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Topic review


I use WINscp to synchronize files from remote to local (via script, synchronize command, see above). Remote files are readwrite. Local files are readonly after synchronization. Why ? Does WINscp set readonly attribute on synchronized local files ? How to avoid this behaviour ?

WinSCP sets readonly attribute for files that are readonly on remote side. I guess I should turn this feature off by default.

I use WINscp to synchronize files from remote to local (via script, synchronize command, see above). Remote files are readwrite. Local files are readonly after synchronization. Why ? Does WINscp set readonly attribute on synchronized local files ? How to avoid this behaviour ?
Read only attribute is a reason why synchronization is not able to rewrite old local files with new remote one, during next synchronization. I'm not able to find how to avoid this ...
If I remove manually readonly attribute in local before start of new synchronization, all is correct and WINscp makes its job and transfer changed files.

Re: Local files are read only after "synchronize local..."

Sorry, I do not understand what is the problem. Please try again.
Petr Nowak

Local files are read only after "synchronize local..."

Local files are read only after "synchronize local...". How to avoid this ?

option batch on

option confirm off
option synchdelete on
echo on
open pnowak@WEBtest
chmod 666 *.*
option transfer binary
synchronize local d:\BackupsWEBtest\ \Zalohy\