Unexpected directory listing line



Unexpected directory listing line

I am running WinSCP 4.3.5 on a 64-bit Windows 7 platform to connect to a remote UNIX-based machine. Connection appears prompt and normal except for the error message in a pop-up window concerning the remote host:

"Unexpected directory listing line 'drwxr-xr-x 42 rshubert 2328 Nov 27 19:19' "

The same behavior occurs at each start of a new session.

When clicking OK in the above pop-up error window the normal WinSCP window showing panes of the local and remote directory listings appears.

However, although the contents of all the local directories are shown normally in the left pane of the window, the file contents of the directory on the remote machine in the right pane is not shown. The correct directory (authorized for my use and works normally via PuTTy or a command-line 'ftp' connection) appears to have been reached on the remote machine, so that there may be a problem with permissions or something minor such as that.

I like the Win SCP utility for its simplicity of operation, but I am unable after some effort to fix the apparent problem in order to enable it to show the remote directory files so that I may begin copying or downloading those files to a local drive.

I would greatly appreciate your help if you know the answer. Any ideas?

With thanks,


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Unexpected directory listing line

I'm afraid, there's no group name in the directory listing.
I suppose you are using SCP. Can you try switching to SFTP?
Alternativelly, there may be a switch that forces the ls command on your server to pront the group name. You can add the switch to the Listing command:

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about "unexpected directory listing"

Dear author, I think I did found why WinSCP FAR plugin gives out error like that.

If you look closely at screenshot I attached here you will see that plugin complains about "." (dot) at the end of permission flags.
This is because DOT IS THERE:
drwxrwxr-x. 3 tmh tmh 4096 2012-08-21 14:46 321/

- and that dot is security.selinux stuff.

Here is the urls:
https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1314425 - about that dot.
https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1315684 - how to remove that selinux.

Anyway, could you please make corrections to WinSCP FAR plugin so it will accept all dots in listing :) Thanks in advance!


Description: screenshot


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Re: about "unexpected directory listing"

Looks like that NetBox is a little bit lame comparing to WinSCP plugin, but thanks for suggestion:)

Anyway, Martin, please fix this error with "." in the end of permissions list, I think many ppl will be happy about it!

Thank You!

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Moscow, Russia

Re: about "unexpected directory listing"

tMH wrote:

Looks like that NetBox is a little bit lame comparing to WinSCP plugin, but thanks for suggestion:)

o_O Why you think it is lame? What version did you try?

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Re: about "unexpected directory listing"

michael.lukashov wrote:

tMH wrote:

Looks like that NetBox is a little bit lame comparing to WinSCP plugin, but thanks for suggestion:)

o_O Why you think it is lame? What version did you try?

I said "a little bit" ;) Anyway, prikryl, I lurked through the pages to see "how to remove that selinux" and did find what ppl telling "Disabling it is really not recommended. Far better to take the time to understand it and work with it than to remove an important feature that might stop you from being hacked in the future."

Please, can you apply some fix for this "new" selunux'ed dot'ted ls -lar output? Thanks!!!

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Moscow, Russia

Re: about "unexpected directory listing"

tMH wrote:

I said "a little bit" ;) Anyway, prikryl, I lurked through the pages to see "how to remove that selinux" and did find what ppl telling "Disabling it is really not recommended. Far better to take the time to understand it and work with it than to remove an important feature that might stop you from being hacked in the future."
Please, can you apply some fix for this "new" selunux'ed dot'ted ls -lar output? Thanks!!!

Martin, PLEASE, add this selinux DOTTED feature to WinSCP/FAR plugin!
I am really tired to run winscp all the time when I can simple use ALT+F1+ENTER in FAR.

.. If you're silently insist to make donation for this one - just tell me - and I'll drop some money because this fix (will be) a nice feature to have it at all!


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