easy editable transfer queue



easy editable transfer queue

Hi i use WinSCP(since i stop using filezilla)

working with it is OK
but i miss a few things, that are verry useful for me, and i would like to see them at WinSCP:

- Drag&Drop to transfer-queue
- the option to right-click on file/s and send it to transfer-queue instead of download/upload
- the option to select multiple files at transfer-queue and delete it
- the clear all files from transfer-queue
- Split Queue into planed/ongoing and completed (maybe split that also into successful and others)
- re-add file/s from successful to transfer-queue again

the why:
i often had to upload multiple files at different server directories, that need to be uploaded at the same time (because they relay on each other)
if i can add this files to the queue and start it when all is ok it would be much better (like a pending file at queue without auto process)
i am not perfect, thats why i need to be able to delete files from queue. but not 1by1 like now(if i add 20+ files to the wrong directory. or see that i upload the wrong 20+ files) i need to be able to select and delete all of them from the queue, before the queue is processed fully and try to delete them after upload.
i also like that when i upload 5+ files from 5+ directories to 5+ directories when i am able to re-upload them easy (images with wrong quality that need to be replaced for example)

any chances that these functions will come?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: easy editable transfer queue

Thanks for your suggestions. Will consider them all!

Some comments:

- Drag&Drop to transfer-queue
- the option to right-click on file/s and send it to transfer-queue instead of download/upload
Are you aware of Transfer on background by default settings?

Recent versions of WinSCP also support moving ongoing foreground transfer to queue.
See Minimize > Move to Background on:

- the clear all files from transfer-queue
That's implemented already:

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thanks for info

i am aware of Transfer on background by default and i use it :D
i also have the queue always open :wink:

i still would like to add something pending to queue (like i have a queue that is processing, an one that is pending)

for example i had to upload same files to 2 sites (at same ftp, but different directories),
than i like to add files for both sites to queue but only process the files for one site/directory.
i check these files online and start queue for second site only when everything is ok.

i would like the fact to have full control over my queue:
that means i can start, pause, stop, delete mutiple selected files at queue
and if possible also to set priority for files at queue (to upload necessary file first, other files normal, and some big files at last when everything else is processed for example)
and/or the ability to reorder files at queue

:arrow: thanks for infos & for clear all from queue (even if it is only fixed at RC Versions, at the moment)

the queue is an important "working-tool" for me (it should not bee only a a fillup list and log list like it is now, it sould more become an "additional" workflow window when you need to up/download multiple files)

if you wold like to know more deails or something is not clear don’t hesitate to ask

thank you for consider my suggestions
if i get a queue that work that way, i shead not even a single teardrop at filezilla anymore

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Can you please send me the latest beta so I can make use of all the changes you have made to the queue.


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Site Admin
martin avatar

nila wrote:

Can you please send me the latest beta so I can make use of all the changes you have made to the queue.
This thread is from 2015. All the above mentioned features are in the stable release for a long time already.

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Sorry. Must have replied to the wrong one. I want the latest queue management features. They are on the latest beta according to the tracker page.
Appreciate if I can receive a copy.

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