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Usage Statistics

WinSCP can send to WinSCP team non-personal statistics about usage of WinSCP features. The only potentially personal information sent is IP addresses. You can disable this functionality in the installer or anytime later in preferences.

WinSCP usage statistics help us improve future versions of WinSCP. Once sent to us, usage statistics are stored for analysis (except IP addresses) and made available to the core WinSCP team only.


Why is it very important?

We work very hard to make WinSCP reliable and useful. We also love improving WinSCP with every release. And last but not least, we provide WinSCP application to You for free and we want this to stay so!

However our resources and time are unfortunately very limited. We want to focus our effort on improving the right features for You. That is why we need to learn more about how You use WinSCP. Understanding user experience is very important for us, it means, Your experience using WinSCP is important too!

Please allow to send us your usage statistics data!

What usage information is collected and sent to us?

WinSCP collects and sends following static information about your system, counters and metrics.

You can review the information collected and ready for sending on Updates page of Preferences dialog.

Collected information is stored in Configuration/Usage section in the configuration storage.


Static information about your system and WinSCP installation

Name Description Introduced
WindowsVersion Version of Windows operating system.
WindowsProductName Windows product name (e.g. “Windows 7 Home Premium”).
WindowsProductType Windows product type.1 5.2.4
Windows64 Using 64-bit edition of Windows? 5.2.5
Wine Running under Wine? 5.5.1
DefaultLocale Default locale of your Windows installation (Locale IDs Assigned by Microsoft).
NotUseThemes Are visual styles (themes) disabled system-wide or for WinSCP? 5.2.5
ThemeDefaultFontSize Default font size. 5.2.7
ThemeIconFontSize Icon font size. 5.2.7
ThemeMainInstructionFontSize Message title font size. 5.2.7
ThemeMessageFontSize Message font size. 5.2.7
IsInstalled Is any version of WinSCP installed? 5.6
Installed Time your version of WinSCP was installed (run for the first time).
Beta Using a beta version? 5.2.5
Unofficial Using an unofficial version? 5.6
InProgramFiles Is WinSCP installed in default Program Files folder?
TypicalInstallation Was typical installation mode used to install WinSCP? 5.2.6
ConfigurationIniFile Using an INI file for configuration storage. 5.2.6
Locale Locale (translation) of WinSCP.
FirstUse Time of first WinSCP use (of any version).
FirstVersion First version of WinSCP used.
CurrentVersion Current version of WinSCP.
AnyBetaUsed Ever used a beta version of WinSCP?
LastReport Time since the last reset of period counters.
PixelsPerInch Items size/DPI configuration. 5.2.4
WorkAreaWidth Width of the usable space on the primary monitor. 5.2.4
WorkAreaHeight Height of the usable space on the primary monitor. 5.2.4
MonitorCount Number of monitors used to comprise the desktop. 5.2.4


Information about your WinSCP configuration

Name Description Introduced
StoredSessionsCountSCP Number of sites using SCP protocol.
StoredSessionsCountSFTP Number of sites using SFTP protocol.
StoredSessionsCountFTP Number of sites using FTP protocol (excluding FTPS).
StoredSessionsCountFTPS Number of sites using FTPS protocol.
StoredSessionsCountWebDAV Number of sites using WebDAV protocol (excluding WebDAVS). 5.6
StoredSessionsCountWebDAVS Number of sites using WebDAVS protocol. 5.6
StoredSessionsCountPassword Number of sites with stored password.
StoredSessionsCountColor Number of sites with associated color. 5.0.8
StoredSessionsCountNote Number of sites with note. 5.6
StoredSessionsCountTunnel Number of sites with tunnel. 5.5.5
StoredSessionsCountAdvanced Number of sites with any advanced option set; i.e. all except those available on Login dialog and session state (local and remote directories, synchronized browsing state and session color).
StoredSessionsAdvancedSettings List of advanced site settings used. 5.2.5
UsingDefaultStoredSession Default site settings set?
UsingStoredSessionsFolders Any site folder used?
UsingWorkspaces Any workspace used? 5.2
Interface Interface used (0 = Commander, 1 = Explorer).
TreeVisible Is any directory tree visible on main window file panels? 5.2.5
CommanderNortonLikeMode Explorer-style selection used in Commander interface (0 = Never, 1 = Mouse and keyboard, 2 = Mouse only). 5.2.5
CommanderExplorerKeyboardShortcuts Keyboard shortcut scheme used in Commander interface (0 = Commander, 1 = Explorer). 5.2.5
ExplorerViewStyle View style used in Explorer interface (0 = Large icons, 1 = Small icons, 2 = List, 4 = Details). 5.2.5
MinimizeToTray Is main window minimizing to taskbar status area enabled? 5.5.2
CopyParamsCount Number of user defined transfer settings presets.
CustomCommandsCount Number of user defined custom commands.
UsingLocationProfiles Using location profiles bookmark mode?
UsingMasterPassword Using master password? 5.0.8
ExternalEditors List of configured external editors (e.g. “notepad,editplus”).
EditorAutoConfig Result of external editor auto-configuration (H = External editor configured by user already, F = Temporary failure during auto-configuration, N = No application associated with .txt files or associated application does not exist, P = Notepad associated with .txt files, W - “Pick an app” associated with .txt files (since 5.6.2), R - User rejected auto-configuration, A - User accepted auto-configuration) 5.2
UsingAutoSaveWorkspace Automatic saving of workspace is enabled. 5.2
LastMonitor Order number of a monitor where a main window was located the last time. 5.2.5
Putty Name of configured PuTTY/SSH client executable (typically “putty”). 5.2.5


Counters of your use of WinSCP

Each of the following counters has two instances:

  • Lifetime, counting since the collection of usage statistics was enabled, with Lifetime prefix;
  • Period, counting since the last time usage statistics were sent to us (see also LastReport), with Period prefix.
Name2 Description Introduced
Runs Number of WinSCP runs.
Upgrades Number of WinSCP upgrades (runs, where previously run WinSCP version was older).
Downgrades Number of WinSCP downgrades (runs, where previously run WinSCP version was higher).
InstallationsFirstTypical Number of typical first time installations 5.6.2
InstallationsFirstCustom Number of customized first time installations 5.6.2
InstallationsUpgradeTypical Number of typical upgrade installations 5.6.2
InstallationsUpgradeCustom Number of customized upgrade installations 5.6.2
InstallationsCustomDir Number of installations with customized destination location 5.6.2
InstallationsCustomComponents Number of installations with customized components 5.6.2
InstallationsCustomTasks Number of installations with customized additional tasks 5.6.2
InstallationsCustomInterface Number of installations with customized interface 5.6.2
InstallationsGettingStarted Number of installations ended with opening Getting started page 5.6.2
InstallationsLaunch Number of installations ended with launching the application 5.6.2
InstallationsSilent Number of silent installations 5.6.2
InstallationsNeedRestart Number of installations that required system restart 5.6.2
InstallationsRestart Number of installations that actually restarted system 5.6.2
InstallationsDonate Number of installations during which user clicked on “Donate” link 5.6.2
Uploads Number of uploads. Includes all means of upload, including, but not limited to those in below categories. Contrary to counters below, excludes transfers for which total transfer size was not known (those not included into UploadedBytes). 5.2.6
Downloads Number of downloads. Includes all means of download, including, but not limited to those in below categories. Contrary to counters below, excludes transfers for which total transfer size was not known (those not included into DownloadedBytes). 5.2.6
UploadsCommand Number of uploads using menu or keyboard.
DownloadsCommand Number of downloads using menu or keyboard.
UploadsDragDropInternal Number of uploads using drag&drop within application.
UploadsDragDropExternal Number of uploads using drag&drop from another application.
DownloadsDragDropInternal Number of downloads using drag&drop within application.
DownloadsDragDropExternalExt Number of downloads using drag&drop to Windows Explorer using Drag&drop shell extension.
DownloadsDragDropExternalExtNotInstalled Number of downloads using drag&drop to Windows Explorer failed due to absence of Drag&drop shell extension. 5.2.7
DownloadsDragDropExternalExtTargetUnknown Number of downloads using drag&drop to Windows Explorer using Drag&drop shell extension failed due to unresolved target folder. 5.2.7
DownloadsDragDropExternalTemp Number of downloads using drag&drop to another application using temporary folder.
TransfersOnBackground Number of transfers on background (in transfer queue).
MovesToBackground Number of ongoing foreground transfers moved to background (transfer queue). 5.6
FileMaskUses Number of transfers and synchronizations that made use of file mask.
OperationMaskUses Number of transfers and synchronizations that made use of operation mask. 5.0.8
SpeedLimitUses Number of transfers that made use of speed limit. 5.5.2
ClosesOnCompletion Number of transfers that had finalizing operation set. 5.5.2
UploadedFiles Number of uploaded files (excluding background transfers).
UploadedBytes Total size of uploaded files (for transfers for which total transfer size was known). In 10 KB. 5.2.6
MaxUploadSize Maximal size of single upload batch. In 10 KB. 5.2.6
UploadTime Total time in seconds spent uploading files. 5.5.2
MaxUploadTime Maximal time spent uploading single batch. 5.5.2
DownloadedFiles Number of downloaded files (excluding background transfers).
DownloadedBytes Total size of downloaded files (for transfers for which total transfer size was known). In 10 KB. 5.2.6
MaxDownloadSize Maximal size of single download batch. In 10 KB. 5.2.6
DownloadTime Total time in seconds spent downloading files. 5.5.2
MaxDownloadTime Maximal time spent downloading single batch. 5.5.2
OpenedSessionsSCP Number of connection attempts using SCP protocol.
OpenedSessionsSFTP Number of connection attempts using SFTP protocol.
OpenedSessionsFTP Number of connection attempts using FTP protocol (excluding FTPS).
OpenedSessionsFTPS Number of connection attempts using FTPS protocol.
OpenedSessionsFTPSImplicit Number of opened connections using FTP protocol with implicit TLS/SSL encryption. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPSExplicitTLS Number of opened connections using FTP protocol with explicit TLS/SSL encryption (AUTH TLS). 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPSExplicitSSL Number of opened connections using FTP protocol with explicit TLS/SSL encryption (AUTH SSL). 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsWebDAV Number of connection attempts using WebDAV protocol (excluding WebDAVS). 5.6
OpenedSessionsWebDAVS Number of connection attempts using WebDAVS protocol. 5.6
OpenedSessionsPrivateKey2 Number of connection attempts using private key. 5.1.53
OpenedSessionsAdvanced Number of connection attempts with any advanced option set (all except those available on Login dialog and session state (local and remote directories, synchronized browsing state and session color)).
OpenedSessionsLogToFile2 Number of connection attempts with session logging to file enabled. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsXmlLog Number of connection attempts with XML logging enabled.
OpenedSessionsFailed Number of connection attempts that failed. 5.2
OpenedSessionsFailedAfterCancel Number of connection attempts that failed after authentication prompt was cancelled. 5.5.4
OpenedSessionsFailedRecovered Number of days in which any failed connection attempt was followed by any successful connection. 5.5.4
OpenedSessionsFailedLastDate Date of the last failed connection attempt. 5.5.4
OpenedSessionsSSH1 Number of opened sessions using version 1 of SSH protocol. 5.2.6
OpenedSessionsSSH2 Number of opened sessions using version 2 of SSH protocol. 5.2.6
OpenedSessionsSFTP0 Number of opened sessions using version 0 of SFTP protocol. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsSFTP1 As above, version 1. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsSFTP2 As above, version 2. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsSFTP3 As above, version 3. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsSFTP4 As above, version 4. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsSFTP5 As above, version 5. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsSFTP6 As above, version 6. 5.6.1
OpenedSessionsSSHOpenSSH Number of opened sessions to OpenSSH server. 5.5.2
OpenedSessionsSSHProFTPD Number of opened sessions to ProFTPD/mod_sftp server. 5.5.5
OpenedSessionsSSHBitvise Number of opened sessions to Bitvise SFTP server (WinSSHD). 5.5.5
OpenedSessionsSSHTitan Number of opened sessions to Titan SFTP Server. 5.6.2
OpenedSessionsSSHCerberus Number of opened sessions to Cerberus SFTP server. 5.6.4
OpenedSessionsSSHServU Number of opened sessions to Serv-U SFTP server. 5.6.4
OpenedSessionsSSHWSFTP Number of opened sessions to WS_FTP SFTP server. 5.6.4
OpenedSessionsSSHGlobalScape Number of opened sessions to Globalscape SFTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsSSHComplete Number of opened sessions to Complete SFTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsSSHOther Number of opened sessions to other SSH servers. 5.5.2
OpenedSessionsFTPMLSD Number of opened sessions to FTP server supporting MLSD command. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsFTPLIST Number of opened sessions to FTP server not supporting MLSD command. 5.2.6
OpenedSessionsFTPUTF8 Number of opened sessions to FTP server supporting UTF-8 encoding of files names. 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsFTPNonUTF8 Number of opened sessions to FTP server not supporting UTF-8 encoding of files names. 5.2.6
OpenedSessionsFTPWindowsPath Number of opened sessions to FTP server using Windows-style paths with supported forward slashes (C:/Windows). 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsFTPRealWindowsPath Number of opened sessions to FTP server using Windows-style paths with unsupported backward slashes (C:\Windows). 5.2.6
OpenedSessionsFTPOtherPath Number of opened sessions to FTP server not using Unix nor Windows-style paths (e.g. VMS). 5.2.5
OpenedSessionsFTPFileZilla Number of opened sessions to FileZilla FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPProFTPD Number of opened sessions to ProFTPD FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPIIS Number of opened sessions to IIS FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPvsFTPd Number of opened sessions to vsFTPd FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPPureFTPd Number of opened sessions to Pure-FTPd FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPTitan Number of opened sessions to Titan FTP server. 5.6.3
OpenedSessionsFTPCerberus Number of opened sessions to Cerberus FTP server. 5.6.4
OpenedSessionsFTPServU Number of opened sessions to Serv-U FTP server. 5.6.4
OpenedSessionsFTPWSFTP Number of opened sessions to WS_FTP FTP server. 5.6.4
OpenedSessionsFTPDriveHQ Number of opened sessions to DriveHQ FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPGlobalScape Number of opened sessions to Globalscape FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPComplete Number of opened sessions to Complete FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsFTPOther Number of opened sessions to other FTP server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsWebDAVIIS Number of opened sessions to IIS WebDAV server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsWebDAVITHit Number of opened sessions to IT Hit WebDAV server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsWebDAVOther Number of opened sessions to other WebDAV server. 5.5.6
OpenedSessionsProxy Number of opened sessions using proxy. 5.5.4
OpenedSessionsFtpProxy Number of opened sessions using FTP proxy. 5.5.4
OpenedSessionsSSL20 Number of opened sessions using SSL 2.0. 5.5.5
OpenedSessionsSSL30 Number of opened sessions using SSL 3.0. 5.5.5
OpenedSessionsTLS10 Number of opened sessions using TLS 1.0. 5.5.5
OpenedSessionsTLS11 Number of opened sessions using TLS 1.1. 5.5.5
OpenedSessionsTLS12 Number of opened sessions using TLS 1.2. 5.5.5
MaxOpenedSessions Maximal number of opened sessions at the same time.
HostNotVerified Number of times user rejected host verification (SSH host key or TLS/SSL certificate). 5.5.4
RemoteFilesExecuted Number of remote files opened in an associated application.
RemoteFilesOpenedInInternalEditor Number of remote files opened in an internal editor.
RemoteFilesOpenedInExternalEditor Number of remote files opened in an external editor.
LocalFilesExecuted Number of local files opened in an associated application.
LocalFilesOpenedInInternalEditor Number of local files opened in an internal editor.
LocalFilesOpenedInExternalEditor Number of local files opened in an external editor.
RemoteFilesSaved Number of remote files edited/opened and saved.
RemoteFileSaves Number of remote file saves.
EditInactiveSessionReopenAccepted Number of accepted offers to reconnect disconnected session when saving remote file. 5.2.5
EditInactiveSessionReopenRejected Number of rejected offers to reconnect disconnected session when saving remote file. 5.2.5
EditInactiveSession Number of failed remove file saves due to disconnected session that was not possible to attempt to reconnect. 5.2.5
Synchronizations Number of Synchronization runs.
KeepUpToDates Number of Keep remote directory up to date runs.
RemoteCommandExecutions Number of executions of remote command.
LocalCustomCommandRuns Number of runs of local custom commands.
RemoteCustomCommandRuns Number of runs of remote custom commands.
CopyParamAutoSelects Number of automatic selections of transfer setting preset.
SpaceAvailableChecks Number of checks for space available on remote server.
SynchronizeBrowsingEnabled Number of starts of synchronized browsing.
RemoteCopyTemp Number of remote file duplications via local temporary file. 5.5.5
RemoteCopyDirect Number of direct remote file duplications. 5.5.5
RemoteMove Number of remote file moves. 5.5.5
FileFinds Number of Find file runs.
OpenInPutty Number of Open in PuTTY uses.
ChecksumCalculated Number of Checksum calculation runs.
RemoteLinksCreated Number of remote links created.
LocalShortcutsCreated Number of local shortcuts created. 5.5
KeyboardSelections Number of files selected using keyboard.
MouseSelections Number of files selected using mouse.
InterfaceChanges Number of interface changes.
SessionTabMoves Number of session tab moves. 5.0.8
SiteIncrementalSearches Number of incremental site searches on Login dialog 5.2.5
Cleanups Number of application data clean ups. 5.5.5
LogWindowDisplays Number of displays of log window. 5.5.6
TemporaryDirectoryCleanupConfirmations Number of prompts to delete past temporary folders on startup. 5.2.5
TemporaryDirectoryCleanups Number of past temporary folders cleanups on startup. 5.2.5
OperationMinimizations Number of times application was minimized during operation (transfer, synchronization, file finding, etc). 5.5.2
ContinuationsOnError Number of operations started with Continue on error option enabled. 5.5.5
UpdateChecksSucceeded Number of successful update checks. 5.5
UpdateChecksFailed Number of failed update checks. 5.5
UpdateNotifications Number of update notification balloons displayed. 5.2.5
UpdateNotificationsClicked Number of accepted update notification balloons. 5.5
UpdateDisplays Number of displays of update information window, i.e., update information window was displayed regardless of whether a new version was available or not. 5.2.5
UpdateDisplaysNew Number of displays of update information window showing information about a new version, i.e., update information window was displayed when a new version was available. 5.2.5
UpdateStartup Number of displays of update information window on startup (shown only when a new version was available). 5.6
UpdateDownloadOpens Number of clicks on Download button on update information window. 5.2.5
UpdateDownloadOpensStartup Number of clicks on Download button on update information window shown on startup. 5.6
UpdateProxyAutodetected Number of update checks over autodetected proxy. 5.5.4
UpdateProxyManual Number of update checks over manually configured proxy. 5.5.4
UpdateHistoryOpens Number of clicks on What’s New button on update information window. 5.2.5
ConsoleExternal Number of scripting/console runs using
ConsoleOwn Number of scripting/console runs using winscp.exe (/console).
ConsoleNull Number of hidden scripting/console runs.
ConsoleDotNet Number of .NET session runs.
ScriptFile Number of scripting runs using script file (/script).
ScriptCommands Number of scripting runs with commands passed on command-line (/command).
ScriptParameters Number of scripting runs with parameters passed on command-line (/parameters).
ScriptLog Number of scripting/console runs with session logging enabled on command-line (/log).
ScriptXmlLog Number of scripting/console runs with XML logging enabled on command-line (/xmllog).
CommandLineOperation Number of command-line operation runs.
CommandLineJumpList Number of sessions/workspaces opened jump list. 5.2.5
CommandLineDesktop Number of sessions/workspaces/folders opened from desktop shortcut created by WinSCP 5.2.5 or later. 5.2.5
CommandLineSendToHook Number of sessions opened from Windows Explorer’s ‘Send To’ menu created by 5.2.5 or later. 5.2.5
CommandLineSession2 Number of other non-script sessions/workspaces/folders opened from command-line. 5.2.5
CommandLineSessionSave Number of site hyperlinks with save extension clicked. 5.2.5
UsageShown Usage displays (/help or equivalent). 5.6.3
BatchSettings Mass modifications of stored sites (/batchsettings). 5.6.3
SendToAnotherInstance Sessions sent to an existing instance of WinSCP. 5.2
ProtocolSuggestions Suggestions to use different protocol, if server does not support default SFTP protocol. 5.2
PrivateKeyConvertSuggestions Offers to launch PuTTYgen to convert a private key in unsupported format. 5.6
PrivateKeySelectErrors Errors when selecting a private key. 5.5.4
LongPath Long paths (260 or longer) encountered. 5.6
AccessViolations Fatal errors. 5.1.3
ExternalExceptions Fatal errors. 5.1.3
HeapExceptions Fatal errors. 5.1.3
InternalExceptions Fatal errors. 5.2.2
GlobalFailures Number of global errors. 5.1.3
MaxQueueLength Maximal number of transfers in transfer queue.
MaxBookmarks Maximal number of bookmarks in any bookmark set.


Further reading

  1. See GetProductInfo Windows API function.Back
  2. used with prefixes: Lifetime, PeriodBack
  3. Replaced OpenedSessionsPrivateKey.Back

Last modified: by martin