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Re: How to use WinSCP with Azure SSIS integration runtime

So what does your main.cmd do? Is it a batch file? Does it start your C# application? I do not know Azure IR. Please give us more info how it works. Or post some link.

Can I try Azure IR myself? Or do you need some special server/paid service?

Re: How to use WinSCP with Azure SSIS integration runtime

Unfortunately, this example is for a self-hosted integration runtime. I'm using a Data Factory v2 Azure-hosted IR which requires you to upload binaries and a main.cmd script to a Azure blob which the IR reads when starting and executes main.cmd. If I use the WinSCP MSI for example to install both the exe and the dll, and then add the dll to the GAC, I need to reference the exe path in package script code, e.g
session.ExecutablePath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe";

And I don't have access to the file system in the Azure hosted IR to get the path.

How to use WinSCP with Azure SSIS integration runtime

How to install the WinSCP binaries into Azure Integration Runtime? I can register the dll via gacutil (via Azure IR customization), but the required winscp.exe seems to require a path reference in code at runtime in an SSIS script task. This path information is not available in Azure IR as it is a serverless environment. Has anyone had success installing/configuring WinSCP for Azure IR and successfully running an SSIS script task that references it?