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after_installation 2011-09-18 after_installation 2025-03-06 (current)
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-~~NOTOC~~ +<html> 
-====== After Installation ====== +<div class="gradient-bg-reverse"> 
-**Thanks for installing WinSCP!**+····&lt;h1>After Installation</h1&gt;
-WinSCP is award-winning SFTP client, SCP client, FTPS client and FTP client integrated into one software program for file transfer to FTP server or secure SFTP server.+    <div class="message message-ok"> 
 +       <h2>Thanks for installing WinSCP!</h2> 
 +       <p> 
 + ···········WinSCP is a popular SFTP client and FTP client for Microsoft Windows! Use WinSCP to copy files between your computer and remote servers using FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, WebDAV or S3 file transfer protocols. 
 +        </p> 
 +    </div> 
~~AD~~ ~~AD~~
-===== What do you do next? ===== +&lt;html> 
-==== Basic tasks ====+    <section class="what-to-do-next nav"> 
 +        <h2 class="text-center h1 ">What Do You Do Next?&lt;/h2> 
 +&lt;h3 class="header-default-size font-monospace">Basic Tasks&lt;/h3> 
If you have installed WinSCP to use its interactive GUI mode, you may find one of the following guides useful: If you have installed WinSCP to use its interactive GUI mode, you may find one of the following guides useful:
-  * [[guide_connect|Connect to FTP server or SFTP server]] +  * [[guide_connect|*]] 
-  * [[guide_upload|Upload files to FTP server or SFTP server]] +  * [[guide_amazon_s3|Connect to Amazon S3 service]] 
-  * [[guide_synchronize|Synchronize files with FTP server or SFTP server]] +  * [[guide_upload|*]] 
-  * [[guide_website|Upload my web site]]+  * [[guide_synchronize|*]] 
 +  * [[guide_website|*]]
  * Other [[task_index|basic tasks]]   * Other [[task_index|basic tasks]]
-==== Scripting/Automation ==== +&lt;html> 
-If you have installed WinSCP to use its scripting/automation capabilities, you may find one of the following guides useful: +<h3 class="header-default-size font-monospace upper-divider">Scripting and Task Automation</h3&gt
-  * [[guide_automation|Automate file transfers (or synchronization) to FTP/SFTP server]] +</html> 
-  * [[guide_schedule|Schedule file transfers (or synchronization) to FTP/SFTP server]] +If you have installed WinSCP to use its scripting and automation capabilities, you may find one of the following guides useful: 
-  * [[guide_ssis|SFTP task for SSIS]] +  * [[guide_automation|*]] 
-  * [[guide_dotnet|SFTP file transfers in .NET]]+  * [[guide_schedule|*]] 
 +  * [[guide_ssis|*]] 
 +  * [[library|*]]
-~~AD~~ +&lt;html&gt; 
- +&lt;h3 class="header-default-size font-monospace upper-divider">Further Reading&lt;/h3> 
-==== Further Reading ====+</html>
  * Other [[guides|guides]] to using WinSCP   * Other [[guides|guides]] to using WinSCP
-  * Documentation of [[task_index|Basic tasks]] +  * Detailed [[start|WinSCP documentation]] 
- +<html> 
- +  </section> 
 +<section class="social-widgets social-buttons"> 
 +    <p class="mt"> 
 +        Eager to learn more about new features and future upgrades? Follow WinSCP on your preferred social network: 
 +    </p>
 +    <ul class="list-inline">
 +        <li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/winscp/" class="btn btn-lg btn-facebook">Facebook</a></li>
 +        <li><a href="https://x.com/winscpnet" class="btn btn-lg btn-twitter">X</a></li>
 +        <li><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/winscp/" class="btn btn-lg btn-linkedin">LinkedIn</a></li>
 +    </ul>

Last modified: by Petr