Can't find the Generate Transfer Code dialog box to generate File Transfer script template?


Flat Rock, NC

Can't find the Generate Transfer Code dialog box to generate File Transfer script template?

WinSCP Portable v5.8.2 beta

I am trying to generate a script for a file transfer using the new beta version according to these instructions:

I know where the Generate Session URL/Code dialog is, under Session menu. I can't seem to find the Generate Transfer Code dialog? It doesn't specifically say where it is in the documentation, it just says "Use the Script tab to generate a WinSCP script template...". There is a script tab on the Generations Session URL/Code dialog but it doesn't appear to be the same place as the Generate Transfer Code dialog?

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Found it. I was drag and dropping files nad the transfer settings box does not pop up.

When I clicked Upload off the toolbar I got the transfer dialog box where I was able to find the script generator.

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Re: Can't see a tab to generate script

I see the same screen on version 5.13.3 and cannot locate the option to Generate Code in the Transfer Options screen. Is there something that I am doing wrong?

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United States

Transfer Settings and code generations

Hi Martin:
Thanks for your response. Your tool has some wonderful capabilities.

I actually clicked the Transfer Settings button. I am still not able to find the option to generate code based on the actions I am taken.

I am definitely missing something. Let me know if there is some setting I am not seeing.


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I have the same issue with generating code using the Transfer Settings menu, I am unable to find the Generate Code option. I am using version 5.13.4.


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@martin: The dialog linked in your post also doesn't have a Generate Code option. It does have a button to open the Transfer Settings dialog, which is the one I noted that also doesn't have such an option.

For the others also struggling to locate this feature, I was able to figure out how to at least get a template to work from. Not quite as easy as the implied feature that a specific action can be generated to code, but pretty dang easy and more than enough to work with to avoid this unproductive documentation loop.

In the Commander view, go to "Session" > "Generate Session URL code" > "Script" tab, then select the type of template you're after (script, batch, command line). You will just need to edit in the specific commands you wish to execute (as illustrated in the template by "Your command 1" and "Your command 2") which are well documented to be able to create by hand without the convenience of recording them from an actual UI action.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

The dialog linked in your post also doesn't have a Generate Code option. It does have a button to open the Transfer Settings dialog, which is the one I noted that also doesn't have such an option.
See attached screenshot below.

In the Commander view, go to "Session" > "Generate Session URL code" > "Script" tab, then select the type of template you're after (script, batch, command line). You will just need to edit in the specific commands you wish to execute (as illustrated in the template by "Your command 1" and "Your command 2") which are well documented to be able to create by hand without the convenience of recording them from an actual UI action.
That path is clearly documented as well:
To open the dialog to generate the session URL or code, use:
  • Session > Generate Session URL/Code command on the main window to generate session URL or code template for the current session. (preferred)
At the very beginning of the article:

Simple step-by-step instructions are also here:

Upload dialog.png

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martin avatar

Re: Can't see a tab to generate script

I believe there are very detailed instructions at the post. Would you tell us, at what point do you get lost?

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No transfer code generation?

I can generate the .NET assembly however there is not a code generation for to transfer the files.. this is insanely annoying.

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martin avatar

Re: No transfer code generation?

@BossMan12: Did you open the Generate transfer code dialog from the Transfer options dialog? I believe this all is discussed above already. Please, either read the documentation or the discussion above. Or tell us what exactly did you do.

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martin avatar

Re: I Also Can't Find Generate Code in Transfer Settings Dialogue

@ourbob1: As mentioned above, you need at least WinSCP 5.8. Well, you need the latest version. Definitely not 5.1, which is 9 years old!

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