Any way for 'Preserve timestamp' to work in Windows 2003?



Any way for 'Preserve timestamp' to work in Windows 2003?

Hello all,

I'm having a little problem which I would like to correct on the server side, rather than having several dozen barely computer literate users make a change in their WinSCP settings. Presently, I have a Windows 2000 SSH server functioning just fine, but I am replacing it with a Windows 2003 server which is also configured as a domain controller. During a test upload, I'm getting the following message when uploading a file as a normal user:

Upload of file 'myfile.txt was successful, but error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp. If the problem persists, turn off "set permissions' and/or 'Preserve timestamp option.

When I upload it with my account, which has Administrator privledges, I also get this error. If I remove "Preserve timestamp" in Preferences, this goes away, but I would much rather fix it on the server side so I do not see this error message so I do not have to contact several dozen users via telephone, lol. Any help or insight on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Any way for 'Preserve timestamp' to work in Windows 2003?

I've never heard of the problem. If you find a solution, let me know.

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This particular problem is noted in the FAQ; I imagine it's known to someone. The workaround is removing "Preserve timestamp" in preferences. Rather than making a configuration change in WinSCP I wanted to fix it on the server side, as there are many clients, and just one server. I guess what I'm not understanding is why I'm not experiencing this on the current 2000 server, but this is happening on the new 2003, not yet deployed, server. Out of the box, 2003 is quite a bit more strict than 2000, and one significant difference is that the new 2003 server is also a domain controller. Anybody have any ideas?

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martin avatar

The problem is known on UNIX servers, where you cannot change file properties unless you are its owner, even if you can write to it.

What I've meant is, that I haven't heard about your particular problem on Win 2003.

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