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Re: WinSCP with S3

As in the GUI, even in the .NET assembly, the buckets are presented as root-level folders.
So listing the root folder will give you bucket names. E.g. in C#:
var buckets = session.ListDirectory("/").Files.Select(_ => _.Name);

That also means that to upload to the bucket, you need to use the bucket name in the target path:
session.PutFileToDirectory(@"C:\local\path\file.txt", "/bucket");

WinSCP with S3

Hello, I would like to know how I can get the list of buckets because I can connect with C#, but it doesn't let me upload, telling me "the bucket does not exist." However, with the same data from the program, I can do it perfectly. If you need more information, please let me know, and thank you in advance.