
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2014-08-27 2014-08-28
no summary ( fix chown example, reduce example count (martin)
Line 46: Line 46:
<code>chown "!?New owner:?!" !&</code> <code>chown "!?New owner:?!" !&</code>
-To change group use ''chgrp'' instead of ''chown''. Or use following command:·<code>chown "!?New owner (and group: user.group):!" !&</code>+To change group use ''chgrp'' instead of ''chown''. Or use following command: 
 +<code>chown "!?New owner (and group: user:group):!" !&</code> 
 +or with two separate prompts: 
 +<code>chown -R "!?New owner:?!":"!?New group:?!" !&</code>
-Change owner & group example: <code>chown -R "!?New owner:?!":"!?New group:?!" !&</code> or <code>chown -R "!?New owner:?!" !& && chgrp -R "!?New group:?!" !&</code> 
===== [[url]] URL Address of Selected File ===== ===== [[url]] URL Address of Selected File =====

Last modified: by martin