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ui_sessiontabs 2012-06-02 ui_sessiontabs (current)
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-====== Session Tabs ====== 
-Session tabs are placed below toolbars. You can use them to manage your [[task_connections|opened sessions]]. &beta_feature 
-Click on the tab to [[task_connections#switch|switch to a session]] it represents. 
-Click on the "+" tab to [[task_connections#opening_additional_connection|add new session]]. 
-Right-click on the tab to pop up [[ui_context_menu|context menu]] with other [[task_connections|session management]] commands. 
-Drag tab to change tab order. &future_feature 
-Drop local files to the session tab to [[task_upload|upload]] them using the session. 
-To hide tabs go to //View > Session Tabs// in [[ui_explorer|Explorer interface]] or 
-//Options > Session Tabs// in [[ui_commander|Commander interface]]. 
-If the session has [[task_connections#session_color|associated color]], session tab shows icon of that color. &future_feature