Crashing and no stable connexion on low connexion



Crashing and no stable connexion on low connexion


So, actualy, i'm in cambodia and make some backup on a server in france with fast connexion. The traceroute show a 600ms-1s for each point.
Bassicly, the problem is the freeze of WinSCP, i launch a copy of some data from my computer to my server then :
The window say that i have a 700KB/s speed, then freeze, then i got the error about the no answer from the host and ask to remove the buffer. Then connect again.
One of the solution for me, is to put a limit on connexion speed like 8KB/s but because of the freeze, waiting for some packet i think, i don't have control on WinSCP. So, i launch an update of files already in, then change the limit speed.

The biggest problem is, it's seem that kill the network driver of windows. After a few of that problem, the system process use 100% of my proc then the internet connexion don't work anymore. Saying that i'm connect to the wifi, but no packet go after the routeur.
I use a openVPN between my computer and my server and removing the buffer option as the dialog box ask for, change nothing.


I use the WinSCP 5.1.2 (Build 2816) and downloading the 5.1.3 but already get that problem with previous version and didn't see any changelog about that problem.
I'm on Windows seven, last version, drivers and windows full update, same for the server which run the last debian and openVPN version. In fact, i never get that problem if i'm on a fast internet connexion with a good link.

I use the SFTP protocol, the "total commander" like GUI.

Thx in advance,

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Crashing and no stable connexion on low connexion

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

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