Keep remote up to date



Keep remote up to date

I cannot get the "Keep remote directory up to date" to work. It brings up the dialog box, but when I click Start, it just sits there and no files get copied. If I do a "Compare directories" first, it shows the differences, and if I do a "Synchronize local directory with remote directory" it copies the files. I suspect the "Synchronize" and the "Keep up to date" should be basically the same - but something is wrong. (Using SFTP)

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Keep remote up to date

"Keep remote directory up to date" watches for changes in selected directory. Once it detects a change (like when you save the file in editor) it performs non-recursive local->remote synchronisation of the directory where the changed file is located. I.e. it does nothing immediatelly after you press "start", what is maybe something you've expected.

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Re: Keep remote up to date

i have the same problem. everytime i start this option it worked only once. that means only the first changed file will be updated. after that nothing is happend. no error!

i guess the reason are stange permissions. i have: "rwr---rwx". but "set permissions" and "preserve timestamp" are not enabled.

thanks - claus

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Keep remote up to date

Anonymous wrote:

i have the same problem. everytime i start this option it worked only once. that means only the first changed file will be updated. after that nothing is happend. no error!
It seems like rather different problem, which I have never experienced. And currently I have no idea how to help you. Maybe some other user will.

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