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2005-01-06 2005-01-07
send to (martin) typography (martin)
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With ''/upload'' parameter WinSCP uploads specified files to remote directory of session defined using one of the previous syntaxes. A dialog to set options is displayed first (Note that this is not intended for automation, see [[scripting]], but to allow [[integration#exporer_s_send_to_context_menu|Explorer's 'Send To' menu]] integration). With ''/upload'' parameter WinSCP uploads specified files to remote directory of session defined using one of the previous syntaxes. A dialog to set options is displayed first (Note that this is not intended for automation, see [[scripting]], but to allow [[integration#exporer_s_send_to_context_menu|Explorer's 'Send To' menu]] integration).
-With ''/synchronize'' or ''/keepuptodate'' parameter WinSCP performs "Synchronize" or "Keep remote directory up to date"; commands respectively on the specified session and directories. A dialog to set options is displayed first (Note that this is not intended for automation, see [[scripting]]).+With ''/synchronize'' or ''/keepuptodate'' parameter WinSCP performs //Synchronize// or //Keep remote directory up to date// commands respectively on the specified session and directories. A dialog to set options is displayed first (Note that this is not intended for automation, see [[scripting]]).
Parameter ''/console'' executes WinSCP in [[scripting|console (scripting) mode]]. Optional batch script file can be set using ''/script'' command. When the script file does not end with ''exit'' command, regular non-batch mode follows. Note that when WinSCP is executed via [[scripting#console_interface_tool|console interface (WinSCP3.com)]], the ''/console'' parameter is not necessary. Parameter ''/console'' executes WinSCP in [[scripting|console (scripting) mode]]. Optional batch script file can be set using ''/script'' command. When the script file does not end with ''exit'' command, regular non-batch mode follows. Note that when WinSCP is executed via [[scripting#console_interface_tool|console interface (WinSCP3.com)]], the ''/console'' parameter is not necessary.

Last modified: by martin