SCP for OpenSSH for Windows



SCP for OpenSSH for Windows

Wanted to start out and say thanks for the great product. I have tired searching on this and really can't find an answer. I have done everything in the FAQ about using SCP with openssh for windows but I still am unable to connect, I get "Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds." Here is a copy of the log:

. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. WinSCP Version 3.7.1 (Build 257) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. Login time: Thursday, January 06, 2005 3:01:57 PM
. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. Session name: username@servername
. Host name: servername (Port: 22)
. User name: username (Password: No, Key file: No)
. Transfer Protocol: SCP
. SSH protocol version: 2; Compression: No
. Agent forwarding: No; TIS/CryptoCard: No; KI: Yes; GSSAPI: No
. Ciphers: aes,blowfish,3des,WARN,des; Ssh2DES: No
. Ping type: -, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. SSH Bugs: -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,
. Proxy: none
. Return code variable: Autodetect; Lookup user groups: No
. Shell: /bin/sh, EOL: 1
. Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. Clear aliases: Yes, Unset nat.vars: Yes, Resolve symlinks: Yes
. Alias LS: No, Ign LS warn: Yes, Scp1 Comp: No
. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. Looking up host "servername"
. Connecting to serverip port 22
. Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.8.1p1
. We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP-release-3.7.1
. Using SSH protocol version 2
. Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
. Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange
. Host key fingerprint is:
. ssh-rsa 1024 7b:76:81:82:fc:51:d5:a4:ed:11:8d:d1:a2:6b:71:be
. Initialised AES-256 client->server encryption
. Initialised AES-256 server->client encryption
. Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
. Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
! Using username "mdoran".
! This is a private computer system. This computer system, including all
! related equipment, networks, and network devices (specifically including
! Internet access) are provided only for authorized use. This computer system
! may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including to ensure that its use
! is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against
! unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability, and
! operational security. Monitoring includes active attacks by authorized entities
! to test or verify the security of this system. During monitoring, information
! may be examined, recorded, copied and used for authorized purposes. All
! information, including personal information, placed or sent over this system
! may be monitored.
! Use of this computer system, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent
! to monitoring of this system. Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal
! prosecution. Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring may be
! used for administrative, criminal, or other adverse action. Use of this system
! constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.
. Keyboard-interactive authentication refused
. Session password prompt (mdoran@cvgapp107i's password: )
. Asking user for password.
. Sent password
. Access granted
. Opened channel for session
. Started a shell/command
. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. Using SCP protocol.
. Doing startup conversation with host.
. Skipping host startup message (if any).
> echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. Detecting variable containing return code of last command.
. Trying "$status".
> echo "$status" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. Trying "$?".
> echo "$?" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0"
< 0
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. Return code variable "$?" selected.
. Clearing all aliases.
> unalias "echo" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "pwd" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "cd" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "ls" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "groups" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "scp" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "rm" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "mv" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "mkdir" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "chmod" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "chgrp" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "chown" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "unset" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "unalias" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "alias" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "ln" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
> unalias "cp" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
! unalias: not found
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:127
. Clearing national user variables.
> unset "LANG" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LANGUAGE" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_CTYPE" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_COLLATE" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_MONETARY" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_NUMERIC" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_TIME" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_MESSAGES" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
> unset "LC_ALL" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
> unset "HUMAN_BLOCKS" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:1
. Getting current directory name.
> pwd ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
< /cygdrive
< WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. Listing current directory.
> ls -la --full-time ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?"
. Waiting for data timed out, asking user what to do.
. Asking user:
. Host has not answered for 15 seconds.
. Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing 'Abort' button will close session. ()
. Attempt to close connection due to fatal exception:
* Terminated by user.
. Closing connection.
* (ESshFatal) Error listing directory '/cygdrive'.
* Terminated by user.

Thanks, for any help you can provide.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: SCP for OpenSSH for Windows

I'm sorry, but I do not know how to help you. I personally test WinSCP on OpenSSH for Windows and I do not have the problem. Maybe just try to disable option Try to get full timestamp on SCP tab of Login dialog. Or use SFTP instead of SCP.

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Re: SCP for OpenSSH for Windows

martin wrote:

I'm sorry, but I do not know how to help you. I personally test WinSCP on OpenSSH for Windows and I do not have the problem. Maybe just try to disable option Try to get full timestamp on SCP tab of Login dialog. Or use SFTP instead of SCP.

I had to add the cygintl-2.dll from cygwin to the bin directory of the openssh for windows installation. Once this dll was added I was able to connect using scp protocol.

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