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Topic review


Hi Martin

You're so right.

My mistake was that I checked, several times, the General Options window,
and did not think at all about the Site Specific Options (Advanced Options) window..

Thank you so much

A Way to Disable Folder Caching

Hi all

If I connect to a remote server, and navigate to some folder (e.g. /Folder1), and view its content,
and then, I navigate to another folder (e.g. /Folder2), and meanwhile /Folder1 was added with a new file, or a file was deleted there,
then I navigate again to /Folder1,
then I will not see the new content of that folder.

I tried searching the Settings for anything that could disbale Folder Caching,
but couldn't find.
I only found an option for Auto-Refresh, with the ability to choose how many seconds between each Refresh,
but that's not what I am looking for..
If I am on a certain folder, I would not like to to refresh all the time..
But If I leave a folder, and then go back to it again,
I would certainly want to have it reloaded from the server.

Is there an option to do that (which I maybe did not find)?
Or If not, can I please recommend adding that as a Setting in the same Setting screen as the Auto-Refresh one?

Thank you very much