Launch PuTTY Button



Launch PuTTY Button

Currently (version 3.2.1), it is possible to open
a console. However, the console is fairly restrictive. Might it be possible to add a 'Launch
PuTTY' button? It could start a PuTTY session to
the current server, with as many of the same settings
as are appropriate --- perhaps it could even log you
on if you had provided a key for logon, for example.

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Re: Launch PuTTY Button

martin wrote:

I'll try to add this feature in next release.

Looks like you have now :) but nearly all my sessions are of the form where I connect to an ssh server gateway and then use the Shell command "ssh target" to get to where I want. All my Putty sessions have to be set up this way too.

Could you add the ability to make the Putty session from WinSCP do this "double hop" too? Maybe by recognising the ssh command in the config?

I guess you can't win - add a feature and we want more! Thanks for a great piece of software it and you are 8) .

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Launch PuTTY Button

I can imagine this solution: If you press button and WinSCP finds PuTTY's stored session with the same name as current WinSCP session, it will not use WinSCP settings, but it will launch the PuTTY's stored session instead. Would it satisfy your needs?

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Re: Launch PuTTY Button

martin wrote:

Would it satisfy your needs?

Absolutely! All my WinSCP sessions start as Putty ones and are imported so they have the same name.

By the way it would be really nice if an imported session recognised that the putty session did a 'double hop' to another ssh server and could put the Putty 'remote command' into the Shell Enter field. - Like I said - we always want more :wink:


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Launch PuTTY Button

Absolutely! All my WinSCP sessions start as Putty ones and are imported so they have the same name.
OK, so next version. But I do not plan any new release in November.

By the way it would be really nice if an imported session recognised that the putty session did a 'double hop' to another ssh server and could put the Putty 'remote command' into the Shell Enter field. - Like I said - we always want more
I do not think that this is a good idea. You may have setup command that would prevent WinSCP to work. BTW: How do you authenticate to the host you "hop" to? Just curious.

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Re: Launch PuTTY Button

I do not think that this is a good idea. You may have setup command that would prevent WinSCP to work

Yeah I guess I'm a bit of a special case. :wink:

BTW: How do you authenticate to the host you "hop" to? Just curious.

It's all done by Public/Private key - I run Pagaent and Agent forwarding is always on.

Here are a couple of examples:
A simple hop to reach serverB via serverA where both servers run sshd and there are firewalls (open to ssh only) between the client and A and between A and B.
In Putty connection host is set to serverA and the "Remote Command" option is set to ssh serverB.
In WinSCP Session Hostname is serverA and Environment->SCP->Shell->Enter is set to "ssh serverB".

A more complex triple-hop can be achieved - add serverC (running sshd) behind yet another firewall.
In Putty connection host is set to serverA and the "Remote Command" option is set to ssh -A -t serverB ssh -A serverC.
In WinSCP Session Hostname is serverA and Environment->SCP->Shell->Enter is set to "ssh -A serverB ssh serverC".

Note the -t (to force a tty) and the extra -A (to forward authentication in case I need to do some scp-ing) options in the Putty settting.


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