not"
-the correct form is "being" rather than "be"

"able to use this software (including"
- again, "loss" is the noun form, and you could drop the "a"

"of data)."

SO the revised last line would be:
"In any case, neither the author nor any other party providing this software will be responsible for losses caused by using or not being able to use this software (including loss of data)."

Just the 2 pfennigs of a native speaker. I want to also thank you for this beautiful software, which allows my Mom to send family pictures securely and easily to my linux boxes from hundreds of miles away. Your program makes my life better in a small but very real way.